
Stephanie Frayne S.F…

Stephanie Frayne S.F…

Sol Fa….

Stephen Filgueira …. S.F.

Sol Fa… 5th 4th Note… 5 4… E.D… 4+5=9.. I…

E D I…./ I D E….

April 30th 1985 by 9:45 pm. I believe I was tampered with as a child as my Mom keeps mum a lot about my childhood. I see 11:11’s to 5:55 often. A certain hand takes me into the deep forest to teach me about herbs and their clinical uses. This happens in my dream state but stopped some few years ago.

April 30th… 4-30….Sacred Portal 43.. Door of Life.. E

19 85… A I H E… S H E…

9:45 p.m I.D.E….

Stephanie Frayne.. 1041… 1041.. 51… E.A… ‘Emeka Anozie

1 O +41.. 42… D.B

Origin of the name Stephanie: From the French Stéphanie, a cognate of the Greek Stephana, which is a feminine form of Stephanos (a crown, a garland).

*What is the name meaning and origin of Frayne ? Is the name Frayne a girl’s or a boy’s name and what group of people name their babies Frayne ? The name Frayne has origin as American, Anglo, Australian, British, English and Frayne is a Boy/Male gender name. Meaning of Frayne : Dweller at the Ash Tree; Foreigner …

Crowned with Garlands is the Dweller by the Ash Tree… the Foriegner.. the Stranger…. F S… I Do believe it is refering to me…

Phoenix rises from the Ashes of the Trees of the Woods burn by Humans… and the Sun.

In music, solfège (/’s?lf??/,[1] also US: /s?l’f??/, French: [s?l.f??]) or solfeggio (/s?l’f?d?io?/, Italian: [sol’fedd?o]), also called sol-fa, solfa, solfeo, among many names, is a music education method used to teach pitch and sight singing of Western music. Solfège is a form of solmization, and though the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, the systems used in other music cultures such as swara, durar mufa??alat and Jianpu are discussed in their respective articles.

Syllables are assigned to the notes of the scale and enable the musician to audiate, or mentally hear, the pitches of a piece of music which he or she is seeing for the first time and then to sing them aloud. Through the Renaissance (and much later in some shapenote publications) various interlocking 4, 5 and 6-note systems were employed to cover the octave. The tonic sol-fa method popularized the seven syllables commonly used in English-speaking countries: do (or doh in tonic sol-fa),[2] re, mi, fa, so(l), la, and ti (or si, see below).

There are two current schools of applying solfège: 1) fixed do, where the syllables are always tied to specific pitches (e.g. do is always C-natural) and 2) movable do, where the syllables are assigned to scale degrees (do is always the first degree of the major scale).

Gilberta Turgeon G.T… 7 20… 7 2… 1042 Facebook Friend’

10 42… J..D.B… A O D B… Alpha Omega Doing Being…

10 42… 52.. E.B.

1O +42… 43.. Yes 43… Sacred Portal 43… Door of Life…

Occupied by Herman Hubbard… H H…

Giberta means…

Hostage… Bright Promise

Gilberta means: Hostage; Shining Pledge; Pledge Bright / Illustrious


German: Brilliant, pledge, trustworthy


This interesting surname is an English metonymic occupational name for a fishmonger, or possibly a nickname, from the medieval English sturgeon (an aphetic form of the Old French estourgeon, of Germanic origin), a sturgeon being the name of a fish from the family Acipenseridae, of temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere having an elongated snout and rows of spines along the body, valued as a source of caviar and isinglass.

*The sturgeon is a symbol of strength and longevity to Native Americans. Like salmon, sturgeons swim upstream to get to their spawning grounds. So sturgeon have the strength to swim against the current and the ability to survive despite hard times, and so too do those whose birth totem is Sturgeon.


medicine wheel:

Key words: Royal, – ancient, – prepared, – depth, – strength, – dominating, – sexual energy, – moon of the maturing berries. Description: The sturgeon is the totem animal in the moon of the maturing berries (from the 23rd of July to the 22nd of August) to Born ones in the medicine wheel. The dinosaur the seas populates this ancient fish kind presumably since then. The sturgeon seems in a row of different dimensions and can reach in length of four metres and a weight from 150 kilos. The sturgeon owns a row of osseous records on his body and a long mouth. He lives near the slushy seabed and attains only at the age of twenty years the gender maturity. The sturgeon is seen as a king in Rich in fish, his roe, the caviar, is valid as a sin-expensive delicacy. General meaning: The primitive part of your being, – that what arms you, – a time in the life in which your leadership qualities are put to the proof, – a time in which one will feel you as royal and when sexually. Association: – Transcendent meaning: The ability to reach in your dreams till the depth of the underworld.

Hostage,.. held hostage, for a Bright Promise, Brilliant Shinny Illustrious a pledge at which he has proven Trust Worthy…

Crowned with Garlands is the Dweller by the Ash Tree… the Foriegner.. the Stranger…. F S… I Do believe it is refering to me…

Phoenix rises from the Ashes of the Trees of the Woods burn by Humans… and the Sun.

After being held Hostage as Pledge, for a Bright Promise, Brilliant and Shinny.. and Ilustrious pledge who has proven Trust worthy for he fullfilled the promise who kidnapped his Spirit-Mind and Body Form, to fullfill.

Yes.. Kemi Sara, Dawn Piercy. does that not sound familair…

Sacred portal 58… Me being Spirited away to fullfill a promise…

Noni Promise… of the Evolution Awakening.. E.A.. of the world from a Terrible Dream by proving this world is not real…”

1:41 a.m.

A D A…

Ada means First Daughters…

A DA… Means Alpha Da… Father…

I have nothing to add…

S.F…F.S… Feeling Sensational…




20… 76… S….

T.. That I told the Truth… of sacred portal 76.. Awakening of the World I did … Stephan… Crowned with Laurels of Sweet Bay Leaves of Victory..

I told the Truth and fullfiled the Pledge someone else made in my name and without telling me…

1;45 a.m

A D E… Means Crowned in Yoruba…

Correct meaning Anno Domino… Year of our Lord.. E…

E DA… 5.. 41…

E is Father.. Devils Advocate…

1:47 a.m

147… A B… S.P

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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