
5/1/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

8:19 p.m.
8: 22 p.m.

H.S. Harmony Supreme.

H.V…Harmony Victorious…



I just bought a coffee, no longer 2.67 usd for a Grande Pike, but 2:89 usd. ( B..H.I)
And I bought it from Eric here, who I have never seen him involved with the gossip here.

I served me the first one and i saw that it had the number 61…
61 days was the amount of time I was on the streets of New York, when I took the sleeping pills demanded of the Unseen Play of the Simulation and went into a place of such grief…
I woke up, to find myself in still in the Alley, it was still 2006 and Axel Love was the witness that I had crossed over Non Existence.
And 4 others.. Gabriel, Andrew, and then Stanley and his pregnant girlfriend whom I called the Elf Queen of Africa…

On roamed the streets of New York, looking for the portal which Sue owner of the Green House Building in Soho had told me I must find before the Awakening could happen.
“Find the Corner stone of Existence” despite my protests ( she later sold the building for 25 million .. 25.. Y.. my code and ran away to another place leaving me in the hell)

On the 61st day, I recounted here, I found the generation X Gardens and I became possessed with a Gorilla’s consciousness as If I were wearing a suit and the suit took over…
Witnessed by Isaac Calvin McCullough.

The same happened in 2010… which is the correct enactment which did not freak me out which felt very comfortable, familiar took place in 2010 at Pelham Bay Park which was witnessed by Fritz Venneiq.. F V.. 6 22…See the time code of my last post and the Triple V.. I was in a Phoenix Space Ship Suit…
Link the intel below by Ventus Blackstone… “10 39”
TEN.. 39… Th Elegant Nomad C.I… From E Galaxy 1O 11.. C.I.

I am right now in the same area for the last 19 months Pelham Bay Park…

I bought the coffee and saw the number was 61… Ms Brenda was here with Robert age code 53… as well as Peter.. Age code 22…
I said nothing to them, they have ceased to exist for me, they represent the illusion of the choice they made as to what is real…

I then saw that something seemed to be wrong with the coffee, so I took it back, Eric decided to change it, and gave me a fresh cup… And the new cap on it is 43!

43 is the Door to Eternal Life in my Sacred Portals…
and my Equation refuting Einsteins equation of e=mc2 ( respectfully) to E=CMe4/3…

Amoza Born, A.B.. arrived to say hi… I haven’t heard from here in a long time..

Robert Karl Murphy was born 11-22.. yes the same date as my mother and David Roman Nicholas… Cecilia David.. C D..
3 4..7…
He is representing 7 which moves to 8 through our linking and connecting through conversation, linking inside. And then linking outside through Jace Horsford which I am the bridge linking the two of them.
MW.. is the combination of two points of view… it creates the Space in between Heaven and Earth.

20:43 p.m right now.
8:43 p.m.

I did not mention before that Robert Karl Murphy showed me his I.D.. The numbers are 101 511 4…
101 are the number of bed at Delta Manor Mens Homless Shelter where I was led to…
5 11.. E.K… Are my initials…
4 is Delta.. 4…Color Green moved.

He was brought from South Carolina after Brennan B Young…
( Link Anthony W Young ) by lady and guy.. code D.H.. and J.K.B…
4 8…Sacred Portal Beautiful Death.. 84… 1984 Big Brother is Watching… See the code of my date of Birth..

10 11 Being…

This morning he said that he had a visit from his mother through a dream. He did not know that at the time of his dream and her visit that she had died on the operating table.. and then had been Resuscitated.
But she had told him that there was another realm, a place that it was not Heaven nor was it hell, that it was different and that it was not only different but that she was different, that there was a different energy there… But there was another world.
And then she had told him that he had no money, that there was no money in his account that the Social Services had not sent him his check…
He said he did not believe her on both accounts that she had died and that he had no money…
So the first thing he did when he woke up was call and sure enough he said in a shaky voice.. There was no money in his account and he had to holler and get his money reinstated, all taken care of for Monday.
But he knew what it really meant because I had had a conversation with him the day before speaking about my anger at being doubted and put through such agonies to prove that there was a realm, a place beyond enlightenment…The Light..
That very aurgument I had with Jonn Blackwell, and the challenge of Erik Ebright…
I understood that his mother had been sent to check…
Here name is Kelly Michelle King… I connected with a Kelly yesterday…
K M K… 11 13 11… 35… C.E…

And then Nicole my case manager, spoke to me about someone called Kimberly had called her from the British Consulate saying she wished to enquire and follow up on how i was doing and what happens with my speaking the the British Passport office.
Which I had put off because i could not move in the mornings…
K Kelly…
13 uSD… From Jace Horsford… 13 M..
Kimberly… K M K…

And then Nicole began to speak to me of the sound in the office and the noise and how it was affecting her body and her head…
She called it a System overload of data… which was affecting her literally physically causing her pain.

I stared at her.. then burst out that that is what I have been going through but a much advanced form of it, that I had to take all the data coming from everywhere and stream line it into one “Fil” thread and post it on face book or I was in literal agony…

She stared at me… “But the way you explained it, I would not have understood it that way..”she said.

I felt that that was a cheap shot, but I let it slide, after all perhaps I had not explained it to her, because I had explained it so many times and to the people there, the doctors and the staff and they had diagnosed me as Schizophrenia… You were all witness..
No one would listen…
Her listening now or even expressing it is because now they in the Spirit and Mental Realm of this world had evidence that I spoke the truth.

And so yes, this is why I was calling attention to the World not only what was, is going on my body and why it was intentionally exaggerated was to signal that all the information out there was having an effect on the human Body and it had to be dissumated and linked and woven into the correct meaning…
That the past was seeking to be solve and the Sum Total of Human expression was asking to me aligned and woven into a tapestry so that that which is Pregnant.. The future could be born…

Evolution Awakening… EQ.. E A..

9:39 p.m..

I C I.. ici…
and know that I for one have explained enough 17 years…
And I will never forgive Humanity in all realms for what they did to me for telling the beautiful Truth…

Exchange which just took place with Ventus Blackstone and I.

Emeka Kolo:
Do you understand what that symmetry means?

Ventus Blackstone
I think

Emeka Kolo
Tell me..

Ventus Blackstone”
It’s like points on a graph chart right?

Emeka Kolo:
Well said. a Convergence… Which creates meaning… Ventus becomes interfaced as Meaning Waves.. M W.. To become the one who is that which is both Ventus Blackstone meaning as well as Emeka Kolo.. E V K B… Thus I am you as the big brother the Original Ventus by fulfilling the Highest meaning of Ventus Blackstone…

Ventus Blackstone

Emeka Kolo


Ventus Blackstone

Emeka Kolo
hi… just wrote a post – coding onto the World Matrix…take a look.. ok…?

Ventus Blackstone

I think my laptop at school time glitched it said 1039 but then a moment later it was 739
Ha!… That is code for Home… Well done TEN C.I… G.. C.I…

My phone usualy glitches like every 35 minutes and 735 just got a text
G..C.E.. C.E..are my intials…

My sis just stormed off 735 to 736 about same time usually around 655 656 on other days
Mine are actually M. B. D
Mina beans Dempsey
I got called at 333 from a friend saying I was human and they were a demon trying to change my mindset…
Around 453 I texted my other friend if it all was a lie
Relay that to you
What you think bro

Emeka Kolo:
My room is 4B… M IS Manifestation B.D… Beautiful Death.. Sacred Portal 48… My sister stormed off.. see my sacred portal 30 in my albums it shows my sister storming off as I am forced to fight my “Father” for the transformation in the Woods… Demons are just bad ideas.. We are now at the verge of the awakening…
My icons on my earth on face book is at 35.. I will share your intel is that alright with you…?
Chat Conversation End
Type a message…

Ventus Blackstone
Yes and I’m reading your one post about me it’s cool you knew that Blackstone was black hills
I guess I just thought of the black hills in Dakota as well from when I went there it was beautiful and windy
Ventus is my soul shard the head of the Hydra out of time an incarnation tuamut Terra’s twin flame and brother technically he is the first angelic being created as a model for angels
I channel or call him in Alot.

Emeka Kolo:
perfect… I am coding a post now so do not think I am ignoring.. Write and I will post your evidence
Ventus Blackstone:
He just visits and my eyes usually lighten up 747 he’s laughing cause these idiots called him a demon today the ones who called me and said I was possesd by Jack my split half a dark angel who’s not to dark it’s misunderstood he is just a dark writer. He made the title of dark angel

Jackson Whitehollow is basically what he goes by he’s my darkness or yang
I’m the bridge and father creator Elliot is yin

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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