
1/10/2018 2:39 – Facebook Post

1:20 a.m.



L.O…3..C…33 11.. K…

L O C K… E. F…

1:21 a.m.

The name Johnny Walker has been a non stop code and reference.. and anchor which I found over and over again through the years.
I figured out that the Unseen were refering to me, and eventually I inco-operated it into my Art and the Science of moving reality through Object placement and focus activation vibration…

It was reference, I knew to the fact that I was not allowed to drive a car… but had to walk everywhere for the last 29 years or be carried as a passenger by others.
But for the Work… I found that to my frustration, that I was not allowed to drive..
Othe austerities soon followed which were imposed by the play, an Unseen Sensei… really really tough…
I rebelled continuosly against it…

At 1022 Facebook friend…
J Double V… It makes perfect sense…
as well as J.V… JO V E…. 1022.. 32… C.B…Played out yesterday with the Jumelle…Twins.. Jamel Blair Andrews…
Brian Cunningham.. B C/ C B…

55… E E…

12:55 a.m.. post.. L E E.

Jon Jason Lee… J J … Todays Date… L.. 12.. 3… C…
J J C… 23…

1O 22 .. 23… Sacred Portal 23.. Revelations…

Johnny… Means “GiGift From God”

G F G… 7 6 7… Full Circle The Awakening…..



Middle High German, German, Kalenjin


Region of origin

A walker, or one who “walked” on raw, damp cloth in order to thicken it.;
“Hunter” in Kalenjin languages

Other names

Welker, Walcher, Welcker, Wallker, Walkyr, Walkere, Wealcan, Walcere

Walker is a German surname derived from either a fuller, from the Middle High German walker,[1] meaning “a fuller of cloth”, or an officer whose duty consisted of walking or inspecting a certain part of a forest..

Gift from God.. the who walked and hunted and wove in the Wilderness.. Woods.. where he met the Forest People. when he lft the Garden of Ă‹den”his Eternal Self to explore that which was not real..
But which was an Echo of his expression which he transformed into Many a Multide.. A Family all of the Consciousness and Bodis Beings of the Victorious E…

This should be it…

I really do not wih to do this any more… it was too too too evil…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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