
12/27/2017 22:42 – Facebook Post

8:05 p.m.

12-27-20-17… 2O-17… 19…


1010….Facebook Friends…

J J…

Azubuiklsreal Tonyokolie.. A T.
Rashmi Rani… R R….

My Coffee cup at the Arab Bodega had 12 on it…
And after a play in the Shelter last night which involved Micheal Martinez challenge.. and my responding…
And then the Force in me rising and roaring causing the security guard to retreat in fear…
I was once more subjected to another play… but Alexis the Night Director intervened beautiful with another called Mike…
Who then later apologized ( I had already called him and his line Scum.. again not as an insult but the manner in which their expression manifest onto reality)..

As I bought my coffee, I turned and for the first time, I saw Alexis in that store..
I knew that she was the last if that story…
Alexis means “Defender of Man” D O M…
And she defended me beautiful gracefully in front of Nicole to Micheal whose expression was seeking to indirectly belittle me..
Nicole not at all disturbed that I had asked for another Case Manager- perhaps because I did nor say anything which negated her truth.. and the rest, every one had already come to the same conclusion…

Black Hadid…that is what a youth sitting besides me said to his friends…
A thing called Black Hadid which cures all illnesses apart from Death…

I am exhausted with this play, but he was a beautiful Arabic or Indian youth, and he said it aloud then in perfect timing walked out with his friends..
I had to investigate…

It could be Hadid which means “Iron”.. Periodic Table number F.E.. 65.. Linked to me as 65/ 56….
Black Iron immediatelt drew me to Sacred Portal 49 as Sacred Portal Existential Death.. Death Ray… and to Hunter Jones who has moved out the shelter today and was occupying bed 4-009…
NN..A.M… D.I…
Nicholas Nicole Allan Murray David Da-Way-NE.. is I…
Delta is I… I=9..

I.D.. MAN…..

Sacred Portal shows a man ( me) with a large Black Dick… Black Penis… Black Cock… B D… B P… B C…E…
An Erect Black Cock… Iron… FE…
Azubuiklsreal Tonyokolie… F E A T… E…

‘Hadid, meaning ‘Iron’, is the 57th chapter of the Qur’an with 29 verses. This chapter is named for the word Iron which appears in the 25th verse.”

Al Hadid… AH HA..DID!… 57…E.G…29….25….
*My three Pills for my supposed High Blood Pressure…
Code numbers on the three pills… 2003.. 23, 209..29…
( Kasien Thompson 11-26-63… Brenda 6-29-61..)
and E 104… *See sacred Portal 104…”Com Pass Me Terrivle Death East West North South…. Center.. AD/DA…

Or Hadith…

‘Hadith, Arabic ?ad?th (“News” or “Story”), also spelled Had?t, record of the traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, revered and received as a major source of religious law and moral guidance, second only to the authority of the Qur??n, the holy book of Islam.’

The Quran is said to be a Book which can cure all Diseases but Death.

The Book on my page…
Bilal Khan… Meaning “Desire, Moistening Wetting…King” B.K.
Yesterday the code 2;11 kept appearing even to the security guards searching for the occupant of bed 2 11… 2-011.. B.K.. B.OK… Which I knew was all about the Book written on my page…
As the purification of the Body.. The Human Body…
Not the Eternal Body…which I represent as the E line…
The two Books had to interface to align…
The Former requiring the Blue Print of the Latter as a Guide but the Latter not having any connection or need to connect to that Story…
For it IS.

Link Kathleen Beard K.B…
Katherine Coleman.. 9-19-66…
Which was the Work to bring “Purity’
Symbol of purity is Transparency… as in getting naked before the entire world which I have done…
P.T… Coleman… Man is Charcoal.. Black Energy.. Battery which must be Charge.. Impulsed Stimulate C I S… U.M…
Universal Mind.. To Understand Manifestation through Expression… M U S I C… / C.I… S U M…

Sum Total of the Parts to Keep the Machina Dieu ( M.D)
The Body alive…
IONS… IANS… must be Sparked to Stimulate.. the body ..
The Correct Stimulation which causes Being and Body to rise…
B B… 2 2… Through Expression Supreme… E.S…
E S P.. Sixth Sense to Fact…
Played out literal with Peter Nyarkô…
Peter means “The Rock Stone…”
Sharon Razors Flow…. S.R…F…
S E E R F…/ F R E E ‘S… The Body to Rise….

From Greek God to Mary Shellys Monster reads on the same page as the New York Times article “The Parts Keep the Machine in Motion..” Dancing… to the MUSIC…

My I.D… I DANCE… Infinite Dance… To the Music Eternal…Music of Eternity planted in me.. and raised through Nurturing .. choosing which Wolf to Feed….
I chose the Wolf whose Descendant is the Dog… Loyalty.. to Man.. Best Friend of Man Harmony…
GOD… H OD..E… Harmonious Ode…
Sixth Sense to smell the Chosen
Anubis…. Jack-All… Hyena… J.H… Hunter Jones…

Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones
Sonya Jones
Kelly Jones

Davy Jones locker… D.J.. Darion Jones has left the Shelter, replaced by the White Russian Allan…
Allan means Harmony…

My Book solves the last equation of Disease.. Edwin Dominic ( E D 5 4/ 4 5…My cup right now has 45 on it… Sacred Portal 45 “Throne of H-God…Existence”
April 5th Nnamdi… 5-4… Emeka K…
C.K… 3 11… Calvin Klein – Eternity Cologne…
Jace Horsford…
I spray the room with 212 by Caroline Herrera…

( Hector Herrera….H H… Hector bed 4-10…D.J…
Liera Herreras Plandez L.H.P…12 Harmony Planet.. Harmony Perfection)

E.D W.I N E… D O M.. I N I C
Bed 4-007.. Old Age.. seeking attention whatever the cost… BED 4-007… 47.. 11 28….
49… 13 4… M.D… Medical Doctor… 11+28.. 39.. C.I.

I was told often my people in Paris that I had the body of a Greek God… The names Hercules and Black Apollo were used…
Dionysus… God of Wine… Because of my Humor, Mischief and ability to Drink and not get Drunk… loose control ( i could get sick though)…

At the Green House which I was invited to be Johnny LE Valley who made a brief appearance on this page…
After deciding that I had enough of this script after 4 and half years of it and It no longer making sense why the manifestation was being delayed to celebrate Suffering Affliction Misery… S A M… And visiting the British Consulate which was still in New York at the time and being told by an hysterical woman that I could not go back to England…?
And then a few months later, the British Consulate closed down in New York…

… And way the person who had occupied the basement before even Jerry and Johnny J J.. 1010.. Who were the only two occupants of this enormous space in Soho, was a person called Shelly.
He lived in the Basement…
I immediately understood the play and that I was taken over…
His paintings were still there .. and I later met him and understood that he had been through some great hell..
seeking to restore the Green House perhaps and dealing with Jerry and other factors before…
The basement I later organized and knew from several beings who looked who all looked like Geoff LaCour.. The Beautiful young man not of this world.. All indicated that it was about the basement.. Foundation…
One of these look a likes, was called Lorenzo…
The same name as John Blackwells Fathers Name.. Lorenzo Delguidce.. D.L… Desire Love… D-E… L=C… E.C…H O…E…
D L.. 4 12… 16..
See the code written on sacred portal Teribble Death.. 104… the code 12+4=16… Letter P.
Link my passing through Peter Nyarkô portal… aged 22 while having 22 usd.. with Alexis.. at 12…
And 21 usd with him… not 22 as I had stated…

I was made into a Monster…
What was done to me… my body… I felt it… could see it from the interior.. I was deformed monstrously so… My face slashed and scarred..
I used all my training and knowledge of Beauty to hide what had been done to me…
I was Frankenstein…. F RANK.. E N… ST E I..N..E…

The New York Article speaks about Robert Fairchild..
S..E E..R F…./ F R E E… S… Spirit…
Robin Fussell…

Robert Fair O… Child…who played a Young God Apollo,
in the New York City Ballet…
Akil Apollo Davis… A.P.D…. Paul Agola David… 1968…6-30-68
Apollo Perez… A.P… Appreciate Praise… Emeka…

Meaning of the Name Rashmi Rani…

Rashimi means

Rashmi. Rashami (Hindi: ?????) is a Hindu/Sanskrit Indian feminine given name, which means a single ‘ray of light’. May also be used as a male name.

Rani (Nepali, Sanskrit and Hindi: ????, Bengali: ????; Standardized Modern Bengali: ????), sometimes spelled Ranee, is a Hindu/Sanskrit feminine given name, which means “duchess,” “queen”, or “sovereign”. … Rani (Hebrew: ????) is also a nickname of the Israeli masculine name Ran, which means “[He] sings.”


R R… 36… 9.. I O..

A T… I O… E..

i Just bought another Coffee… the code on it is 41..

See Sacred Portal 45 and 41…
See Sacred Portal 86… Victor…
And Starbucks at 86 st.. Anubis.

Which now moves me to express something I must do…
with the Exception of Tamika Chris and Sam…

I summon the rage of wrath of Anubis as the Destroyer to this place and to Starbuck as a Whole to destroy this place.. burn it to the ground and that none of these ones here who have shown such contempt and disrespect in the end to the Beautiful Truth of Man…

And so here, let none of these and thier lines cross over but stay in the pit of the Existential Death.
They were all used but only three stayed True to what the Material World is…
Power which they have shown over that which is a Stranger at their Door…
Yarsoy has until tomorrow to redeem herself…
But this place as Delta Manor and this Entire Venue is Cursed and nothing shall rise from this place except the ones…
Lisa Natalie Johnson line and Robert and the ones Seen..

The rest… I summon Anubus as the TERRIBLE DEATH… To teach all here servers mangagers all Starbucks around the World… The Meaning of C.A FE…
Power and Respect…

9:41 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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