
6/9/2018 18:30 – Facebook Post

4:40 is when this post originally started..
It vanished and now it is 5:05 p.m

5:05 p.m.

See sacred portal 55 is the Ipman of he past resurrecting the Heros of the past by passing the through the portal of Zero..

6-9- 2018… 69 = 15…Letter O…Full Circle…
15=6.. F..
69…6.. 9 9 9 9 99… 54… twice.. 54 54.. 108… 18… Bed 4-018…
18= R.. Robert… Emeka… R E… Not R.A.

Do Rey Mi Fa Sol… La Ti…L T… Lorenzo Tripoli

Meaning of the name” Laurelled Crowned Thrice…”
Triple Crown…

*43 mins ago – Justify will attempt to become the 13th Triple Crown winner, and first since American Pharoah in 2015, in the 150th running of the Belmont.”

Do Rey Mi Fa Sol… La Te… 12 20… 32… 5… 12 2O.. 14… 5 O.

My Coffees last night here at Starbuck were 14 and the last one 50…
And earlier is was 22 at the Arab Bodega…

22 14 5 O..

V.N…Links to Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo
My only face book friend with the name Nnamdi…
14= 5 O..
E.. Emeka Emmanual… Full Circle

The Bathroom code here is 77 450… i Said the equation was not complete.. that it is meant to be 77 14 5O..
77 45 O.. 1977.. April 5th 1969…
Nnamdi as my brother who passed.
But he did not pass because he is I.
And I am present as is he… and 5:20 p.m..
Oboom born 5-20-73…

I am present as both portals Living and the dead and passed through Obooms portal represented by Billy Hung and Jace Horsford as well as Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis and Kyle Murphy linked to Kirtan Locket…
As I stated Kyle Murphy occupies the bed which Quanma’e Lewis occupied and Q occupies the bed I lastly occupied.
Just as Michael Belle occupied the bed which I had occupied in the beginning of this play.

Billy Hung came over he wished for me to accept something he offered.
I had really wanted to go to the dentist, I loathe seeing my teeth that way, but I recognized the play and we were not in Harmony.
I could not be a hypocrite in this reality, nor could I deny the codes of the play and the rules of engagement.
It was not the portal and that play was not even a temptation just an aggravation ( because I wanted my teeth fixed)
-And my greatest aggravation is after 17 years ( and Lord Bless Billy Hung) but I had spent the last 17 years not being allowed to take care of my own needs and basic requirements.

To do such a thing to a person such as myself, is the source of this power play going for my jugular.
To make me dependent on others, is the one way to ensure that I would turn away from this play, if it had not been for what had been done to my body… and the gain for people of the world..
But more my body to be honest.
i wished my body back and any sense of Altruism has long since left me after seeing and experiencing all the interactions with humans.

But when I was moved to ask send him a text asking if he had decided if I was Friend of Foe…
It was a much greater significance that a link between Billy and I simply in a personal level..
It was to all that he represented as the World which I leave behind- who inherit a much cleaner world…
The world as it was meant to be .. reset with a beautiful spanking clean clean slate.
It was my asking if He You still thought that I was the Prince Of Darkness.. the 1987 Movie..the Filth.
And if my Father was the Anti Matter…

Kelly is the name of the 43 years old man who works all the time and who asked to buy me a coffee and feels connected to me…
Kelly means “Bright Warrior Fighter…”

*Sunshine ..State 27… A-Z-A… A-A Full Circle… Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind.
Golden State Warriors…

When Billy responded Friend at 8:06 p.m.
The code allowed me to recognize the Highest Play…
( I do not need codes to recognize what I see sense know and understand… but apparently you do…)
It is Victor… Then my coffee yesterday was 22… V..
That is play..

I am pissed off course, all this proving, all this transforming, and this explaining myself.. my way of percieving reality…
The pit I was thrown into.. the Aloneness…
Given the Value of Zero… to H ERO…S..

5:50 p.m.
E EO..

I do not wish to speak of such things any longer, I have documented that enough, I just wished for that to be stated for the record on this Script.
Because I knew this is would be read for generations and I wished no one to forget in the future, that no matter what I you may eventually understand that I accomplished and who I really am ( and consequently what you can accomplish and who you all really are) ..
That my feelings are in important.
That Feelings represent the basis and foundation of Existence.
The ability to feel.
Imagine ( which should be easy for many of you ) to no longer able to feel. To be numb, to be Dead…
Feelings can not be only one part feeling… no, that is incomplete and thus not the truth because it is not the whole picture, the whole story…

I felt every blow, every betray, every barb, every slight…
I felt everything.. because I refused to be “Comfortably Numb” or Dumb…
To be of Creation Existence C E.. E K Durante is to endure Feeling… Even the seeming unbearable horror done to the Unbearable Lightness of Being … which caused Me to Cum..
Orgasm… It was not No More!
It was more like “I A.M Coming” .. into the world Creation because the play of It, its true play was, is so beautiful and spectacular that Everything of that Eternal Beauty or perfection of Everything wished to come down in my mischeif making fun and play adventure excitement..
To Feel.

No, I made my feelings known.

I did and do not hide to act and be something which I am not going to entertain.
Yes I could endure it but why must Life become an endurance feat of Fear Misery Suffering…

Why do you persists in celebrating the Suffering, just to make you feel better about your lot when you know better…

Why do you see the Eagle throwing out the chicks from the nest,so that they they can become, but see “God- The Creator sending you out of the “Garden Of Eden” as your being punished and banished.. not worthy born on sin..
Instead of Sine and Pi?

Sigh… No… My feelings are important, were important because to Feel is to Exist.
And all the hurts all the strife and conflict, horror pain, torture, all the abomination done by this species to one another…
The selling of Human organs, minds.. ( Mind by the way is the literal body which is a computer. an organic computer. The mind scientists have asked for centuries..”Where does it exist.. where is it located… in the Body… Literally.
Heaven… is the Body…
As anyone who has been truly touched, awakened aroused by a True Love… – Feelings Sensational… )

6:07 p.m.
67…/ 76.

So when Billy made the offer I said yes.
He came and it was good to see his Energy…
I took his gift he shoved in my pocket…

5 2 5…12 in total… L.

But this time there was not one Bill marked.
Not one.

What this means?
There is no more codes to break, no more literally laundering money.. Cleaning Money..
Cash.. Johnny Cash.. Coin.. Gold and Silver make a come back.

500 200 500..
D B D..
My Room in that place where for 20 months, I have endured…
22 months since the last time I left..
24 Since 2015..
25-26 since I went down for the first time and I wrote The Elegant Nomad in 2001-2002.

I had 24 Usd and I can not even begin to describe the series of synchronized events which took place right until the moment Bill arrived 11:01 a.m.
And my sitting in a park linking now, the 9:24 text from Billy Hung yesterday…
That he too becomes a Healer..and Excellent Healer in the future..
J.A.. C.E… K.. Durante… Steve Curry… Klay Thompson..
Kevin Love..
Lebron Raymone James gets to go home, his fans at Cleveland Ohio understand now, and release him from his bond to his Hometown. He has given them all he had to give and done a remarkable job.
Now he is free… of his Past.. passed.

It is time they all agree, for him to be with a team worthy of his greatness…
An Individual made to carry a whole team, no matter his desire to make them equals, if they can not, they can not. And he did his best. And so he must find his equals…

While the Golden State Warriors have shown the example of what it is like to be a team.
See sacred Portal 31… That is the World I leave behind…

L R J..
E L R J…

Le Brown King who usurped .. who did he usurp.. Surplant…
Who really grasped his Heel?
He usurped the We .. for the I?
But what if his I was to inspire the We..
And what if there is nothing can be done about the fact that he is who he is? And that it is for others to rise to his Hauteur?
Rise and Shine…

Jace Horsford “Good Rise”.. G R… To Greatness by understanding the Golden Ratio.. which is the sincere desire of wishing desiring, and fighting for the right for every one to shine.
By showing the way..
The Path Finder…
Now it is for each to walk that path…
And to Greatness be given its Full Praise and Appreciation.. Applause…
No Jealousy or competition war…
Because He, I,We have made space so that you too can shine and feel what it is like to be in such Shoes presence of Greatness because you to have earned the right, know the way..
A path has been laid open for you too.. To Rise and Shine…

Just Do.

And you will Become.

6:31 p.m.

These are the numbers on my face book page.. as well as it being the Time right now.
You may recall that, that is the date that Patrick Okolo 3rd text reached me.
I was standing in front of Starbucks at Manhattan Avenue Green Point Avenue Brooklyn..
And I later saw a car which reminded me of Dean Dunkwus mother car.
I knew I was in a different dimension..
Time Travel…

My coffee today at the Arab Bodega was 22…
and my coffee here is 50…
72.. G B… Great Britain Great Bretagne… Great France..
Great Freedom Song..

I had 523 usd when Billy Left…
E.W… E Double V… E V V…
22 50 Yesterday..
And Today 22 50…
Of N and E… Double V…
VV.. 22… Raz Berry Beret was playing last night and I linked Berry Becky Berry Becky…
2 2 2 2…

* Anthony Bienke wait share this one.. I just added the edit…

85.. 5 8…

Patrick Okolo
Dean Dunkwu..
P.D… O D… Prince of Darkness O D U D U A W A…

That was the past…

I am present…

D O P… Bed 4 016.. Emeka Kolo Lorenzo Tripoli…
D.O… Bed 4-015…
44 00 O O… 11 ( New York) 65/ 56..
Billy Hung David Line lives in 65th street..
500 200 500..

5 2 5..
E B E…

He has crowned me.. he is line of David..
Beloved Billy… Friend.

6;45 pm

6:29 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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