
2/13/2018 2:20 – Facebook Post

12:25 a.m.

Some weeks ago when I was still paying attention to the Intel through the New York Times, a Headlines grabbed my attention..

“We do not know how to Fight Them!”

My response was almost indifferent,
“You can not fight that which does not Exists… that which is a product of your mind”

*”Let It Be is the twelfth and final studio album by the English rock band the Beatles. It was released on 8 May 1970, almost a month after the group’s break-up. Like most of the band’s previous releases, it was a number one album in many countries, including both the US and the UK, and was released in tandem with the motion picture of the same name.

8 May 1970


February 1968
January–February 1969
January; March–April 1970

Abbey Road Studios, London
Apple Studio, London
Twickenham Film Studios, London


Rock[1] ·
blues[2] ·


Apple ”

8th May… 5-8….

Once that song began to play immediatly after I had ended the last post with Let It Be…
I knew that the play was really over…
The response was immediate.

I have tried for 6 years to alert you to the presence rising in the world. I was even set up to alert you when I knew as far back as 1992 that it would be a futile endeavor because I had already tasted a sample of the Human Mentality 25 years, 26 years ago, and the world has not evolved, it has gotten worse.
All the White wash in the world, the illusion of progress could not conceal what Presidents Trumps election into office has revealed as the Truth which lurked always right there under the surface of all the White Wash and political correctness.

But even though, I fought this, I did my very best, truly my very best in an impossible situation.

I was being asked to relay, and document mainly for the future records, the awareness of one man who had made First Second Full Circle Contact with Eternity, with the Orginal and the Orgins of Humanity…
In a World mentality consumed with Jealousy and Competition and envy.

It was happening to me, and only those allowed around me, were privy to the play, and in deed many many were..
-And many, such as Marina Burini complained that when I was not around, that the reality of the experiences they had seemed to dimm, almost vanishing to the point where they began to question if they really had experienced it. And those who did naturally turned to me to either re-affirm it, or blame and antagonize me by their desire and frustration as to why me, and not them.

Let It be played the very moment that I complete the last post.

I spoke about the Beatles which my mother loved just yesterday to person here, as I found myself speaking about the strength and power of acculturation.

There is only so much I could convey of what was happening to me, in my immediate envirnoment, and even with the imposition of the Ancestors to include all of you in the play, to demonstrate even teach ( which I do not do…. I demonstrate) there was only so much I could do.

I do not need your money, nor do I need you to Invest, but I understood what the Ancestors the Spirit World was desperate to find whatever means to get you to See Me.. to See the Truth They went to such lengths to make me “Prove” to you Explain to you the Truth….

That no one could explain Ascension without having ascended…
No one can explain God without having met God..
No one can expain Eternity without having been there…
No one can explain Manifestation without having been able to do it and break down how it is done…
No one can speak of I recognize the God in you” without actually showing that it is true and having that God recognize them…

You do not know how Humaniy will Evolve..
Or how the species end, unless you have read the book and it was could read it…

I have lived in New York for 17 years without an income, I have had no place to stay, no food to eat, no cloths to wear and yet each time Ihave been provided what I need, required.
– A terrible way to Exist, a cruel thing to do to any strong proud independent person- but It is a Fact and Truth I can not deny…
I knew that the “Ancestors- the Spirit Mind Wave of Humaity… the Christs.. The Anointed Ones” who were anointed as Cherished and Beloved of the Two Men Women- Ancestors of Humanity- chose to pass through Death unscathed with memory intact for their contributions to the development of the Species…

Tis they who brought me to New York..
But it is for the E, that I came.
It is they Spirit World who put me through this hell beyond hell to find a way out of the Spirit World of Mind Space to the Eternal Realm …
But as I stated so many times, it can only be done accessd through embodiment.

I have conveyed my experience, and I suppose this play was also created to establish my credibility…. that I speak the truth so you could take me at my word, hence the transparency…

I do not truly believe that there will be a rush of people to Invest in my truth, I do not see it in the Script, and the Spirt world, though they like to think so, are not in control..
The E are…

Let It Be… L I B….ER TO… L I BERTY…
Been seeing that a guy wearing that costume of Lady Liberty ( but he is a man) each time I walked into starbucks last week right up to the weekend…
The newly minted One Dollar Bill… O..D.B… Full Circle Room 4 B… D B…
Jace Horsford was moved to give me…
I still have it, the last money remaining…

Kemi Sara just texted me at 1:11 am..
See the Sacred Portal… 111

There is so much more I could tell you, could have told you, but it really makes no difference does it…
All has already been written, those who rise now rose in the Eternal Beginning and the new? Already designated…

I just am so stunned, so so stunned to a quiet that it was allowed to go so far and so long… and create such sufferiing.. so much so that the Face of Eternity not only evolves but changes forever…

But such a statement means little to your world.

Let It Be…

See the date it was releaased.. recoreded…

5-8-70… 5 87O…
Eternal Harmomy is the Energy controlling this play.. not the Spirit world of the Minds of Human Beings through out Time…

1:20 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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