
2/25/2018 11:52 – Facebook Post

10:04 a.m.


J.O.D… I.E… F.O.S.T E R…

Contact… C-On-Tact…

*In this Zemeckis-directed adaptation of the Carl Sagan novel, Dr. Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) races to interpret a possible message originating from the Vega star system. Once first contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence is proven

‘B-Y-T.R…U.TH ..E..E…


I will be brief, but I feel at least I have a responsibility to let you know what happened today…

Recall the play with Kyle..”Brown” Yesterday at Starbucks…
Two Coffee’s… 102… 48… J.B ( A O B.. A B)… D.H..
Dawn Piercy Harmony.. H P H… 10;12 am.. J L..= 22…V… 13..M..
XTwin.. Kemi Sara

This morining their was a Fire Drill, we all got up and by 6:50’s a.m I was down stairs…
Usually I go outside, but today I stayed in the main room near the door crowded with the men…
I stood besides Blair Andrews and Jaquai Ray..then Raheem P joined me to my left.. and then Allen Murray…

B.A…J R…E.K…R.P..A.M…

B J ..E…R…A…./ B J… ERA… Beauty Joy… New Era

A R E…J.B… A R ( AR -Mondo.. Dawn Piercy’s son line me) E..Emeka is Jay-mes Bond….

The People Equation was formed by the Expression on my Page, then acted out on the stage 1385 MW Starbucks…
with Kyle….

It then manifested as a Wave which moved the People to the exact alignment, including myself…

Then Tina Ann who is linked to Marty Kyle- Marty Kyle- texted me yesterday night .. and we Danced…

She expressed the correct code of expression when I expressed my digust and impatince with Humanity.. ‘They left me in the streets and the Shelter to die.. yet they still come to ask for intel

Her response made me pause and not cancel her from my consiousness awareness as yet another despicable Human Unnatural….

She was Elegant Gracous Eloquent..

Today whe left the message of Crystaline…

Black Rob was sitting besides me at Starbucks with a Star of Light appearing in the Day Sky framed by the Big Blue…

Then I returned to the room, and Bed 4-016.. Which was the bed I was in one year ago, but not in the same position…
It is occupied by the rude, “China Man” C.M.. 3 13..
C Me 43…
10:28 P.M…My Obama phone.. 13 47 313 67 78…. completed with record shattering 78 degree weather in New York, smashing the 88 year record…
88… Rep Kemi Sara Dawn Piercy…
His name Yuen Chen.. Y.C…
I am.. E.. N..Y C…. Emeka Nnamdi Yeshua Chrystalized…

He was smoking in th bathroom, which is against the rules, the smell filled the room.
Only Francis and I were present we lay in bed.. the smell was awful, and it was rude…
I lazily called out that it was rude and not of sound judgment to smoke in the room.. ( I who am the only one who smokes as everyone else goes outside)
The Moment I said it, I heard the secruity guard say he smelt it too..
i turned opened my eyes, he had walked in at the precise moment I had expressed myself to the air… as Yuin was in the bathroom…

The secruiry guard a young good looking warrior looking youth from one of the African countries left…

Yuen came out totally unconcerned…
I lazily called out that he was going to get himself chucked out of this place…

He left, a moment later the secuirity guard returned with his supervisor..

Once again, missing Yuen by just a few moments..

They asked me to identify who was the one smoking…
I said that I was not going to tell on my room mate but that he should use his power of deduction and figure it out…

It is a 4 man room.. He looked at the bed unoccuppied and because he is friendly with Lorennzo- he knew it was not him and he was absent while the other two beds were occupied…

It is Bed 4-016 he told his supervisor, after a brief moment.

I raised my hands in a gesture of Ýou see that was not difficult

“Dawn Piercy sent me her painting which is the exact alignment to my sacred portal 8 when I was in bed 4-016…
i recieved it by mail though, when I had moved to bed 5-006…

4-016… 40 16.. 56… See sacred poratl 56… E. O.O F… Room 4B to 5A…. D.B… E A… 4th Dimensional Being evolved back to a 5th Dimension Awareness
D.O.O.P… Moved to E O..O F… D P… E F…
Dawn Piercy is the portal of Emeka Fact.. Eternal Faith.. Faith is to Know… Eternal Knowing… E.K..

I went down to get break fast.. smoked .. no one was about in the backyard fenced court yard…
Then Pedro appeared on the stop of the stairs.. He waved… I waved back.. strange..
Then I went to Elvis for breakfast… Tyrone was being Served..then Kwame arrived…
T.. K.. E…
E K T…

Lorenzo is sitting behind me right now.. He was the only one absent…
He had told me that Yuen Chin was a very very sick man.. now I understood.. dirty.. rude… no manners…
Not Bed D.P…

10:47 am..

Instant Manifestation is occuring in three Dimension… 4…
First through my posting… then Starbucks rep MW87…
Then Delta Manor.. D.M.. Divine Manifestation… realm of Space of Mind Body Waves Moved… ( Obama phone in the name Walley B… W.B… E O…. W E B… B O W… 13 47 313 6778../87 76 313 74…31… See sacred Portals…)

10:50 a,m.

J E..O.

A O…E O…

Emmy Guy Guy… Pierces the Veil of the Double V.V..
Veil of Veronica… Desire of Victorioa…
Theresa… Aviles… Tina Ann… T.A… A T… E1

10:52 am

J E B…
A O E B….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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