
8/29/2017 21:41 – Facebook Post

8:38 p.m.

Sacred Portal 838… 383…

Yes, no more Code’s…

Pending Lisa Natalie Johnson coming down from upstate tomorrow.
Yes, she is being moved.

The Code of Jean Ann Dortch J..D…
Linked to 18 Mountain View.
Jonn and Donna… J.D.
John Blackwell J.B… Jonn Delguidce.. J.D…

1002 Face Book Friends…
Then back to 1004…
JB…Jim Beam… B.E.A.M…
Jack Daniels….. J.A..C.K..

*Robert 53 is sitting besides me with a black C.K. Jacket.
I am C.K..
He just lost all his data on his phone.
I am Awareness Memory…
Beauteous Beam…. Orien Laplante quote.

Consciousness Creation Kolo Krishna… Radar…

Donna O Sullivan… D.O.S.. Operating System…
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Tiffany SD….
Dewight Smith..

Manifestation of G-Ode ..Source Code…
And the C.O.D.E…Source,

And this is the Story of Humanities Awakening which I fought and rebelled against it being the script of the Awakening…
Not this…

Of a man undercover in this world who proves through action and demonstrating how a Human Being can raise his vibration to a frequency which matches all the Frequencies of Creation Universe.
Proving the Human Body is a Radio which can pick up frequencies and respond to them.
And that through a process of refinement- cleaning purification and true self exploration can hone the frequency to literally affect change on the level of the subconscious to the the physical.
Affecting all Biological and Physical matter- moving Naturalness and Nature to the Will of his “Fathers Script” – who designed such a Script to prove not simply the Supremacy of the Human Vessel to house the Eternal Original Beings but the power of the exploration of potential which exist in in all Human Being.
To access harvest and use the knowledge only of that expressed by Human Being – Sift through the sum total of this knowledge to create I.C… M…Manifest Understanding Supreme Splendor… M.U.S..I.C… All from a Individual Consciousness in Creation simply Being Himself.. Being themselves.

No doubt a Beautiful Script… A Beautiful Concept Worthy of my Respect, and admiration- and believe me when I first read it, deciphered what it was in 1993-1994…
I loved it, it was was worthy of the one Playing the Father Mother of All that ever was or could be.

But I saw the flaw…

Who would act such a character in THIS REALITY…

That the Script had not taken into consideration the Actuality of the World and peoples perception and their way of Being.
What they would do to such a person….
The mentality of Evil Cruelty Hate… Duality…
Which saw everything as opposing dueling competing…
Where there is no resolution..
Nihilism and misogynist… Self Hate, Self Destruction, Futility.. Rage.. Their Creation Stories, their Belief systems…
But most of all their Fury and Rage… at being born into a world which destroys, only destroys disappoints, makes one accept the Hurt…
the Violence the Betrayal…

He did not take in consideration what it would entail not only to play such a character- but what the World would do and respond to such a being, who dared to rise to such a height.
He assumed that they would support, be inspired and mapped out a program of sustenance and those who would house and aid him.
Those whom he gave revelations of such a being, such a play in which all could aspire to, and the choice to participate or to support cheer on.

He was not in correct, for people cheer on their champions, pay fortunes to see these extraordinary beings.
They idolize them and raise them up…. to knock them down.

He did not understand that part, why would they knock one down who he had made it perfectly clear in his Script that it was all for the People.
For them to be inspired, to join in and add to the play, so what began as One person quest to find the Source, to break the Source Code, would inspire others, amazed and astonished by ones mans devotion – to join in and find that within their Life’s that they too had intel and knowledge to contribute..
And so from one, One Point Exemplified many others would rise, each adding and adding…
Ha! A Festival of Sharing….
And together as a Species they would would rise as the most beautiful Tidal Wave, a Tsunami of Beauty-
Humanity mapping and creating their own Evolution…

What a Beautiful Concept, but is it applicable to such a world.
Could it interface with the Reality as It is, and not as it should be or supposed to be.

What was the actuality…?

007 James Bond Sean Connery came undercover through the Grey May Weather- to enjoy his Sons Daughters play and was carried of into the Grey Zone of Thought- the Spirit Realm- Spirited away by that frequency of Cause Effect.. Grey Matter the Brain- Earth – Akashic Records…from the May Weather 5th E dimension M.W to the M.C Realm “M.I.C”
And the Spirit World of Mind and Thought panicked when they saw the Cause and Effect…

But the one being said, leave it be, leave me be, I am here in the World and not only is everything created in Harmony and thus, will naturally resolve Itself by itself, thus revealing the Majesty of Harmony Perfection… H.P…
But also I am Here…
And by being present in my Natural being Boogying Dancing as I did in the Eternal Beginning… Inspiration will come to my Son Daughter… S.D…
They will naturally align because they are me…

But the Spirit World- of Natures Expression the Vide the Nothing at All the Potential which could never be, powered by possibility and potential of All Ideas allowed to manifest – the Sum Total of the Human Pasts expression.. the Babies…
Ja… that child of Fear… Whom I met in after I rose for the Third Time- after sending the One who was two into creation…
Interfered… Maurice Mike as represented in my Story….
They meddled with the play of Manu Nnamdi… E…

The Rest is this unbelievable story posted on my page…

And the Abomination of a Story of how what the World will wake up to…
Who are the Children
Who are the Babies?
The Adults…
Big Babies… B B…
The Ones S.E N.I.L.E….who so easily forget because they do do not write things accurately down
they twist the Truth to suit what they desire want and wish to see…
My Father Mother saw well.. they just did not take into consideration something they could not conceive…
Something which would intentionally go against its own true nature despite evidence that it would bring self destruction.

They had no understanding of Insanity…
Anger Madness…
Going this Far….

But these Big Babies tapped onto an idea,. a bad idea of throwing tantrums- violent tantrums and using fear was a easy way to get what they wanted and make others do what they want….

9:39 p.m.

That is The Evil which had to go out of Existence…
The Big Babies…
The Children wrote this in their prophecies, they saw in themselves, in their own reflections that part of themselves…
which simply had to go.

9:40 p.m.

9:41 am….
I.DA… Mari u

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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