
5/13/2018 13:49 – Facebook Post

5/13/2018 13:49 – Facebook Post
5/13/2018 13:49 – Facebook Post

Mother Day.

I am grumpy a bit this morning,
I am in no mood to solve yet another riddle,
I wish to lie down and rest… knackered.
But I am never allowed to rest.. not in the last 17 tyears- an Energy- Circumstances conditions….always being stilmulated to do.. to action to solve….
I remember writing in my Journals when I became aware that I was moving on what I described as a Flying Carpet…
F C… The Full Circle… W.A.V E S…
IN 1991 Paris..”Whoa Slow down! What is the Hurry” I was weary of the reason I was being so rushed- as if it had scheduled for me to do something at which I had to hurry…

And what made me suspiscious was that I knew I had come into this Creation to finally “Boogie” and enjoy creation, the ride before the programed scheduled Awakening..
or End of this World and the Birth of the Original one nor refined.

So I found myself reluctantly moving to my page,
hoping to make this quick…
So far it is not.

I am trying to determine the meaning which this Day and Code down to in this Script.

Who is the Mother….
Who is the First Mother?
What is the definition of Mother and is it Gender based?
And is it based on someone carrying you in their Womb?
Gives Birth to you…?
Carries you for 9 months…?
9 Moons..
What and Who dtermines a Mother.
Who gave Birth to Creation?
Who gave Opened up the Door to bring forth Life First…
See the Pina Bausch New York Times Article of a Man emerging from the Earth Opening up “45 Years after’ 4-5-1969. 5-4-1969
MW 69

Matter is Day…
Manifest Destiny
Medical Doctor.

MD Nur Hossain
“MD.. Nur Hossain means Light of the Beautiful Handsome One”

MD Muktur Hossen..
MD “The Chosen Beautiful One”

M is 1000 in Roman Numerals, D is 500. 1500
MD….M is 13, D is 4… 13 +4= 17. 17 is the letter Q.

The First person I spoke to this morning was Quanma’e Lewis ( Jacqui ) and Igbo Anthony Otta,
And I responded to my new Face Book Friends
Chandravanu Art C.A. post of Life is Balance” with the Equation of it being Harmony which is the Infinity sign which stands up.

17= 1 7= 8.

Hong Fa…

Rainbow and Infinity….

I woke up to one Face Book Request and 13 likes

1 13 is A. M.
A.M begins at 12 Midnight and moves to Dawn.

10:38 a.m.

38 is the code I used 2 years ago on Mothers Day when I called my mother and Nenad M Djurdjevic when I was on my way to Miami Florida and I had confirmed the code of 38 being the code of Freedom Nature it was Mothers Day.
Nenad had added that the 888 which 3 8 represents makes 24 which is X in the Alphabet and which represents not only Generation X Gardens where I was led to after 61 days “In the Wilderness of the Streets of New York” .
It is also the age of Jace Horsford and the meaning of his name Jace is “Healer”
*Jace studied Criminal Law and is now on an M.B.A programe.

11:01 a.m right now…
Galaxy 1101 I C

He spoke of the X mark found on an ancient clay bowl in Enguwu Ukwu.. E.U.
*My great grandmother is from Enugu Ukwu- Her name was “Mba Afor Ocha” ( M.A F…/ F.. A.M….. ) The name means “Sound of the the Clean or Whte Light of truth in the Room”
F A M… IL..Y… Infinite Limimitlessness/ Light/Love… Y = 25.

Enugu means “Hill Top”… Enu means “Top Ceiling.. Sky… Light Blue as Jace Horsford H.P Computer, mine is a deeper shade of blue which could be the sky or the sea…

Ukwu means the following in Igbo.

‘bottom bundle foot groin leg master shin very waist feet majestic reel excellency mistress varying legs drastically solemn’

All of the above meaning…
Bur most especially “Bottom as well as the bottom on a Body, Groin, Excellency Majestic Reel… Legs Reel…”
( B G….E M.R… L R…. Because of the codes of the script amd more especially “Excellency Majestic Reel”
E M… because 5-13 is todays date.
R= 18 is my Bed number and the Year we are in, established as the year the Evolution Awakening manifests for all to see. Evolution of the Species heralding the Awakening O.. Full Circle Harmoniously.. A.M..
Infinity Awareness Manifest Eternal OH Splendor…
I AM… E..O S….
Anthony Otta… Alpha Omega.
Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis… J Q L..

“Alpha Omega is in balance, J-10
of the Quantum Leap… 4 year… Delta 4.. 4 3 Square Triangle…
( 5 3)

L.R…… R M… E….GB…

“Mba Afor Ocha”.. O A.M….

*Anthony asked me if I could lend him 30 usd today… I note it oly because of ther code P.N… Planet Nature… Plan-et Naturalness and my Uncle Pius Nduka and the play with Peter Nyarkô..
P N… is 14 16= 30.. C.O.. / O C…
Onuorah Chukwuemeka OC…
My name First and last name ( Sur Name- Top Name) is Chukwuemeka formerly Okolo…
C.O./ O.C…
My mothers two first names in English and Igbo are Onuabuchi Cecilia.. O C/ C O…

Then Quanma’e Lewis asked me about a personal situation which he “thought he had a problem with”

These are the first two people, and the only two ppl I have spoken to so far

Onye Ukwu II
Onyewuchi Ukwu.

I had recognized my Great Grandmother as myself when i first met here.
I respected Nenads Intel but I was not interested in the ancient past, I had aleady passed through and solved that riddle of the script.
I understood that it represented an important expression of the Script, especially on reaching Miami and Erik Ebriht whose portal was the last I had passed through before I embarked on my “Simulated journey” through the Abyss and Void through an enactment of accepting a challenge from death as the lie…
Death as the End as A-Z.. 26… IN 2006.. Signifying that after death, there is nothing…
While I found myself proving that after Death there is Y..
Thus Death is X… and the passing ( or not passing) through the point of “The Crossing Guard” ( Eleggua in Yoruba Orisha)

Last two years ago, on Mothers Day….

And my mother and her youngest brother, Puis Nduka who both live in separate cities in Nigeria, both had a dream about me, the same dream.
And in the Dream they had seen me being abused and tortured to a point where neither of them which to speak about it in detail.
My mother recounted how she had dreamt it or seen the vision and called my uncle who told he that he had the same dream.

11:22 p.m.
11 22 My Mother Birthday..

It is has been exactly one year since I spoke to her.
One full Cycle .. I did not plan that or this, I simply felt that I wished to tell here that thus was over and tell her something concrete show her something concrete- end the 29 year of separation and 25 my constant promise ( and certainity that this was all over and that I would knew when we would meet.

Dawn Piercy
Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Dawn Jade Smith
Dawn Marie

*”Dawn, from an Old English verb dagian: “to become day”, is the time that marks the beginning of twilight before sunrise.It is recognized by the appearance of indirect sunlight being scattered in the atmosphere, when the centre of the Sun’s disc reaches 18° below the horizon.

Dawn or civil dawn is the time at which the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon in the morning. Civil dawn is defined as that time at which there is enough light for objects to be distinguishable and that outdoor activities can commence.

Nautical dawn is the time at which the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon in the morning. Nautical dawn is defined as that time at which there is just enough sunlight for objects to be distinguishable.

Astronomical dawn is the time at which the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon in the morning. Astronomical dawn is that point in time at which the sun starts lightening the sky. Prior to this time, the sky is completely dark.

Dawn should not be confused with sunrise, which is the moment when the leading edge of the sun itself appears above the horizon.

In Western folkloristic tradition it is believed that evil spirits, demons, vampires, trolls, and even Satan are obliged to disappear at dawn, for being creatures of Darkness they hate light, especially that of the sun. Pre-Christian Celts also shared this belief.

Traditionally dawn is the point at which a white thread can be distinguished from a black thread. ”

Erik Ebright planted on my computer during his elevated moment, the code 8369….
It is the opposite side of 38.. the Flip Side….
F.S… 6 19… 25… Y…
25 usd… Jace Horsford and the Quarter and the Nickel..
25 Cents.. 5 cents.. 30 Cents..
Strength of 3000…

Ah I just saw that Billy Hung called me Ten Hours ago…

And then just got the message that he said he did not call..
Imagine that.. my phone called me by Itself…
Ten Hours ago…

I just got rhe code…

Billy Hung told me that the B Coins eter his account on the 17th.
Q… Confirming the Q..
A moment before I saw Quanma’e Lewis like a post…

I told Billy that I am still in the play of the Queens when he texted me the code Queens Mother… ( he is taking his mother for Brunch)..
I began this journey sent to Todds home – the choice I made of two offers from a person called Eric and another called Todd.
( E.T)…i chose that portal T…

QueenTy Johnson Q J… Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis

Q is the ability to create Change…
I left my sister home in 1989 in Queens Park London, my sister also went to Queen College in Nigeria…

I left the Queens and went to Marylebone .. Mary Virgin…
My sister lives in Virgina…
Virginia links to Diana.. Dee who works here her name is Diana..
M V… M 5… M E… E M… Todays Date.. E M E… K- 11… 1.. A..
E M E K A….O K… O L O…. Double V…

87 texts to Billy Hung see sacred portal 87..I brought the World to its Sensies and it Senses and this fact is reflected in Billy H… who represents the Embodied rep of Fact and Truth like a compass and his compass and mirror reflects- points to that whch is the Facts Sold TRUTH…By beings Its reflection…

Y… M Y…

The Queens challenge me still as to who is Mother..

Mother Day… and who should be honored today… Billy is not aware of this play nor is anyone else- or he would be here honoring me all would,…so you are all honoring your Physical Mothers despite the testimonies of Ceaar Rivera who was in Bed 5-012… E.L.. Yesterdays Date…
And Jacquii testimony of both having reclled that their mothers found them and did not give birth to them in thier earliest memories but were chosen or found them..

And before that 5-11.. E.K.
Emeka Lorenzo… which is Jonns Father name…
K L…
Kirtan Locket,…

M D.. 13 4.. 17… 8
M E…13 5… 18.. 9

Stevan… S= 19… 89… I did it alone and Mary comes from the word Myrh.. Batthazzar… The Youngest of the three Kingg Magician,,, 888… All were him..
Mary Jose.. Add the chesished belove worthy of praise.. The source of the Fower of Life…Anthony”

See Chandravanu Art Photo.. these is a Flower and a person emerging from it… I could not share it, perhaps it was because it was a Woman .. instead of a man,
See sacred portal 87… 2 boys BB. Two Mother… and an Elf Queen…

Good Morning World.

Happy Mothers Day…

H M D….. 8 13 4 17 Q…H.

I am trying to determine the meaning which this Day and Code down to in this Script.

Who is the Mother….

Who is the First Mother?

What is the definition of Mother and is it Gender based?

And is it based on someone carrying you in their Womb?

Gives Birth to you…?

Carries you for 9 months…?

9 Moons..


Rhonda McLemore
The name Rhonda means

“Lance Good Lance”
” Meaning & History. Probably intended to mean “good spear” from Welsh rhon “spear” and da “good”, but possibly influenced by the name of the Rhondda Valley in South Wales, which means “noisy”.

McLemore is a Scottish surname, possibly derived from an anglicisation of the Gaelic name Mac Gille Mhoire (meaning “Son of the Follower of the Virgin Mary”), the same origin as the name Gilmour.

Virgin Mary/ M V…
Maida Vale… London where I came here from.
18 Mountain View where I spent 9 months to the day chex Jonn Blackwell and Donna O Sullivan.. Left on her Father Birthday 9 months from conception…
His name Robert O Sullivan… R O S… R S…
I am on bed 18… the letter R…
Kyle Murphy’s first name is Robert..
Robert means “Famed Bright Shinning Light..”

Father is Mother Moon.

Gil [gil] as a boys’ name is of Greek and Hebrew derivation, and the meaning of the name Gil is “bright promise; young goat; joy”. Gil is an alternate spelling of Gilbert (Old French, Old German): from gisil “pledge”. Gil is also a Spanish form of Giles (Greek). Gil is also used as a derivative of Gilon (Hebrew).

More means the following…

From Middle English mor meaning “open land” or “bog” and given to persons dwelling near a moor or heath.
The Old Irish Moores are O’Morda, from the Irish Gaelic word morda, meaning “stately and noble”.Moore a phonetic rendering of the name which is derived from the word “moor”, or “heathy mountain”.
Alternatively of Gaelic/Manx origin Moar, the name for a collector of manorial rents on the Isle of Man.

Possibly derived from Maurus,[citation needed] a Roman first name which meant “dark skinned” in Latin, and related to the Old French More meaning “Moor” like Berber, a colloquial nickname for a person of dark complexion, often describing someone of North African descent.

Possibly originated from early references to persons who worked with boats at a wharf or Moorage.
“More”, and “Moore” after its bearers accompanied and assisted William the Conqueror in his conquest of England, The Møre surname is a place name derived from the Old Norse “Moerr”, and the Norwegian word “Marr”, meaning ocean, sea, or coastal district.
Rollo, the famous Viking and founder of the Dukes of Normandy, which includes the present day British Royal Family, may have been a member of this family, if his father – as some historians have it – was Rognvald Eysteinsson, Earl of Møre, Norway.

Rhonda MC.LE.. More… The Spear of Destiny.and The Lance alot…( in Out of sex and breath….D.O.S… Donna o Sullivan. Lance struck in the side of Christ Blood and Water.. B W..B O W… / WB/// William Bracey My Phone…1 347 313 6778… IDT… 3 47 306 76 45…) is the Master of Ceremony.. Sacred Portal 9.
is the dark skinned one who was at Pelham Bay Park he was the Shnny One, the bright promise and pledge, the ( Noni Promise 4 principle the Teacher and Shelter of Life…) The EBright pledge who kept his Promise tall stately and Noble ( Patrick Okolo) who is docked from the great sea voyage on Beach Street the VIKing lines of the royals of Sixth Sense Rognvald Eysteinsson R.E….

I will go for the “Good Lance..”Lance Alot..Spear of Destiny in the noisy place, it was an OPEN PLACE..
2010 in Pelham Bay Park Alone in Nature in August
and then later in alone camped out in the Forest,,,

R L…

R L R M E…. G B..

E B.. G E MR. E … L.G.. Large Vast…. L E G E N D…

Onuorah Chukwuemeka…

The Mouth piece of the People is Chukwumeka O

Anastasia Hart

Angel Anastasia….. The Angelic Messenger of the Rebirth…


( Anastasia Hart… Rebirth of the Heart… H)

Chandravanu Art

The Shinning Eager Moons Art…

E ART H… Emeka’s Art is Harmony to Infinity….

H… T R… A E…
8 20 18…. 1 5…

H E AR T H…E..


F A M I LY.. Of Emeka Stevan…

I Steven here the Grizzly white slim dude sat where Igbo Anthony usually sits and I later sat besides him..
He was wearing white shorts with the letter K Wriiten all over it…

Stevan means “Crowned …with Laurels of Victory”

1142 Facebook Friends….

You can read it through the Sacred Portals…

1.. “Love Links Joyous Existence Divine
14.. “Evolution of Consciousness” E O S….

11 And 42….

Just go to the Legend… Code

1:44 p.m.

12 X 12..

12 + 12….

144 ascended masters… 144… 9… 12 Square Root.. Rot..

9 3 3 3….

12 12… 24… 6….

Square is 5…. 25. Y.

1 46 p.m That is the exact amount of change in my wallet..I counted it last night!

I have 14.46 usd in my wallet.

1.47 am

E M T R… U E

1:48 a.m.

A D H…
Tiffany Dawn Haynie

I have had enough of this…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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