
2/8/2018 22:00 – Facebook Post

6:45 p.m.

F D..E


B H T R… B H R…

Fifth Dimension Emeka…
Beauty Harmonizes Reflection… to One Radiance.
Beauty is Symmetry..
Symmetry is Perfect Timing..
Perfect Timing is the Point.
The Point is to Cee…Creation Responds…

I finished the Facebook Memory post of First Drop…
and the code which I opened my facebook page to 3 messages and 9 likes… C.I.
I then saw that another facebook memory followed that one which I had refined my expression to reflect the Scripts prompts, was sacred Portal 93, I.C…
C.I… E GA LA XY C.I 1O 11…( 111) which NASA Classified as Galaxy 1101 I.C… Which Dina Singh brought to my attention.

I went to get a coffee, and it was Tamika whose mentality I had liked then loathed as she teetered between two frequencies…
I shrugged, I did not buying my coffee, everything was in Harmony, I have 14 usd in my wallet… 15;52 usd to be precise.

15 52… O.E.B….O Emeka Be… Do..A-Z… which is to F… Fact.. Represented to Francis using the Human Equation who is in bed 4-017, which was Formerly David Dawns number; the exquisitely beautiful man in youth who had transformed into an abomination of himself and who I had almost physically fought.
Francis Frick also was in bed 4-018, the bed I currently occupy, which in turn was occupied by Tre, the 22-23 year old handsome youth who still had that consciousness of a child which was being contaminated until I intervened leading him to leave that shelter.
And his appearing a few days ago, “running into me” just outside the Shelter…where he sought to express is gratitude to me my way of acknowledgment of having never forgotten my words, and having stopped drinking and taking drugs…
But he sheepishly admitted to still hustling… selling K-2.
I had frowned and he had quickly stated that he would not be doing that for much longer…

Tamika Rivera… TR… I met her, recognized her from the E-Spirit realm, I knew her but was no longer able to deal with those whom I recognized their Spirit Energy, who had become so so different, undercover in the Play of Time.
I had suffered enough.
But I never forgot her, or that I had run into her on 17th Street.
The window which David Roman Nicholas what some might call the re-incarnation of my brother Nnamdi- but I more accurately knew was his Doppelganger and Twin… D.N…& Emeka.
17 street was the the place where there is a second hand store which I had been moved to stop at when I first saw it, and realize that it was a Matrix Notice Board”, in that I could read it and Its displays aligned perfectly which each chapter of the “Invisible” script I had been reading.
The year was 2003 when David guided me there with Tanya, a few days after our meeting when he wished to make sure I really was who he suspected that I was.

I read it and he literally almost collapsed.

7:11 p.m.

That 17 street became a focal point, even after David left me to “complete the mission” ( having been furious with me for refusing to acknowledge the Angel and Demon script and realm that he and most of the World where still trapped in, he desperately wanted to leave with me, but well there are the Demons..
His Demons and the World Demons which he had to conquer.. As well the Ego of having been given the memories of being Jesus Christ.. and all the programing, alot of it distorted and corrupted.)

Anyway, I visited the Window each month to check and verify that my conclusion of each chapter of the Script I was completing was correct. Sort of like a Score board or checking the results of your Exam.

17th street is where I lived when Axel Love linked me to Marianne. It is where my aunt U.K’s husband came and dropped my things after refusing to see me, because of the gossip he had heard about me, despite him recalling my true nature accurately and that if I was not around it was because I was too proud to take any help until what I had set out to do or prove was complete.
It was from there I was moved to Hells Kitchen and the battle with the Shamans and my bringing forth Hurricane Katrina, a cleansing of all the Voodoo and intent of West Africa and all the Middle passage portals opened to War of the West and “White People” for what they had done to Africa and their Dna origins.
And which made them war on me, believing I was a traitor…

It was also the venue of the great play with David Phillipe Gil and Nikoma in which I saw him transform into Aquaman and me Zeus and his journey from the River to the Mountain Top.
He did not realize what was happening to him or what I was seeing but I explained it to him that David had occupied him because he was one of David chosen Avatars,…
Just as Nikoma had been used by Nnamdi.. to investigate my path and truth…
*I would meet David Roman Nicholas on that street, I knew he was Supernatural that he was the embodiment of this World Story of the East and the West,while Nnamdi represented the Spirit of the Ancient world…
And both Truths had to cleansed and brought to present…

Which is what Tamika Rivera represents.

Yarsaoke.. I never get the spelling or pronounciation correct..
I just thought of her and she appeared and I asked her the meaning she says she does not know, that she thinks it was created.
*She is my favorite…even before Brenda pointed out her energy.
She served me my coffee, but Tamika chose to charge me for it… for the first time she charged me a refill price and laughed…giggled.
I paused cocked an eyebrow and thanked her…. ( this play… refills? Coffee? and you wonder why I am pissed? )

Anyway, I looked at the coffee, having just completed the 3 9 C.I post and it has the number 6 39….

I looked at the time some moments later, it was 6:39 p.m

I checked me messages there were three one was addressed “God” and was a thumbs up message from a person called OBED… Yes.. Full Circle Room 4B Bed 4-016…To one year later plus..Room 4B bed 4018… (Formerly 4-019 when Tre occupied it.
O Full Circle.. BE.. DO..ING….Fact…
And then I saw a signal that Orien Laplante had posted..
Please see the ICE Rings in Red Orange Yellow and the central core as a Dark Blue one bisected by Two colors Light Blue and Light Green…

7:39 p.m.

And suddenly, I knew that I was done, that I had completed the Challenge of this Maze, Labyrinth, Matrix, Rubic Cube, Box Jigsaw puzzle, Memory Game in Space… where the play was set in what I aways knew and called the ROOM…
The Room with a Belle Vue… Beautiful View…
Not Bellevue, a Mental Hospital where Electric Shock therapy treatments and truly awful human experimentation had taken place…
And yes, please recall the Philadelphia Experiment… P.E.
And Recall the winning of the Philadelphia Eagles P.E the Super Bowl a team established in 1933.
And please recall P.E is code for Planet Earth…
And Please link that a Matrix and Coding requires the use of a Short hand of reducing everything to Their Lowest Common Denominator…
P.E… Is this numerically P=16th Letter.. 88.. 2(8)
and E is 5…
Planet is a really a 5th Dimensional Organism.
Planet Earth.. Intended to evolve back to its Original State just as Humanity are the Plan E.T…to Evolve back to Their 5th Dimensional State..
Evolved Complete… and who simply when on an adventure into Pool of the Sum Total of Reflections of their Big Brother..
Bishwajyoti Bhattacharyya.. B B…*Please see the meaning of this name…
But got lost when they verred of the path when they went to investigate that which they had never encountered before… Evil.. Negation of the Eternal Truth.. ie.. veering off the the Path of Eternal Truth…

Ifunnanya… I CEE You… I See you… That is how well I love you.
Yuin Chen is the name of the person in bed 4-016 the number which I occupied last year before being moved to Room 5A Bed 5-006…
I Cee You… I.C Y… Y C I…

Nor was it an Intake Center.. IC…Nasa described Galaxy 1101 I.C as the largest and most beautiful Galaxy in the Known Universe ( known by them)…
The Room with a view I passed through their if you recall on my full circle return from 2 months at Green Point in 2015 July to 2016 July ( entering in 2015 with the age code of 1966) and in 2016 as 1967…was anything but that, recall the Room I was given for one night with the code word “Jose” on it…
And recall Jose A Roq who came to be my nieghbor in bed 5-004…
*I another Jose came to speak to me last might, I had mentioned him briefly as a Handsome looking swashbuckling Spaniard who sings opera at the top of his voice, and really belongs either in a movie or is living in the wrong time zone.
He has always been trying to be friendly with me, but I have not been in the mood to get to know anyone else from here despite my discovering later that he was the one whose had occupied the bed I am now in and that he was given my former bed.
But last night, he sang his in his booming Opera voice and then greeted me, then came up to me to tell me the story which had me in stitches..
I had been staring at the cat – a beautiful white cat ala the James Bond wondering why such a cat was wondering fences then momentarily asked myself what made it better than the other two cats who haunted the Fenced off area..
That is when Jose, told me how he regularly escapes the curfew by climbing out the window.
And the other night he had climbed out of the window that was right behind my former bed…
He told me how on his way back how he found that the window which he usually takes which links to Alexis office was closed.
And how he had to use the back fence, and that he had thus set of the security system and all hell had broken loose.
Asked what he was doing, he had said that the had dropped his cigarrettes and gone to retrieve them.
All things went well and two days he felt he had gotten away scot free until Alexis came to the office on monday and told him that he had lost his bed…
Outraged ( I was shaking with laughter .. he looks like a Musketeer from the 17th century truly.. a rare splendid example of a Man in this very very drab place)…
He asked why he lost his bed, Alexis then showed him a video of himself where the camera had caught him clutching to the fence, his head jutting up and down … exactly like a cat.

Alexis told him that this is why he had lost his bed, that he had been occupied and thus, had forgot to sign for his bed…

I roared with Laughter…

You were the Cat and she was the Dog ( Bitch) who literally sniffed you out.
You have got to admit I told him, it is fair play, she caught you out in your own game and never gave you away or kicked you out of the Shelter…transfered you.

I roared with laughter too… “I do not really care”

There are 3 bed free and she will not let me have one of them have one… ”

At first I did not pay attention to what he was saying, but I was mediating on the Intel he had forced upon me, the staff had started calling him “Spider Man”.. and ‘The Cat”…
He had taken over my bed and I had taken his…
He must be in his 50’s but the 50’s which one equates with Vigor Manhood.. Sean Connery… ( Ah I saw that code yesterday “The Highlander” that who he looks like…”
A very naughty and mischievous man but a dangerous one if you crossed as he recounted yet another story of how he was a cat burglar and walked down three stories to invade the restaurant of a man he he despised and who despised him… Even after the man set a trap of blades surrounding the Window….

My Bio Father as called The Cat… I witnessed by bio Fathers amazing agility and reflexes… literally… amazing….
And my younger brother Nnamdi and I loved Spider Man..
Peter Parker….P P… PP 16 16.. 32… 5…E…

I guess I am the original..The Cat…
Chiyuna Terry is the image which also appeared on my face book memory.. his brown face covered in the shadow of Lace…
T.C… E T C… / E C T….
S.M…S E M… M E S… Angela Dawn Messenger of Dawn…
S A M E…. S..A.M…

So the Equation is really not that Bellvue…
Its Bell Vue… and Belle Vue…
The View which rings a Bell…
The Beautiful View…
See The post of Sacred Portal 46… And First Drop which Dawn Piercy D.P.. 4-16.. 40 16 was the first to like.

And the relevance of Tamika Rivera… and Tamika here serving me or aligned to serve me the cup of coffee with the number 6 39 after I just completed the 39/ 93 Post… Perfect alignment and immediate manifestation.. After 17 years in New York, 17 months at Delta Manor….
17 Street where Lisa testified to walking through a portal with her sister Dee in which like a forcefield transported them from one Dimension to another all present here…
As the my response to the 3 year old child as to whether he will stay here forever…
Yes but in the Eternal Realm of Beautiful Beautiful Adventure Travel through all possibilities made real and fun…
Endless adventure but all leading you back here to the present.. Home the planet 5-28 herz.
Nadee Nakandala born 5 28 represents that code and she recognized in 2013, after being a facebook friend for just 3 days…

Thus Tamika linked to Bed 18… R..
Forms the Equation T.R
Tamika Rivera…T.R… 20 18…
Arrival at long last at the Beautiful Present.
Beautiful Pride… Creation…
My Home…
After embodying the Black Panther to destroy the Lies.. and Liars…
The Earth Planets, Plan ET’s, Humans story of Cosmos University Galaxy Chaos Cadmus which can never be because it like Zero never was….

Tamika means
: The name “TAMIKA” is Japanese and the meaning is as follows: “TA” means “many”, “MI” means “beautiful” and “KA” means “smell”.

The name Tamika is a Japanese baby name. In Japanese the meaning of the name Tamika is: People.

Rivera Means River…. Stream… Fresh Water…”

Yes my equation I solved yesterday,
The Beautiful People, of the lovely Scent are Many and they come, came from the Rivers… Stream Fresh water… ”
Not the Sea of Salt and Death…

See sacred portal 5… They are Alive… they are like flowers perfumed scent.. sent… followers of the Christ.. Yes Hues Ah! Are the anointed by E at the Eternal Beginning and Death does not come to them because “Anunbis” sniffs then out and know that they are “Anointed” by the Myrrh the Beloved…
M.O.I… E Aka Balthazar Timothy Zorro… ASTER…

Meanwhile in the room a last play took place with Lorenzo and his explanation of The Story of Job…
That loathsome translation of the Story of what is really a Trnity of Man as Confidence and surmounting his own adversary of Doubt to manifest himself and his Destination.
His explanation about Man as Will was very intelligent but flawed in that it still celebrated an species created by “God” who are so flawed that they must suffer and suffer before they learn.
But this I pointed out is flawed from inception since if they created in Gods Image they were created perfect…
And why meddle with Perfection…
Unless God and the Devil or Satan are simply two Ideas of self which can never merge and marry…
Science and Art…? Nope they Marry at Music which is Poetry in motion and Mathematics…

So. I listened then dismissed it… he is Satan playing God… while trying to be a Man…
And has lost track with the fact of what they all are…
Too much studying.. not enough Being Doing.. Enbodying.. Boogie.. Song Dance… S.D… That is ME…

9:00 P.M

The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment supposed to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943. The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge (DE-173) was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or “cloaked”) to enemy devices.

The story first appeared in 1955, in letters of unknown origin sent to a writer and astronomer, Morris K. Jessup. It is widely understood to be a hoax;[1][2][3] the U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment was ever conducted, that the alleged details of the story contradict well-established facts about USS Eldridge, and that the claims do not conform to known physical laws.[4]

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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