
5/29/2018 1:15 – Facebook Post

From Billy Hung…

An excerpt from A True Conversation Between Ahtom and Energy E….

By myself Emeka Kolo 2011..

Billy shared this at 6:28 p.m.

And I did not see this until just a moment ago…
( still think we are not in a play)
Thus the Play yesterday had to take place, but that does not mean that Lifes and Free will does no exist in this play if everyone has their role…
Rather you each have the choice in how to interpret that role and the conclusion you got from it… even if it is incorrect.

I just completed a conversation with Quanma’e Lewis after the nightmarish play yesterday..
He was different, it had been war, and he admitted how he had wanted to let loose and do me bad…
He also noted that he had pushed people to that point before who were much bigger older whom he had bonded with who had wanted to literally want to do him serious harm.

It your mind… it is very slick and can be used to do real damage… it is quick and nimble and of an extraodinary intelligence not of thsis reality and when used to do harm, intent to malice… well it can make rise Destruction Violence Rage… Murder…
I asked him to check out the Post of the Joker “Its just not worth the jail time” I had posted a day before and then filled in the blank with his name.

He burst into laughter… saying he would check it out…
I listened to him- I had no desire at first to even see him but we had a weed deal…
I he brought two nickels and I asked him to take one for himself ( seeing in hindsight when he said “I wanted to see what you would give me” that he had unintentinally testing me…”
I had one last coffee at Starbucks 655… 6… 5 5… Nickel is 5 usd 5 5..
Nickel is the name of Flip J Hendrixs lady…
I knew that the real Fliping of the Script was Turn the Page…
End the war…
There is no doubt that he will have to do the “Time” for his expression but it was already written on the T-Shirt he wears alot which has the code.. S.F… Street Fighters.
S F… Stephen Filgueira… See the meaning.. Fil Gueria.. Son of the Warrior… He is in my bed.

He spoke and it was a differnt Jacquii from the night before.
Brilliant not of this world intelligence. Honest forthright about his actions the night before, the reasoning and the willing to take the consequences and yet the grace..
As I listened to him I heard his true heart, and saw the truth of his expression and desire after having brought such an unleashing of fury onto me and raised in me…
Pushing me to the end.. and watching to see my response..
He had not held back and I had responded It had been a War a Battle… and it had to do with the sum total of our intereactions and his life and right to all his life times and… to Nnamdi…

All that he felt the Truth and Reason would not allow him to express…
All that he had wished to vent against reason truth… me.

And I had taken it but with response and restraint…
I had his number in my hand.. Recall my coffee yesterday was 621…
he is 21… lying in the bed I occuppied… bed 4-004…
44 Billy is 44… . 44…D D.. David Dawn ( formerly bed 4-017 of a former exquisite beauty and recall our battle? I was in bed 4-016.. 8… 16… H P… 4 16… D.P.. Dawn Piercy…

His expression was so “Full of Taking Responsibility.. Beautful Pride…”
that i had to listen.
The war was not forgotten no, it was built upon..
I knew by the now graceful stance, and his willingness to listen to my point of view now that his rage.. That fire which must set some of the streets of the world on Fire to release some injustices which went just too far… Revenge… Yes Beautiful Revenge but not served Hot Tempered or cold… but Cooly..

I commented on the change in him and having noted when on meds weed and sober…
His eyes widen- “Shit he laughed you figured out my Patterns- my changes in temperment..when i…”

I laughed.. we slept in the same bed rememver… same kind of mind…
But I marveled at his awareness of that..
Of the use of drugs by the system, the shelter what he had seen the Ophiods ( Originally China.. Poppy… Poppy Memorial Day.

Anthony Bienke Billy Hung Dawn Piercy David Powers.. etc…
Take a Look at this code..

*Remembrance Day (sometimes known informally as Poppy Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919,[1] the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November in most countries to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended “at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month”, in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. (“At the 11th hour” refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.[2]’

P D…
My Grandfather was born 1919.,18… The year Lord Luggard “discovered” Nigeria..
11th Hour 11th day 11 Month… 11 11 11… 6 ( 1)..
Billy Hung arranged a Dentist appointment on 6-1…
6 1 is FA…
61 days in Wilderness to reach Generation X Gardens…
The X Men
24 Year old Jace Horsford today…
Between 5;12.. and 5-20… E.L… E.T…

June 28th.. 6 28.. That is the Time Billy Hung shared this post..
F B H… Francis Benedict Henry….
Face Book Harmony…

The War of Alchemy… Dark Magic.. Mind Control is over
The war on Face Book is Over
The war of the Fourth Note is Over..
Mars the 4th planet God of WAR ARE-S does not ATTACK…
War of the Green Life.. H.. is over
War of the Money as Green is Over..
Green House …Effects… G H E… is over…
The Quarantine… of the Quaran is over…
The Chinese Take over threat is Over…
The Isolation of Humanity as the waring species is over…
The war of Animals and Nature again Humans is over..

My festival of Paylasmask
Akil Apollo Davis has a copy of it,
The last day celebrates Remebrance Day.. R D…
Which is the is marked by Story Telling and letting out the hurt and rage and horrors we all lived undercover while at war…

Rd home….

One Might suggest that the WAR with my Brother Nnamdi Emmanuel of Dreamer of this Dream as Atom Adam… AA… Has ended …
on my proving Fa… As Infinity… and as 4th Note… as 8…

As he spoke, I could not help but pay attention to the beauty of his mind, the codes flowing, the quiet humility… the Beautful pride…
And then he opened another dimension of his heart mind… after I recognized that he was the street fighter who would become a new IpMan… and one who would open up a School… a Community…
He spoke of his Art and how he missed creating a Blank Page..

I knew that he becomes a street fighter in a much better world a street fighter of nature of Heroe’s ..X Men .. setting the World in order…
super powers…

He was beautiful tonight so much so that I said I would come once more and write….
And Voila… Wolrd WAR ONE… To bring all Back to One… was never over…
There was no World War TWO… One was not over and as you can see there was no war with my brothers… just them pissing me off and fighting to get my attention as I sought to get thiers….
Focus Pay Attention… F P A…”Francis Paul Alexander… E…”
See the meaning …

Kyle Murphy came a bit later… looked me intently in the eye extended his hand and said ” I have solved your code… it is backward.. my Ex is the one who repented not me…”
I said… and not another world… “he has he answer which he believes he is correct”

I had 29 USD In my wallet last night then this morning…
Starbucks is closing tomorrow for training based in the arresting of two Black men…
Training… Tommorrow at 2;15 p,m.
Tomorrow is the 29th.. 2:15… B O.. Being of the Full Circle…
Symmterical Perfection has no Back wards of Flip side except for flipping the page of a Script a Book… Flip Wilson… F W…
And a Book is 4 corners…. a Box a Square…. Square Root… 4 16.. D P.. Dawn Piercy..

Such arrogance… “You solved my Codes”…
Repent… Murphys Law…. The Sky is mad at you and is about to Fall on your head…
Jace Horsford used a Light Blue H P… 8 16 Computer…

12:48 AM… Ah page 48 was the page Billy Hung quoted me expression through text I did not complete posting…

Emeka Kolo… ( this is where I Left off in my earlier post..

..”they wished to understand the Nature of love. If I did not care I would not have hurt and suffered from all those “Betrayals” despite knowing it was all set up.
10:38 a.m.
Yes I see now… thus really was set up to find the Truth of the Hueman Nature not as betrayal but to understand the Hueman nature not as betrayal but to understand how I love… Even that which I know is not real.
It was all about the principle of Love which is to alert ad fight for others set up to be tray me..The Truth .. Their Truth.
Dear Lord that is it…
I remember now..

I know what Love Is.
Unmovable in its Truth.
Love sees, acts expresses tells the truth no matter the personal cost.
Naked Transparent
Bloodied Brave.. It can stand Alone face down an entire Species because.. it cares.

But the test was True Love…
They wishe to see through Truth ..how to love…”
10:50 a.m.

Billy Hung text
“2012 True Love Full Circle.. U said in the true story of Atom and E that it is not about Control but the defense of love that is at stake… pg 48…

48 is the code which relfected around Billy and I when we net twice…
both times connecting to Ms Lilian who has been in Parchester for 48 years.. To his Phone code to me as Beautiful Death when I was in Asian Forms… Chinese.. Ip man… N am..Pi…
And to me as 1984… My date of birth on my page….


I did not bring my small lighter today just before I went to meet Jace Horsford age 24… I stopped at Taylor Av.. and discovered it..
I went to the gas station and saw a Youthful Caucasian man in his 30’s starring at me. in a sort of admiring way… I walked in and he was there with the guy behind the counter.. Who tried to sell me a orange lighter for 2 USD…
No.. Two bucks for a Light…

“Hold on a sec the guy said I have a light for you…
Jauntily he motioned for me to fillow him to his car…
He brought out the exact same lighter I had left behind…
I laughed delighted and thanked him..
Keep it, its yours he said laughing…
And he laughed with delight when I said that it is the same one I left behind..
I checked the bar code numbers.. 70 33 24….
the Nighmare is over… I am 33… And the X man.. B D.. and 7 Crowned Red as the 7th color not the 1st… 0-5…

1:13 am,


I have the White Races Love and Harmony and the Black and all the colors of the rainbow…

24 was Means healer… Before I went to see Jace and the X Man.. and one day is here… 24 Hours…

Thank you Billy Hung for paying attention and calming the emotions and all you have endured to hear my point of view and correctin the See of Consciousnes of my meaning….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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