
9/1/2017 19:06 – Facebook Post

J.A.D.E…. Is the Stone from Heaven..

That is the correct code of Jean Ann Dortch linked to Emeka…
And Linked through Lisa Natalie Johnson..

J.A.D.L.E…./ E.L.D.A…J.Balance.

And yes, this is meant to be the play of First Contact…
Second Contact with my Family of E and The World Awakening.

Transformed into a Farce and a Charade that I find it hard to give it any credit or attention any longer…

Is it real?

Oh yes, right to the article by Hannah Osborne.. H.O.. 8 O..
Rep South Carolina 8th State…
Total Solar Eclipse…
News Week
August 30…2017…. 8-30-17… 8 3 8…
Green Bank Telescope West Virgina…
G B.T…W V….Double V…VV V.. 55 5…

Discovery on August 26…..8-26…26-8…
*See the post that day on my page..
5 Days after the Total Solar Eclipse first in 38 years..
and on that scope in 99 years…
Astronomers Telegram… A.T…
Even the number of Likes 1,271…

1-12…7-1…Solfeggio Rainbow… My Family arriving as light in 2010 Pelham Bay Park 7 years ago…
And here I am, back in the same Pelham Parkway area 7 years later…
Lisa Natalie Johnson code 71…

But it has been so convoluted- so much so moving them trough the Milky Way M.W 69…
Nasa’s codes are incorrect and led me to the Mental Health Shelter along with the Shamans of Nature pretending to be the Guardians of the Galaxy. And instead of my Family learning and moving through your Human History and Humanity being prepared for their
A number just called me.. a code 212 573 55 63…
I noticed my response to Fey Mirach was at 2:12…
Yes…212…MAN HAT TAN..E..

Instead Nasa and all they.. challenged and used ideas of fear, of the Awakening Evolution.
Why the Family refracted into Colors when I had already told them the Story… They have already read the script…been undercover planted..
Why 7 years of repeating the process.. to assure Humanity…
To Check my Expression.. That Humanity have become an Evil Race worthy of Extinction…?
I do not know.

While I was sitting at the Cross Bronx Taylor Street… I saw a van pass by…
“Hotel by Tonight”

I will be in the Hotel tonight..?

Too many mixed messages, to much meddling and interruptions from mixed signals…

Nasa is in Houston Space Program S.P…
Space Station… Flooded…
330 USD Class of 82… Chike Cyprian Nwosu…
510 USD…Patrick Okolo..
800 USD Dean Dunkwu…

Chike is no longer my Face Book Friend is would seem…
33 Is me..
Represented by Jamel… Link FB Jamel White…
33 is my L.G.Phone Bill… Unpaid for 2 months… 1 917…I.Q..
569…E.F.I….( Efi means “Cow” in O.INri Igbo)…6455…F.D.EE
F is Dee… Dewight Smith? Dee Lee…
John Jason Lee… Maida Vale… and his Sister Lisa Nathalie..
Fifth Dimension Emeka Ebright…
EE 55..

4:55.. 4:56 p.m…right now.

I am code 33… It was the cap I wore in Istanbul, Turkey.
IT…9 20.. 92…
It is the code of Jamel… was bed 2-008.. 28… Now 5-003… 53..
Elizabeth Clarizio…
5 3…8… Harmony Infinity…

I saw two codes… as I stepped outside trying to contain my impatience and disgust at this being the Script of First Contact in this World Story to be recounted forever…
I saw two codes.. A T-Shirt with Alien on it, with the words Predator. And besides it was a cross bones and a China Giesha girl.. Death moving down Woods.. At the same time another couple were crossing Metropolitan towards Macy’s wearing he- two 00 Ovals and she in black with a white heart…

Jamel White code.. “Beautiful Handsome Graceful White…
It links the Line of the White race, Father line coming linked to the Tan Race and finally the Blackwell….From the Dark Matter…
…not Delta Manor…
The Avatars from the Animal Realm…

“Get it Done” was what greeted me ass I stepped outside..

“You are in no position to give orders… to me right now” was my mumbled reply…
It was a Terracotta colored T-Shirt…
A sparling metallic Terracotta Car came immediately after
license plate “G.M.E…38 04”
You have gotta be kidding me was what I mumbled to myself.

Again, my mind, refusing to take in that this is meant to be the Awakening…
This mess…

By body is convulsing, stretching, difficult to control, the frequencies passing through my body- radio waves…
I am tired…
Whatever it is now, I just wish it to be over, I am too tired, too tired of living like this- watching the World, Life everything pass me by, as I hold on to a truth, I no longer wish to hold onto because it is so awful, so “wickedly awful” to quote yesterdays Daily News.

When you no longer know what or who to trust, and when the foundation of Existence, its Beautiful Truth has been wiped out completely; Faith Trust… there is nothing left even if it all manifests…Can this experience be denied?

There are 53 Likes on my page…
E.C… The script is demanding more clarity…
I have no more to give.. no desire to give any thing more, nor clarify that which I have made so clear, read so clearly only to be undermined, lied to, deceived…

It is an awful state to be in…
Such a price to pay, for the Truth, no longer Beautiful but ridiculous absurd as to what has been allowed to be done to the governing principle source of all Existence and Manifest Being.

I came in to the Starbucks, to see 22 year old Robert Vlaun, he made space for him- this 22 year old intent on making money
He watches moves, works on 57th Street as a receptionists.
He knows of this play, but who can take such a script seriously?
I can no longer…

His friend arrived called Marvin…18 years old….

Cool kid…

He sat besides Robert to his left.. I quietly watched the Equation being formed…
R.E… Then M.R..E….He then got up and got some coffee;s and decided to sit on the right side of Robert…
E.R.M…. E ROOM… RM… Rosario Maris bed 5-008…
58.. Eternal Harmony…
The Rm.. is code for the Universe and Emeka’s Reflections Manifest…
E R.M…

They spoke of age and being jaded by age 30 and established with a family etc by age 40…

I remember thinking that way.. where I would be at 40…
In this reality I am way over 40…
And yet, I am still 22 when I began talking to the Silence, in London after graduating from University, my life has been put on halt since then…

18+22= 40…

They then turned to another person sitting on the extreme end of the bench where I usually sit, they introduced themselves…
Chris.. His nae was Chris….
“Hey” said Robert, “there is a Chris working here”
There is, the one I like…

Chris had been sitting here since I arrived… ( Ha, the Chris who works here just walked in… guess that is the one part of this bloody play that is working… Obviously this title of me being “The Neglected One” has been taken to such impossible heights beyond even non existence where they regulated me- oh, but I am not Forgotten, because I am being used so outrageously, so criminally that Existence and all Creation will one day have to be prepared to do with out me forever.
For I have vowed to find a way, to never let any one or thing ever do this to me… ever again…
I would rather go back to being Alone and not lonely than to have that which I created to share, to enjoy to celebrate be transformed into my experience…
Not for anyone, this abomination, and certainly not for me, and now that I have lived this, experienced this, know that this is not only possible, but made so possible, so real, so indented into my memory and being… that in Truth Creation sharing it brought such Evil into being and with such power…
It is better than non Exist in the End, but I.E.

That is my conclusion as I sit here, always incredulous, always stupified, that something so beautiful, and experience which brought such majestic resurrection could degenerate to such an thing…
Simply by an act of generosity, to allow All a chance to be as I.E, to give free will and Individuality…
This is the Price…
This is the Process…
This is the Cost…

I who manifested Perfection, checked and checked of my own Creation… W.A.V.E…
By What… What rose that could challenge and destroy the Force and Power of Existence…
Doubt, Fear, Insecurity… No,it can not because Perfection is manifest, it is here…
Harmony, the Blue Print… All proven through this Evil Cruel Elaborate Ruse and Con Test which simply ended up being a play of Jealousy in all things to be the One, rather than be as I.E which is the gift I gave.

Why Him…
Instead of Why not Him, for what he has, what he has done he has shared it all with us, just as I have shared everything with you on my page of Face Book, in my Journals…
With every person E.P… 5 16…
But it is never enough, never are they, you satisfied.
It is not I who was ever flawed, nor what I Manifested or Created. Not my Reflections, Hindsight, Foresight…
Nothing I manifested was not of Beauty…
It is that which was allowed to separate from me, given the illusion that it was separate from me…
Mother Father.. Family of Eight.. Four Four…
THE 123456789 10…Numbers…
Not letters…
9 1 0… Ah is that not todays Date…?
9-1 0…
9-1-10… 9 11…0… I.K… Staten Island…
New York the 11th State.
That 11… The one who dared claim that He.. It is I…
11… The 11th State… 101…
Delta Manor is the concept of 0.. Zero made manifest..
The Slav who was formerly in bed 5-009 Room 5A came in a moment ago. The one I ejected witnessed by Jose..
He has tired for months to get in my good graces, even following me.. there is something I inherently despise in this creature… I have not exchanged a word with him since.
Revulsion fills me.. a Natural revulsion, I can not be besides him or look at him without a natural revulsion welling up in me.
I do not know why, and I have no curiosity or desire to find out why…
5-9… E.I….
And Example… Perhaps… But of What?

No, to be as I you must cross the state of 0… Zero as I have done.. The Abyss of having everything, everything taken from you- to be tortured and tormented daily in front of the entire world and no one lift a hand to do anything.
And those who do are moved by a power which set this up to test challenge demean and destroy you.

No you must be made naked for 5.5 years before an entire world and made to carry the greatest Burden that ever can be and ever will be, a burden so great which no one can imagine.. And yet be aware that it is nothing, and that nothing has been transformed into the Burden.

You must enter a Script created by the Essence of Evil…
You must pass through the knowledge of all your purest and truest intentions have been perverted beyond belief, your art your science everything transformed through an invasion of your body, your being to the reflect all the sentiments which the beings you are addressing, can easily misconstrue and use to judge you and tear you to pieces over and over again.

You must contend with the impossible made manifest, and that it is not only possible, but that you are living it daily as a fact, rubbed into your face like the fecal matter of the most hideous Zombies…

You must take in that Other creatures predators can enter your body and sleeping state, resting state and rape you sexually and then in every conceivable manner and way… And you feel it and literally bleed blood by the aggression of this Spirits…

You must contend with thoughts and the vilest actions.. and imagination of Humanity created expressed thought. from movies to art to secret ideas can come to you and enslave you until you solve them out of Existence…

You must contend that no matter what you do, that This Spirits can do whatever they like, whatever they wish to you 24-7 and that every achievement that you do, all the things you surmont all the greatest achievement, all the problems of Humanity which you solve and cures you bring are not only denied and plagiarized but your very energy is used to fuel the Evil they do….

The List goes on…

This is my experience.. was…
With the Lies.. the Liars…
The Abyss… you…
And then you must transform it.. that pit of no words…into Nothingness then Feelings Sensational Expanding upon your original expression.

The Medical Doctor Udin Mann is sitting besides me, he came in as I am writing this part…Yes the one I helped with the immigration papers of his relative…



Robert 53 is seated opposite me… I am still at 53 likes…
He arrived after Doctor Udin…

…So yes, I Transformed the 0 through 29 Years… 40 years…
Ah.. Add Chris.. C.. 3.. 3 Billion miles away.. a signal F R B…
It becomes 43.. 43 Years ago….I was what 9 8 7…6 5… All the same aren’t they… even TEN….

101…Is the number of people in Delta Manor… 16.5 Years in New York…
No, you have to cross the 0.. Z… A-Z… To the A.. to the A.H…
101… 1O1…A O A…-H…I..E…
1 O 1… 11… 2 1… 2.1 Billion… N.G.C…
You must do all that and so much more to even come near me, much less Equal me…= II Tilt the 11.. II… To BOW…
Bow and Arrow…

I am Sacred Portal 104… Death as Terrible… T… 16…
16.5… P…E… Planet E… Come Pass Me.. Deaths Declaration of War on Everything…apart from the E…. Cloak Of Death E..S.. C.O.D.E.S…

Come pass the Abyss of Ground Zero…
…And you must Try… For as you see… I move you all…
And I move you all to this challenge to be Equal except the Few…

No, my intention is to destroy everything, to will everything out of Existence at some point.
..I guess, I just manifested that point right now.

6:49 p.m.


Sacred Portal 49 is Existential Death…”Death Ray…D.R”

6:50 P.M.

Sacred Portal 65… See it is my Alien Sister Self with her Serpents Tale and the Pit.

So… Robert was here with Chris before Marvin arrived…
Two of them were here… R.C… Ritz Carlton….

E R C… E…Ritz Montes… RM..
Oh, I did not mention that there is a man called Carlton here, at Delta Manor… Any enormous man.. Rotund like the Earth.
He could have been a Fat man in the Circus…
He was in Room 3A with me at one point.. I mentioned him before.
He had been trying to be friendly and finally, I addressed him… I helped him a few days ago when he required some help with the computer… I had helped him with his Life when he had been hospitalized and the person in the next bed to him died. When he told me, about being advised to give up a certain habit.. I simply reminded him about the death of his neighbor in the hospital twice, thrice….

Any way, the day of the J.D J.B Post Jack Daniels… Jim Beam…
He came up stairs and offered me, a drink of Whiskey…

He later called out to Bill, “If I get my passport, I would leave this country and move to Paris…”

I paused and looked up…

He had said that he was now in room 2..B.. B B…Bed 2-06.. 26…
I end up it would seem at the Ritz Carlton Paris… New York Paris Moscow… N… ( E).. P..( G)… R ( I)..

Right now, as I sit here… Robert is in front of me… Brenda Booth is on right… infront of her Chandra… Udin has moved down and Will is infront of him…
E R… B C… U W….

7:06 P.M


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