
5/27/2018 21:24 – Facebook Post

At 1160 Facebook Friends…

I am at Starbucks.. Randall Michael Wiltz and I are sitting at the same table…

There was no other place to sit when I arrived, but he graciously offered me space…
I was weary…

He said that Peter had left his bag but he did not think that he would need the table..

I looked at him wryly noting “The Universe went to alot of trouble to get us to sit at the same table”

He paused and smiled…”There been a Transformation”

I stared at him…”Oh No… I am not going into that…”

Again he chuckled… but his eyes had a sincerity which I wished to be too pissed off to allow to register…

No one stood up for Messiah.. No one… at best Billy Hung and Marina Burini investigated and sponsored me, but even then both got pissed off in the end and both kicked me out of Homes.. Despite all the evidence…

But I said.. “Don’t tell me that after all this you are now in Harmony”

I did require an answer but I saw something in his eyes, and in the way he looked at me…

Later the owner of the bag came…
It was Leo…
I had observed him with two strong tall warrior looking young men at Day and Night Bodega when I went to get my tobacco..
He always has really model looking warrior looking friends..
He is not small or ugly by no means, but the company of young men he keeps always are men who look like princes, ancient warriors…

Anyway, it was not Peter, whose bag he had kept, it was Leo’s.

Leo is 17 years old… 17… Q… Quantum… Transformation…

I told Randall Michael that not Peter that Leo…
“Opps” he said smiling and looking like a Fairy Elf…

So he is in Harmony…
My coffee 621… 6.. 21… Quanma’e Lewis who was sitting besides me, is age 21…
The Elegant Nomad 2001…
9:04 p.m.
I D…

This is Crazy.. how much power…
I was forced to to play and prove that I am the real Pope..
P.O.P.E.. Spiritual Father.. Holy Espirit… Holy Spirit…
the One who to Lie to is the unforgivable sin…
I stated this over and over again…
So what was it allowed to go so far… be denied…?
9:06 p.m
96% Dark Matter…
Luc Bresson..

But what if they used her name… Lucy… L U…C Y…
C Y..I spent 3:15 usd ad noticed that when I came here that Jasemine Yasemine and Chris were here…
And bed 4-017 is Yuin Chen…

L U… 12 21… 147… Is 1+4+7= 12…L… 14+7= 21…
LU..Means “Lu… READ..in French… Past tense…
C Y… 3 25… 28…
B H… A-Z+2…B.. A-Y=3 C…

Billy Hung
Harvey Boyd
Hugo Boss…

9:18 p.m..

I am LU.. C.I… FE…R…. E…

Sum of the Morning And Evening Star…

S.O.T…M…A ..E.S…
/ S …E… A.M…T O S…

SS.. My second coffee was at the Arab Bodega was 38…
That is 38 54… 38….
76 9…
G F ..I…
See sacred Portals 76… And 9…

I am the Highest Number….

I am Everywhere… Billy Hung right now.. but alive in this body not as Lucy the Luc Besson moves…
B L..U E… Is the code written on my Locker and through out the winning script…

9:22 p.m.
I V..

I do not die to become Everything…
It is eternal Life… embodied in me…

Ryan Murphy repents I just read…
R M…
Randall Michael Witlz.. Transformed…

Kyle Murphy.. Robert K M.. Repents…?


9:24 p.m.
I X…



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