
From Mick Turner…. M.T.

From Mick Turner…. M.T.

The Earth Story is not real to me personally,

since all Matters Source is Energy.

Just as this Earth Mother ( E.M/ M.E) is not real to me

And while I wait for Dawn Piercy Line of Tiffany Dawn Haynie, Dawn Marie) to complete the final equation in this set up by the Universal Matrix Mind University which people call Earth Planets Universe…

( E.P.U../ U.P..E..) but which is really Understanding Perfect Expression.. O.E Symmetry Synchroncity…

I have been compelled by the Unthinkable- The Use of the Earth Story as a Living Entity, rather than, an expression of the Eternal Ones Explanation of How Expression Matter Manifests into Rock Solid Matter…

Just as Water moves from seemingly nothingness Hydrogen Oxygen to Gaseous to Dew, to Water/ Liquid to ICE…

Yes.. I.C.E… Rock Solid.

But because of so many of Humanity stuck in that Primordial Story created by Primitive but Innocent Early man, I have been forced ( against my will to enter into all these Silly Human interpretations of Existence… See through the Physical Material- and the selfish self serving concept of that which benefits them.

Physical Matter is a Completion of the Expression of the Somethingness from the Nothingness, really called Out of the Blue

as in 5 the 5th, A B CD E…Eternal Realm….which is 1 the First and only source of all Expression.

I am reading a book on the Beltran…

Which is origins of Celtic Frankish Germanic.. Roman..

As in David ROMAN Nicholas, my Brother Self Nnamdi…

Which links D.R.N.. To Eri, O.I.N.RI.. Igbo.. West Africa.. The Creation Story which is actually the origin of the Roman and Celtic etc.. story..

David as you know is my brother Self, Nnamdi.. and Nnamdi is Obumneme ( My youngest Brother) who is in turn me…

D.R.N…O.I.N.R.I… RIOS…RIVER… David Roman Nicholas D.I O.N.R.I…O.E.S….F….

Meaning that it is the link explained over and over again on this page.

O.E.S… OBoom. Emeka Eri…O.E..Mathematical Symbol for Eternity… The Legend moves back to the Eternal Ones coming down from a different Dimension.. The Eternal Realm through the Portal of the Full Moon… O.. Symmetrical Perfection…. O.E.. Already Crowned… Stevan

Meaning that They already Are. Exist and came from the Present or what humans called Flesh Avatars, ignorant called the Future.

Beltran is the May 1st… Druid which celebrates Maia Flora .. The Jolly Green Giant Jack-Green… Link Kristen Green K.G.. Weight…- weightlessness…

May 1st is 5-1/ 1-5…

5 is 1, I is 5…

MAY Is YAM…The Same as the OINRI Igbo New Yam Festival.

Linking the Roman to the OI Nri Igbo story and the Rios…

The Aboriginal Song Lines

Stream of Consciousness of Expression which when complete brings manifest Rock Solid materialization.

The Extreme Stupidity of Human ( who are not stupid nor have the excuse of calling themselves Ignorant)

And the Indulgence of this Script in making me, setting me up in a play and Script to get this Species who are so fixed on their beliefs- to get them to pay attention to the Obvious…

Which was their Responsibility to Evolve…

To learn their lessons of Evolution.. to Solve their Riddles

by themselves… To be able to figure these things out, but in their conceit held on to these beliefs…

Is the abomination and cheating which cancels out the Species, the Test the Examination of a Species who were given this play and date at which to pass and Evolve.

Using me, and sacrificing me, to possess my body, to do the unthinkable to force me to help those who just do not listen, who will not pay attention because they are so fixed in their material and physical worlds of immediate gratification has only aggravated me to the point of Understanding the Absolute Ultimate betrayal of Existence the E…

This was Humanities test to pass, they failed and that should have been that…

Song Lines!…

That is Song… Ethereal… The Universe is made of MUSIC..

Not matter… Not a Universal Mind.

The Answer is right in front of the species and has been so since the very Beginning of Time,

i Just spoke to Lisa Natalie Johnson she is in a code right before here eyes of A.L.. her own step father, and yet she was involved in the physical material world despite my being sent into misery suffering Delta Manor.. 16 years .. 25 of Hell… Y..A.M…

To reach her line, and she is the best of the Line undercover.

But I have had to bang my head over and over to these persons I was led to, manipulated to reach to get their attention to focus over and over again on the true play.

Each to their own!

I know that even Dawn Piercy is being manipulated by the play to delay the code gift which I end this with, all in the name of Love and my constant Sacrifice, of my entire Existence for creatures of utter selfishness who do not deserve to evolve and WILL NEVER enter the E because they chose what they wished to focus their attention on.

Making them not real.

That is Freedom of Choice!

That is Free Will!

That is the Evil done to my Existence which Chris Franco testified to, a waste of my Life and Time playing a role used to re-align and remind people, placed in the worse human experience to save, to alert those who were never real in the first place.

They live in stories, they are stories..

In some of them is the E and in others there is Nothing.

It is, and was never my job to be their reminders…

The Species Failed…

They failed their Exam and there is nothing which can change that fact.

Those in Harmony are the E.

And only by being aware of your expression as Dawn Piercy is and I will give you more evidence of that, qualifies you.

Brenda Lisa all the lines of Humanity made a choice as to what to focus on…

That is their YOUR right.. and it should have been respected.

Each chose.. each was given the knowledge…

I chose, I chose the E, I chose it as an 8 year old, I chose it when I was offered millions of dollars ion exchange for accepting the Human story. I still chose the E, I chose the E no matter the wealth power which Humans envied me, because I was always in positions which the desired to be in in their World.

I was able to reach places of Success they desired…

Fame, Fortune…Power, instead I chose the E, when I was each time forced to Chose…

And for that I was given such a punishing existence.

I chose to place my focus on the E, and then when it was discovered that I was correct, I am forced to fight those who are illusions, who chose to Focus on a Story.. on the Material after all I went through my line went through to chose the E.

We devoted our lives to the E.

Lisa Natalie Johnson is not my sister, Eternal, it is the Energy moving through her…

Just as there is no one in my Family of E present because their focus would be the same focus as myself…

Focusing on the Truth…

The Eternal Truth.

And those people who chose to work to evolve to the E as Dawn Piercy that was their choice and these are the chosen ones.

I can not force Lisa Natalie Johnson or anyone to pay attention to the E.. It is cheating, each was given the information and each chose what to focus their attention on.

All of you.

4:40 p.m.

You each chose your realities…

And you had to be Aware and Express it… 24/7…

Around me here in Parckchester… There is none

The nearest was Larry… and he could not recognize his own truth…

Each to his own….

4:42 p.m

I say No.. to all who did not chose to focus on the E line…

They Chose what was more real and solid for them…

And I wished to Respect that.

25 years .. 28 years of this journey

A complete waste of time.

Those who chose the E in the Eternal Beginning chose it in the End based on the focus.

I do not blame or hold humans responsible but this Idea called Love really Pure Evil which did this to me…

and the E…

REA… Earth Mother my Ass


4:46 p.m.

Do your own bloody Home Work.

No one could do it for you…

Common Sense..


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