
12/21/2017 20:09 – Facebook Post

A Young man called Stevan here just challenged my right to a Refill of Coffee… I had been waiting for him.
I had watched the set up and the play building up and how I was being asked to bide my Time..
To cut him and his line out of Existence… The Ones who Dare and Deny.. even where others do not…

Until I had reached Robert Coffee..
And Alien Father…
And the Supreme Twin… W.INK…L.E..V.O.S.S..

In a way I did not know what I was waiting for, but I knew that out of all the staff he was the one I, or my Spirit was lying in wait for…
But It made sure that I was impeccable to all the laws of this reality and this Starbucks…

Chris got me the coffee and I watched him whisper his challenge then record the amount as 2.67 usd…

I had 3 USD in my wallet and I had contacted the Joseph Carey..
And I am the Creator .. C.. And the Source…
But I have had had bear the Insults from this Humans and thier plays and power…
While being respectful to the fact that they are doing thier Jobs…
I was following Fathers Rules and the Devil…
Right down to the laws of Commerce in New York City…

6:45 p,m.

Despite my being the Creator of Coffee…C.O..F.F..E.E…
And so now today, I have my moment which I can reply…
For everything that he is, every cell in his body came from I.e.. and he was brought by Father to this Cafe and for me to observe him and his lines attitude.. to power… those who forget that before there is commerce.. there are people..
That it is very important to make sure that you know who you are addressing…

I have spent money here everyday, for 14 months…
the code on my Page is was 3 5 11 when I decided to get up for a coffee, and he was there…
And I knew it was a set up…
I asked for a refill despite Fathers play of the 3 usd in my wallet.. And he calling Chris….to serve me…
He is a kid who made a judgment on me. and yet I know all his secrets..

And so I know who and what he represents… those who will never respect of look up from their set opinions with out being ripped to shreds…
And that is what I saw and felt as the rage rise in me.. and when i asked him if he had any questions about my coffee he denied but was rude…


I see myself right now as the darkness itself.. A Black Panther .. my fangs are barred and my claws are white and gleaming…
The Beauty of the image as I rip him and his Wave all his line out of Existence fills me me nothing but a sense of effciency.. I am still Emeka… in the body of this rage..
I link and connected the that I saw 99 today… The Factor of Contempt for the Human Race… Inability to see that which is Front of which everyone else instinctively and rationally respect… But you are the One… There is Always One who Dares…
Weill I have finally found that line… who think that they are Supreme.. and that by using the cover of a Job.. and skin complexion.. He is Puerto Rican or something no surprise there considering the play with them…and the ones from the Carribbeans…Those who show utter disrespect for the Black Ness the Menalin.. the Truth.. Transparent…

I turned and raised my finger to him and created the spiral and the portal and the whirl.. I made sure that Chris saw it… He did..
So now I have made it real…
The Journey which he and his line will never return from.. the reason to Respect the Mysterious and the Unknown… Stranger…

6:59 p.m.


To the Sum Total of of my rage… that is the dimension I have sent him… to experience the sum total of Rage of Existence at this play for this play…

Alien Father Alpha…


The note of the 4th Solfeggio.. 4… full Circle from begenning Albert.. To Stevan… here at Starbucks… A.S… E..?
Asi… The Liars…

Harry Potter…
The Cursed Child…

I heard him speak to his mother one day here
he spoke to her with such superiority and contempt publicly that I turned to see if she had done something in her energy to deserve such an expression…
There was nothing but the love of a Mother telling her son that I am your mother which the ungrateful child denies…
Believing themselves born of the wrong parents that they are better… and that there family is not representative of them…
Inferiors.. they got ladled with…

7:04 p.m.

Cut him and that line out… but first rip them to shred and let Existence and this Reality here and remember for Eternity.. the Echo of their Streams… of the Boys dared to call Wolf.. and Pull Fenri.. Tale…
Animal Cruelty… the Beasts…

7:06 p.m.


sacred portal 77… Star bucks 77 45 O

7:O7 p.,

49… Send them to NOME Alaska… to the 4th Kind.. now made real by I.E.. No wonder the rage in me today is so so terrible… it is for Him and their line.. I am not Stevan… I am Chris… C. is Supreme… not S…

7:09 p,m

Chris is the C of E

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