
5/9/2018 20:12 – Facebook Post

17:58 pm

Q E H…

5:58 pm.

E E.H.


E.I. T R… U E Origins and Original Mann.

I am at Starbucks…

I saw no reason to come here, if I have to post,
I can Post from Delta Manor now that I have my embodied incarnation of the 4th Note Billy Hung.Delta linked to the rep of the 3rd Note, Jace Horsford.
And the link of the two Cecilia Wiebers Dawn Piercy…C D..(3 4)..W.P.
(Transformer B Q W P)..with the last two letters rep by Quanma’e Lewis and Billy Hung as B Q.

I did not even bring my competer.

But I was reflecting on the Small or Little People I call Dwarfes..But are really the Children ..The real Elves and Faries.
They are not “Humble” as the name “Paul” infers.
They are Beings of Beautiful Pride undercover as Dwarves
In a Fairy Tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfes, in the Dimension of Green Fa..The realm of imagination in order to conquer fear..
And Fear of the Dark..

Leo age 17 is seated to my right.

I Kirtan Locket Full Circle yesterday when I was going to the Courtyard and again when I was comming back. We came down together and by the time I came back and was going up he was going out.
He was wearing a Hat with Hell Fire on it..
So the Hell has gone into the world.
K.L.. OO7 Kill them All.. the Liars Deniars.Diseased.

Then I saw last nigjht and this morning in the courtyard and then in the T V Room Quanme “Spring -Transformation” Ah Yes the True Kirtan Kirtana Kitan..11 11 11… 6 1…1 6.
F A A F..

I bought a coffee after a play with Lorenzo and the clean true rep of Ambassador Cleaners Anthony- in which I had expresed Filth and Dusgust at Lorenzo for not seeing the logic of not clening the Toilet Bowl after doung number 2 and leaving the sides of the Bowl with his waste.
It began yestwrday, after meeting with Mr Bey.
Sigh I was too tired but I knew it was aa set up.. It had happened often enough and I had ckeaned it. Knowing that in a bigger play I was cleaning up the Shit of the World..Literally Sea Sky Perception Being, Consciousness.
It had caused a great battle and revealed to himself his hypocrisy especialy to Yuin Chen whom he called dirty…
He was Filthy Habits leaving shit in the Bowl for another to clean. And said since he ckeans the room (his section) someone else could clean his shit.
I was incredulous and laid into him.
War was declared and left at “I am not afraid of you” He said.
And me “Words have power and lets see whose words manifest”
I knew I was in a play where I was literally dealing with the Human creation of Satan Devil.. who saw himself as the Chosen son of God.

And he went as far to instigate a physical figjht (but not really) he is a big guy but also a bug.
But this afternoon Anthony used the Bathroom .
I was just getting up, and Lorenzo saw Anthony and made silly comment about making sure he cleaned up after himself bc someome here is fussy about such things.
Anthony remarked that not only did he clean up after himself, but that he always sprayed Air Freshner..A F
F A A F..

Ha I said.
I already noticed that he did this.
Just as I knew Elvis secretly despised the ppl he served and earned his income from .
And I heard the evidence of how Elvis does not clean well
Which Lorenzo had commented .
Today the Supervisor Hito and Moe played that out..EE were Dirty.. So was Lorenzo who saw dirt in others but not in his manners.
L E E…
Jon Jason Lee..
Bruce Lee
Bruce Okoye
Sara Lee
.B L U E.
S O….U L.

I cleaned the Bowl.. The Bowels..Colon
Constpated Clogged Arteries of the Universe..
Word World Planet Pane..
18:48 pm.

Jaquii Q.L…is the Beautiful Portal.. and his dream to build a Community..A School a Universe is that Truth of University School.
Universal Simulation Awareness.. M E…
to learn Communication Manners is why he became Sensie God Principal Rah!
To Teach and show my Principle..
To Honor his First Guide..
Guide Father.. G F.. Which woke him up literally causinh him to rise as Extase..
And his feninine aspect C to Bliss.

Yes Billy is David Line.
Dawn is Ceclia line.
11-22..33..6.. Caecilia means 6..C M

Consciousness Memory…
Mass rep by Jace K H…
To pass through.. to E Ga La XY..1O 11 C I..

Lorenzo was humbled and said “You have taught me something..again… Role Model” R M.
I said nothing.

I went to the Arab Bodega twice and had coffee number 34… and then 27..
C D…A A….as well as B G…(Bee Gees… Gibson..Guitars..Body of Wooman)
and AZ A.. crossing Z….Existential Sleep..Dearh without Rising… There is only Y..

I felt that the reason there was a Gap because I was still here was I had to speak with Billly about the school but I did not get him on the phone.

Sadly I could read that the gap left to be filled involved comming here yet again…

I had recieved the confirmation that was for the “Little People- The Children….
F A C T…. Of all ages because they are the Naturals…
I even drank a Beer for the first time in over 8 months…
It cost 1.25 usd

Yes 125 Street where I posted from in the Subway..The Underground. The Subconscious unclogging the Acess to the Children ..Yellow School Buses.. S B
Sarah Bass S B .
Supreme Beings having graduated from 1-7 ..to.8.

I had recieved the Intel from Nicola Robinson
I saw the code I N R….On my way here..
not N R I….N R A…

R is 18 my bed number..
I N R I….
O I N R I O ..N …E …
I O N R I E..

See Sacred portal 11 “She Devils horned…Attracrion Magnetic ..Power..and behind a Great Veiled King Cobra…
Cobra Cah… Was what Robert Karl Murphy kept reminding me about…
A Mr Miyage play of which protegee continues with the legacy of Mr Miyage..
(Actually it was originally Mr Miyake.. Issey Miyake…Whom I met in Paris and who invited me to work with him in Japan Tokyo)
And yes I was the teacher of Jon Jason Lee..
J J L… 32..
Mr Miyage born 1932 and passed in 2005.

Lynn and Kathy are book here..
K L…
Lynn means Waterfall ..See Sacred portal 5..
Brooke Shields…B S..S B…

She was rude but she served my coffee while talking to Kathy who I caught staring at me..
Lyns rudeness was so faint you really could nit see her play… But then you could..She was talking with Kathy…
I had never had problem with her which had nit been quietly resolved in the language of Magic..Silence Gestutes…Watchers…

I saw that Jasemine was also present..
Who I had selected as the Portal of Black Panthers fury…Jaquii.. J J…
She had witnessed Chris,s betrayal play..
And she was is linked to Yarskaary.. The True one Lady who had gone to see 50 shades of Grey instead of Black Panther..
I had watched the first one..

i wear Grey Flannel Cologne…G F..
and Issey MIyake..
In ny Grey Flannel pouch in my Locker is a Blade..
The Way I cut out is with a Thought..
But the Black Pantherm.. is rage.. Tearing you to bits.

50 States..
U S .A…Yarskaary… Y….Jasemine Yasmemine..
they are friends.. J O Y…. Y Y…25 25… 50.
Correct Play..
U.S..Awakening Music Eternity.

19:34 p.m

7:34 pm.
Aligned.. S C D…

The Coffee Lynn served me was a Tall which is a Small….
Yes, the Little People…Children grow up.. Evolve.. From ancestors who were small to tall..
As Tall.almost as Tall as I …

The Coffee has the number 76…

I had seen some moments before Billys post he had tagged me on…
E G….T R B R U E O E..
He called Sacred Portal 76 “Light Of the World”
I knew that was no mistake… Sacred portal 86 is Victor Light Of Existence… V L O E..

E V O L V …. That is me alone.. One who brought home 3..He is 3 4…and 4 is 5… E…and 5 is 6…
And 6 is a F A CT..

19:43 p.m.
7:43 pm.
..34-43 aligned 7-7 full Circle..
77 45 O is E… Starbucks Bathroom Code and Store Number..

7 6… 7O 6..
76 The First123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening…
Yes..Lights Of The World…
L.O T… W…O…
L O T Double V…
L O T V V … Room.. 2nd Floor.

1 3 13…
on my page..
then After Chisney W became my 1139 Face book friend.. 3 13…

My Phone..Govt Phone…G P..

Is 1 3 47…313….

D J B…. P HH..

4 10 2… 16…. P is 16 letter… HH is 88..
16 16…16.. 88 88 88 6 -8’s Infinity..
1948…Moms evolved to..
1984..My BIryh code year… Age 33..
1133 face book friend..twice..
Cain Eden C E.
Billy Hung B H..
47/74… 11 11.. 11 22 .(411/11-4..Jace Jon..
15 15..O O….DOuble O O…16-7..)
28 28…56… 11…. 11 33…44…
Jacqui Quanme Lewis Bed 4-004…

8…I was born 8pm.

11 28.. 47… 74…
11 28… 39…

11..Constant I

20:04 Pm.

Twenty Three TT
Twenty Four T F..

See Sacred Portal 26…Something in the Air..
Eros Aphrodite…
Anthony means “Flower Jasmine Yasemine..
S P 11..New York..

And the Zzzzz

20:09 pm.
08:09 pm

20:10 pm
T J.
John Thomas
Desire E.
20:11 pm.

2011..I am seated in the Star Bucks Toilet

It is now 20:12 pm


End of The World.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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