
2/2/2018 21:16 – Facebook Post

5:12 p.m.

B B T…R….

Ecstatic Love…
Being Beautiful Truth… Radiance..Radiates…Reflects…

Room 4B….Bed 4-018….
4 2 4O18…
B D… D O R…
Being Doing is DOOR E….

….And as I leave, I turn back, the way Lots Wife in that Biblical riddle did ,and Glare back at the way I had come, I stare back with silent quiet intent, made Light by Indifference and so Deadly by experience, with that long awaited and so hard earned Death Ray, which manifested and cuts out sens out all traces of you in every Dimension of Existence, apart from the Eternal, where only thr True Version exist.
And they are sent out to the Abyss now created and manifested through this play and script, so that It is real;- Which then follows with the rise of the Black Panther, He who was One who came with the power of Ultimage Wrath in the Eternal Begning but held back. Who now Returns no lonnger as one but as is now many. And they Rise with such a snarl of long awaited expression, they rise to tear, claw and rip the lies and all those who cling to them out of even the abyss so that their journey out of Memory is as terrible as they have deserved, for enacting out with such impunity in what they thought was so sure was real Life and Being in Existence, but was naught but a Simulation.
And then Dragons of Existence… D.O.E…The Twin Flames and the One “Mother of Dragons… Rise with the Fury of Natures Majestic Magic, supreme to follow all those ripped out Existence, with an a everlasting taste of their own medicine and our version of relentlessness and the true meaning of it never ends.. the never ending nightmare…

It started with a my traveling” while I lay entrance on the bed, half way between resting and sleep, but fully aware and alert and awake,

I was in a place a strange place, like a large airy bedroom,
my body was crippled, crooked bent and I was in pain, I could not feel it but I knew I was by the grimace on my face, I recall leaning over onto what turned out to my Maternal Grandmothers Laps…
I rested my head, my torso so crooked that I looked a bit like a spider on her.
She said to me, almost a whisper. 3 more days….

My mind raced to Cleveland, to the C…A.B… C.
To my Mother whose name Cecilia… though everyone used to call her “C” and the meaning of her name…
St Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music
And then to the play of Amoza Born today with Chinezim Moghalu Chukwuemeka ( A.B…. C.M.C…)

I heard my room mate enter and begin to do his quite hum like chant.
It was not soothing but it was not distracting either, it did not irritate me but rather, it just seemed unnecessary in the very peaceful room.
i spoke up to Lorenzo… who as if he had waited for an eternity to engage me began to explain to me that he was praying.
I already was fully aware of but I let him explain the meaning of his prayer…
At one point he asked me if I was aware of the word “Tri”

My mind linked quietly to the Trident-Neptune Poseidon..
To Jordyn Ryan choice of the Arrival of Lord Aquarius Naim..
Then to the 3 days my grandmother had whispered in my ear as I lay on her laps in another dimension but also present right here, there and now….

I paused him…

The bed I am lying in used to be occupied by a young man called Tre, when I was in this room Full Circle,” I quietly emphasized…

He did not fully acknowledge that he had heard me, so I tried again after he had rambled on about his extensive research on the number 3.
He is a Tall, one might say good looking trimp fit tan man who is rumored to come from a very prominent New York Family he could be cuban, Dominican, even an OINri man…
But I think he is African American of mixed black and white blood.I would place him as anywhere between 55 and 60- a very healthy one.
It was not difficult to imagine him from a very prominent family.
his child are said to have all attended Ivy league schools.
And there was no doubt that he was classically educated.

He was the one who had begun calling me Professor, about the first fews weeks I was in the shelter.
He was the also the person who had been here the longest at Delta Manor- an ear splitting 5 years…
Longer even that the Old Man.
He was one of the people I had refused his overtures to connect and speak because I had observed and listened to his rhetoric which he announced to all an sundry.. his qualification and the fact that he was “Anointed” Special..
And to be honest he was, I mean. “Chosen”

The question of the Term “Chosen” always used to irk me, i mean who Choses and more importantly, don’t you think you should know as to what you are being “Chosen” for…?
Perhaps you are being chosen as a literal living sacrifice to appease some Savage and Barbaric species God or Deity….

There has only been one Portal out the Shelter which has been consistently open to me, from the day I arrived here…
It is the portal of the International Church based in Nigeria which somehow my uncle had chosen, which has sustained what was left of my Mothers Family who lived in Nigeria.
Now there is only my Mother and Uncle with his kids and my late Unle Peters wife. My Mother I knew had joined much later and as far as I am concerned based on my conversation with her was that she had joined but still had reservations. – And my Beloved Uncle Pius Nduka, my mothers youngest brother and the last surviving male of my Mothers direct line, (the rest of the family having died on reaching their forties, and my aunt Iesha who had made it to 50, meant to be my current age. Thier desendants and children nearly all live in the United States)…

My mother being the only one of the elder line who had lived passed 50…well past 50 since she is now 70….
The three youngest ones are now all in their 50’s and my uncle who must 60 or 61 by now….
*I note how strange it is to even say such numbers, since I left when I was 22…21… 23 .. in the three ages I occupied in that play.
29 years… !
It still boggles my mind.

The Church are a group of Seers, the best to be honest, I have ever encountered or heard of.
Their sight is exceptional.
But I had stated many times to my Uncle, my mother that they were seeing the after effect of my expression and experiences.
And I had observed this for a while and noted it, and I had begun to become quietly outraged by how they had transformed and translated the Expression ..my expression.. not knowing that their See and Visions were coming from me.

They thought I was the Chosen by God, to be used as His servant and vessel. And that my sister was his Chosen Visionary… the Greatest Visionary the world has ever seen they billed her…
My alarm and anger grew even deeper, when I heard about the things they said to my mother- to give up my sister and I, to do God Work and how they did not treat her in the esteem at which the mother of these two “Chosen by God Almighty”… would be treated.

I never went to the Auberge, my uncle, and then even my young aunt living in Dallas had urged me to go to…
That is when I suddenly stopped hearing from my young Aunt…
-Which was so strange because no matter what the time and distance we loved each other…

Something was terribly wrong with this picture…

And since they, the Church of Seers, could not see my real I.D or sought to ignore it ( ( As well as my Humanity) and celebrated my “Enslavement” by their God to bring Peace to the World by being “His Divine Tool and instrument at which Africa, the World.. and more importantly “They” would be raised up.

I had made it clear that I would rather stay in the Shelter here than seek refuge in a community international as it is, with branches all over the states, and Europe, which celebrates this idea of the Chosen one should feel privilidged to be put through a Hell so incredible in Its scope, and feel blessed for having been chosen to Suffer Äs no man or Woman had ever sufferned Mentally Spiritually and emotionally….. and then physically through the awareness of what
alien influences wee allowed to do to the Sacrifce… for the benefit of the All.

Why was it so important that I come to them?
Why did they not show me respect, compassion and had not sent emissaries to me here in the Shelter…

A brief History to my new Facebook Friends, but more importantly to the Riddle Itself and the future generation who will read.
Last year at precisely this time, I was in room 4B, bed 4016.
I had 3 other room mates at the time, David Dawn, and one Gay hysterical Caucasian guy, and Francis Frick- the one constant.
Tre later replaced The Raving Cleaning Queen…
They were both in bed 4-019.
I had been bed 4-016, David Dawn had been in bed 4-017 and Francis in bed 4-018.

Francis Frick… FF.. 66.. ( See sacred portal 66… Fiction – Fact) is the one constant who has been there living in the room before I arrived and when I arrived and when I left and returned.
It while in that room that I I was put in touch with Chike Nwosu through Dean Dunkwu, both former class mates from High School in Nigeria, class of 82.
And who had been assigned to present me with a gift around Christmas Time of 330;00 usd.

33 is the code of the Jeans Cap I used to wear when worker as a Theater and Creative director in Istanbul Turkey.
It was the code I was wearing on my hat while I did the last production “The Story of Colors” which involved the scene of 7 stages, with 7 Living Paintings which came alive live with a Story of Human evolution, each depiction like a Wave Length of color and Music, with the characters being the notes and their giving meaning and life to each story… which eventually led to the Return to the very beginning of the Story and recount Narration by myself the Bar Man recounting to a series of guests my reflections of the true origin of the story of Each color, which began with the Quiet and two Cellists and the arrival of Dawn in which the young Elf Fairy queen called Woman as Maiden is born, with the Elves fairies helping in her birth in the “Forest” from a Tree …To the finale when where the Air which begins the Story of Colors as Space Transparent, it brought back full circle after the 7th Stage which was set in Atlantis then the 8th – A Mystery which brought forth a “5th Element 8th Expression linked full circle to the very beginning…

Ahu Yagtu
Volga Y?ld?z
were both stars of scenes… she the 1st and he the 6th “Contemporary man- the only scene where the Male Gender was the star of the scene… Age of Reason…
1 and 6…
Aylin Sendemir Urkmez A.S.U…/ U S A… A Former student was present
Bomonty Fotograf Kereem Kerem Sanl?man took the photographs.

Angela Marie Alexander will recall that play.
as well as Clio Fotiyadis who I had invited to work with me on a production Istanbul before that production which revealed its own “experience and truth about “friendship”

As you might gather that this is all linked….
And that it is quite extraordinary how Fiction could manifest Fact if one looks at the correlating facts of my actuality…of my productions even to the aborted Festival of Paylasmak” Sharing and my Sharing on Facebook for 5 years straight…

And then there is sacred Portal 33..Terrible Dream…
And then there is the Total Solar Eclipse, beginning at Oregon the 33rd State and ending at South Carolina the 8th State.

* 2013… 33….Bed 44…8….

And my moving to the new room on the very day of the Super Blue Blood Moon and the Premier of the Super Hero movie, The Black Panther… a Lunar Eclipse on 3 levels…

What is interesting is the set up one full year later that Full Circle I am back in that same room but with some slight differences,
At this time last year I was about to be moved to Room 5A…
And much as the movie Dark City, the numbers in the room have changed…
now what was formerly my bed 4-016, is now 4-015 and is occupied by Lorenzo…
Lorenzo who happens to be the name of Jon Blackwells Father…
But recall, I did not come down through Jons Father’s Portal I came down through Donna O Sullivan’s Father’s Portal…- Robert – ,leaving 9 months to the day I arrived which happened to be his Birthday…
*Robert 53 is the only one from the “old crew” present right now in the cafe.
I was at 1053 after this mornings post which tied into the Immigration Lawyer Ernest Collete who is getting back to me he said latest by Monday… 3 days…

And yes, you are observing me right now exercising my craft of weaving and linking- facts… aligned from Fiction- which turned out to not he fiction but from deep within myself, my Chi “Energetic Expression”.. Creativity… C E E C… Imagined into Actuality through Theater Production…
True Paradise Production
That 64, 4th Street Address Joseph Carey now works ( and yes I lived for 4 years Straight at East 4th Street 2006-2010…)
Amoza Born perhaps you are following.
It was during this time that Dawn Piercy said she would send a painting instead of a money code – a painting I did not receive until firmly entrenched in bed 5-006.
And myself instead of being in bed 4-019… occupied by Tre, I am now in bed 4-018…..
And the bed once occupied by David Dawn is occupied by a very sickly Chinese Man…* It was occupied by Paul Agola who I saw for the first time in weeks, only to discover that he had been replaced because he had been ill with “mold” in his lungs.
Recall he used to wear the number 48, though he is 49… and born in 1968.

And my former bed now occupied by Lorenzo… is 4-015… D O O…
When I occupied it, it was 4-016…
Linked to 4 16.. D.P.. Which manifested Dawn Piercy D.P.
Links to David Powers and Pierre David ( Pierre Rubin.. Aka Rey)..
I moved to bed 5-006… 4016.. 40 +16= 56..
Link Mama Dawn… And Dawn Marie code 56 assigned to her by the Script 4 years ago, long before I came to the Shelter.
Delta Manor to answer the challenge of Manifest Destiny…
And now I am full circle back here after moving from 5-006 to bed 4-004… 44.. 8… 44 16… 4-016…
Which has now shifted.. changed transformed bed 4-017 to bed 4-016.. occupied by A Chinese Man .. Chinese American like Billy Hung…my former Sponsor who recognized the truth of my work first, by what he described while it was happening of a Light bulb going off in his mind enabling to see so clearly…
Which then followed a month to investigate me, the source of that experience, leading him to sponsoring me in my own apartment ( with him too) for a year to work in peace without financial constraints and with material comforts which I had never experienced except but once, with Marina Burini.

And now, I am in bed 4-018 which was 4-019…
And Francis who has not moved who was on bed 4-018 and is now in bed 4-017….

Francis Frick f f.. 66… another birth age code I temporarily occupied means”The Free Person.. Free Man who is the Eternal Ruler”…See sacred Portal 66….Me as my E.T self in character coming out of the black hole ( Room 4A… And Delta Manor.. And Delta the forest people… the Dead Sea… the Museum Library…)
And recall that I was called the Beast of the Seconding coming by the Old Man…
666… 18 IS my bed now… 16..18…. 11 68…
David Roman Nicholas with the Solar Plexus which opened and he evidence he showed me of how we evolve to have Wings like a De Lorean car… back to the Future…

And you will note, sacred portal 46 and How I was led to comment on it….

7:56 p.m.

I had been challenged to Do… do 4-016… D.O.P….
Delta Operation systems…
To align Delta Manor to the Delta Quadrant as Deep Space 9… To the very of Humanity linked to the Supernatural Animal Guardians – to Super powers of the X men… Evolved Humanity….
Which I have done…
And now the Line of Lorenzo… those who have crowned themselves without being given the authority to – as being Special and anointed, placing themselves higher and superior to others without presenting Evidence Facts as to why we should believe or trust their expression…
Now it is their time to do…
I took over the Bed code of David Dawn… DD… Bed 44..
Of Francis Frick.. F F… even proving his Torture and torment at the hands of the Chines when he lived there with his family and attended University there.. And suffered imprisonment and torture and uncovering a conspiracy linking China and the USA intelligence agencies of acts of terror and more…. where no one believed him or took him seriously so he retreated into his mind and his own investigation continued.. and harassment… through his mind…FF.. 66…

44 66..
64 46…
8 12… H L..20…T.. T L H….2012 I was in Harmony….H.3…H C.. 8 3/ 38…
10 10…1O 1O… 1 1 2… A A B…Allen Murray Alan… Bl air is I Emeka who occupied bed 44…

‘I did it…

Now all those who anointed themselves and spoke for God whose true name is Truth… T.R.U.E..M U S I C…
T.M…20 13.. 33… 6… Grandmother Lucy Ogbu EFI… Mama Dawn.. My Grandmother and my first little sister Harmony the Holy Ghost… An Idea already here as something real all that was required was to link her from Him to Stages O To 1-7.. then to 8..Infinity….E.T.C…I.E…TO Fact by Will and Desire to bring Harmony to the World… by Awakening Memory DIVINE..DELTA… Harmony…. A M H .. AM Dawn Harmony..

8:13 p.m.
8:14 p.m.

Harmony Manifest is already present as Nature… the Blue Print of Existence outside which can be compared “In and Out:” with the Harmony within you as Naturalness….

8:15 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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