
1/10/2018 20:00 – Facebook Post

4:18 p.m.

D.R.. Links Dwayne Duane… Raheem Rey…
David Robert…

1-10-2018… 38… 11…2… 1..
1-10-2. A- J -B. 1-10-1… A J A…
11O2…K.O..B…11O1..K O A..

Todays New York Times …

“August 8/62..

Instead of going to the funeral to get my picture taken, I decided to stay at home and let the people- mourners finish the mockery. Not that everyone everyone there will be false, hurt enough.
Most of then there destroyed her, ladies and gentlemen.
She was destroyed by many things, and some of those things are you.And some of those things are destroying you. destroying you now.
Now as you stand there weeping and gawking, glad that it is not you, going into the Earth, glad that it is this lovely girl who at last you killed.”

Arthur Miller.

Abraham Madu
Allen Murray
Angela Marie Alexander

From the cover of New York Times article :Fight for Arthur Miller’s Archives”
He is speaking about his second wife, Marylin Munroe.
M M..

Marylin Munroe has been an Integral marker in this Script for the last 16 years, so much so that over and over again it appeared.
Right to the film Niagra, her last film and this links to Rob Barr who lives there who is the only person to visit me while I have been here ( albeit vicariously through an invite me to met him at the MET) and just as Joseph Carey, who he knows- have been a key player “Avatar” and Human ( Friend) whom I recognized years ago.
I met Joe and Robert about the same time 14-15 years ago.
Rob lives in Niagara Falls. ( N.F… Neil Furby see meaning)
I knew that even our meeting was linked to Marlin Munroe, just as I was aware that Rob Barr was of the Line of Father H.Q..
* Please go back last year in my post to last year full circle to a year ago around this time, when he came to New York and called me up and we went to the Met. I was in Room 4B Bed 4-016 recall with David Dawn, Bed 4-017, Francis Frick 4-018, and “Trice” 3 the young 23 year old who was in bed 4-019 ( yes D.O.S…D.S…Donna Sullivan and her Father Robert whose portal I passed through 9 months to the day of my departure from Jonn and Donna at 18 Mountain View)
It was no coincidence that I as “dancing with Thrice” when Rob Barr appeared.
Rob has that special energy of Marilyn Munroe who is a primary aspect of Mother.. as is Audrey Hepburn.. ( Yes they modelled the A.I Sophia after her and her inventor David Hanson wife)
* Code.MM.. A.H…A M… H M…Awakening Materialization Harmonious Manifestation… / M.A…H.A.
Maha Rose… 97… Lisa Levine..
M A N H A T T A N… By adding NN TT A
Nadee Nakandala ( 5-28)…Thraxed Texlix Thabishahmed Ahmed… ( Dear Lord… M A.. T R I X.. I solved that yesterday!)

I knew that Rob and Thrice were of the same family line, of my past story. Just as I knew that he was linked to Geoff LaCour,when he called me for the first time years later, when I was at Geoffs Campus, and staying with him and Sarah Lawrence ( and not Hunter College.. a very important distinction)
Lawrence means :Crowned with Laurels Victorious, meaning that I had emerged from the “Hunt” as the Wolf with Geoff.. the Wilderness of non existence.. and I was already to go home.

I had met Geoff’s Grandparents, who recognized my energy immediately and told Geoff that I was meant to come home to St.Barths with them all.
Geoff had refused to my surprise and anger…
His Grandparents where the same E-Spirit family as I and we recognize each other no matter which body we are in or which life time.

Geoff was angry, he said there was a mission left to do, to do a mission of destruction.
I wanted no more of this play of the E-Spirit World.. Where I knew there was a great war going on.

Yesterday with the reminder that I joined Facebook ten years ago, to the day, and it is almost 1 year to the day that I went to the MET with Rob Barr so sure that I was going home, just I had been with Geoff in that summer of 2004 when i was at St Lawrence while still living with Michelle Lobsinger at 33 Street and she too was linked to my family but my Bio Family their Spirits. While Geoff was linked to my E-Spirit family.
The difference of course being that the E-Spirit Family where the Eternal Family of the family of TEN the Two 5’s.. Expression Creation/Creation Expression ( E.C/C.E.. 8 8.. 16..P..Plan E.T)
And the others, were the Spirit family, the Spirits not really being real because they were the Stories, or the Roles the E Family had played and enacted undercover. Basically the shadow they cast.
One could say one was the Eternal Expression and the other was their Expression through Time.
Beings and their Bodies…

5:11 p.m.
5+1.. 6.
5+ 2…7.

Good Grief, I am realizing something now, I had not written the Original Creation story yet! I did not write it until October 31 Halloween which by that time Geoff had disappeared and the only witness where Michelle and Joe..
Michelle was in Michigan and Joe was present in New York…
Oh man…

I met Geoff recall at the nightclub Cielo.. ( Meaning Sky)…
And I met Michelle when I was meeting with Naim David and Tanya. I met her with her Friend Christine who I recognized more that Michelle who I thought was mistaken when she said she was meant to be part of the story she overheard speak about… ( Emeka E N D..T…M…C… END.. T.O M.. Twins… C.T… E C T..
Cecilia… M.. I know who she is! M is Maggie! Margret my mothers Sister who passed at the same age as Nnamdi age 13..
MN… Erik Ebright and Maggie.. Izzy in Miami..Izzy I met another in the Green House…MN..13 13… M M…
Its a Code! A Riddle..!
MN.. 14 13… 27… 13 13.. Age Code the program.
27 26… 22 76!… OMG!

Evolved to Nadee Nakandala.. N N… 14 14.. 28…. Through me…this play…
I am asked Blair to do the money code play of western union because the play of opening the portal of the Destruction equation is complete.
His was there downstairs when I asked.. First I checked to see confirm that I was correct by knowing that he would be the first person I saw or interacted with..
But i saw Wallee Bracey first, and despite knowing I was correct I asked him because he ha successfully passed through the Labyrinth which each room represents but especially room for bed 4-005… 4-5.. April 5th.. 1969.. Death the Past Nnamdi..D E…
But he did not have a state I.D..
4:24 p.m.downstairs and I saw Nicole’s back all in her black coat…And then I went into the cafeteria and there he was.
He immediatlely agreed but stated that he was going to an interview .. with Nicole who is his case worker…
His intials B.G.A…Blue Green Air-Awareness…

I knew it was a set up, a delay… Because it meant that I would have to wait until tomorrow which meant that today… there was something to do from the past.

I had gone up to my room after finally sending Joseph Carey a wordy text, always so when I have to ask once more for a money code…
Despite knowing it is all a set up, and that Joe more than anyone present is aware of that fact…

That is when I took a nap, but before I could rest the Fire Alarm went off Fire Drill.. F.D.
I was unpeturbed but was in the lowest state I had ever been- the play scripts Evil, Hatred.. is getting to me.. it is too much Evil for any being to see and to be immersed in for that much of time..
29 year… Almost 17 in New York… 50 years… and the illusion of 2 3 more added ( Life times not mine)…
I went outside, it is a beautiful winter day, I wore nothing but a T-Shirt a Hoodie, “Japanese” style pjama pants and Birkenstock .
I saw Jessica, a new ass director who I like and who seems to like me each time I see her she gives me a shy but mischevious smile… ( Jessica in The Movie Dune…It is a Matrix Theater..)

I decided to buy a coffee from the Arab place, knowing that I would have only three usd left and only enough for coffee at Starbucks… But I did not care.. and refused to let my temper soar at the insult that this money play makes me feel…( no other rage or insult moves me as much especially when I am aware of not only my I.D but also the value of my services and knowledge on any plane of existence even to right here….My services would cost a fortune in New York… I am that good and I bring Healing Blessing… Ascension. play the Guide out of the Maze, the Crossing Guard. the comforter… etc..)

Hello…The number 50… 5O… Meaning that I am now at E.O.. Portal of Eternity.. I have finally reached in this play the END and my portal home but through meriting and earning it step by step manually in this Evil Script designed to prolong and delay….
This Script which I can never ever forgive…

And so, I knew I was being delayed yet again.. Sacred Portal 23.. Final Revelations delayed and delayed for two weeks now as the Script meanders and meanders through codes that are beyond anal…

I went back to the Shelter and I lay down…
Bed 4-003 the new person had been there earlier as well as bed 4-005 next to him..
But I returned to see only Allen Murray who greeted me and I responded. I was not angry with him, just disgusted with the role he was used to play. he is intelligent and can find a way to extricate himself from that Wave..
Bed 4-012… DDD.. Death Disease Destruction…
But I knew his being the only one in the room was a set up as well as my having to use the bathroom on his side of the room as Elvis was cleaning the other one.

And so I found myself not sleeping ( I wish.. I never sleep in this place. I rest.. I go to the Library of my Mind and I work.. solving riddles…)
I heard a sound..It was my phone, Joseph Carey had sent the moneies he had said Oneish…He sent it at 1:44 p.m…
12 12… 144… I saw it at 1 45…April 5th.. yes.. His Father Video… and Nnamdi.. who of course, I am the Original Nnamdi before my younger brother played him…me.
I lay back down
And so I found myself whisked away to a different dimension, which happens rarely.
I was in a spacious house, it was my Mothers home, a spacious two bed room which called to mind the 1950’s-60’s Hollywood Homes. It had a Waterfall… and a Pool.
My sister was there in her true form her body like a Sprite..
My aunt Theresa ( Iesha) i knew was somewhere out and about with my mother..
My sister and I were fooling around…
And then suddenly, my Aunt Priscillia.. the youngest of the trio and the only one who had a different mother Ma Rose.. My second grandmother..
She appeared as if to surprise me.. She had an Elfin Body and one side of her hair was tinted Golden Bronze, the same color my sister had tinted her hair in her teens…
It was then that I recalled how similar she and my sister are..
And how she shares the same “Dazzler Con Artists Boonie and Clyde nature” as well as how my sister shares the same name as my aunt Iesha, though hers is an evolution of Ijeoma to Ijeamacca…
I recalled that I had always known that they were one.. My sister the 3. 4 including Maggie.. All in One…
I wrote about this and the Secret .. that they shared which I figured out was that they are seers.. visionaries.. The Movie Dune..
But here was the proof, that I had been correct…
I had passed into their realm…
And then bed 4-003 was speaking.. and I woke up..

I starred at him… Once again struck by how he looked like my great grandmothers brother whom they calle the Wind… Swift because he was a wizard.. and moved literally that swiftly.. it seem that he just materialized out of nowhere…

He immediately apologized and introduced himself.. in a gentlemanly way.. That was a first, normally I do the honors that way.. He said he if from New Orleans…
My mind raced to Hurricane Katrina.. Me in Hells Kitchen..
A Staff called out for bed 5-018… A Mr Anderson.. E O R.. E O A H… My mind raced to Axel Love Axel Anderson who linked me to Marion on 17th Street, and who then moved me to her Loft in Hells Kitchen, then left me there by myself..
And then to Geoff Lacour.. When he had flown all the way from St.Barths.. he said, really to see me and give me my briefing…
Which pissed me off…

Geoff and Michelle meeting I now realize links Geoff as the rep of the Sky People.. and Michelle as the Forest People…Earth and SKY… And Joseph Carey who linked to Michelle’s brother who was 100% deaf and had never been able to communicate, until he met me…
I wrote about this, and how even his parents freaked out and came to Joseph Carey’s house looking for me..

Patt.Murphy… Friend of John Wood…Called Looking for Lawrence… she came in a rugged outdoorsy like woman she looked like she was from the Canadian Outback…
It is a code of course… P.M… John is the Wood…Crowned Victorious in the Woods…
Will Woods..Formerly bed 3-007.. 37…
Crowned in Death…
Tom Truman was transformed in the Woods when he went upstate with a group of people around this very same time in 2011 with Marina Burini who testified told me in awe that she had observed Tom Morph..
I had written him a birthday poem Tom ee which transformed into my going to the inception birth of his Essence which he was Avatar to ( I met him A Beautiful Tall Eurasia called David Thomas who acknowledged me but only enough just as David Powers had as if they did not remember but I knew their Espirits did which confunded the avatar descendants…)
I knew I had caused it… by remembering him as the First Lure… Wisp…Dancing Smoke… Twin to Fire…and the first Line or Match.. or Ciggarret


Today, I am know so precisely where we are in the play, which has been confirmed in a manner today which proves the alignment and mirror reflection back is perfectly clean.

4:24 p.m.
3 24 is what i saw on my computer when I opened it.
It is about the 24.. X and the One Day…
X Factor and the One Day.. the World will Evolve and Awaken…
X Men.. Expansion ( which since we can only Add to perfection ad multiply it, leads us to the past, that which was already enacted, and not to the present-future)

I do not how to start this post, there is so much, so much and I am understandably exhausted.
I had to contact Joseph Carey again, and once again he sent a money code. And once again I was vexed, not by his generosity and playing his part so elegantly and gracefully.
But because the Money Play is about the Past. It is aligned to the the Markets.
The 4 week Market Days which the OINri Igbo world is based on which is the proven basis of the World Markets.
The Original Blue Print.
It was said to be controlled by the Goddess the 4 Direction Communication
But they were not the first to seers.. but they also had a masculine form which came as they being Wizards..Socercers…
4 Market Days… M.D/ D.M…
Eke Orie Nkwo Afo…
E O N…A… I am in room 4A…
5O…14…1.. 14… 5 1… E A… Ehsan Hadi Altaai EA.


4 against 1..
Four One… F O… O F..U…E
U F O… E..

4 is 1…

Which is why this Ugo Nwamama play yesterday which I had to solve of the Crown Throne.. Pharaoh

6:56 p.m..

Got to take a Break…

But it means Geoff who was linked to Michelle through me.. and to Joseph Carey, Fritz Venneiq Nikoma…
Was Being and Body.. Earth and Sky linked by me.. EC.K
E.S..Bed 5-019… E O S… Space.. ECK 5 311…19…S.. Add 20… 39… C.I.

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna… 11 28… 39… 12.3..L.C

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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