
2/8/2018 2:37 – Facebook Post

12:32 a.m.

That I am still in this Script,
is increduolous to me, even as I write.
I have heard nothing from Ernest Collette the Immigration Lawyer who promised that by Monday – the last of the 3 Days I was informed through “Television and Astral Projection of my Grandmother appearing to me with that message. Recall, it was a day after her post I use to represent came up for the first time in the Facebook Memories Algorithm, with the number six and the link name I had identified her as in the Play “Mama Dawn”

My case worker Nicole promised yesterday to contact him by the end of yesterday.
I have heard nothing from her.
I have been distracted once more from turning my focus away by my body, and the over stimulated Energy and Electricity charging through my body with non stop information – light- Fast Radio Bursts, if you will- moving and compiling data and information at speeds so rapid that I simply have to pause to glimpse at the Script to see its alignment of intel in my mind.

But I am not interested…

And that is what makes me incredulous, how The Entire Universe, literally conspires to get me back into the play…!

That is what has been the source of my anger, my pondering, and even suffering… and constant disbelief, and my muttering this is Impossible” It is against the Law of which I literally remember and proven not only do I remember but are present even in this world.
And yet this illusion of Chaos, persists. I use the word “Illusion” because I can read the Chaos and, it is more like just adding confusion and doubt, as I place the scattered pieces of Humpty Dumpty back again… Fractals which were never separated from their Source…. just an expanded vision from that base.

Even when I came back from todays play, I could not help but silently gawk, mouth literally dropped open…
And after all this, each day I am expected to return to my cage, my cell, Delta Manor…?

28.. 29 Years later…?

You put someone through this for 29 years…
Fight me, when I state that I made my break with the Spirit World and Library and stories of Africa Pangea in 1988, and returned to the Original Intention and focus of which I came down here..
the E Family, but instead, I find myself in the story I wrote when I was 7-8 years old.

* Funnily enought at Delta Manor I have never been admitted into the 8 man Room represented by the letter C.

Todays play was a continuation of the play which was represented by my Uncles Expression representing the state of mind of the reality and world view I have been in and have seen through since I have been in this world.
What I see and have had to tolerate and then endure, insult after insult as the truth of my I.D became more and more confirmed and clarified in every age and langauge wave length or color or language.
Over and over again, the Insult… the constantly expanding scope of the Insult to me personally…

This is what the Awakening Memory Evolution Dawning Comprehension has been transformed into…?
This is how the Awakening Evolution and Extinction of the Human Species plays out… this indignity, this stupid, this absurd… this is What Creation Existence of the Knowledge so Exquisite, so perfect so limitless, every expanding to spaces of brilliance which Humans can not even begin to access…
This is what was chosen as the script…?

For 13 years, I have had to go back check, tried to walk away, only to be dragged back in, each time incredulous that I AM Being dragged back in, and that this is really it..

Today was one of those days as I found myself taking to Jace and the Ancestorss who had denied that they had meddled.
Ancestors Memories, phantoms.. mental ideas of ways of being carried forward not by anything which really exists except for the Humans who hold onto them, and are haunted by them because they had not resolved the Cause and Effect of their society, “civilizations” economies, cultures, pliagiarized, distorted, adopted, usurped, surplanted…
You can not expect the Laws of Cause and Effect, building Ideas of Self, Individuality, Community, Social Interactions which are based on lies, and past equations resolved…

Even A-A Alcoholics Anonymous knows this…
12 Steps
12 Disciples..
12 Astrological Signs and the 13th…
Always the 13th… A Man…
And yes there is a Female version of it…

Ifunnanya was the equation I found myself speaking to Jace about- speaking to the Dead, the Spirit World, the Mental, Library of Speaks Books in which the records the accounts.. the Books on the Shelves , rows and rows of them but not quite infinite, not quite Limiltless…
…All had to be out in order.

Ifunnanya does not meddle…
It sees the person, the “Seed” clearly from Its moment of inception conception.
I answered this yesterday…
That as a mother can see her child and his or her future with the power of this C.. Speed of Light… “Around the World in 80 Days”
Imagine the Creator, 0-Infinity in 30 secs….

Seeing the Truth of each thing He created in a blink of an eye.. seeing its potential made kinetic simply by His Focus and even signed with a blue print which all things in Creation has..Dna sequencing and encoding.. a program, a purpose….
Sound is Dna…
And even His signature .. his Mark.. Beauty Symmetry, the Golden Ratio, Fibboncci Sequence….

I proved that the meddling did not come from the Source…
He was confident.. He can See Clearly…

Meddling came from those who can not see, were unsure of th epath.. Meddling with the body, with Nature with the Mind, with knowledge with the Blue print, instead of studying perfection they acted jealous of it.. and instead of developing an Art and Science of Symmetry in order to refine Thier Existences- they took the easy way out to seek to dominate tear down and seek to copy so bady Nature rather than first understanding it as they learn from Sickness Illness and disease….

The 13th Horoscope….is represented by a Man.. The Only one…
Te 12 other Natures are the illusion of the break down of teh consciousness which makes up a Man in the Natural World.

*Our ancient ancestors consciously worked with the 2 physical strands of DNA + the 11 energetic bodies of DNA (thus the 13 levels of DNA consciousness) in order to activate aspects of their DNA that in today’s terms are referred to as ‘junk DNA’.

*As of this printing, the ceremonial content and format of the Thirteenth DNA Activation of Ascension Consciousness are being downloaded by the Holy Spirit. What can be construed to this point is that the 13th DNA Activation has the potential to substantially alter the body’s electro-chemical systems in preparation for your

*The Design of the 12th & 13th Strand system of DNA
The 12 strand system of DNA was designed to allow a person to focus intensely upon certain aspects of evolution that they “at a Soul level” were seeking to understand. The 12 strand system allows for lessons of this detail to be learned in the physical. Until this time most of these lessons we have had to learn was in a non-physical state. This is because the lessons in certain areas become so refined that they need to be separated from physical dimension in order to learn them cleanly and clearly, such as a persons intent versus their desire.

The 13th strand overlaid on the 12th strand system then permits the individual to be empowered, and self willed. The 12 are the foundation and tools, the 13th is the “Itself.”

Millard Fillmore

Millard Fillmore-Edit1.jpg
Photo by Mathew Brady, c. 1855-65

13th President of the United States

In office
July 9, 1850 – March 4, 1853

Millard Fillmore (January 7, 1800 – March 8, 1874) was the 13th President of the United States (1850–53), the last to be a member of the Whig Party while in the White House. A former U.S. Representative from New York, Fillmore was elected the nation’s 12th Vice President in 1848, and was elevated to the presidency by the death of Zachary Taylor. He was instrumental in getting the Compromise of 1850 passed, a bargain that led to a brief truce in the battle over slavery. He failed to win the Whig nomination for president in 1852; he gained the endorsement of the nativist Know Nothing Party four years later, and finished third in that election.

Fillmore was born into poverty in the Finger Lakes area of New York state; his parents were tenant farmers during his formative years. He rose from poverty through study, and became a lawyer though he had little formal schooling.”

That was the coin…

Please do the Math…

F.M… 13th President….

There is no Phantom of the Opera- the very Server I have been using…
That Appraition only occurs in your minds…
Shadow Shades.. it called Doubt….
Something which Transparency does not recognise since
It is the meaning of Confidence.. Crystal Clear…
I Can See… I C S…
I See.. I.S
I Conscious Expression…

1:37 a.m.

Insane Crazy..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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