
11:21 p.m.

11:21 p.m.



B-I-T R ….U…E


A COCK… That is what the man placed on the Table next to me.

His Hat had a Cock on it… Rooster… Cock same thing…

Both Rise instinctively at Dawn and Crow….

Francis Frick arrived a moment after I did to sign the Bed Count list.. Dee was the only one present…

D..E.. F… F D… I let him sign before my because I had to control the energy moving through me.. which allowed himto sign the book before me… D F..E…..D E F… was the coorect equation which played out before the Meddling

D E F I N… E…. D E F I N I T I ON…E

De Fin E..

De Fin IT..ION E…

Define Infinity Harmony Eternity. Existence….

My mind on Seeing the Cock on the cap placed on the table besides me so as to be sure that I would see it of course moved my Awareness to swing to Manion Adcock, Manion Adcock Manion Adcock.. he is 3 times my Facebook Friend..


The 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening… Sacred Portal 76.. a Being who is Three and then many an infinite many… all in ON.E.. E-Motions…. First Family .. First 5 Gestures mirrored perfectly Left Side Right, perfect symmetry…

Of course, I went to his message which he had sent me, which I shared which was like by Initials A.K…B.S…Merged Anthony Bienke Kemi Sara… S.B.. K.A… U,ME… E ME…KA… U ME KA…

Brooke Shields…

Supreme Being… K.A… 11 1…

18 And 4 were the codes…

My bed 4 O 18… I am already E O… Full Circle. Room 4B 2016/17..2018…

In that room are the 4 years I have been in the Shelter…

2015.. 2 Months..

20 16, 2017.. 2018… Almost 17 Months..

And Atlantic Bedford.. Anthony Bienke… A B… Blair Andrews…

The woman called Nicky had entered to play out the last scene, she arrived after Larry Brenda and Robert had left ( L.B R N…There was no I.. To make it L B I R N/ N R I… B L..UE..

Nicky is a nurse, and I had mentioned her our conversation on P.S.D Post Traumatic Stress Disorder first diagnosed with War Vetrans…She just completed her Masters Nursing.

*There were Two people present when I entered seated at the Woods side.. Larry and Brenda.. L.B./ B.L.. A I R… I am A.I..

– the cardigan, I found from the Universe outside of Starbucks with the code Icon Apparel/ A.I.. Alpha Intelligence.. Infinite Awareness… Robert age code 53 came in and sat besides….

Still have not heard from the immigration lawyer… Ernest Collette.. E.C… 5 3… Yes recall, I mentioned how the O.INri were moving through Robert, how he recounted to me one day how something came over him and he began to do a dance and movement which I instantly recognized from my youth. And indelible memory of my Grandfather taking the highest Title, and with the Entire family, dressed in white, moving from village to village, greated by hoards of people..

The Dance involved the Hands Raised to the Heavens and then moving gracefully and majesticall to the Earth.

I had seen them do this dance and loved it and asked what it meant. It meant As Above So Below

*See Ugo Nwamama’s post.

Unification of Heaven and Earth, by the Man Woman.. the Human Being… The Two Harmonies 88 merged and unified by the One Infinite Harmony standing Up… Not Lying down as depicted in the Symbology of the West…

8 88… 24… X… 6…

Meaning of the Equation is that just as depicted in the book of fiction – fact by Chikodi Anunobi…Nri Warriors of Peace

That the True Human Being knows through sixth sense that the purpose of a Human being is Harmony; Hence Harmonious Manifestation depicted and described as Ofo Afo.. Which means the Power of Truth…

Ofodile.. Truth is in the Tongue.. Word…

Ezi-Okwu… The Way forged by Truth.. T-Rue Language.. T L.. 2012… 32.. 5..

It is in his posts today…

Yes, you can imagine my surprise ( and yet not so surprised) when he told me of what had happened to him.

And also his constantly telling me that when I speak it is as if I am down loading or activating data which he knows…That his brain recognizes everything I saw as if an interface.

He is the one who fixes computers and uses that computer language of codes enciding of this modern society but through a instinctive and inutitive inherited understanding which made his study of it, simply for the languaging…

53 Is the Bed Number of Keith Grant who I met the first day I went to the Shelter in 2015…And whom I recognized instantly his Energy as my Grandfathers Elder Brother who originally played my Father in the Time Incarnation before my Grandfather took over that role to a degree after my own Bio Father disowned me.. ( but not really)

Yes,K.G/ G.K… 11 7/ 7 11… 18 18.. R R.. 36… 360… 9…I.

N R I…

Sign on the Cross..

I mention all this smh.. because it once again highlights the unbelievable audacity of those who are able to exists in the Spirit Realm, unseen ( but sensed) meddled with the Living, came down the Matrix.. Interfered with the Creators Play and Encoding. The Audcity is so breath taking and of course, they have denied and denied… the subsequent Mess of Ages they created…

But…yes.. B.L….A .I.R… E… Breath… Breathe… Umeano.. UME…Ano.. means 4…

I am in room 4 B…

So yes, I am pefectly aware Why I was led here to Delta and Woods… D.W… D.J… DOW JONES… W.O.O.D… J ONES…

Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones… E N O J… ENO J.. 4 J’s 4 10’s..

10 10 10 10.. 1111…Forming a Prison Cell .. A Cube.. A Mind Matrix…

Yes they used Human Avatars, they’re very own descendants andblood line without them, well most of them being aware. While others, became aware and captilaized on the gifts and benefits..

All the Wood peoples ancient ones were guilt of meddling with their descedants from Chinese Japanese Celtic… the list goes on.

The Dow dropped a record 1033…

‘The Dow finished with a decline of 1,033 points, the second-worst point drop in history, eclipsed only by Monday’s 1,175-point nosedive.

You do notice the codes 33 and 75…

11 10 75 33 please see the sacred portals..

correct alignment is

1O 11… (3).. 5 7.. E,G…Examplify.. 57.. 12.. 3… 3 3.. 6…

*Jace Horsford.. J.K..H.. I do hope you are following since the meddling and your complicity in it ( benefits) was a perfect exemplification of this meddling and feeding of their Descendant Avatars Need to feel special. and have a sense of Manifest Destiny


A Mans Conviction is Who he is

Hacksaw Ridge… that was ad end quote from the movie that was playing,

*The true story of Pfc. Desmond T. Doss (Andrew Garfield), who won the Congressional Medal of Honor despite refusing to bear arms during WWII on religious grounds. Doss was drafted and ostracized by fellow soldiers for his pacifist stance but went on to earn respect and adoration for his bravery, selflessness and compassion after he risked his life — without firing a shot — to save 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa.

* D.T.D… DD.. 44…

A.G… 1-7…Allen Ginsberg.. Blair.G.Andrews…44

44 is the Age of my younger Brother whose wife is from Okinawa.


There are more codes about play of WAR…/ RAW…

But I do not wish to elaborate.

But it makes one wonder how the word Conviction a verb…

has its Noun, Convict and Convicted became used to describe a Person who serves prison time in a Prison Cell and to, Convicted – to pass judgement and sentencing.

It truly makes you Wonder about what was deliberately done to the English Language, as well as Language in general. One can nothelp but observe that such dual and extreme meanings as being something created to cause confusion.


*a formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.

she had a previous conviction for a similar offense

synonyms: declaration of guilt, sentence, judgment

his conviction for murder

antonyms: acquittal


a firmly held belief or opinion.


*declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.

her former boyfriend was convicted of assaulting her

synonyms: find guilty, sentence

he was convicted of sexual assault

antonyms: acquit


noun: convict; plural noun: convicts



a person found guilty of a criminal offense and serving a sentence of imprisonment.

To resolve the conflict made made apparent in its Dual meaning and bring it to symmetry, would mean just as depicted by the movie Hacksaw Ridge, that a man who was true to his conviction and then ostracized Convicted and Sentence..and even marked labelled by his community, would be by the truth of his Conviction bearing fruit and reaching Its logical conclusion and outcome defeating War in favor of a Covenant and Promise made to God.. or The Harmomy of Existence.. H.P .. Harmony Peace…H.P… 8..16… 8 88…It began with 8..Infinite Harmony.. which replicated Itself 8 8..And Merged to form the Letter P..

Peace.. Plant… Seeds of Peace.. ( Peace Bee…P.B/ B.P)

Plan E.T…Planet… Plan Truth… 8 88…Then merges to for 24…Which is a Day.. 24 Hours.

Code Age Represented by Jace Horsford whose portal I just passed through.

24…Is 2 4 / 4 2… B D/ D B… Bee Do.. Being Doing…

6..Sixth Sense…

F which moves to F.A.I.R… F A C T… F R E E DOM.. F.R.A.N.C.I. S..

This play of the H Ridge.. HR… 8 18… ( 26 Z) Is akin to my 17 years with I.D and Body and Being taken away for me to answer a challenge of the Spirits of Jealousy masquerading as Spiritual Family and Ascended Family.. Blood Family.. Friends Compamions… no Lovers…. All Lies..

Of the challenge as Lorenzo described my journey to my surprise as the challenge to Job…

The Bet to prove that I could walk through the materialistic capital of the world with no safety net, no secririty, eveything taken away from me, to see if I would turn, to see if I coud walk impeccably without breaking any divine or human laws, to walk as an Nri Warrior of Peace- in a script which none of they who are the so calle Ascended could do, all the while knowing that they were meddling with the True Mission of Evolution Awakening and the Ascension of the Eternal Ones…

1:00 a.m.

I have given non stop evidence of their meddling, even to this very moment by derailing that which I have already set into action motion.. D E F…. IN…

Tyrone is currently seated besides me to my right… behind me is Kwame…




I wish convict them to the fate given to me, and to all their Avatars and Descendants who have knowlingly chosen their sides instead of the Eternal Truth.

And of the ones who are given some measure of grace favor.. or mercy..

Are the ones who either housed me to the best of their degree or who sent money donations…

It does not guarantee a reprieve but it shows at least those who had some kind of Heart…

The rest…

With no malice in my voice just Iron Will of Eternty…

I condemn you to the Blue Hell Fire…

In response to that which you contributed in giving to me…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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