
12/23/2017 21:28 – Facebook Post

6:04 p.m.

Ha…( Ironic and sardonic “Ha”)

I have 64 usd in my wallet
Sacred Portal “which believe me is real” is the Sensei Serpent of Self Mastery of Desire constantly provoked”

64 is the address of the Theater which Joseph Carey works at 2nd and 4th Avenue; A Theater..Paradise Factory.

-Indicating that this last of the Toxic play is a Theater Production to create a World Paradise.
And that this entire production of set up, had been about transforming the World and Nature into a Paradise setting.

I can link the to Nicholas Wittingham in bed 4-008… Representing the Portal D-O OH… DOH… D.H…
W.N… World Nature…add the I.E… W I N..E…
He passed by here yesterday night, while I was with Robert and stood at the Window making comic gestures- I smiled then ignored him.
He is just the representation of the equation which I have had to defeat in a long line of Human Beings, whose portals I had to pass through, and now through 15 months at Delta Manor…

* Deerick Mitchel has left the play he has moved out with room mates Raphael and Henry… Was there gratitude.. Nope.
It is the nature of this World (People) which this play was designed for me to defeat.
Darion is no longer in bed 4-003 next to Micheal Martinez who called himself New York..

Thus, being able to move Nicholas here after completing the play with Peter Nyarkô and Robert age 53… Purity and Wisdom
P.R…adding myself E.P.R… And the ass Stevan who was given grace by the play to be moved to come near where I was speaking to Robert about the set up he had been involved in and what it really meant.. What and how he responds now is what will seal his fate or move him out of the consequence I have encoded here int the True New Book of Life on my page.

So yes, it is I who is 48.. Death as Transformation… 48/ 84..
who was “Betrayed by his Brothers” – The ones behind the Curtains,Veil, Matrix Controllers.. who meddled with the Original Script creating this mess.. ( yes the Doubt question.. which transformed into the Lie… that I am a lie.. which was really in the end moved to its extreme as “Envie” ( Desire) to transform into Jealousy Competition…
And here we are, the a Script and “Paradise Factory”
P.F. ( Link this to Paul Franklin bed 3-005.. 35 C.E.. Who is 55-56 years old and wears the number 51… See the meaning of his Name, then link him to Paul S bed 4-001… And finally to the correct Paul as Paulie who has been wearing the number 48… he is the one who looks Italian … but is Irish… Black Celts..
He I acknowledge…and I like him.
He is the one who was knifed a few days after he arrived here but in Manhattan.. The Scar from Scalp to Chin makes him literally Scar Face…
Room 4A, where I am in and the people being moved… the ones not “on the list” are simply what I can see as part of the Factory Production. And that by moving them, the correct ones in the room pass through it…)..

It was not be a Factory Production… It was meant to be a Paradise Production.. P P… 16 16… 32.. 5…E…
That is the portal I passed through where I met Jon Jason Lee a then 19 year old student of Theater training to be a Director…
Notice the code of his name, J J L…Makes 32.
It was with him I came to New York with in 1999…To Film.
We met at a Theater Restaurant in West End called Peppermint Park…

* There is a kid in front of me wearing a Military themed camoflage jacket with the number 18 and 92.. and a stag in between… Which made me link the Stag in Harry Potter…
W.N… World Nature… Add I.E… W I N E…
Add D.A… W.A.N.D… Magic Wand…
M.W…Milky Way.. Mind World…Man Woman…Metropolitan Wood… M.W.69… 1385 Star Bucks… 13 13.. Micheal Martinez the loud problematic but sad sack from Miami now in bed 4-005…
45 Is the Sacred Portal 45…:Throne of Existence..” Isis Osiris
Isis means throne…
9-19.. Derrick and his lady both 9-19…I.S.I.S…
The one who was there before him moved to room 2 bed 2-014…B.O.N…Is the one representing New York.
The “Obama” Phone I bought from him- bears his name..
And so I realized that the telephone code of yet another phone given to me A La Matrix and the movie The Booth with Collin Farrel ( which actually was the first and only movie the Play gave me free tickets to see… so it is about the Booth.. Brenda Booth… 56 code..
Saw her yesterday, but she stayed but a moment, said Hi then as if not comfortable here any longer left

18 92… I know this links to 19 92 and my journey home to the Light in Paris and the manifestation of it reflected back across the pond in New York 25 years after…to replicate that effect but now, instead of the Unseen journey which I went to back through the Past to that Eternal Present, to manifest it here in this Physical present to be witnessed by all…

18 WAND… Penis… Orgasm… “Winkey” 18=Letter R… Which is 99.. who are Twins as Letter I I… Which links to the Identical Twin Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss the Identical Twins who were also founders of Facebook and then moved to Bitcoins…
As did Billy Hung my original Sponsor ( and Marina Burini)
Water to W.I.N.E….By my being Victorious and Winning..

My Bio sisters code is 1964… as is that of Jonn Delguidce.. J.D..

Notice that I am back at 1004 facebook friends…. 1004… J O O D.. J D… Add 59.. E.I..
J.E D I… Yes I am the Last Jedi….Luke Sky Walker… See meaning of the name Luke… L.U…K.E…/ E.K..U…L…
“Lu” means “Read” (past tense in French)…

My sister I checked in a Celtic book while in 33rd Street in 2004-2005, was born the Day of the Winner…
I the Day of the Wolf…

Yes the correct Paul is Paulie.. Scarface.. White…
And the Walle B.. the correct Transformation of not only New York representing the Metropolis… The Cities of the World…but the 11th state… the I and I… Becoming 1+8=9…I…
7:09 p.m right now…I just happened to look at the time.. Impulsed…
79 Is the Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence…

My new telephone number is 1 347 313 6778…
Notice the codes.. I have been moving through and earning these sequences by enactment in this Toxic Theater Production of the Paradise Factor… P.F… 16 6… 22…
* Link the play of Money Exchange Lisa Natalie Johnson and Joseph Carey… L J.. 12 10… 22… 12 1O.. 13… V.M..
See the arrival of Valdrina Meta… V.M…
Which links back to Maida Vale London with “My younger self as Jon Jason Lee who is part English Celtic and Javanese..”
It links to 18 Mountain View… Jonn Blackwell (Delgudce) Donna O’Sullivan..
J.D.. Jonn Donna … being the correct equation of J.D…
Not Jonn Delguidce ( meaning of Delguidce is from the Judges Bench… which is the role I ended up doing, as well as as J.B.. Playing James Bond… Hmm… J.D.. as John Delguidce was the story of Jonns Father and his Mother Elizabeth…who are from Venezuela… Venneiq… Fritz Venneiq.. who who died homeless and alone… And who Jonn represented the vision of Egypt…
He had that Vision..
While Donna had the Elf and Fairy world as well as the Blue E.T.. My line.. She used D.MT… And is a licensed in Transcendental Mediation… and before that Music.. Classical Child… Her Father was Robert and her mother Ruth…
Was more linked to my story.. he code birth is 1957… 57..E.G..
Codes even of her car.. 58.. And was 58 age code when I met her…
Jonn had the Vision where he could see my higher selves but was being dragged down by a story of his Father and Mother…
Lorenzo and Elizabeth.. L.E../ E.L..
While I had already passed through all those portals… Egypt.. and the Venezuela… Elizabeth;s…
I was actually then passing through Robert and Ruth….
Robert and Ruth but add the T.. Letter 20.. who even in the Bible Story is stranger who crosses into a foreign Land… World to investigate the Truth… Then linked with Naomi…
Ah…. I am already drawn in sucked in and moved into solving this riddle, set up for me to solve… When I really have no desire to do so… ( bored.. hard to bring the will to even care)…

M.V/ V.M… Proves that the portal is not Paradise Factor…
but Paradise Production..
From Jon in Maida Vale as my Brother Nnamdi and my sister Nnonyem.. N N…

So why was I conned into the Paradise Factor play…
The Transformation of Nature and the Planet…?
When the original production was always Paradise Production..
Cinema Paradiso…
Was there something which happened in the Factor…A Factor Makes… Sort of like Santa’s Elves making all the Toys behind the scene of the great big Christmas Production..

Why was the Script switched to give the illusion that I had to work in the Factory, to go behind the Producers and to the Factor which produced… the Props… ( ah… Richard woke up and saw the whole New York city as a giant Theater Production.. I was with him and we went to see a friend of Joseph Carey after all and Old Elf.. Ancient who was dying of Cancer and who crowned Richard king and ignored me except to transfer publicly his Cancer to me before he died to see how I would carry his pain.
Just as I was aware how I had been given Joe’s terror to carry, he has the same condition as I but it only got this intense after I lived with Joe opposite the Bean Cafe…
*Peter Nyarkô had noted that the former picture here- a photo in blacj and white of coffee Beans and Black people working the field… Hispanic Carribbeans…had been taken away. replaced
He said it reminded him of Slavery… My mouth dropped open.. Of course.. The Bean.. Mitochondria Dna… The Spell of curse of Slavery…
Britt Mightbe…
Harry Potter…
The People consercrated in life and in Death to slavery… because they were unclean and it was an honor to serve the Noble Ones so that they could have a chance of crossing over… becoming clean…
A Curse of a people generation after Generation of being enslaved….
From the Osu in Igbo land ( which the OINRI people freed them once they stepped in Nri Land.. they did not believe or condone slavery… or abominations such as Twins… which were called evil.. Ah..!.. The Twins..), the untouchables… see what is happening to Myanmaar…Rohingya… M.R/ RM…
( MY AN MA R/ R AM…N ..Y A M…Yam and the OInri people… Yeshuah Alexander Mohammed…)…
Gypsies Nomads
Jewish -Egypt… Let my people go…
I already solved this riddle years ago on this page… correcting it to the Unclean who repeated by habits… hose meant to roam to understand and include all points of views instead of living separate….
twhich the Devil” imprisons in Chains.. See the Tarot Devil Card a man and a Woman inchained… its is the XV card…
the 15th…
Jonn Donna.. The Male Female.. that was the play I went there to solve and solved.. Their Marriage became stronger after I left because that wasmy mission brief…
I brought two books with which I had found.. “Sophies World” which was Donna’s Daughter from another who is Greek and who she founded the Opera music company for children called Classical Child.. C C.. 33…
She was estranged with her mother because of Jonn who could do see always clearly because of his rage with his mother especially viza viz his Father.. But I found that in the end it was more about his guilt about not doing more for his Father which is what prompted him to agree when Donna ( not he) suggested that they invite me to their home…
7:57 p.m…

And the other book was about Marriage…
That was my brief and that is what I accomplished even if it was once again me, used as the scape goat to solidify that claim..
And I know it came from gossip… things said behind my back by Jonn.. Jealousy.. but more anger rage seeking attention…
I met Lorenzo here…. I saw the play…
And I met the Elizabeth Clarizio line…. her expression was the one in clarity just as it had been in the play up there in Mountain View..
Thus the sacred Portal 84 with the Man and Woman was Jon and Donna…
Of course!..
It was about Man and Woman in that play and it was through Robert portal I left.. leaving on the very day he was born..
That was the story of the 69… which linked to Man and Woman…
And Sophie.. Sophia Laurel Sacred Portal 5.. Which brought out this Scandal of Sexual Abuse by men in Power…
But there was also abuse of men.. boys..
And there was abuse my Women in Power some sexual…
Fritz Venneiq knows of this and so many other men…sexual rapes.. but even emotional and mental.. Frustration….

I saw this every where even to Miami…

Yes sacred portal 84 shows the Demon behind the Man shaped like a giant Phallus…
But it also shows the Sadness of Woman pinning… Pine Apple…
P I ..N E… A P P L E… A P P E L… Of thier pinning for thier image of man and then seeking to transform the men and sons into their Idea of how a Man should be..

Thus the play of Derrick and his Lady…Katherine.. D.K… 4 11..
And then Rey and L… his lady…

All linked to the equation of Jonn and Donna
And even to Joseph Carey his Mother, who moved out and left him the apartment which he now shares with his girlfriend…

I received no invitation from him to even come into that home just to rest, much less stay…
I am not offended he supplies the Cash and fullfills his role and task for the play…
The Love he has for me is based on an idea.. not on my Humanity or feelings.. which is what the reality of thisplay has taught me..I am valued only by what I produce, give share, and not by being a “Beautiful Human Being ” worthy of praise recognition…

They as all would leave me in Mental Health Shelter even right now, so that I produce that which is required to bring the Evolution Awakening…
I am aware of this script and my feelings are not hurt because I understand the play.. and would not have them stay or enter my world… Not out of any malice but simply because I would rather be surrounded by people who value and respect my feelings…

So that is the equation of the Betrayal of the Brothers behind the Scene for the illusion of themselves which also grants acceptance of them in this society where the brother hood of man is seen with suspiscion and used as a weapon by Women to make men deny that part of their Twin…
The would betray that Truth of the Agape.. for the twin of themselves as 69… rather that 66.. I and I…

No, I do not want them in my World…
Each to their own I saw…
I want people as I… Honest who recognize the two sides and who would never ever leave me in a shelter no matter what.. yet gain from my “Misery and Suffering…”

I loved Joe.. and I love him now but differently from before when I felt protective of him… now it is as a distant relation but the closest one in this Toxic Production of bringing balance to the sexes…
When they are really The Twins… Two Men in Inverse…
Deny me.. deny that truth.. fine…
But don’t use me to create a World for yourselves based on your choices… to be with that twin line because it is more acceptable conviemient…
I have a Male and Female as my Lover line Twins… We are Three 3.. Free…
They are me.. My beautiful Pride…
I would never be ashamed of that part of me.as long as it reflects the Beautiful Truth of the Two of me…
And not this lie here of Gay Bisexual Heterosexua….

8:23 p.m.. Contd…

And that is why they made me transform Nature Morte to life.. when Nature is really Nothingness Naturalness because of their idea of Men are from Mars and Women from Venus…
M.V/ V M…
But observe the Script from Jon Jason Lee ( 32.. linked to Emeka ) through Jon “D.B” Donna- Robert Ruth.. R R… 18 18.. 36.. 9.. I.. To 360.. Full Circle… to Valdrino Meta.. V.M…

( he has sent a code of money recently at 340.00 usd.. C.D.O..
The M.T.C.number is 748 867 9560… 74 8 86 7 95 60… 7 48 8 67 95 60/ 06 59 76 8 84 7….O6 59 7 68 8 47…. the latter sequence of numbers is where we are since 68 manifested in embodiment, which links to David Roman Nicholas born 11-22-68 whose body was the literal evidence of physical evolution and who Being had the memory of my brother Nnamdi’;s incarnation in him which rose up in him when we met.
It also links to my mother born 11-22-47….
O6 59 7…68…8…47….

( A person wearing the number 68 was seated besides and left, the time is 6:08 p.m.. 6:09 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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