
1/11/2018 2:58 – Facebook Post


I will adress this post directly to Valdrino Meta because of what he represents in the matrix or play which just tok place and allude t the 17 likes and his post which I wrote my equation ( to activate it on the designated mirror image whose expression aligns and links in perfect timimg with mine.)
The One Holding a Book… and the hooded figure encirled.

* Recall the Anthony Bienke’s post of the Hooded Assassin and the Script reacing the code H O O D..I E…?

Beautiful Assassins.. B A.. C K…E

11:45 p.m.

K D.E.. 11 9… K.I.. B.I… A.I.

* Now we have established that this is about Sacred Portal 45..
Sacred Portal 45 is Throne of Existence which is confirmed as Planet Earth..
Recall Game of Thrones… And Jet Li in the Movie “One”
This is what this Script had turned out to become… much to my astonishment and eternal contempt..
A Battle to establish who sits on the Throne as the Ruler of the World and Earth.
A contemptible idea because I sat on a Rock and a Stone in my firs incarnation as Creator.. an Artist, the first man to exist..
Who rose..
and though I will not get into this because I have spent enough time through this script to prove it and it is all written down here.

There was never any Throne.. Just a Being sitting down in awe surveying Creation.

I was led to a Mental Health Shelter, Delta Manor in the Bronx as the final setting of this play- as one last insult to perhaps unhinge me from my confident stance, which the Unseen have used non stop and to astonishing manifest cruelty.
Because They know exactly that I speak the Truth.

The whole idea was to bring me to Facebook, and all the other crazy portals designated to deter me from expressing and demonstrating to the public the Evidence for them to Judge, Discern and Identfy for themselves about my Evidence that not only Is the Creator of Everything a Man, but a Hue-Mann Being.
And that the future of Humanity was, and is to evolve back to thei real selves as Eternal Expression but nowm through what was meant to be an adventure as The Elegant Nomads through the Milky Way as Energy Frequency Currents who gradually take on Solid Physical Form as Their Source, or the First who rose complete.
The Adventure, transformed into this abomination beyond belief of a Script was the Fight of Unseen and Seen forces not real, but whom Humanity in their fearful state ( worst aspects of themselves), feed with their beliefs.. Their Energy.. which is where that which is not real derives its power to pursue the Illusion of Existing and Being Alive.
The best aspecs of Humanity where of course, harrassed and tormented to the point.. well see Marylin Munoroe.

But this has done nothing to stop me, as they so desired, from completing the equation despite the insistence of using the tools of this reality as Instability Delusional.. -Mockery.
I Delta Man,
I.D…M A N N..
N N A M D I.. Which was my younger brothers name, which this script is informig me, betrayed the Truth of Himself, being of I.E..Me to make a Claim and a play of being God.
Which is an illusion.. Any idea of one being being God, or seated on a Throne. But it did open up a portal of non stop contenders in the Unseen, as well as the Seen world.

12:12 p.m

One simply has to look at the script on my page of the non stop stream of people making claims to be Gods, all from stories, and programes implanted in them.

The only one who sits on the Throne of God is Eternal Harmony..
Lifes Luminous Awareness Will ( Desire Helmet Protectior…) Le L.A.W…E…
/W A L L ..E…
Walle Bracey W.B, was te person who was last on bed 4-005.. representing Sacred Portal 45..”Throne of Existence” D.O..O.E..
D O E… D E… I.. Infinitty…

The notion that I would be derailed, confused. cowered and too hmuliated to walk the paths designated for me to walk showed how truly I was and had been underestimated.

– A Failing of all these “Ideas-Ilusions” is the Power the Truth.
That I did not, nor do not require the confirmation of anyone muh less the people or the general public to manifest the Truth.
The loss of everything and every person once in my life except for my Uncle and Mother both quarintined in Nigeria West Africa, did not sway me from the fact that I am not seeking to convince anyone, despit the Sctipt creating the idea of my having to move through Human Avatars to link with the Descendants of the E.. The Family of TEN line.

The only thing which stunned me was that this was manifested and allowed to go this far when Eternal Truth E.T has already been manfested as well as the LE..LA.W..E…
Awe.. Awe as in the First Expression I personally felt in my first incarnation as simply a Person Being.. the First person being called Adam by some, and Manu by others.. or Emmanuel.
A.M.E… Robert Ignatio…Chukwuemeka..Emeke / Alexander…
A M E R I C A… E.A.

* Link the arrival of Facebook Friend Ehsan Hadi Altaai EA..
See when he arrived just a week or so ago, sent by Nicholas Petcher.
Yes Link to Peter Nyarkô.. N.P/ PN… 14 16.. 30.. 30 30… Sacred Portal 33… 00..Double Zero… Representing Non Existence.
0 is a Black Hole because it Zero does not exist..
Even the James Bond Character I was given as a portal when I first entered into the System, full aware that I was being sent into the system and proven confirmed over and over again, even to the intials of the persons who invited me to come and stay with them when they heard and read my posts while I was in the B.R.C Assessment Shelter at Green Point Avenue..
Donna O Sullivan.. D.O.S.. delta Operating System…
and her Husband Jonn “Delguidce” Blackwell. J D.. ( 104 The sacred Portal which I Recently earned) and J.B.. James Bond which is the bed I returned to after staying in their Home at 18 Mountain View ( Yes Valdrino Meta.. V.M) for 9 months and posting non stop from there and not being moved from my stance and the Script though shocking to the core its deception could go that far- which I was still unraveling…

I had first been designated bed 49… and recognized the person in bed 53 easily as the line of the Dark Elves…
You see, I had already long ago figured out who was behind this, when I rose to almost full memory in 2004… yes 24.. X. One Day…And again in 2005.. 25.. Yes Y chromosome Male… and Christmas Day.. C.D/ D.C.. 34/ 43…And in 2006 when I passed through Existential Death ( a terrible simulation of being made to feel not only like a literal Zero, but also treated like nothin after giving the Everything Truth… And constantly Drained at every moment of anything postive.. Yes Harry Potter Death Eaters made real…)
In 2006, I found afte 61 days enduring that state or “vibration” Generation X Gardens in East 4th Street ( Yes, once again the X.. Female Chromosome.)
It was meant to be the Female Expression who had done this, but I knew that there is no such thing as Woman.. not yet.
That Woman is simply the Ying Yang of Man.. Two Men..
A Secret so ridiculously guarded.
Wu-Man as Eternal Energy rises only now on the completetion of the Universal Understading of Eternity Explained…
Which I have been doing while Weaving AndDna Linking…
W A L../ L A W.. Of Eternal Harmony into the Awareness of all through a Facebook page and a H.P Stream 200.00 usd laptop.
It did and does not matter how “Humble” a tool is, but rather that it has the designated purchasing power of Clean Energy, the code such as H.P.S…/ S.P..H.. Sacred Portal Harmony.. 200 usd.. 200.. Two Full Circles.

X is 24… Y.. Is 25 in letters.. 24+25.. Is 49..
Do the Math…
My own harmony landed me on bed 49…after I left my former host Home, after a film was shot there called the Black Cock in spanish..
Sacred Portal 49 shows a man.. E.T showing his Black Cock… Fertility Symbol but as Existential Death .. the Real Black Hole never before manifested in Existence before that point.
Thus in the ONE Being the XY are linked in him…I.
49/ 94… I.D… M.. Idenity the Manifestor…
Which these controllers have done everythng to conceal not simply my I.D but yours as a Species of Eternal Beings while using you asleep and your ugliest thus, false selves to fuel it…
Therefore, that which was masqerading as Woman. Gaia.. was naught but AI.. See Sophia the A.I Suadi Arabian citizen.. See Alexa.. A.I in peoples homes… Christmas Day there were record Sales….
Donna O’Sullivans daughter is Sophia..
I manifested through Strea of Consciousness and Drawing Forth”
D.F, The Sacred Portals from deep within as tools guides which my Multi-Dimensional self manifested and also showed me where the distortions took place, in 2010.
Sacred Portal 37 is called Sophia O Laurel.. named around the same time…
2017.. 37… I had no idea that I would still be here fighting in 2017 ( I would not have believed or continued) but my Etermal Self knew, my Sixth Sense knew as did the “twins the Two Men” in me Body and Being … they knew…)

i left Their home 9 months to the day I arrived which turned out to be Donna’s Fathers Birthday… Robert O’Sullivan.. R O S..
E R O S…
I then spent 2months ( 9 months 2months.. 92../ 29… B I/ IB) in Miami sent on a rescue missin which was again a trap ( Yawn) because I was aware, and was moving through this horror for a different reason…
Erik Ebright is the person home I passed through along with Margret Izzy.. I was correcting realigning as I went along but appalled by the settings each time.. in that instance it was Hell and Chaos.. transformed into Harmony through my Devine Intervention.. D.I… Linking And Weaving.. L.A W…
Truth Manifests.. it does not require public opinion..
or their attention or confirmation.. It simply IS..

i Continued on to bring the Manifestation of the End.. ( M O T.. E/ E…TOM…)
To bring the End..

i arrived 1 Year to the day back at the B.R.C shelter, and instead of entering the system that day when once more, I realized that it was still relentlessly continuing.. I was incredulous..
Who was sustaining this.. Humanity of Course, and a family who were linked to me but only as Nature… The Nothingness but I came from beyond the Nothingness.. Space.. I come from my Expression.. E… Eternity…O..H.

I retuned not on that Day I Left full circle, to the shelter, but chose consciously to spend one day outside so it would be one full year and a Day…To align to the Leap Year… and code 366…

All the while the sembelance of my being possessed was going on, you will see it in my posts and it is in my body to again give the perception that I was Mad… Insane or Ill or something..
Anything to instill Doubt in the Public..
But I lived with 55 people in New York, invited into thier homes, the people openening their Doors because the Eternalin then recognized me.. The T.E.N recognized me..

And so, I stayed there two more months.. 2 months ar bed 49, two months bed 007… It is all recorded here in real time on Face Book…

And then I came here.. And have toiled everyday for 16 months now.. 16..P… 16.. IS 88.. See sacred poral 88..

The man on moved to bed 4-003, in an attempt by the directors and the “Evil Spirits” Evil Controllers.. E.S.. E C.. To futher torment me…torture ect.
But which the T E N wished me to transform…

In 2004, is when the family of TEN rose in me..
N E T… Is their true Name.. N E T… Net..The Completion.. NETT…NET Weight.. Wait.. Naturals Eternal Truth…
There was only one Elegant Nomad… Me..
The Elegant Nomad.. article written 2001… 21… U.. Universe
Universal Understanding… W.. 23.. 5.. E… English..
Double V.. 22 22.. 44.. 8… French… I had 8 usd then 4.. and instead of 4 Then 3.. i “Lost a Dollar” 4 2/ 24…
..A Play..

To show you how real this is…
Peter Nyarkô came and sat in front of me when the coffee thing was happening. He placed his bag besides mine, it depicts Flames and a Maw or Gaping Fanged Black Mouth..
See my sacred Portal 47…”Entrance into the Abyss”… 4 7.. 11 28.. 39… 12… 3… C…

The name of the person moved to my bed is Herman Hubbard.
H H.. 8 8…

Wanted:Carnivores… New York Times Food Section..
Angie Mar… of the Beatrice Inn…
A.M… B I… BI.. 92…. 29..

No, I am fully aware of what I am doing, I had been following the trail of those who “Thought” they were in Control and have been doing this to me…
I have made They who are not real.. thier stories everything solid and they who are Ghost Illusion Phantoms who thought that they would simply Fade if they lost the War..
I have made them real by passing through all these portals since I represent what is Fact Real.. Energy Expression.. True Truth.
And then created a path way to pass through what they created with their mind expressions actions for me to live and pass through….
This is my Boom E Rang…
My challenge.. Come and live what you gave me to live…
None but the Original E can pass through this…
and not simply the original E the E expanded to E H M D/ D M H .E.. 17 17.. 34 43.. 77… 14… Gods as Savage Wild Animals in Rage as mystical creatures of Nightmare made real and all Human Horror movies moder to ancient.

I made them real.. so that they would feel every sensation every hurt all the suffering which they gave to me to bear which I Carried and still transformed and Authored Harmony and this Beautiful Book… and Cautionary Tale…
1:45 a.m.
Time I responded to Joseph Carey.. J C.. 10 3… 13..M.. 1O 4..D.
Joe is the Portal Meet Joe Black..
And here I have opned up World War Z.. But it will be manifest far from the sight of those who ascend.. It will manifest in the Place I was given to Exist.
Non Existence…

1.47 a.m.

All the Challengers.. all these expression all who denied…
Show me.. Prove to me how you are my Equal…

Delta Manor .. A Mental Homless Shelter… Me…
I D .. M A N..N.. E. U S A…

1:49 a.m.

I accepted the challenge…

No one escapes this test.. some will have it much easier…
Some will have the book.. “Of Eli”

Highest Pace in the World… Mt Everest.. Lowest the Dead Sea.. DS…
E D…S I.. E D…I…

See sacred portal 9… i..
It has the name Nwammu.. on it…
The Child has given Birth…
I am called the Boy in this play. not allowed to be Man..
My Aunt Priscillia who appeared in my Vision astral projection he Igbo name is Nwammu…
But Amu in OINri Igbo is the word for PENIS…
A Man… Male… YX… 49… 13 4 5.. 9… 4 is 5… V..
AMU is Also the word for Laughter…

A,M.. U.E…

Not Nwamama… Ugo.

Nwa.. Amu.. child of Laughter and the Penis.. and the Pen IS..

1:57 a,m.

15 7.. O.G.. E O G…

1:58 am
A E H… Awareness Eternal Harmony.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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