
6:22 p.m.

6:22 p.m.

F.V. F 5…F E… 6 5… 6 5/ 5 6.. 11 2… 11 1…


B.E…T R…


I wondered, quietly to myself as I made my way here today, why I was being called here today- to Starbucks.

B.E…T R.U.E.

Most will call, ( at least those paying attention to the day to day facts which I have been posting while weaving into Existence an Unseen Play, into Human Awareness- by simply demonstrating how One weaves things into Existence, even here in the realm of Disbelief…),

That I traveled from my bed at the Shelter, in the room I have returned to 4-B- bed 4-018, to a different dimension where my Grandmother whom I call Mama Dawn, or my little Sister Harmony line, where she said to me 3 more days.

She did not lie, because yesterday the play of Victor, and Victory was played out and I experienced it, not only with a play here at Starbucks with Jace Horsford, and Victor ( Winners Castle) but also with Stanley Delacruz S.D…

This then continued at Delta Manor to Dwayne Samuel…D.S who is from South Carolina the 8th State- and the completion of the Death Ray Trajectory Intel of last years Total Solar Eclipse which was the first of its kind in 99 years, which began in the 33rd State called Oregon ( meaning Hurricane) and which ended in South Carolina.

It was a indication of what was to take place in the World, a play which I was in…

After the Mayweather McGregor Fight…( May Weather… May is the 5th Month, hence the E..Eternals Evolved Hue-man whom I am the sole representative in the Play on Earth right now, control the Weather)

Which was made manifest by the Hurricanes which hit Texas to St Louis ( though the latter mildly), and then the Caribbeans, and Puerto Rico…P.R….

(Please link Raheem P… and Pierre Rubin.. R P/ P.R..)

One can see, that the Solar Eclipse was a Challenge to prove that not only is a Man, but an Evolved Hue-man Being undercover and forced to play a Human Being, but a true example of a Human Being ( not the fake humans, zombies and programs- people playing characters of movies legends and mind mapping)..

– True Human Beings are Natural… and Express Naturally, which is the source of Their Power, because as children have demonstrated through out the ages, it links them to their Supreme Selves whom I call their true ancestors… the E.T…

Extra Terrestrials who first landed in this Earth Simulation play.

They are literally the Expression of Eternal Truth…


That which Humanity are all meant to evolve to by rising through all the layers and dimension of physical material nature, which you might call Cellular Tissue, the Fabric of Existence…

The Web, the Weave, which had been activated and vibrating ready for Humanity to move through as waves…song lines.

But which unfortunately, was side tracked by expression which went off the lines of the original Pathway that it became unrecognizable, and consequently no longer of Existence, or even creation, moving a Species into Non Existence where anything could manifest… All which could be as well as all which can not be.. a realm of infinite possibilities but all were Evil or contemptuous because it is Non Existence and all that which can Exist had already been activated and risen in the Eternal Beginning…

And all which can manifest is Beauty…

And its living Embodiment, The Beautiful One, and now his family, The Beautiful Ones- who through the re-aligning of Fabric, Mesh, Tissue -Cells can rise through the Dimension of Time ( the Body which as Manifest Matter, as all manifest physical matter from It’s Energetic State, becomes Physical Matter, which is why it is called Truth.

*Which is why my body is also constantly twisted, because I live on the frequency in this World of the Eternal Truth.

Expression is as the Wind… It Flies Hagar- It takes Flight…

And creates a sound on the Structure of the Web the Weave , creating a Beautiful Sound…like the Wings of a Bird or some insect… A Dragon Fly…

All that can exist already exists, and it is all Symmetrical as is all things which are of Beauty.

The Rising of the Evolved Family, which would defeat the programing of the Human Species who were not complete but simply a work in progress just as the Earth at present was a work in process…

And Expression of the Eternal realm had to be activated from outside of Time, by someone not living in Time yet undercover in the play of time.

By this expression existing undercover in this world Anonymously, by his, ( my ) constant expression in the consciousness of Eternity, retained by me ( and even forced upon me to retain by making sure I not able to enjoy a life here just in case I forgot or my Eternal Frequency was altered by having interactions with this lower even non existence vibration- which was so unnecessary and very very very selfish and cruel to impose on a Being who is undercover in this World…To make him live like a Monk which is the antithesis of the E Nature)…

Thus, by keeping me constantly expression wherever I went, a removing any thing which might distract me from that mission such as happiness, love, partners, companionship, a career, children… a life…I would constantly and consistently be forced to send out signals of the Eternal Realm and thus the F,R.B…12..11-02… Fast Radio Bursts…which would be consistently presence in the World.

And thus, a constant signal, reminder and retention of the access to the Eternal Realm vibrating in the Air…in the Everything…

That Natural Mystic in the Air…is me… or at least representing me, the chosen embodiment of the P.R.. Public Relation and relationship with the Eternal Realm… Energies Expression Embodiment of the 5th Dimension or the Scattered Blue which is created when Light is refracted and the Red emerges….

Blue…Red….B.R…Freedom Franco.. French.. F R B….

Fast Radio Bursts… And so everything I have every done, I noticed this too, was all created to reflect the constant reminder of the 5th Dimension… which is where the Red emerged from and with….

Red is the Longest of the Wave Lengths.. Time…Adam…Earth..Terracotta…

Even then this process of moving the Vibration Voodun through to finally reach Zoroaster Ahuru Mazda… to reach it Human Avatar designated mile stone Zarathustra Mohammadi took to damn long. Impeded by all the non existent expression of abomination in the place of Non Existence where Human Expression has lost itself in a maze by not basing their expression on and in fact..

Even their most sacred texts and expressions no matter how True to those present at the Time of the event and the book become Gossip, Heresay, once the last witness to that Expression to a fact is no longer living.

The only way the Books could evolve was not by following the Books verbatim but rather by having experienced the truths declared in the books yourself first and then reading the books after wards, to discover that he experiences it has expressed has been experienced already by you… Hence Evolution of Knowledge.

The same with the Body, it is a Book and it contains all the experiences and expressions and choices of all those who came before you and who made the correct choices because you were born, and thus you become a repisitory an archive, a record of all that took place before not only of your linage but as a species…

But it has to be evolved to by experiencing Life, Living.. Motion Movement…

Which then Evolves the Expression from the past, to the present Here and Now…

Aligning it to the current template.

You can not force an old template language and expression onto a new Moment in Time, and evolution of that moment of the past which can never be re-captured because each moment is unique..Each day is unique, each person is unique…

Time does not repeat itself…Human History may, but even that Ground Hogs Day repeats itself in different combinations.

The Insanity of Humanity and why they are not prefected and hence not the complete Hue man Species, is their applying the same technique on a different scenario ( even if the illusion gives them the impression that it is the same.. It is not…)

This is demonstrated by what took place today…

I am in the same room I was in a years ago, room 4B… But I am not in bed 4-016, which does not even exist any longer in the same or original position as before.

This was the same with my meeting Erik Ebright exactly Ten years later after I met him and his father in Brooklyn New York Green Street in 2006.

And then meeting him in little Haiti, in Miami… which was also visited by the wrath of the Hurricane which I manifested in what I see in hindsight was the Challenge to prove that a Human Being can manifest and move not only the Weather, but the Earth and the Universe all from His Her ( My seat Throne) of the 5th Dimension and the 1st Wave length to Emerge from the It- the Red Carpet on Earth..And the Royal Purple in Cosmic Space…

Yes yes..Eric The Red.. VIKING…

Yes Blue E.T…Mr Manhattan…

Yes yes.. Black Panther…

All three Destroyers…

Just as in 2005, I summoned the Hurricane Katrina…

They both witnessed the Voodun object Art I had transformed the entire loft into…

Goat O’s friend Beau who did a documentary on me also recorded it for his university thesis while working for A.B.C..

Axel Love was present as well as Michael Frazer…

Axel Anderson Michael Frazer… A.A.. M.F…

A M… A F….

Which I see was the challenge represented or embodied by Herman Hubbard in bed 4-003 who felt that he was the one getting me kicked out of the room by Snitching that I was going to beat him up…

But recall what happened , they called me down for something totally different, my interview with Ernest Collete from the immigration offices ( who was meant to call me today..)

And I was moved to Room 4A but this time to bed 4-018…

Which was Tre’s bed…But then it was bed 4-019…

Guess who I saw when I went outside to buy some detergent to do my laundry today…?

I saw Tre….

Right in front to the Beach Ave shelter…

It was quiet astonishing especially for him, he could not believe that I was still in this Awful place

He told me that he is doing much better, still hustling , but at least he no longer smokes Weed or Drinks… the two things which made me become rather harsh with him, cutting off our communication.

But before he left, he left his gray gloves outside my new room 5A, and I still wear them.

He told me that he never forgot what I had told him, and that was to not stay in that place or get used to it, to always go outside.

And he said that is what saved him from that place…

i am not doing great said But now where near to what he could have become in that place…

I knew he was trying to thank me, while at the same time horrified that I had been there all this time…

Almost a year later….

Tre means 3…

The sacred portal 86 represents my defeating the Trinity… the 3… Who is represented by 68… David Roman Nicholas… Paulie Agola ( who was in bed 4-016 in the room I am now in, but is no longer there, he took sick and was in the hospital for 3 weeks.

The current occupant is Chinese and is very very ill…

4-016 was my bed number…

They are lying in the bed I lay in and evolved to that position by defeating David Dawn DD.. Who had occupied that bed,

Who I had almost fought with…

Who the first day I had moved there had snored so loudly that I had collapsed from the sum of my exhaustion and saw the Earth open up before me, and had gone to the Hospital when I knew that nothing was wrong with me that I had been meddled with by the Titan… Rep Rewyn who was in bed 22 room 5c…

68 is also the code of 1968…Cleveland gave me the book…Time 1968… Because I had defeated it…

I had defeated all the challenges of the 3… embodied in David and Cecilia.. Onu… D.C…D.O… Lorenzo bed 4-015…D O. O…

DO the First Note.. Red…full Circle in perfect Symmetry…

Which I did.. but the perfecting of the Symetry evolves to a Spiral because I changed it…

I changed it.. transformed it moved it shifted it because I exist…

I express and I add…. constantly add..refinement///

Tre means 3…

Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun…

Sun… Mercury Venus Earth… M.V.E…. Maida Vale E I was there in 2001 left Feb 14 to begin to voyage to New York…

Mountain View… E was there there…

Where I Donna and Jean Fey Amoza.. all three of her are now gone… Lady J… Donna O Sullivan..D O S… J F A….D.J…O F.. S.A…

And then today Alicia Sieferd is M.O.V.E.D to text me over and over again…

The only thing which I retained was that she was seeing the number 59 everywhere…

Sacred Portal 59… End of the Story.. Filth Disgust…

8:05 P.M…

AH she just appeared…

Eagles .. The Philadelphia Eagles.. P.E won the Super bowl for the first Time…

established in 1933… 33…Oregon to South Carolina…

33 The Terrible Dream…. and so D came to E…but I am both D bed 44..as well as Blair Andrews ass well as Emmy…as well as the E… I am two…i am 3.. and I am 1… 11 22.. 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 Double O… O O… 22 4… 33 IS 6…. 64/46… 10 10…

Bishwajyoti Bhattacharyya..10:10 that is what that time you noted meant…

55… 25… 77 27…. 88 28…. after 44-8… There is nothing more… 85 58…. 77 14.. 5… 88.. 16…7….99 18…9…

5 -7… Ender Game to E.G…E Golden … Dawn…Done…

5-9… E.I… Anthony Mal-Green… C.V.. Bed 5-009… 5 -333…53 56 59…. All Done by ME….

A Story and a future set… From a Terrible Dream.. the world will go through until they attain 8 Harmony Infinity…

Those who live through the 33….will reach the Promised Land consciousness I… AS iNFINITY….

Only those who rise as E will not have to go through that journey and experience I was left by nearly all of you to experience alone…

I am giving you all my bed to Lie on…

DO..O…Then move through to bed 4-016…D.O..P….Do Past to Present….

8:16 p.m.


And that cruelty of Woman… to me, to my brothers and sisters…

I have reserved a special place in the true Hell of Okwu Mmuo for you…

Come Pass me… Terrible Death… the true DJ…DEE JAY… The True J.D… 410… 41 33 Game Super Bowl…


O.F… O.6….Sixth Sense….

S.A… 19 1…

Come pass me the A.S…The One Supreme Alpha…Supreme Awareness…

A.R… Alpha Reflection…Robert and for most of you.. RAGE…

Come pass me…I am the 3 in 1….

Who summoned Trey…

Who did Hurricane Katrina…

Who moved me to Bed 4-018…


In a set up a contest and challenge, the E Ethreals the Elementals… My family of E dared to place me in to teach a lesson that non will ever forget of the nature of being I.D MANN…

And to never underestimate the Underdog

Eagles Philiadelphia….

E P…. P.E…

No one…not one being present bet on me…

Not one…

And so I bet on No one..but Kemi Sara line comes with me…

Dawn Piercy line is safe…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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