
8/10/2017 21:15 – Facebook Post

7:35 p.m.

In the Human Stories to have Death Ferry you over to the other side, you have to pay the Ferry Man.

I lived with Joseph Carey and his Mother whose Miriam whose maiden name was Ferry- at least that is what I recalled.

I lived with them and from there moved in with Michelle Lobsinger..M.L.

Always by invitation.

I was greeted by a young woman I had met through Cheryl who is from Botswana and born in Tanzania…
Miriam, I saw her in the office and was slightly taken about and made glad by her wonderful enthusiasm of seeing me.

The only other person present was the man who had taken over my bed 5-006.
In Room 5A.

Joseph Careys mother is part British and part Jamaican, and worked with a publishing company based on Facts- meaning it published facts.
A Brilliant Lady who reminded me of my aunt Iesha, in fact I was fully aware that she was of that line.
And Joe line of my Fathers of Darkness.
I met Troy with him- and we did many things together.
But I remembered him as the Shadow in the Great Library.
I met Joe through Alberto also known as U.S.
He was the line of my brother Oboom, and recalled the Father as the great computer in the Sky.
And size 13….was the code he gave as Father.
13 was the age my brother Nnamdi passed.

I saw Miriam from Botswana, as Miriam at least her E-Spirit and that of the Universe of Woman as Logic, Matter, the Material Nature as the body as the Hologram and the Matrix at which we navigate Space- Nothingness.

She once asked me, of what use are the codes.

The answer I saw in the jubilant response by the African Miriam and her response to me seeing me today.
That I had answered that question.

By being the Victor out of all the stories.. Creation Stories, Ideas of Existence…
My Story not being a story but the truth.
The Truth of Crossing through Woman as Death, and solving the riddle of the way out of the Body Matrix.
The maze.

8:06 p.m,

Sacred Portal 86…
86th street where I met with Doctor Professor Patrick Okolo a class mate who shared both my last name name and middle name…Ikemefuna, a persons I had not seen in 28 years, who contacted me from out of the Blue and whom I saw for the first time in 28 years.
I was at B.R.C. Room A Bed 007.
Transitioned to my dismay from B.R.C to Delta Manor.
after connecting to Dean Dunkwu D D… 4 4..
P is 16…I.O… 4×4 is 16…
Isis Osiris I O.

86th Street where I met up with Rob Barr at the MET while I was in Room 4B, Bed 4-016…
4-16..is D.P… Dawn Piercy my neighbor was David Dawn in bed 4-017… With Fred Frick 4-018… D.R…
and Treshawn bed 4-019… D.S..

86 Street is where I met Prince Panther and she gave me 50 usd.
And recalled the Blue Realm… A Blue See of Nothing is the Matter.. Perfection.

86th Street the Martin Luther King Memorial, I would walk to.

4 4…8…44 4 12… 4444..16… 444 44…20…
444 444 24…. 444 4444 28… 4444 4444 – 32.
at 32 which 16 16… 88 88… 44 44 44 44… 2- 16, 4-8, 8-4
it doubles 32 32 …Twins…
4- 16.. Dawn Piercy 8888 8888
Recall Dawns Dawn Piercy’s painting is aligned to my sacred portal 8.
Love Links Desire.
* I had 1.24 USD… 12 4…is L.D.. Love and Desire the twins on my shoulders on sacred portal 76.
Binary code 111 is 7.

Thus 64 is 46…
32+32= 64…. 23+23= 46.
One is Even… and the other Odd..
32 … 16 16 16 16… 23… 12 11…
L.=12, K=11… 66.. 56/65…
All Eights…Infinities.. 64.and switches…64/46…
10 10…
Even & Odd come into harmony…
Through 32 32 .. 23 23… 5 5 5 5 … 20… 10100 in Binary…
Which is really 10 100… 2 4…B.D.
101 is 5…00..is 0…
B.D…Beautiful Death.. Sacred Portal 48…
Even Odd… E.O…
32 32- 23 23…2 4…
64 46…
10 10…
Which is Two.

This is the logic of the 8 being 1…
Todays Date….
8-10.. 8-1O…

8 is Two…

In my bio family there are only are two of us born on the 28th.
7 and 11…. 7-11 28 28….
711 56….
Seven Eleven Always Open…

Brenda is currently sitting her with the 23 years Jake K Hortsford.
B.G.B…J.K H…
B.J…G.K… B.H… /
2 10 7 11 28…
12 18 10… 3 9 1O… C I A O…

2 10 7 11 28….
2 2…7 3… 2 is 10… 8 …. 10 is 2 in Binary and 11 is 3…
2 10… 7 11… 28…
21 O.PEN…7 11…

8:56 p.m.

My Story is the Truth out of the Matrix..

Thus, people in the story of this world are were meant to, are supposed to pay the Dark Prince.. D.P.. Crossing you over out of the Matrix Maze Weave of the Body as D

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