
5/5/2018 16:56 – Facebook Post

I was doing the code of Bobby James… The Famous Drug Lord which Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis prompted a conversation about last night after the play of Jace Horsford Billy Hung and Jacquii Quanme Lewis…
J B J… When this came up…

Micheal Jones ..Age 23…
Robert Bobby Jones.. 32…

12 20… 32 23… 5 5… And since today is Cinquo De Mayo.. 5 5..
I felt i should pause to solve this code…
Which correlates to the massive conversation I had with Jacqui yesterday after Two playes with J.K.H and J.B…
It had to do with so much.. and point of View…
Jacqui asked me what I thought about this great Mind who put to use his mind to destroy his own people… and yet was so brilliant…
My response was that perhaps he played the Beautiful Devil.. who loved ‘His People’ ( and perhaps all people so much) that he became as Charles Mansion where he gave the people that which would destroy them so as to save them.
Meaning that he allowed them to choose to be seen as they felt they were seen and not as they he felt they truly were and are..
And on realizing that nothing would move them to get out that Mentality that it was better that they destroyed themselves rather than become the abomination To what they truly are a a Beautiful People.

He did not destroy himself.. not did he have self hatred or hatred for Black People.. he loved them so much that he could not stomach what they had allowed themselves to be reduced to…

4:52 P.M.

D E B…

After all that is what I am doing is it not.. encoding the completion of Human Extinction so that they can Evolve to the Eternal ones after exhausting all possibilities and alternatives of what they could be.. The only answer I finally came up with others.. my Twin Line.. Nature.. was Evoltuion..
Even it means 2/3rd of the population ceases to exist because they simply refuse to Evolve to a Higher State of being even after it has been proven to be the Only way.. and the ORIGINAL Plan…

So Be It…

So yes.. I am He.. Just as I am Charles Manson… but a deadlier version because I explain and I am Transparent.. and Use Logic and Reason.

4:56 p.M

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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