
8/16/2017 21:29 – Facebook Post

8:36 p.m

So we see that some one led me to the wrong place…


Fear.. represented by a 23 year old Jace R Horstford.
Not the person but what he represented Fear.

Fear of what was already known to It them, you.

Fear not of the Unknown but the Known.

I was led here to a place which drains, kills takes away from the Human E-Spirit.
Brought here in a challenge since 2012…2013, 2014… 32 33 34… 5…6 7…

The Bed I was first placed in at Delta was 5-19…E.S…Emeka Supreme.
Then made to prove it, in a challenge as to whose Expression is moving Everything..
I was moved to bed 3-002, aligning perfectly with my date of birth listed on Face Book.
To the very Date I arrived in New York, 3-2-2001..
To the code of my former Host used to use for everything 2012…
2012 20 12..T.L.. “Tom Lisa” 32…
3 2.. C.B…
There was no place to go after 2012…It was finished in August 2012 when I stopped posting on Face Book for the first time because I declared it was all done and left to the public to use my Blue Print of this ill advised plan and play which I was forced onto- and had stated over and over again to that expression in my awareness in 1993 that what it was asking me was insanity that I knew Humanity, that they would not listen.
That they required more than words evidence sacrifice, that I there is no matter how much sacrifice and suffering for them which would move them.
One because they had lost faith in everything and two because they are not real they are shadows in a Matrix… Not real.

Yvonne means Archer… Sagittarius…
I walk down Archer Street.
Y is the Male Principal…
And is not represented by a Female or a Woman who gives birth.
Michelle Yvonne.. Not the people themselves…
but they represent the Equation.
M.Y… Michelle means Who is as God… The response is the Archer- the Sagittarian who shoots out his Arrow from his Bow.

8:45 p.m.

Nnamdi My Father is Here…
But who is the Father Emeka or Nnamdi…

I am the Father which means the Guide.

My social security number is 67 67 46 B in England.
67 is the age of Lisa Mother as Code and 46 is Lisa…
8:56 p.m.

I got my social security number in 1988.

Which means I was in perfect harmony with the World – even this World story which appears so chaotic and Random, that even my social security number revealed that I was always in Harmony and revealed a terrible intent.

I came to Bring the Dawn…

Dawn Piercy
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Dawn Marie
Angela Dawn..

That is 4 Dawns… 4… D….

If a person a Force makes a mistake out of fear, fear because it refuses, they refuse to acknowledge the truth spoken proven, written, expressed, over and over again.
And instead of taking responsibility for their Expression for their not being in Harmony with their Body Being, expressing that Truth over and over again…
Which I have proven by how people have been moved without their being aware, in perfect harmony revealing my Truth, the truth of my Identity and what I am doing…

Sing non stop for 41 years.. a life time a Beautiful Story.. a Song…
The Original Song and Beautiful Truth, and despite all the evidence, despite all the Suffering Misery…
Despite the evidence of my intentions working 24 7 to elevate the misery ad suffering in the world day after day.
Despite evidence of my having walked through Death, and the Dead and all the Stories, so so awful created by Human Fears of what Death is…
Given evidence of this.. Then you yourselves unknowingly giving evidence of this for the last 4 years years since the Face Book play transformed into my having to pass through all your rage anger challenges… so hurtful and viscous where for 4 years you have been moved- with my pointing out that something is moving in you all to confirm the very Truth and Sincerity of my song my voice my mission given to me in this World.
The Binds in my body, the tortures rapes acts of such gross cruelty to the very sum total of my having endured the sum total of Human Suffering..
Rahul meaning “Conqueror of the Sum Total of Human Suffering and Misery” ..

And despite all this, and my proving that you are not well, not mentally well because your expression to me and each others are not aligned with the obvious Harmony within you WHICH DOES Know…
Despite my spending my life, being forced to negate my own life against my will to demonstrate, invent techniques arts and sciences… To show how you can heal, come back to your senses…
Despite my showing you how you lie to yourselves, how you become dirty, how the consequence of this is this time so terrible.
Despite my crying at the top of my lungs, fighting day and night to get your attention, to reach out to you to re-align.
To clean, despite my being made the example to carry out and exemplify how you can rise by my walking through this Wave moving in my body, imprisoning my very body in constant suffering so you may see how it can be done…
Pain Suffering terrible circumstances leading to Violence rage blood shed, mutilation can be avoided…

And the terrible consequence of not taking responsibility for actions and expressions…

Despite my calling out Woman you are not the Source of Creation nor are you Man its Controller…

Despite all this, despite everything… and even realizing that you are wrong and have falsely accused and condemned a Human Being Proud and Strong to appear before you naked and transparent in a reality such as this…
Where a man does not express and open his entire being to the world.
To go against his most basic nature…
And to condemn a man to a fate for a life time, then publicly for 5.5 months in which he proves his Truth in a set up confirmed as Existential by the Eternal Energy moving through you..
All because of your desire to hold onto to your ideas no matter how much they are not founded on truth but which have brought your world suffering and misery so unimaginable which I was forced to walk through see experience day and night..
and transform…

And after all this…
Right to Angela Dawn appearing…
you would still hold onto your ideas despite everything…
Despite the purest intention and the suffering beyond expression you have given another to bear…

You still say and do nothing…
But watch.
and refuse.
To help or take responsibility…

Dear God… What are you…
And what horror gave you such power because it called Itself Love… But really is DEAD… THE DEAD…

And A Story and its Source… an evil cruel cruel viscous authority of this collective sum of this Expression gave you the Authority by giving me this experience translating the from the Evil Books of Fear created by the Evil Dead who Live here controlling your minds…

9:29 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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