
8/25/2017 21:40 – Facebook Post

8:23 p.m
8:24 p.m.



“I am the Wild Card….”

…I just saw that on a T-Shirt the moment I looked up from my reflections on the Truth of my own understanding that my Sexual Desire is untamed… phenomenal….

I stood on Metropolitan Ave, smoking one of the Four Cigarettes “New Port”- I had asked Brenda G Booth, on a sudden impulse for one which I was going to pay for…

“You don’t have to pay me anything” she said.
I looked into her eyes, and then I kissed both her cheeks as I used to do.

I walked outside and saw, a policeman, he walked casually up and around me, to see if the rolled cigarette was a joint, something I found increasingly annoying, and a great mirror of the African American community.

I eyed him, from my towering height and increasingly distracting body, which I am finding harder and harder to control.

I went to his patrol car to call out his code…
I saw the number 11… he knew what I was doing and saw that I was quietly pissed.
He acted innocently.
I checked his license number, recalling to myself that even now, I was still in the Matrix.
I was astounded by what came out of my Free Stream of Consciousness in the last two posts…

I saw his license was 2915… Ah…
Ophiuchus… O..P.H..IU…I am you…C.H…3 8…Is U.S..
Asclepius… A.S..CLE..”Key” PIUS…

The Two Skeleton Keys I had found on the Post Box…
S.K… S.E E K..
Kemi Sara
Kerem Sanl?man…K.S.

I had seen a K.I.S.S…. Sign… I sighed.
KISS was the Group playing in Winnipeg Canada when we had immigrated to Canada and where staying in the Hotel…
And the Bay City Rollers…

Thus K.I.S.S…has always been a code in my awareness.

11… 2915…. K… B.I.O… BIO GRAPHY…
Another Patrol car pulled up… 151… O.A…

Ophiuchus Asclepius… O.A… Pius Nduka.. My Uncle in Nigeria…Peter N.. the 21 year a male form of Black Beauty… Beautiful Blackness.. his complexion

Robert Vlaun Brown… Peter Black.. B B…
22 21…And me E… V.U.E… “SAW” in French..
See Saw…

Lisa Natalie Johnson saw Artie and Kelvin… Yesterday…

K.A… In Egyptian Book of the Dead.. The Over Soul…

Of ALL..

K.A…111..Sacred Portal Home coming…
11…1.. Sacred Portal 1A..”JOY” For those who Rise after I am finally allowed to leave the Matrix of the Story of my Buddy, my Body, My Bodhi.. my Sensie.. My Senses…

B was what I kept seeing…

Brenda.. The Wild Card…
Me the Trump Card.

Yes, as I looked over to her speaking to a lady in orange..
Flames.. for the Lay.. the Lay Men and Women of the World who had become such a burden with their Need Lack…
Brenda was not like that but she had been used by them.
The same way my Grandmother had left the City to live in the Village and then been harassed for favors and the mentality of the pheasants…
I had recounted how a driver took me to a party in my grandmothers hotel without telling anyone and how I recall as I looked at them felt the people in the party assembled that I literally felt like one of the Angels in the Lot story.
I was very young and still had my looks. and my brother Nnamdi had recently passed on… in was 1982…
But I felt as though I had been Spirited Away to another dimension.
I felt apprehensive uneasy.. I felt Desire in these people male and female as if they would rape me.

Something which was replicated even here in New York when some of the guys I met with the group called Harlequin -Isaac and Torey I.T..Who had a mens group..
Many of them where awake in a different dimension- still a story but a higher plane.
One had confessed that they had a desire to Gang Rape me- which should have sounded odd, but somehow I understood and was not surprised.
He had warned me, but said that I had nothing to worry about.
I wasn’t.
But I had had that experience far too many times of men even other boys and even extended family members seeking to rape me.

It confused me, because I am not sexual prudish as most men- despite loving women sexually, I never had the hang ups Human society of male intimacy.
But I could not indulge in something that in this world was warped.. diseased.

When I came back, the expression of my sisters and aunt julie…I climbed over the face to be greeted by my sisters stunned face as she looked up from my aunt who was comforting here.
“What’s the matter with her?” I asked myself as my sister stared at me with her mouth open speechless…

My grandmother went to the “Far Side” with her tongue lashing.. And my Grandfather… Whew..
That was the first time ever they had rebuked me.
And my grandfather later explained that they thought that I had been kidnapped.

“I have enemies who wished to do me harm or to my family” he said.

I was stunned…

But later realized my Grandfather was then one of the Richest most handsome men in South Eastern Nigeria..
His blessing never seemed to end and that was one of the Titles he was given.
He had lost his fortune during the civil war, and with a few years had not only recovered to become a Millionaire but a Multi Millionaire…

…But as I walked through this World, I often wondered if I had not actually been Spirited Away- and was still there, despite being physically back here.
They thought I was dead, kidnapped…
Had I risen from the Dead…?
Had what I felt had happened to me, happened but I rose from it because It was not real, because I did not give into it as real…
Albert Santana my former host told me a story about meeting me in a past life, where he had been a disciple of me..
And that he had betrayed me when we came upon a crowd who rejected my Prophecy my Being…
And how he had thrown a Rose at me, to indicate that he was not with me, and how the crowd had torn me to bits limb from limb…

There was a girl sitting in front of me as I discussed with Lisa Natalie Johnson my disgust with this play…
Larry sat besides us, and in front of me a girl with a Blood red rose…
And then, a woman spoke to Lisa, with a ring, like a flower with petals in fake diamonds.. who knows.. and the center a black stone- Reminding me of a ring my sister was given when we were teens in Canada…
9:11 p.m.
7-11… 9 11… Hmmm that was my last post…
7 9… 11 11.. Blue Print of Existence… S.,P…79…
97… See sacred Portal “Light of World Existence..”

Police men… O.A.K…Tree…

I lived with a person called “Sky Oak Speaker” in Park Slope with his brother who had just joined the U.S.A military who had come home on leave… His younger brother in Military Intelligence…
That was where Joseph Carey found me, and I moved from there Park Slope, Brooklyn to 2nd Avenue Manhattan in 2002-2003…

Of all the trees in Britain and Ireland the oak is considered king. Famed for its endurance and longevity, even today it is synonymous with strength and steadfastness in the popular mind. John Evelyn in his Sylva, Or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, calls it the ‘pride and glory of the forest’, and in The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, Evans-Wenze proclaims that ‘the oak is pre-eminently the holy tree of Europe’. In the Classical world it was regarded as the Tree of Life as its deep roots penetrate as deep into the Underworld as its branches soar to the sky, and it was held sacred to Zeus and Jupiter. In Scandinavia the oak was the tree of the Thunder-God, Thor, as it was to his Finnish counterpart, Jumala.

Its name derives from the Anglo-Saxon word, ac, but in Irish the word is ‘daur’, and in Welsh ‘dar’ or ‘derw’, probably cognate with the Greek, ‘drus’. Some scholars consider this the origin of the term ‘Druid’, since Druids have always been associated with sacred groves, and particularly oak forests. Dense forests of oak once covered most of Northern Europe in those days, so it is not surprising to find this tree help most sacred by people who ‘live in oak forests, used oak timber for building, oak sticks for fuel, and oak acorns for food and fodder.’ (1) Combined with the Indo-European root ‘wid’: to know, ‘Druid’ may have referred to those with ‘knowledge of the oak’, the ‘Wise Ones of the Oakwood’. The Sanskrit word, ‘Duir’, gave rise both to the word for oak and the English word ‘door’, which suggests that this tree stands as an opening into greater wisdom, perhaps an entryway into the otherworld itself.”

Joseph Carey was from that World..
I met so many of his late Fathers Friends who I knew where Elves and Fairies. Druids, Wizards.. I mentioned it here many times.
And Richard… and John who was an aging warlock who was dying of Cancer.. I had told him the truth of the Cancer and he had relished passing it onto me, as he grabbed my hand and said that I must carry it…
He later died but not in wracked in pain any longer…

I then began to suffer this body thing more intensely…
Joe had the physical systems too- but no where near as Dramatic as mine.
Thus, he was the only person who understood my physical experience with what I call the Lie of Dark Matter…

Ha.. Yes Jean Ann Dortch gave me the correct code…
Wizards… Yes.
I came to New York in 1999 and went to Barnes and Nobles and was led to a Fantasy book which had the entire story I lived in New York which I even gave Erek Eclass Mateo to read.

It was a book of Wizards and their story…
It was the Story Brother.. had been trapped in – the one where he could not see where he had not taken my view into consideration.
There was Land of Gods who fathered Five Races of Being…
And each had their Disciples…
Who had Towers…
And there was one who was Selfish and brought descent because there was a quarrel where he felt his point of view was not considered.. Torak… K.A…ROT…
Ah.. I recognized my brother As the God UL..and his disciple Belgareth… Belgarion… Oh boy…

Okay… I have had enough…

I know this story with the Aunt Pol and her Twin Sister…
It is the Story of the Spirit World…
Like the Lord of the Rings but the correct version.
I have already corrected that story…

Joe went to Bard College…

Yes, I was Spirited Away…

And now it is time for the 12+1.. The 13th Gate.. the one and only one which is represented by a MAN…Open up..
The Story is my body…

And yes… I understand the Wild Card…
Animals as Unpredictability… Wild Animals…
Desire Sex… My Sexual Nature…
It is Wild.. But the Trump Card of “Donald”
And Connor of the Clan Mc Connor.. “High Lander”
The Immortals.. The One..
Floyd Mayweather… Connor McGregor…

Donald means Universal Ruler…

Connor means… High Desire… H.D.. 84..

The name Connor is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Connor is: Strong willed or wise ‘Hound-lover.’ Also from the Irish ‘Coachuhhar’, meaning high desire. Famous bearers: In Irish mythology Connor was an early king of Ulster.; 20th century Irish diplomat Conor Cruise O’Brien

Harmony of E the String Willed Trumps the Wild Card…
With Eternal Harmony -Truth -Eternal.. Solid Fact…

Feelings Sensation…

James Bond.. Sean Connery.. S.C.,… South Carolina.. SC… 8th State… Or-E-Gone…33… 41..D.A…5… E..


Dear Lord…

See sacred Portal 58… Spirited Away -Home the Correct way.. out of the Realm of Lay People – Phesants.. Superstitions.. And Fantasy Fairy Tales of Lore….

7 58 7 million Power Ball…

Keep your money…

I go home..
To Eternal Wealth…
Harmony Infinity Eternal Immortal..

Not competition for the One…

I have my Father Brother Sons line complete…

9:40 p.m.



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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