
21:12 pm

21:12 pm

Full Circle…


D C O…T R….

43 I must remind you is the Sacred Portal of the Door of Life..

And the equation for Energy.. E=C Me 4/3.

The Temp today was 43..

There is a man sitting opposite me who starred talking to me as I moved from Metropolitan section to the Woods side.

I just arrived at Starbucks a moment ago propelled by the riddles natural progression.

He is 43 yrs old.

Divorced for 19 years..

I replaced Robert age code 53 who was sitting here.

I had spoken to Karl this morning.

He I asked him how he knew Galaxy 1O 11 C I is Home.

He told me that his Big Brother told him right before he died at age 39.

He said he saw it…

He also told me that his first name is Robert ..

Robert Karl Murphy…

R K M… R M

He told me that he moved from Memphis Tennease to South Carolina where he met Bernard B.Young..

B B Y…. 2 2 25

My Coffee at the Arab Bodega was AB..

147..was 52..

B B Y E B…

He recognized as me his Big Brothers Energy..


He said that he was as tall as me..looked like me..

Roberts code name in the gaming world is Thanos..

Erebus Nyx

Thabtos.. they call death but he is Deep Sleep. His symbol is Butter Fly.. Theta..

Hypnos his Beloved is called Sleep but is really the Story Teller.. Day Dreaming Sleep…

Eris E rise.

Keres….Keres… One.

Nemesis.. N E M E S IS.

Oneroi… One King..

Its a code of my Family..

T H E -K O N ..E.

After speaking with him.. an extraordinary conversation which I do not have the time to recount.. I sleep so deeply for 7 Hours.n

And rushed here..

And contacted Jace Horsford..and my alchemy he is here in perfect harmony..

It is K J J K…

All in Harmny of J K H…

E Galaxy

I did not res

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