
2/8/2018 18:51 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories..

This popped up when I opened my computer.

It was from a year ago and two years ago…and then appeared last year..

It speaks of what I have been proving represented by Sacred Portal 46.
Which is called “First Drop” which represents the First Drop or “Love Juice” which descended from the Phallus of the Source Creator when he beheld the full sum total of his reflections.
A reflection a radiant reflection is not a Memory, rather it is a reflection of the lets say, the process of how you manifested something.
Of something which already is… And to reflect upon It requires a stillness, a Transparency of capturing the Image of what Is captured onto your Minds Eyes or which opens your proverbial “Third Eye:- Your Cee…. Your Conscious C.. to capture like a Still that panorama of what you created.
That is the Still Reflection…
And then the exploration of it… from the moment of Inception creation requires that you go back wards from that captured still.
– A journey if you will to recapture the entire process which you had manifested naturally.

Imagine have danced performance of say sleeping Beauty…
Or created a painting…or written a book
or understood the Theory of Relativity… and then the whole world erupting in the celebration of that vision made real…

4:46 …47 pm right now…

And then you having the photographic memory to capture a moment of that manifest production and then sitting in quiet Triumph and awe of that which had manifested flowed out of you as if you already knew every detail, every piece of the puzzle which comes together in a seamless out pouring of symmetry from start to completion…

It flowed out of you, there was no hesitation, there was no doubt, just a surety confidence which flowed from you like Music.. indeed you could hear the music.. a music streaming through you as you created executed manifested it… and you prayed, a part of you prayed that it would never stop, even as you rushed headless to everything to its completion, to Its finale…

That pause afterwards, is the wonder.
The first question… as you gaze in awe at the completed tableau.
It is not the confidence of Doing made Being and Fact.
But rather, the fact the fact that you already knew what to do as you were doing, there was no hesitation. There was no doubt, just a seamlessly fluidity of epiphany after epiphany linked into one stream thread which you the master Tailor, weaver wove it into being…
No Vision, not Idea reflected in your Mind…Just the Being and the Doing and the sheer sheer sheer! Joy of it, the Bliss of it,….
And the Exaste… the Xtase… which culminates in the Erection, the Precum the Drops and finally the Explosion of Radiant Light of
“I know. I know! how I did it…?

And in that moment where your Reflection mirrors perfectly the manifest Creation, not a Vision.. for it was never a Vision it was never a Dream.. it was never Idea… It was something which was in you, which in perfect timing made you rise..
You were At BE… And Be… is married to Doing….That is what you realized at the moment of BE…that it is Completion…and Completion moves you Directly into the Direction of Doing… D D D… Delight Desire De-vine….Love Links what it “See;s and Cee’s” -Harmony!
And that Stillness to reflect in awe on Completion of you manifested through B C D D D…. from initial Expression…( Naturalness) E.with quiet companion besides you whom you are recognize from the corner of your eye and who accompanies you through called Awareness…
E (A) B C D D D….to Fact…. B D…2 4… 6…F…+ 123 Steps of Be… E A B…( B is Completion..C Speed of Light… Consciousness they are one and the same, just as Awareness follows all Expression from A-C…A-Z…A-F…A Fact…

-The exploration of the Still by going backwards.. but first you have captures that which you have Created, then made it Still, and you have stopped everything, to create Time… to explore the height and depth of what you created.. Here is where Awareness creates Memory… A Room to explore that “How did I know that I could do this, how did I know every detail, how did I know what to do… and what not to do…?”
That exploration is the tracing your steeps from that moment you have first captured, and then entered to explore while sitting gazing at your manifest creation around you.. You leave it to enter into your reflections, but you do not really leave it do you…It is right there Outside of you, Inside of you… It is you…

And so as you explore your Reflection by creating a Space, a temporary space called Mind Time Memory…a Room.. which eventually becomes a Library…a Museum…
You travel backward Time… Time of course begins with the Still..
But Eternal Time… Infinite has already been created outside of you from within you..
But this is the pause to Explore, a Moment in which Completion is manifested and your desire to understand How you did it how you knew it so well that you did not need Thought or even Vision.. or even Imagination.. You did not even have to imagine it, conceive it…
All just took place when the Beautiful Dancer was ready, and the Music manifested on cue…

The invisible orchestra… Axel Love


And in that journey and adventure of exploration the second full circle is completed.
Sort of the Two Black Holes which Scientist at Ligo have determined as the cause of the Ripple effect.. when the Two Black Holes merge and become One….
( That so called Black Hole.. B.H. and yes, I am fully aware it equates to 2 8… And that that is Todays Date…. and the 2 Is Be… and Be is Doing.. and Doing moves you as Music moving through your body and being as an unstoppable force, pulling you moving you reach the Completion already manifested be your BE… E A B A E C…HO… H.O.F…E…A-Z-A B C…D F..S…Stop… is actually seeing that process in inverse like rewinding a tape.. or a reel… the Black Hole is the Indention and expression of the First Drop landing in the Still…
The Source going undercover as Jace Horsford correctly surmised about is the Creator Powerful enough to manifest an aspect of himself into this World and even to New York City from the Eternal realm while at the same time talking with him at Starbucks. …as he reflected upon that which our conversation had led him.. to finally reflect upon.. perhaps the sum total of his own reflections since being in Existence..

*I had been only startled by the fact that after an age of having explained this over and over, that someone, sitting right besides me with the code initials J.K.H… 10 11 8… Galaxy C.I 1O 11, Galaxy 1011 I,C…H…realm of Infinite Harmony… Embodied…
After all this time… It was not surprise equation wise to me, I already knew that it would be embodied and by a person who would be right besides me… but after so much disingenuous, dodging, and seeking to make it seem that I was wrong over and over again… Such relentless cruelty to make me doubt that which I was am so sure of that my entire life has refused to negate that Truth. Despite being put in positions of mental physical, emotional, financial and material torment not to mention the pressure gossip and malice of entire population present to pass on my case….

So yes, I am fully aware that I have always known..
I remember, I recalled and relived it even right here in this world in this time Zone… and even when led to pits of human despair and suffering nothing could shake that knowing… In deed, my focus became transformed as to why such an effort was being exerted on my to deny the Truth so obviously manifesting even here in every post and around me…?
No that Splash and Indention was the “Pre Cum” of the First Drop… E.BE… E B Doing… to Fact…. Completion took place at E.B.A…The True Trinity all in One… Expression of Be… which become not the “Becoming” but the Doing… which simply reflected mirrored the process of Completion in Hindsight in Reflection Hindsight…
You can also call it the Tunnel of Love.. the ANUS/ SUN-A…which leads you backwards that point when the Creator as an Astronaut ( yes Bishwajyoti Bhattacharyya..B B)

3 9 is what is on my page .. 3 messages and 9 likes…
3 9… C.I..
E GA LA XY C I…1O 11…. 111…3… E A B…E B A… All the same thing… EB.. B E… And D… B E D…A…B.. The rest will follow…

Thus when the reflection was complete full circle, it created two Full Circle.. One already Manifested ,,,
And the other in Awareness of how I did it from A-Z.. And then back to A-A… Full Circle… E B/ B E… D.F…S… And Stop…
D.F.S…. Desire Delight De-Vine.. Fact… Supreme… Feeling Sensational… There is no where else to go…
Francis Frick got up last night commenting that the tiny crack I had opened the Window to was causing him to be cold…
“Get over it I grumbled, fully aware of his cold mania, and having weighed the balance of his needs and that of the requirement of air circulating for the benefit of all, had decided that it was enough and fair to him…

“But I am from another Planet he said very seriously…”
And I took him very seriously too as I responded.

Your not the only one in the room. the air needs to circulate..
and I need to breath…

I heard Lorenzo in bed 4-015 call out “Hallelujah”

5:46 p.m.
E.FD… Emeka is First Drop… Aligned.

So yes, when the two full Circles the one as E.. and the other D…Reflections.. ( D.R.. Bed 4-018.. I am in) both aligned…
the Two Circle merged back into One…
And my Pre Cum .. Astronaut had moved everything into the Ripple Effect…
Robert Emeka… R E… M I N D E E R…

R E… R=18. E=5… 23… W…
R E W.. IN D…. R E… WIND…

Dawn Piercy
Kemi Sara
etc… do you understand …?

5:51 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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