
8/26/2017 20:17 – Facebook Post


Jean Ann Dortch

J.A.D….J.D… January to December…
12 Months…

A-Z… Alpha Bet.. C.I.T.I. E…

10 10…

I am sitting here.. just quiet..

The 30 usd Gift ( Yes a Code of the Wizards) has not arrived.
Saturday or Monday, it was meant to arrive.
If it had arrived today, I would not be here posting.

7:04 p.m.

I would have gone into Town.

As I wrote the code of Floyd May-Weather and Connor McGregor a quiet incredulity and rage filled me.
It has all come down to a bet…?
A Bet….?

40 and 29… 69… M.W… Milky Way 69…
My Bio Father loved Boxing, and today is his birthday.
I did not particularly like Boxing, I prefer Mixed Martial Arts.
Boxing.. BOX… MM.A…
A.M.M….1 13 13… 1 26… A-Z.
A-Z…B…= 2.

F.M…is Sacred Portal 54..”Father Mother… Super Nova…
48 which he is wearing is Sacred Portal “Beautiful Death”
Linked to Nicholas Wittingham… N.W… T.N.W… True Nature World… T..Truth N.O.W..E…

7:11 p.m… Linked to Father As Descends…. Hurricane “Hurry Cane” Harvey has touched down as a Category 4 storm and is now category 1….

And Connor Mcgregor… C.M… C.Me 4/3….444…D.C…
E-CMe 4/3…

Age 40..40.7…D.O.G…/ G.O.D…
Age 29… born July 14… 7:14 p,m the moment I checked. It is 7:15 pm right now.. G.N…Elizabeth Clarizio…G.O…
GO Antiques…

40/04…. 404… Room 4 Bed 4.
29/92… Brenda was here…She told me that she truly respects me..I suppose I passed her Spirits Test.
“You came to me”
92 is 1992 Paris “The Light” my going Home.
Sacred portal 92 Brother and Sister played out by myself and Lisa Natalie Johnson… Lisa and Kelvin… L.K… Plus Double O..007… Sean Connery .. South Carolina.

48 is me… 48/84… 1984… Nnamdi birn 1969… 48 years old.

The Fate of a Species Life & Death .L.D…
Placed on a Bet….?
L.D… 16… 48… 54.. 9..I…
1005 Face Book Friends Jasmine Elliot…
Placed on my Filling a Gap in Expression- the Abyss of Nothingness which was actually filled with Somethingness…
Harmony E… Which was not seen, thus a Void was created and then filled with Expression- which had Truth and Lies… Stories created by Human Expression in which I had to go in a sort it out prove that there is no chaos… That even within Human Expression there was the Truth Expressed by them- by the E planted in them…
Code Orien Laplante… “Oh Rien (Nothingness) La Plant is E…”

And then, the Bet was that I would be able ( or not able) to align and interface the Two, the align them to One…
The Original Expression and then the Expression of the Truth recovered within the Expression of Mess of Ages where within the Human stream of Consciousness the Truth of they knowing Everything…

E E… Two Expression… Erik Ebright… 83 69.
Erick Eposito bed 009 004… ( Having Replaced Luke Wilson actually Luke Addison Wilson meaning Bringer of Light Add the Son of Adam- Seth Cane…? The Red Line Wave.. L.A.W. Add the Eternal Law… E.L…)
From 9 to 4… I.D.

Add the ID.. The Identity of the Source- the Eternal Ruler, Author of Harmony.
94…13..M…D…. I have the M.D Hand Sanitizer from Keith Grant. K.G… To carry the weight of the World to bring 53…
Elizabeth Clarizio Clarity…
Jose Clara.. J.C.. Add Clarity to the World.
Rep by Joseph Carey who never betrayed the Truth of Our See.

M.D…1000 4… 14…N..5…E… 14 5.. 19.. S… 10..J…1 O… A O…
J.A.O…. JA… 101…11… 2..11 1…2 1…B.A…
Julie Azuka Lives in Texas… JA 8th-9th Child.. it is not her.
J.A..O.N.E…. J..A.B.A… J.B…J.C…J.D…J.E…J.F…
All Linked to I Emeka Kolo..

E E E E… 5 5 5 5… 20… Truth… E,T… Eternal Truth..

May 20th… O Boom! Boom! E.T.

And so the E.E. E… align Double V… E E E…
55 5 55 5… 30… J.T… 30 USD…Love Sexy… L.S…
Then 5 5… 5 5 Months on Face Book and Ends with Jasmine Afoum Jasmine Elliott… J.A..J.E…
J.J…A.E/ E.A…
10 10…5 1….
20.. T..E.A…. MASTER…. *See that Story I recounted which took place with A.Santana about how to Focus through Scent…
Peach Tea.. was used… P.T… / T.P… 20 16… 36….

Jasmine Tea.

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Jasmine. From the English word for the climbing plant with fragrant flowers which is used for making perfumes. It is derived from Persian ????? (yasamen)

YA.S. A.M. E.N…

yasamen. MEANING: This name derives from the Persian (F?rsi) “yâsamin” meaning “Gift from God, God’s Gift”. Yasmin is the name in Persian for a flowering plant, and from which the name Jasmine derives.

John Yasamen… J.O.Y…E…

Meaning?: ?’With Strength and Right’ or ‘Bravely .

The clan society usually accepts that the name originated from the town and river Elliot in Angus, Scotland.[7] Some other sources suggest it may be derived from a French form of Elias, which is itself derived from the biblical name “Elijah”.[8] Yet other sources claim that the Scottish surnames (Eliott, Elliot) originate from the Ellot Scottish border-clan, from a transformation of the name Elwold.[9] There are also records in the Domesday Book of the name spelled “Ailiet”,[10] thought to originate from an old English name “Æþelgeat” (meaning “noble gate”) and leading to the English and Scottish given name spelled “Elyat”, which in turn leads to the modern alternative spelling of the name “Elyot”.

Hence Jasmine Elliot… Yasamen Elliot…

Really means ” A Flowering Plant used to make Perfumes, which is a Gift of the Creator-A River which flows … A River, a Stream of Consciousness, a Scent which if you follow it Flow with strength, And Right.. Bravery leads to to the Noble Gate… Home the Fifth Dimension… Really the One Dimension called E Eternity… E.O….NE…Steven Basilii.. Crowned with the Sweet Laurel Leaves of Victory…

… You will not believe it, but a child came to me just before I began this post, I had already understood what I was meant to express, yes Jean Ann Dortch figure it out.. you were correct…
But I have no respect for this Script, after all they used me for a Bet… Something which I knew but which I never took that seriously or that it would go this far, and end up being true…
Throwing me into a Pit, an abyss which 11 years to this day my bio Fathers Birthday I found as East 4th Street, after spending 61 streets on the Streets of New York, living in a Alley of Andrew…Andre….

But the Kid just jumped in front of me, as I sat here deciding whether or not to post it… and say “Fuck you”
On his shirt was the Word in Red Blue..”GAP”

Fill it on my PAG,E…

8:08 p.m.

16… P… 7… G…. A.E… E… PAGE OF Emeka Kolo….

Noble Gate… Gare Nord… Paris….

N.G… 147… S.P… 147 A.. B B…
G N… 7 14….

14 14… 28… 7 7.. 14… 10…5…
105…15…O.E….6 Sense Fact…

8:11 p.m.

True Dear Lord… It is True… What they have done with the Beautiful Truth…
The Children turned it into a game.. and the Adults transformed it into a Bed.

The Body is the Story.. they transformed its blue print into the Abyss.. Void… And then made me prove my Expression of you always knew…
They made me prove it True and the E.T and Father N agreed to this challenge to teach them a lesson…
And I…I E…Was not asked not my view feelings or what they were asking of someone to Live prove and endure..

Then Why should any of them Exist…


Knock them all out of Existence..

Until only the E Remain.

This is my Last Word… L.W..
L.U…”Read” K.E…. W…

U.L… Belgarion Mallorean… B.M.

8:16 P.M….

8 16.. 24… Let it be That One Day…
Knock Out… All….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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