
Chukky Ijioma…

Chukky Ijioma…


I am sitting at the Delta Manor S 24 E 450 Computer

Jamel is sitting a 10 feet from me, we are the Two left in a play which began in the B.R.C Shelter with scores of people, who were trapped in the system.

All of them have been sent home, through Divine Intervention D.I ( Bed 49 B.R.C) where my Son Father sent me here into the Black hole of the Shelter system where Society punishes the ones who failed t live up to expectations.

I am surrounded by addicts, fomer addicts, excons, cripples,emotionally physically…

But all those who I was sent to find, I have found…

Francis Frick is sitting behind him…

And last night, after an exhange by text with Kemi Sara last night which transformed what was had already been acknowleded as her Harmony, into an exhange of my roaring with out rage at my words so painfully and patientlly expressed transofrmed into words flung in my face…

The same occured a moment before with Elizabeth Clarizio…

Just as it had with silence through Lisa Natalie Johnson…

Brenda,Angela Dawn… but not Dawn Piercy…

All of them were messengers, used by the Superme and the Divine.. by my Father and by my own True E-spirit my Eternal Truth which was operating outside of me, in an epic play between the past as Time and the Eternal, to merge the two together.

I am came into the World of my Son, who played my father, whose play, his story, his version of my expression and conversation I had with him in the beginning of Creation.

I have explained this so often that it became torture.

The True Conversation between Energy E and AH-Tom the twins who were first Male, Male and then their completion C..Cecilia or Onuabuchi represented as my Mother in this Story.

I was simply used by these two My greater Self as Eternity and my Son self as Time to be the tool and actor, scribe etc.. to merge their play and thier version of My Original Truth and Expression back into one.

Because I am the source of the two..

Yes a Hue Man being.. a Man.

And so this was play of the two moving through all of you and if you took responsibility, and Paid Attention which is a choice based on what you choose to Focus on..

Dawn Piercy chose to focus on these posts…

Kemi Sara came very close but at the last moment the expression in a text…

What rose in me after the text from Kemi Sara was something so teribble that before I could give it true expression, a man I mentioned already called Cleveland arrived and sat besides me and said he wished to ask me something…

Cleveland Warren ( C.W… Link Cecilia Wiebers C.W) had been in bed 4-003, in my room.

He first told me that he had worked for the red cross as a case worker for 15 years.

I had been seeing for the last few weeks the symbol of th ered Cross and had known it as a code for years.. But it was not the red cross I was seeing of recent but rather the logo for Swiss flag and the Brand.

The White Cross.

Cleveland spoke to me as Jean, anothr sat on my other side on the computer.

I was very aware of the code J.E.C…J.C… Jesus Christ…

Chukky Ijioma had a post of their being no concerte evidence that Jesus Christ ever existed.

He didn’t, the Jesus humanity created and interpreted never existed. Yeshua did the White Crossing the Red See..

The White Light Crossing the first refreaction of Light..

R O Y-G, G B I V…R.

The One Eight ( O.E) Crossing the red See, ( Blood being incarnated in Flesh.. Spirit and Read, Water and Wine)

My contempt for the Human translation of that story I have stated and expressed over and over through out this 5.8 years hell on Face book of explaining to those whose arrogance and hypocrisy as attested in the Yeshua Christ story an right up to the moment I went to Macy’s yesterday to find myself in the human frenzy thier Black Hole.

*Cleveland just came up to me again, and stated that he was part of the group Public Enemy in his youth that he was not in the main group but part of SI W Crew and the Album cover which he was on with the group Is called Fear of the Black Planet after I explained to him that today is Black Friday the Opening of the Black Hole…

– And that he was the last of the crossing for he had expressed such impecable and clean- Expressed Gratitude Appreiciation yesterday…

That it cooled my Fury and then he gave me a message from me Father, confirming that Nnamdi Nnamdi… that my Father is Here… The one Playing my father, to me who is his real Father…

And so last night when he began speaking, he had my attention.

He had had suffered a Heart attack, and I did not realize until a moment ago just how intense it had been.

He had been quadriple by pass surgery and been in an out of hospials.

He showed me a moment ago the photo’ of him in Coma when he hospial had called his wife, asking her persmission to pull the plug.

This has happned twice.. The last time he said he woke up after a week and saw people all around him, 15 of them whispering and all wearing white.

He had thought he was in heave, because he had experiences not once but twice while in Coma ( Twice) the white Light..

‘It is True Mr Emeka, what they say about your life flashing before your eyes when you die…

* P.S Kasien Thompson sent me a Thanks Giving message yesterday which has meaning -he was here and he had shared his vision of being buried and then how a poral had opned and how these Egyptian Gods, wearing animal heads and bird head forms had come to take him to a place where they released him from his body, purified him and then led him to a stage a Theater where he was placed and in the back ground his entire life was played on a giant screen behind him.. I recounted that all here.

So with the New York David Kennedy New York Times Article.. Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt, and all the evidence I have poste through the years.. Isis Osiris that I was in in the place in which non return unless you are The One Expected T.O.E…

* You will recall that that in 1992, I slipped into a Coma and returned that way to my Home I was stopped at the portal.

Cleveland told me about his experiences with giving knowledge and being a true Angelic Messenger, because I knew that the 15 people standing around the bed he had seen were first the light beings before they trransformed into their human avatars…

i solved his riddles or questions quickly transforming the Jesus Story of everyone has thier cross to bear, and being the whipping boy or girl of those who do know better…

His eyes lit up with light and delight…

Then they became deep and I prepared myself as he gave me the tests of my father…


Attachment is a River…

Ignorance is Elephant

Jealousy is a Snake

Pride is a Lion..

Miserliness imprisons one in Chains IMPRINSON IN CHAINS

Wrong View is like a Thief…

I knew I was meant to transform them into the correct alignment of Beauty…

Anger is Beautiful Rage, Fire Purifies when the child can learn not other way.

Attachment is a river.. The Umbilical Chord, the stream of consciousness which is a wave which flows through us, we are attached to the thing to our mother to father to things because we think we are not safe but the more we follow the Christ Consciousness- Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme’ Truth which Manifests the more we let go ( Let It go, Let it Go!…) until we feel no Need to attach ourselves to anything and we Fly…

Ignorance is like an Elephant who links holding each member of the heard Trunk to Tail Linking their way, each contributing a piece of thier intel to retrace their way back to the Elephants Burial Ground.. Elephants are symbols of memory and Ignorance is only the forgetting that which you already know.. Until you are reminded, hearing the words that echo mirror that which you had forgotten you already know…

Jealousy is like a Snale which strikes and can cure or posion…

Symbol of medicene- Jealousy comes from Enie, desire to be and by that chance being taken away from people and no chance given to them to pursue their desires and ther dreams the more they will feel resentment and their emotions will trun to hatred and poison and jealousy at those who are allowed to…

Pride is the ability to roar.. Lion King… Pride is Beautful Pride…

I roar I said because I know who I am, and I roar to that contemptible nature in Humans who by familarity they breds their Comtept… So you have to Roar and even claw and kill that is what reminds them Respect… the Lion King…

I have heard you Roar.. Mr Emeka… Beautful Pride… Self Respect…

Miserliness comes from the sense of ont and never having enough, a consciousness which has been fostered for so many centuriies of of not being enough resources despite this being totally false. It thus creates a sense of competiveness a diversion distraction smoke screen… to a ,ore sinsister Tension.

Wrong view like a thief… Not seeing the full circle the whole picture makes you blind..it steals the True View from you.. Like a Thief in the Night…

His eyes lit up.. beaming at me he let out a shout of Joy.. are you a teacher is that what you did in France?

he then asked me translate a phrase he had learnt in french but was not sure of the meaning..

I Love you my darling, it was great expericning this passage of time and space with you

Again he beamed…

Then he spoke about a Door.. and my mind went straight to the post of the riddle posted by Arinze Umeano which I had solved followed by the Key Hole, Columns etc.. in the Sands over Saudi Arabia S.A.. ( orb.. Prince Mohamed Bin Salman.. Kerem Sanliman..Egypt..)

He said that there were certain people like Paul of Bed 3-005 Who had got the apartment, the home everything but could not leave the shelter because the had yet to be gven the key…

What is the key…

Beautiful Expression said… Appreciation Gratitude Expressed.. Thanks for Giving…

Again he roared his delight..

Then he told me a story of his principle…

Some doors may be open, he said but it does not mean that you can pass through the door.

A Man leaves the door to his house open, everyone in the street knows that his door is open, but I will not enter into that house because the man never gave me persmission to enter the house. He has given the people around him that trust that he keeps his house open. But he has not given that familarity and permission epressed that they can enter his home…

I understood…

i responded, and that some doors are closed not to walk away or break into but to open up by finding the key.

But I knew what he was saying, it was my Father House,

many people had asked me why I did not walk awy from this play, but it is my fathers play and the door which is meant to open had not opened in 13 years… I knew that the door was meant to open and I did try to walk away but not with the will that I could habve used.

This is my Fathers House and his Play, I had to respect the rules, see it to the end without disrespecting his rules… Even if I did not agree with them and even if it brought me this Hurt and Scar that will never heal…

I went upstairs later and found that someone had again opened my window invaded my space.. And so I had the right to summon the True Death as the Blue Flame.. True Suffering and Pain until the soul fades and there was is nothing left of that being that species…

For I was not the hypocrite I had obeyed the rules of the play of where the WAVE led me of my Father Sons Play..

Cleveland said that he is from Long Island.. L.I.

And that he did not want to come to the Bronx, but then realized that he was being sent here and that there was probaby some one he was meant to meet here.

His eyes narrowed… I have felt a connection to you form the first day, even when you roared at me to lower the volume of what the music I was playing in the dorm.

Cleveland told me that he had been told his whole life that he was searching for some one. This was after I had told him that his work was over….

I was also reminded that Jon Jason Lee had said something similar to me, that he notced I scanned peoples faces even as I walked the street every day as if I was looking for someone…

He too followed the Wave and he found me…

We spoke as I was writing this post Jamel with the Heart on his head with wings and the symbol of death…

Cleveland Warren with his heart surgeries… Red Cross White Cross… and then his final Words…

I went and had a nice Thanks Giving Dinner, but I ate alone…kidnapped twice by my son my Wife in another space… I ate so much but my belly was not full…

( I had heard him earlier express discontent at his eveining to Raheem)

But after speaking to you by spirit is so lifted and I am suddenly so full..My belly is Full Mr Emeka, you fed me.

Jus as Nadee Nakandala had testfied over 4 years ago after being my face book friend for a few weeks, observing me on Face Book she has stated.. He is Authoring Harmony..

He is feeding the World…

And she told the Truth.. and then as everyone else..took me for granted and chose to forget…

Familarity breeds contempt in the Human Avatars…

Let The Avatars who did not learn to become complete Being embodied anchored cease to exist…


Ugo Nwamama… E..


Now do you understand.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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