
9:14 p.m.

9:14 p.m.


I.N…. E

B E….T R…



I got up at 7:35 am and I told Francis the time at 8:06 a.m.

I went downstairs, they were playing gospel music. When I came back upstairs, I knew it was done.

When I got upstairs, there was a quiet smile on my face- the music was playing He is King-

it took moment for it to sink in, that it was alluding to me- at least in some dimension…

Even Here…

Yesterday, two people understood my true name and one said it publicly….

Jace Horsford knows my true I.D.

And Alicia Sieferd publicly acknowledge my name Emeka Chukwu- Chukwuemeka…

Chukwu means Supreme Being.. yes hence Super Bowl.. S.B..

And The Creator… Anya Wu- Bright Eyes: B.E

.. A Man…

An Astronaut…

Back From the Future…

The Architect Designer, Narrator.. the Expressionist…

I.D Man.

And what I came to do on Earth, and in this world and in this dimension is complete…

To prove Harmony, that everything was taken care of.

Everything was flowing in Harmony, but because you had forgotten how to read for yourself, and began to use others to Cee See for You, You became Blind, or thought you were blind, and were lost, and alone… and in the darkness.

And so you began to build a whole different reality, a Blind City in a blind World and in that world everything was infected with the Hurt and bewilderment of being lost, alone confused.. in panic…

And yet, the Plan was always uraveling as planned, if was even planted within you.

And so I was made to come into a world of Non Belief- called Belief- which I protested because you did not Need Bleive because there were and are facts every where…

Most importantly You… You are here.

Anyway, I had to prove it in a realm who had forgotten who did not realize that they simply could not read.

Edwin Dominic that notorious representation of Evil, was down stairs while I was having breakfast, down stairs besides Blair.

I never eat break fast down stairs here.

His presence did not bother me in the slightest

which is how I know that I am back .. from that realm and back more to myself.

But he is illiterate, in this realities meaning in that he does not know how to read and write.

And that is what made him the symbol of Evil?

No, every one was can read, it is innate in Humanity- the ancient did it…Children still do it.

It is simply that ability to link the fact.. link the cause and effect, connect the dots.

But it requires Focus, on the correct view… the View where everything is Lit up. It requires one little detail.. see.

Open your eyes… if they are shut and in total refuse because of that collective Human Trauma, of fear of disappointment, fear of not linking because you impose your own script on that which has its own life….

Well. you get the point.

And I must get the rest…

You may ask what I have done…

I came into the World of Belief aka Disbelief and re-created that which already Is, and re created It here, in the place where the People believe they are Blind, Deaf and Dumb….Disabled.

And I activated that which was already activated in you, by being forced to re-create and redo all that is..

By simply pointing out all the facts and making disappear all the Doubts Butts…

A guy called Chris, a friend of Blair spoke of how he is like a cobweb… that like a Cob web he reacts to vibrations.. one Touch he said, and I am awake.

It took me much more that one touch to get you to wake up.

But basically yes, that is what I did, I wove a Spiders Web, in this reality all over the world and in thousands of peoples minds.. re wiring, and then I wove a web..

a Trahe… Michaël Trahé Tissue… Fabric which with one Touch.. sets everything in motion.

Which means, that everything now is set and activated and is meant to happen now, is that all move effortlessly, including my leaving the shelter and elegantly going home to rest…. i comfort, and the process of an entire Human species waking up, and all which takes places after You awaken, the morphing of your bodies, the actions you will take, the disappearance of the infected, the awakening and evolution happening all effortless as everything has been designed set up.. from the new world Economies to every aspect of Life.. right fro the villages to the cities to space and That First Contact..

Every detail had to be planed and designed and proven into Existence until the Weave of this World melds and married that of the One Originally created and with that Fusion….


But yes… a lot of planning and designing bringing into Existence here…

Talk to you later….

9:48 p.m.


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