
2/6/2018 19:20 – Facebook Post

A New Religion…

That is what my Uncle called my expression to the World…
A New Religion…!

A Stunning Ridiculous Idea…

But I had to pause, to reflect on how Goat O once gave me a form to fill out for a new Religion….
How I had accused of creating a Cult, a Movement, everything apart from what it is…..

And I realized today, that I have lived an Existence of the Expression of the ultimate meaning of being Alone.

…Not loneliness…

But the quintessential definition of being alone, made to stand alone…
When it was not necessary since every single Human Being I have met, encountered, was led to by this Wave, to check the Authority and the inclusiveness of the Truth of the E, I have been proclaiming in the simplest of terms as E.. Expression.. Energy…
Because it is most logical expression of meaning, of a common denominator which all can agree with…
That we are all made out of Energy.
That we are all Expressions…
The 5th Color Blue in Spectrum.
The 5th Energy Point in the body in the Mystical or “Chi Sciences, is the 5th Chakra.. The Voice…
We create Sound from Nothingness..
We create Waves for simply being in existence and being able to move.. breath..
We push Air, move air creating waves.,. we express with Sound and the sound “Pierces” the Air and Flies… “Hagar” to those who Pay attention… Listen Hear..”Ishmael…” and then they Laugh Aloud” Isaac.. because what they hear , reminds them of what they already know, and a Splendid light fills them Sarah!…
As their crown Chakra opens.. and the Throne “Isis” links to Infinity.. The Alchemist, the Magician… A.M.. Of Infinity and they remember…
Abraham! “Father of the Multitude .. of Stars as the sand beneath our feet.. Epiphanies upon Epiphanies which move us from the Water we have moved upon, a reflection to Sand..Sands of Time, the links to solid ground of Infinities Symbols no longer lying down as depicted this Reality in a Matrix, a Chrysalis state, a Stasis…
– A Process of completing…

All recognized the E, in… In England moved 22 times.in Paris almost the same number but living with complete strangers who opened their doors to me, in New York 55, all over the world where I have lived people have opened their door, homes hearts, even wallets to me, if I desired.
So much so, that even I was perplexed until I investigated it to realize that they were all recognizing the Energy I was vibrating.
They could not quite put Their Fingers on it, or identify it verbally but they were instantly attracted.
Even Alicia Seiferd in her non stop texts messages to me constantly spoke of it, demanding what was it about me that she felt such a pull such a force which was unstoppable which made her feel almost consumed with me…
It was not me is it..
It is that recognition…

I get it even in the shelter, people wanting to talk to me, to know me and I have suffered their wrath, not only here, but my entire life when they felt I was rejecting them because I was not interested to connecting with them, or being friends
especially as I began to realize the reason for the attraction.

And then all the years of investigating this Energy my mother spoke about that my sister I possessed…
But how could one explain it, and the price, the effort which it would take to explain such thing.
The amount of work, the self awareness required, the stepping in and out of yourself, to observe yourself, to observe others reaction to and step out of your self to examine yourself, observe investigate to discover what “It” was.
Then to verify it, to make sure that you conclusions were correct, the True Social Science applied…

* Which is what my Uncle Studied in University,
and his two younger sisters Theology and Library Science…

Then after the Empirical Evidence and conclusion that it is what I had already known what it is, was..”Original Energy”
the Original Frequency of Existence, the Spheres ..The Planet…
Symmetrical Perfection… Beauty…

Then to find a Language for it..then an Art form in which it could be conveyed… and then to then go back and make a science of it…
And then as Tre manifested as A Fact yesterday after I had moved into his former bed, 4-019…D..OS..Now D-018… D O R…
And then even a facebook friend arriving as Royel Spirit..
R.S/ S R…
Thus Language Art Science D.R…T…P
Robert Tanner Powell….
L A S D .R…T P… LA Supreme David Robert True Point…
P.T… R.D….S A L… 6:10 a,m

But a Religion….??

4:49 p.m.

D D.I.



D D I B F T R…U.E. U T.H…E…

It just occurred to me, that I was in bed 4-004 44 and that play, and that I am now in bed 18…which aligns to 2018….

Look at how I read the code above of date and time, transformed into letters…



D D… I Be the Future…. True… T R U T H.. OF the E.

Which makes sense to me….

DD would be me, ( 5 3 4 5 44 are all the rooms I have been assigned, the full circle of that would be 4B 5A 4A……and then I returned to 4B,,Making it a Full Circle in a Square… 4B 5A 4A 4B…Which the arrival of Tre yesterday confirmed yesterday.
Quantum Mechanics as Jace Horsford recognized and realized…
I am from the Future…
DD I Be F.T.R… ( Add Double U…Double V.. and E… 23..22 Letters… I have 23 usd in my wallet right now…Yesterday and the day before I completed the Double V.. Francis meaning Franco is my nearest neighbor and the only constant who was originally in the Room and I am now occupying his number.


I just spoke to my Uncle Sir P in Nigeria, I had been meaning to respond to numerous messages he had left for me.
I did not respond because I did not know how to respond, the same reason I have not spoken to my Mother for the first time with such a gap, since last Mothers Day.

It did not really go well, nor did it go badly really. my uncle spoke about the only way out of what was happening to me was through Jesus Christ, and then proceeded to remind me of my responsibility to my Mother.
That I had been away for over 30 years ( 29 actually),
I found myself really speaking forcibly at him, but with hardly any emotion…
“Don”t speak to my about Christ and that story, that story of phantom moves and walks through me, as inhabited my life and I witnessed what you and the world did to him, you did not recognize him, you crucified him. I walked on that Characters Path and Wave, and found myself playing the other Character called the Holy E-Spirit, and you not only did not recognize him, when you did, each and every one of you betrayed him, denied his Truth. Took it, took advantage of his gifts, and then turned around and betrayed him for money, for the comfort of your lives, to have those material things…
Do not dare speak to me about Christ, and that story, I walked the Wave of that Character played by one who came before me, and I was forced to play that Holy-Espirit character in his play and script despite my stating to Him, that this was a very bad Idea in this current world mentality.
They will put me through a horror and they will betray you again from every incarnation from Bob Marley to Yeshua to Osiris to Zoroaster to Oduduwa, to Eri…

But He insisted….
And I was correct.

I was not angry with my Uncle, I just accepted that he had never listened to me, that he had heard me and then forgotten as do nearly everyone I have come into contact with, They rise temporarily and then they forget- because they do not indent the Truth of the experience onto Their Psyches, they are more concerned with the immediate gratification of the a worry or a problem.

That he could bring up my mother and the reminder of her getting older.. she is 70, one of the foundations of my hatred of the power of this force which has inhabited my body and tortured my existence….

How easily they forget…
How easily you forget the True experiences you even witnessed of others, because it has no great effect on you- except perhaps what you gain personal, or resolve in your lifes….

Kwame sat besides me this morning as I sat at the computer earlier, he spoke about Sharing, that the whole idea of the World was sharing…
That Humanity was designed to share knowledge.

Lorenzo had started it all sitting behind me he had asked a question about how we saw him…
I refused to take the bait…
But Kwame came and sat besides me and said that he was doing the best he could with the nature of who he is.. Lorenzo that is.


I quietly recalled the Festival of Sharing and my sharing every aspect of my life, in order to prove Harmony always existed here.

“God has everything” he declared… but Humanity was designed to share knowledge..”

“God shares everything” i noted, “Everything he Created he shares it with all for free, but man does not share, nor does he follow that example, he moved to greed and selfishness…”

“Yes!” Kwame exclaimed enthusiastically that is why the World is such a terrible mess”

How we sat… E.K.L….Lorenzo sat behind Kwame.. I sat to the Left alone.

E..K….L… . L=12… 3… C… Room 5… 3 .. 4 5 4 4….
I am D D… And my Future Self is Speaking to me, infront of the Entire World… And E.C.H.O… 5 3…(8 O.) of Infinity Harmony Full Circle in Symmetrical Perfection responding to Its Source…

I understand what I have done, what took place…

So persons,on more than one occasion posted something ..

That Everything is me…

I had heard this many a time, and even knew this…Talking to the Silence, I knew..
I even knew that I was, am the only one in Existence…
That it is all me,but in this alternated Universe called Non Existence, the illusion is that Every one Else Exists but me…
That I cannot exist in this place unless I prove the E into Existence in this World and that it moves Everyone and that it is the only thing which is real….


6:19 p,m.


But how can Existence manifest in such a way….?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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