
My spirit does not meet someone and then when I go to sleep and hear that person speaking to me in the spirit realm! Hi I have acknowledged source through you, and have seen the magnificence of what spirit can do in any part of the world

My spirit does not meet someone and then when I go to sleep and hear that person speaking to me in the spirit realm! Hi I have acknowledged source through you, and have seen the magnificence of what spirit can do in any part of the world

7:58 p.m


My Coffee at Starbucks from Chris 58.

* See Time…

Second Coffee 4…


Arab Bodega.. 54.. Randall Michael Wiltz.. R M W.. 18 13 23 =54

( Double V VV 44 +13+18= 75… )

54.. 9… Randall is in room 2C.. Bed 009…

Latests Facebook Friend Barbara Baker.. B B…

(Which cancels out Brenda Booth rep 6-29-61… Abyss as the Mouth. Link to Lorenzo… B.L..Brotherly Love- A GAP…

The Abyss link to Peter Nyarkô…Jaws of Death…

9:33 p.m.. The Nightmare created through Human Expression)

Its is the Politician who is the Mark of the Beast !!..

Not the Lawyer.. or the Advocate!

Jace Horsford Chose!

The Truth….!

At exactly 7:43 p.m.

I woke up at 6:26 p.m after taking a nap…

It was to a scene of hearing the man who keeps shouting out 666 Evil…

He had shouted it to Lorenzo the one in Bed 4-015.

Whom I can original called the True Satan in the play.

They had had a tussle and I woke up to hear him screaming it at the Top of his Lungs.. It took me a moment to realize that it was Lorenzo whom he was addressing..

The same man who Cleveland wished me to connect with and whom I refused. And for good reason because he states that the the has been affected with Evil and that Evil is Victorious, and it almost, almost was for Lorenzo, or perhaps the Script had made me so tired and exasperated that though I had sustained that truth.

Though I did not trust Lorenzo nor change my mind, I began to relax my guard.. As he kept on relentlessly seducing me with words of good cheer despite my being aware that I knew what he was playing in this play.

He was the only one who acknowledged my body, and the work he could see me doing.

No matter how I rebuffed him, he kept on coming back again and again.

I had not forgotten but I had relaxed my guard, my attention I just wanted to go home.

But last night I was could not sleep, and the body morphing was so much.

Lorenzo is normally not there, he always makes sure that he is not around when I go to bed. Only Francis and Yuen.

I noticed that and I felt I knew why…

And he was always praying and mumbling a strange mantra. a sound which was not something of any faith I have ever head.

It was not a pleasing mantra….

He would mutter it over and over again and call out Thank- You Jesus.

I called out that mantra over and over again. I did not care what he chanted as long as he kept it to himself, nor was I afraid of the vibration he was using….

The Man who repeats over and over Evil, I could identify with because I too, had been in that state of just astonishment when I was confronted it.. In fact it was as if he was saying that which was in my head, which I called out over and over, in quiet…

Evil.. Evil… say this quietly,to myself… in astonishment…

Why I was annoyed with the other man was that he was polluting the air, i called out Beauty, enacted beauty… Because that is the only way to combat the Evil in the air…

And then quietly, I would utter in astonishment Evil.. Evil.. a word which I would never utter before, because I gave it no credulity.

But the last few years and especially the last 2 years and observing being in this script, I could not help but call A spade and Spade…

And the word, simply burst out of my lips, murmuring in quiet incredulity or to the face of the source of that expression what it was…

But I would not utter it aloud.

Another thing the man kept calling out was Voodoo.. Haiti…

Voodoo and Evil…

I had chastized the man, and he had never ever turned on me, in fact he called me Sir all the time and was very respectful, but he would not stop calling out Evil.

He would simply be a little bit more quiet when I was around…

So when I woke up to his voice screaming down stairs to Lorenzo who was in the room when I woke up..

And then heard Lorenzo explain to security guards who were calling out to him, I realized that it was He who the man had seen and had a fit and started calling him.

But today the Man calling out Lorenzo after the play of which I realized why his mantra was annoying me and why I called it out even last night while he thought we were all asleep.

I knew that it was something sinister, even by the simple fact that it was not transparent. Words sounded like a ritual, dirty, unclean…

And each time I had called him to shut up..

But last night I called it out.. surprising him that I was awake…

Shut up.. I said .. I am so sick of your fear… get a grip of your mind… and your Fear… because that was what the mantra was meant to summon a force to protect him from Evil.

Today, he used his usual disarming techniques and then he laid his trap and sprang.

He asked me if I really was disturbed by his mantra’s he had asked me quite a few times, and so I knew that he knew…

But I responded…

And then he sprang with malice and that vindictiveness of those who are keeping a grudge, waiting for the opportunity to spring…

They use guile cunning, seduction… and then slowly lure you in…

He brought up my body, and what he had to endure with the sounds..

I suddenly stopped because he is never in the room, when I am sleeping or going through the spasms, I control it, I stay awake aware, I go down stairs when I am aware it is really much…

And the only person who really has endured it was Francis and I had called him an Evil Bastard when he complained one night because I and he knew how much I controlled it so that, when it did truly manifest which to the level of disturbing another it was rare… and did not last long because I would get up and leave the room out of respect.

He knew this… But he decided to use this and when he said it.. I stopped and asked does it really make that much noise…

He then lied and I stopped and heard the evil in his response so subtle so cruel.. and intelligent. But I heard it, the LIE…

And so, I said that is a manipulative and self serving response…

But even as he said he he realized that I had given himself away…

He tried to cover it but, that Lorenzo the Leviathan the abomination because of the abominable tools he uses was back…!

He had been laying in wait all this time, using the truth and even divine revelations and intelligence, seduction.. charm…


He says this over and over again, I do not know why I did not put two and two together…

And so when I woke up, to the sound of the man G calling out 666… as Lorenzo…

At 6:26. p.m… and his chanting…

I saw the play and that is when I called him out and he lashed at me, mocking my 17 years in New York and having accomplished nothing…

He mocked and even tried to menace me physically which was a laugh…

Again calling the people here scum and that he was the Source feeding them, he the chosen one…

Filth poured out his mouth…

Because it was his own fear…

He was afraid of me…

And I knew it, he knew it…

I called him his name Levithan the Monster in Humanity in Creation as a lie which lurks beneath deep beneath waiting to come out..

Our voices raised, and suddenly my voiced joined the echo of the man down stairs who was still alerting everyone to Lorenzo being the Beast 666…

The Politician..

It ended quickly with Lorenzo trying to make peace… Your are of an Superb and Exquisite Intelligence.. That part of you.. I still like you Emeka so very much..

And You are the abomination of Humanity…

Begging on your knees, using voodoo and disguising it as Christianity… those old kings and politicians who would go to witches, secret societies.. Anything to get power…

And so, I understood…

I rushed out, incredulous but calm..

This was the Play…

I went to get a coffee on credit…

The code was 54…

54.. April 5th…

Randall Michael is a Lawyer!

Nadee Nakandala is a Lawyer…

Jace Horsford is a Criminal Lawyer!

They are not liars…!..

The are both representatives of the Truth…in this play…

And that is what a True Lawyer Is…

And that is why Randall Michael Witlz left his high paying job after 15 years…

And then I recalled Donald Trump..

James Comely…

And now the riddle of Micheal Dean Cohen..

M D.C…

Me rep.. and reflected by Randall Michael and how he is now being thrown under the bus by the Politicians…

I am being asked to solve the riddle which opens up the last can of worms of the US and World Governments by opening up the seal of of client confidentiality just as the Priests vow of the confession…

Michael Dean Cohen

August 25, 1966 (age 51)

Long Island, New York

Randall Michael was in bed 5010.. 51…

R M W= 54…

M D C/

C D M… 8 25 66… Long Island…

C D M…Delta Manor.. FF Francis Frick,. not the person – he is the one in bed 4-017.. Not Yuin Chen..today is 4-17…

Francis Frick not the person… but the code name he represents.

And the one person who was witness to me being in that room before. He represents that one Constant in the code

coffee which Randall Michael bought me 606… 66… 605.. 65…696.. I did not drink the 605 coffee… I drank the 66 and the 696… both constants…

9:11 p.m, I.K.

Ike Olo Na South I O N S…!!!

Jace Horsford…

Thus the 605 the one Illusion even on my birth certificate which is why my passport continues to be denied me is because the Universal Script recognizes it as a Lie.

The Correct code of the One Way… is 56…

Dawn Marie..

Dawn Piercy..

Me bed 5-006 Last Year…

This is the Scripts point , to break through the last barrier of Lies to bring the Dawn of the Truth…

Dawn Piercy D P… 4 16…

Emeka Room 4B.. Bed 4-018… 6+ 6+6=18..

I am beyond the Mark of the Beast which Stains Humanity..

that seed of Evil represented by the Politicians as Represented by Brenda Booth and Lorenzo Widget…

B B.. L W…

B L… B W…

Web of Lies in Being… the Last Code of the Veil of Deception.

40 16.. 56… is the one way… 66 696… the two Full Circle…

Only One way to Dawn…

9:42 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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