
6/6/2018 21:15 – Facebook Post

8:47 p.m.

It crashed again… But I saved the beginning of it…

No I see it as Malice Vindictiveness and Spite.. Hate…

G D.B.


4 40 is on my page on the right side of my page.
And the number 44 is on the Left side.

7:44 p.m.

But that means the actual correct number is that which is on the Left side.
And that the correct code is 4 messages and 44 Likes.
444… 4-3… 12… L.
Quanma’e Lewis
* I noted that another person called Quawme ( spelled that way )
liked my page when I began an earlier post at 7:22, the computer I am using crashed, which indicated that E-Spirit of this play wished me to start all over.
I had not gone very far, so I do not see at as act of aggression but an annoying Presence, orienting my post to what my own private reflections had begun to perceive as what this play is about.

Quanme means :Spring Transformation .. to life.
Spring is seen as the transformation to Life because Life is Reborn.
While in Autumn, most of nature and creatures prepare for sleep Hibernation ( Beautiful Death Transformation as Sleep.

Ah the code has changed now…
One side is now at 4 42… * See the time of this post beginning..
And the other side is 46…

i do hope those who are Intelligent and curious enough are following the “Rules of Engagement” of this play I was led to on my Facebook Page which I had to figure out what the Game was as I went along.
Each of you will be expected to do the same in one way or the other, but in conditions nowhere near as Hellish and Nightmarish as I had had to do- because I have literally paved the way as the Path Finder.
Out of the Matrix of Numbers.

I had posted earlier at the 7;22 p.m post, G V..
That the Reflection which Geoff La Cour.. SE. Represents is Victorious as the Human Spirit as Being.
Rather than what Randall Michael Wiltz represents as the Body which is the Illusion of Energy which moves to E-Spirit.

Two beds which I occupied by people who I had made first contact of the E.T kind before they were transfered.
Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis first to Room 4A bed 4-004 which I had just come from 4-5 months before.
And then Last Michael Belle- Vue Room 3A 3-002 the first bed I slept in.

4A 002
3A 004.

43 AA 00;00 OOOO 24…

And I entered the system at Delta Manor assigned Room 5 B bed 5-019, which is directly above my room 4B Bed 4-018.. it was fomerly bed 4-019…

5B… 5-019… E Be E O S… Expression Perfect Symmetry, Supreme and already Crowned… A 1 O.. I O…

* 8:05 p.m.
85.. See Sacred Portal 85 ‘Devi Crowns Spirit E Source. ..again for deciphering the riddle of consciousness.
EOS Means Dawn…
And Dawn Piercy is here and she has expressed as Dawn Clarity of understanding the Play but her stance.

And so it is obvious that I was doubted that I am the David Dawn.
( formerly bed 4-017 which was occupied by a person called David Dawn which is now bed 4-016, which was my bed but which is now bed 4-015 occupied by Lorenzo Widget L W) and 4-017 now 4-016 occupied by Yuin Chen… Y.C.)

And so that very first day the after being received by Alexis, I was met a person called Marina, ( Link Marina Burini ) who decided after hearing my expression that I did not expect anyone should live here… Dwell yes but not live.. I meant it as it being unhealthy and I was also stunned by the play of my being brought there. But she took it in a certain way and decided to change my room after I was already being installed by Theo.

Notice the code Alexi Marina ( Marina Burini MB.. Micheal Belle.. M.B)
A.M… T.. The OH.
E AM E E.T..T.E…
To bed EOS…. Dawn..

David Dawn means :”Beloved Dawn” B D… 2 4…
4 3 A A… 0000… OOOO 2 4…

2 4/ 4 2… My current room 4 B Bed 018….A.H.. R…A H..

Its is obvious that my Identity was being challenged and I was being forced to prove it all over again…

i moved through Room 3A 3-002.. to Room 4B 0016…

3 4… A B 0000 OOOO… 2 16… B P… Beautiful Pride..
Black Panther… Being of The Plan-E.T..
Brad Pitt… But not as Benjamin Button.. Mentioned my Randall Michael Witlz but as Meet Joe Black..
M J.. Michael Belle-Vue Jacquii
Micheal Jordans.. M J… 13 10… 23… 5.. E.
M.J… 13 1O.. 14… N.. E… * Nnamdi ‘Died; at age 13…
1 O is alpha omega.. One Full Circle…

Manifest Jaymes Bond… 007… 49…007… 77.. 14 50… 18..

3 4 OOOO 02+16= 18..R.. Robert .. R AH…9.. I.

C D…O O O ( 4-O.. DO.. Bed 4-016 now bed 4-015 Occppied by Lorenzo Widget.. L W..

I am in bed 4 B..-018..

I went to the Arab Bodega and bought a coffee…
Number 20… 2…
18+ 2= 20.. B… 20= 2O.. B O…

They doubted that I was David Dawn and that I was capable of bringing Dawn Piercy

D D.. 4 4…
D P…4 16… 20.. T…

L.G… Lord God… No.. There is no God amongst the Evolved. The E,,

I am called Lord Grace by my family of the E because of the way I move think, embody etc….
It is also the Corner stone Sue of the Green house in Soho ( Green Street) said that I had find before the Awakening Evolution could happen..
They Lived Before Adam… T L .. B A…
I found it 4-5 years later in Alpha Bet City.. on Green Street.
It is all recorded here and I wrote of it in just a little after the even a few hours at most as I have done for the last 6.5.. 6 going in 6,.6 years..
i found it on E street…

Easy On..
Just as I realized that the name Ben Singleton might not be short for Benjamin but for Benedict..’Blessing” which makes more sense considering the play where Billy Hung insisted that I include Pope Benedict who followed Poe John Paul who passed 4-2-2005… 4-2 25… Yes Micheal Found a Quarter as we walked…
John Benedict Francis… J B F..

Jace Horsford J H K… 10 11 8.. ( Hartsford Connecticut..)
Billy Hung.. BH..

J B… H H… Jaymes Bond 88… EMEKA KOLO.. Forms 88…

16.. P… G..

Every one woke up and saw me and then doubted and then put me through Hell to prove that which they already knew but doubted because I am so Easy Chill like Sunday Morning..
Sunny Side Up.. Moon you.. that is my Cheek.. But Cheeks and the portal I manifested for you who knew then doubted because you had created your own idea of how I should be, act behave… Is the Anus..
Sacred Portal… 22… That is the way home…
Penetration of the Portal Of Shit Evacuation and Bliss..
Prostrate Gland.. G Spot of men,,,
S P Erose Kalle.. Kali..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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