


7:32 p.m.

7:33 p.m.

I am back at Starbucks Parckchester…

Any desire to play Hookey was interrupted by a summons by Robert Vlaun at 5-24….E,X…E T.E.N…

But back to the Fire Wall…

Joseph Carey pointed out that a Crane in orange stood behind us in front of the New School which you recall was where Georges-Philippe Roc went to ( yes the play of 5-8…And Dawn Marie…)

he was born 5-21-92.

Able something Boom…

Oboom Boom linked to himself and Lisa Natalie Johnson as Oboom my youngest brothers portal 5-20-73…


Jose Stacy… J.S…10 19… 29…/ 92.

Robert in his blazing orange T-Shirt, told me that he had given me the 5 usd Corona when I asked why me, was because he said, You are Good Man.

He then began to speak in code- I had prepared Joe, that we were being set up and the Wave of Dark Matter was moving through him (the E.T) while Nnamdi Everything was moving through me.. MW 69….

He began to speak as an Avatar to the of the Intensity…

R.O…Orange.. the Flames…

He said what is it to have everything but you have no Self…

That you loose your self.

I had just been discussing that with Joseph Carey, telling him about how I first rose, when he spoke about a friend of his who had met a light worker, and how she lived in Idaho, on a literal volcano ( yes, I did not know that there were Volcanoes in Idaho)- my mind literally flashed to some recent intel about the a hole in the ground Hell Fire… I think it was from Lisa Natalie Johnson.

His friend for some ( sane) reason did not wish to go…

He spoke about how pure the guy was and how he had trouble being here in this world and that he drank and did all kinds of stuff.

I spoke about what a Light worker really is and an empath which his lady friend spoke about, and how the Light manifested from the recollection of something already created by and how it began with recollections.

And that the Light was the manifestation of the completion of what he ( I) had created and how he went into a space of nothingness which artists still do or anyone who has created a great beautiful thing through Inspiration Naturally Expressed, and then you pause in completion stunned, in awe of what you have created,

I described how the third eye opened through that epiphany which cause the Rise of the O.PENIS and the Opening and of the Third Eye which became the Light once called the Big Bang, the entrance into the Universe…

Which is really just recollections… And how that light of the full circle of Orgasm OH…began to race through my memory as the AH!… I began to see how I did it..

The same principle as the Universe…

The Dark Matter is the knowing, the Sixth sense which is the Flow, the Facts which the Author and Creator is already aware of because he has already manifested it, but here is the comma, the pause… ( which I saw on a T-Shirt as we walked away.. Joe read it as something else… D F F L was on the back… )

I spoke about how this was all a manifestation of that experiencing of recollection and that the Body and Being which you call the God Particle are the Every-Thing, Every Where…

Every One… The latter being the portal back to me.. E GALAXY 1011 C.I…

Andromeda and Milky Way where originally the two men.

And now in this third Wave in the 4 play it manifested as

8:04 p.m..

84…See sacred Portal 84… Man Woman… M.W69/96


A.M…Double V….V V…

The Milky Way is the play of the Man Woman Story…

And-Rome Da is the Male Female M.F…but is Men…

A.M…W…. A.M..Double V… A.M.D..V V… 5 5… A.M D. E E…

*Recall the play with Fey Mirach and then her departure as F.M and J.D…Because she gave into to the True Source of the Universe Andromeda… Code Amoza Born A.B…

S,P 147 A B B

E And Rome D.A.. then the play of which represents the Sacred portal 10…The Dream of the One Father

84 +10… 94… I.D.

That is why Joe found the Dime.. D.I..ME… 49 …13 5..

It was a play for the E to replicate that which I had done, and to move through the potential deciding that which was True and that which was, is false.

At the end they would return to me with the truth…

Everything else which manifested were possibilities, and so all the possibilities were given a choice and a chance.. Free Will and Choice to stay True to that which was the two constants…

Body and Being.. Truth and E-Spirit.

Not all were real…

And so that is what has finally been completed and all those who chose falsely, meaning they did not allow their Bodies and E-Spirit be their guides and their teachers first…

Hindsight Foresight.. Their True Nature…

Those are the one who were never real…

Because it is impossible to betray your True Nature and chose that which is False fated to die.. Time.. over eternity.

And so when Robert spoke of loosing one self while gaining everything…

I responded…

Then you have Nothing because you are 0…Zero.

He then spoke of how I resembled Morgan Freeman…


Yes he was speaking in code..

He spoke of the scene with Tim Robins who played Andre Dufresne.. ( Yes D.A.. not A.D…)

And Morgan Freeman who played Ellis Boyd… E.B…

And yes, me at Ellie’s with Lisa Natalie Johnson

And Yes me as Tim Robins.. T.R..U.E… A.D…

And yes I met Tim Robbins often with Susan Saradon when they were together…

Robbins.. Robin Fussell…

Martin Francis Rebecca… F.R…R.F….

F.R.E.E… Yes

Then he spoke of the poster of the Movie star and the tunnel which hid it.. and the Escape…

My mind flashed to last night Adam putting his favorite station Escape.. E.S…C.A.P.E…

He spoke about the Boat….and he asked me who of the two of then was the Good Man…

I said both…

All the while my mind was reeling and recollecting that I had been in that story…

But I had not made the Bet….

I was Tim Robbins… T.R.U.E….

And that D.A was the one who I came to rescue…

That is why he was calling me the Good man and gave me the Corona Beer.. C B.. 3 2.. 5 Usd.

Lord knows, I know that what they did to Tim Robbins character was actually T.R.U.E… Because of D.A…

And that M.F… was E.B.. They were both originally me, but it was transformed by the play of my two Fathers Body and Being…

Sky Fall…

He spoke about there being a film shoot taking place where we last night.

He them moved to James Bond…

Have you seen the latest James Bond…

I was linking quietly the messages.. Tunnel of LOVE..

Shaw Shank…. John and Luke Shaw, brothers of Tom Truman..

JL… 10 12.. 22…V..

Ana Leonardo Caixas infront of the Tunnel of Love. at the Bean Cafe as well as Donna and he Daughter Sophie…

And me, at the Bean doing all that work for all those year since 2005 when I met Axel Love Axel Anderson.. A-A…

I linked Keith Grant and the Tunnels he built giant Tunnels for Oil Companies in Texas, and my going undercover to dig and build through the Collective Sub Consciousness.. The Cocoa Channel No 5 to the E Galaxy and to Memory which the Lies Flies transformed into the Sewer Seepage….

The Mission Impossible to Distribute Kasien Thompson the Awareness Memory Flow of 6th Sense M.W…

Despite the Rage of Woman not wishing the Truth to come out Witch Landers that Two Men… Lovers Twins… are the source of Woman and Woman is actually Two Men in Inverse entwined

But it is not the dirty perspective of this world, nor is it the gay story or any of that…

Robert had begun speaking to us.. me after asking the Time..

4:14 p.m… D.N…E…./ E N D..

And it ended with him asking the time one last time…

4:35 p.m.

He called Joe the Bad Boy because Joe… was having fun. After all it was Joe who led me to this Set up and then to a Bar where we spoke afterwards..

Robert Vlaun 22 is sitting besides me and in front of me is Leo…17… R.L… V.Q.. Then Henri.came… H…17…

17= 1+7…8…H..

Fire Wall…

Then he spoke of the horror of B.R.C… Of being Homeless and how it is the end of the road.

I told him that he already knows the way home because he had already identified the source.. he did not wish to lose himself.

He asked to use Joe;s phone, it was a 1 63 Number with codes of 74.. Albert Santana…

Islip… Joe Noted… Mid Town he corrected.

Joe had the received a call with that 1 63 Code…

I.Slip… IS…L.I.P… The latter is me..

I then saw as we walked away that bed 4-5 was walking right infront of us…

His name is Wallee… He saw me and broke into a smile and we greeted… Joe was incredulous…

But I knew already that it was Joe and Lisa line who were meant to endure the Shelter the Mental Health the16.5 year play…

That I had been sacrificed to manifest the Dream of the One Father… Which is strange… Since I am the One Father and I did not create this play… And I am the Code 1984… Big Brother is Watching… 32.. 33…

So, some one usurped by Authority…

B B.. Your Brothers Betrayed you.. GE OFF…

Joe phone was the ring tone of the Game of Thrones…

Oh, Joe is innocent, he was used…

He told me the code Enders Game EG.. Is his address..

But he did not fight that battle…

Nor did Lisa Natalie Johnson fight the battle of Witch Landers…

..Oh yes, the endured… and dear lord they carried an awful load.

But no comparism with the role I was given, their roles…

S.P 84… 10…


And then this Thing sought to give credit to them, that they were the Victors.. Man Woman Story which I was used to manifest by injecting experiences of Evil and Hatred into me daily 25-7…

The Military presence all about even to my wearing Death and Army Fatigues…

Oh I already knew and know the Truth…

I just wondered just how far they would go..

The Lies…

Joe gave me 40 USD…

He wanted to give me more…

I told him before he gave it that it was a code..

And when he asked me how on earth I had been surviving all this time..

I said with controlled Donations…

See sacred Portal 40….

DO… Ah.. Abel Do Boom!

A Game of Thrones…

9:04 p.m.



That is what the 4 lines transformed that gift given to them to evolve.. Humans Avatars. Aliens. Super Naturals… Gods…

Human Illusions of Potential playing Gods and Goddesses..

77 45 0…

77 14 50…. is the correct Sequence…

Daniel and Erica…


The funny thing is that none of my own family Bio E.T and Ethereal Eternals betrayed me…

They were just used, how, because they did nothing, they felt that this was a play of Emeka, and the Humans…

They wanted to see if I would prefer the Human Family.

But what they did not realize was that was the test…

To understand what Being Human Is…

It is only the Beautiful Truth of the Species, and they were horrified by the Lie of the Species, the Illusions, the Lie…

They were focused, hypnotized by the Lie instead of being able to remember that which is the Truth is the Beautiful Truth…

The Qualities that I exemplified and which can be found and harvested like Gold Silver dust all through Human expression through out time.

Joes mother moved out in March 15…

See Zeina Hanna 8 -26.. See that play…

And the Spear of Destiny which pierced the Side of Christ…

My side has collapsed and in Joe and Lisa the same symptoms…

but not as extreme…

They are feeling experiencing but a taste of what I endure each moment to the extreme…

I have 57 usd when I left Joe.

Witchlanders…W… WW… Is linked to Joe and Lisa…

I played all the roles…

And Restored All the Stories back to the Truth.. The Beautiful Truth of the E..


Empaths Light worker Joe and Lisa… Excellent..

But I carried the weight LLB.. Stones.. Pounds.. Kilograms alone…

An insane load to give a person made to play the most humbled man who could not be humbled.

Because he is Grace Gesture… in Silence which becomes a Sound…


9:33 pm.

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