
5/17/2018 23:28 – Facebook Post

1 22 on my Page

11:26 p.m.

11;28 p.m Right Now.



K.Z… A-A-Z

11:28 .. 39… 12.. L… 3 C. C E .. 3 5 8… (

Kyle is in room 5 C Bed 26…E C…Z or 26 Z or B F… H
Jacquii Q in Room 4A BED 4-004… 4 1… 44 8…. )

Hello… A quick update.

I got back a few minutes past the 10:00’clock curfew…
I have relaxed a bit, and I have been here long enough consistent and undemanding enough… 19 Months is an awful long time to be in a place like this, doing what I am doing.

It is truly not the best or most productive or even productive setting.

I just came back upstairs after finding four of the Candidates of the E Avatars
( Link Street Fighters… Goku etc… It was the T-Shirt which Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis was wearing)

There was J.Q…
Kyle Murphy Robert K M
Kirtan Locket ( K T)
Josiah Paul…( Jah Finesse) J.P.

All four of them sat together…

J Q was wearing Black over a Street Fighters T-Shirt.
Robert Kyle was wearing 7 bottles Brown Beige.
Kirtan Locket was wearing white ( 60 usd Jacket)
Josiah P was wearing Black…

Yuin Chen sat in the back ground and another whose name I do not know.

I am knackered but since, I am the only one documenting and recording the Manifestation of the Riddle, and my body is directly correlated to this solving..

I know my peace of mind and progress is based on the completion of this LONG Long spiralling riddle getting to its point, which is linked to understanding.
Through what I can only describe as a process of emilination of all the Caidiates one after the other, with each person “Dropping of” out of the play script based on thier actual choice and free will, as well as as where I already knew that they would drop off, because I have been here before.

They guys got up, and soon moved seamlessly to where I stood it formed a 5 point circle, Kirtan was besides me to my right, Kyle to my left across from me was Josiah P ( Jah Finesse) and diagonal to me Jacqui Q..
Kirtan had the beats and Josiah started rapping…”

11:54 p.m.
( Knackered… )

THE CODE OF people formed…

E K J J (Q) K it was a circle and was called out by J Q..

5 11 10 10 11…. E… 11 10 10 11.. Binary…

*111010112 = 235 to the power of 10.. B C E…. W E..

*5… E.. B C E…. Full Circle…

*Its meaning is obvious… E is the Matrix… or Universal Simulation Awareness.

Then naturally it moved Jacqui Q was suddenly on my left ( Nnamdi was left handed) and Kyle and then Josiah and then Kirtan…

K. J ( Q) E K J….
11 10 5 11 10..
1O 11 E 1O 11…

After a while there was only myself Jacquii ( Q) and Kirtana..
1O E 11…

E G. A L A X Y… 1O E 11 C I E GA LA XY 1O E 11..Etc…

The equation transformed from the Matrix of the past, to the present through a conversation which took place, Kyle spoke about his past personal story ( which I would allow him to share with you when he is ready), he spoke of his elder brother who had passed at age 35. And a few moments before he had recived 35 usd.
He spoke about how the two elder brother one Biological and the other Energetic both older had passed away violently. 35 and 35 he said..
“No” I said was B B Young not 39…
“Yes” he said.

( C E C I… L I A… 12 9 1… C I A… 3 9 I… C I….A)

Jacquii told complimented my memory and said I said it just once…
Kyle interupted to say “I told him twice..”… 39 39 (78)…I linked quietly…78 At the Arab Bodega….

Jacquii persisted in giving me credit despite…
And soon he and I were conversing he spoke of his personal story ( which I will alllow for him to express for himself) – but was an extraordinary story of the plays truth.
Kyle story was similar to the story I had lived with my Father, ( but my father did not drink)- it was an intense story and the absence of his Brother, Brothers I saw he felt intensly.
I knew it was the code of my brother Boom whose Two Brother, myself and Nnamdi had left him but in Obooms case he was age 7..

12:21 p.m.

7 Bottles on Kyle’s T-Shirt…

When I heard the story of Jacquii and his brothers, 3 he spoke of his grandmoters point of view. Which Kirtan who said his story was not at all dramatic- but was also in agreement with Jacquii seeing his Grandmothers point of view.
Her effort to re-unite the family and the what about the life she could have had if she had not taken care of her daughters kids.
It was beautiful to hear that curiousiy and investigation and in animated Kirtan and Josiah was quiet spittting “I have to win, To win.. loosing is not an option”
( My sister was born the day of the Winner and I, the day of the Wolf..
7-28.. Me, 11 28… 35…. 39…. C E… C I…

Meaning of the name Ceci.. “Blind”

Meaning of the Word Ceci in French

‘following, it, she, this”

And I understood that Kyle was still seeing throug is Story.
I tried to remind him that it as a story and that he should allow others story to be heard to..
I understood but everyones story is important.. because by being so focused on only your Life story, you would not see that in others story is your story…
And then It can no longer be simply your story can it?
It becomes a Script…
And then suddenly, not so intense.. because you realize if your story is so similar to anothers and another and another… that it can not be real life because each template of Real Life is Unique and Individual…
And so, this is not real life… it is a Program which you are experiencing the same script but a different version, a different expression of it… and sadly if too subjective you will not see the commanality of it.

That is when the shift began, soon Kyle and Josiah drifted away…
and there was only Jacqui to my Left and Kirtan to my right…

One wearing Black and the other wearing White…

Red and the 7 bottles drifted away…
But J ( Q) To my left and Kirtan to my right were constant…
The three constant…
And as J and I conversed with K hovering speaking I thought of my myself and my two younger brothers…
And my two other brother/ sister… Red and 7 bottles… Jah Finesse and Kyle.. Josiah and Robert.. J R… 10 18… 28…

12:39 a,m

What took place was White 60 Usd K.L.. White Light… Sixth Sense
and Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis spoke with me as the Beautiful mind revealing how his mind works.. A Beautiful Mind… Spotless Mind? No, a few smudges here and there but ne can see the polished gleaming reflection clearly like the Moon.
12:45 p.m.

Digging for facts.. He is Curious and Investiagtes….
C.I… And so we conversed and his manner and his quickly correcting and polising his points of view, but only when it is digestable to him showed me the truth I was aware of that here was the Emodied line of Nnamdi Evolved to E with a little conversation with me as was in the Eternal Begining…
As for K T… He made us laugh and rapped about the Full Circle 360 degrees- he had no idea that that is what is on my Locker Door or that I had recalled earlier i the afternoon after solving yet another riddle which caused me once more to see revealed behind the curtain..
* Yes Billy Hung’s description of the storm.. Beautiful Expression…
“A Silver revealed…
behind the curtain. an Lure.. a wisp… Perfume.. Allure…

i recalled the conversation which took place in the Eternal Beginning where I conversed and at the same time a Ball Orb formed and it started spinnig and spinning as we conversed until it reacched such a speed that it brought Light but also Conscousness of Creation.. and the Orb which was going so fast that it became the C.. Still the Film and he could read and suddenly as he read the story while I narrated and he heard listen and understtod completly he was apple to step into the Orb.. K ORB… Chandler Korb…
C K… ( the jeans I bought today C.K on sale and Alfani on sale )
C K.. A… 3 11 1….

Anyiam Kelechukwu A K… 11 45 Facebook Friend the 3rd

Kelechi Kelechi.. K K.. 11 11

Jefferson Kelechi Ofonagoro.. J K..O… 1O 11 O.. Full Cirlce.

I had recalled before that how I was in the Nothingeness and how I had begun to see the same way I had seen and drawn my sacred portal in 2011 in Marina Burini apartment… I saw things shapes lines and formes in the wall the concrete floors..everywhere… But I ha seen it first in my mind and imagination… it came out of nothingess…
I Recalled how when I was in the Hell place of the Jamican guy who worked in real estate how my mind had manifested my thoughts on the wall – from the dew and midlew which had manifested from the humidity, my cooking and the winter wind.
And how Gabriel, Andrew Chance and so others who came to get me out were astounded to see the story of the family of ten had manifested on the walls and they filmed it.

I had then seen what I had created from Inside manifest outside of me and how I pieced the pieces together with Music a Hummm.. and all of a sudden it became a film and that is How I rose from the Nothnhgness really Ectasy and Bliss because I was Curious and wished to Investigate what I kew I had created.. From my Imagation…?
From my Cee.. Conscious of it all being my Feelins Sensation…
( Street Fighter… S F… 19 6… Supreme 6th sense moved to F FACT… 25.. Y…

4-004 to 8 was what played out and not the code of 53 26…
Jacquii had been in bed 026 before Kyle had come to the shelter.
I called him the elder brother of Kyle..
I am the Original Robert…
E R… “Famed Bright Shining.. Of Light”

E R.. 5-18… 23… W… E… Double V.. VV… 5 5… 44…. 5-O O5… 4-OO4…
1O 8….

9 is the Highest Number’ J Q Said to me again…

10 17… L…. 18… 12…30… 27… 12… 39… C.I.
Represented by the Line of Jacquii Q Lewis..Le Wise…

And the outter story represented by Billy Hung
And my journey undercover
By Jace Horsford .. JA CE.. H I… To Heal and to say HI.. Story.

There was so much more which took place which I would have love to recount ad honor the manners of Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis age 21 and the Music Dance..
M D… Q H…
H Q D M…

But alas…

1:18 p.m.


And the first person I saw when I walked in was Randall Michael he smiled and I could not help but smile back and my spirit muttering “You Stubborn’

1;19 A.M


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