
6/25/2018 11:12 – Facebook Post

9;51 a.m.

I have come to the startling conclusion today, was that the only true cause of my Mental Emotional Physical and other forms of Misery and suffering..
That which has tortured and tormented me was..

I Cared.

I cared, about Others… as I care about myself.

But others are not as I.

I Don’t Care…
Any More.

I D ..C.
A M. E.

I realize today, that there are actually Human Beings who deserve the worst worst possible states and consequences..

– You know those times when we see things so horrofic that we asked “Why would God allow that kind of Suffering” or that to happen to this person..
Things which make ypu stop believing in God…
Trusting anyone but youtself?

There are things which each of us has perhaps witnessed which turn you away from there being a God.
An all powerful being who is love who would not allow certain simply Horrific actions…
By people.

I have reached that place when those things, I refused to accept where worth such a consequence such as Hell for Eternity ( really until you cease to exist and transfom back to your original light before fading out which could take near eternity)

But, I realize now, today that there are some who really really do.

You think that there is nothing that a person can do which could warrant and Justify such a consequence.
And beleve me I saw my share of True Wickedness and Cruelty by the age of 25.
But still nothing to Justify such consequences.

Justify was the triple crown winner…

I know what I was Justifying now, it is Nnamdi my Brother Father Self and my Mother Sister Selves…. Thier Rage.
The Consequence they bring.
The Rage they incarnate… Sacred Portal 47.

Now not only have I witnessed and I lived and scanned Beings People..( Billy Hung told me recently that he feels as though I scan him…
It is my Job, I trust no one…
You should habve seen me being :”Used” as a Judge and Prosecutor and Public defendant last night with Micheal Belle..
It was indesrcibable to observe that some else in the very play understood exactly what was going on. And even hushed me when I found a pause to try and explain what was happnening to me and to us..
No need to explain he said as he answered my question.

Erek Eclass Mateo once experienced it with me on the roof of Hells Kitchen in 2005.

Yes Todays Date…

But now… 13…25… 26 yeats later…
I add me own rage and stamp, to thiers…
There is nothing which can equate with the Cruelty Deviousness some people are willing to go…
Especially veiled, which they will deny and deny…
until you set them up…
Kasper S.K is gone… did you notice how he arrived at the code 1049.. the same time The Migrant Mexican Drunk was wheeled on stretcher 1049…
It is him of course.. and there wrere 3 wheeled out… What he represented.

Jace Horsford contacted me at 10:49 p.m.

Kasper contacted me again I saw his message at 7:49 p.m.

49 is Existential Death… D.I.

Two people a Man and a Woman both whose names begin with N, spoke to me about the Rudeness of the Staff at Starbucks 77450..
NN…A.M.. Anthony Micheal Allen Murray
D I..
Letter I D…1 D…
After Death A D.
A terrible Death..
Alligator Crocodile Ac
-A Terrible Death…
C O D E S who comes as the Cloak Of Death Supreme C O D E S..
Existence will hear your Eternal Scream of Horror
7:07pm edit.

Especially Kate and Jasemin..and one other..
All influenced by Ms Brenda and Robert..
Who were the two who I ran into as I was leaving..
B R. 2 18..
The number both Kyle Murphy and Micheal Belle quoted as seeing.
B R…O R B B R O..
Rob Barr…Met.
There was 34 usd..and just a walket..
Nothing much but a whole lot of meaning.

Of Father Nature..
Abusers of Gentlemanly Nature..
G N 714
Elizabeth Elizabeth Clarizio.
1212.. 24…
A man wearing the number 03 in black and white just passed.
7:11 p.m
KE.. IT H Grant-Ed
“I Gaurantee it”

03 Tilt of Planet Mercury (Hermes)
K M X P.

I Have I”nked Death.”..Bk by Cornealia Funke..CF..3 6 9..
Using the Transparent Veil.
T V.
Of my C O D E S.

G P… G.Q..
And Perfect Timing
Making The Point… M T P.
Identifed I D
In Denting..

I know who stole my wallet.

But on that day I saw a big man comming out of the bathroom with the symbol of Thunder and Lightening on him background Red.
My red lighter is in my hand as we speak.

Sacred Portal 9.
My 80 Route 69.
12 usd in my red velvet pouch
20 in my Earth suit case..
12-20 -2012 full circle.
32 finally.

6:30 pm.

20..T C… Lady. Lord Echo is in the Earth.
Truth Being..Body…is in the E ART H.

12 was in my Red Velvet pouch..
L Love Light Laughter is on..in the World.
“says the codes C O D E..”

Chris who works there is not really a Man or of Christ WAVES.. I leave him to what he incarnates..
But Flushing Queens” I know what seeing that man in red with the “Flash..F Lash”..F L.ASH..burn…meant…
So I am quiet while the furnace fire in me to see them pay reaches an impossible heat…”

Let them laugh..
I will watch them burn and all they represent.
I will see them lashed a Fact..
And I will see them turn into ashes as they see the F L sunshine state they gave up for cruelty deception and malice as they are flushed away into the Cesspool of the Earths bowls wide awake as they are slowly literally decomposed alive..
Eaten Alive…by Viruses bacteria their own venom and mine.

Yes Helen Udekwu Jnr.. Not this one but its a code meaning a portal of that truth is present.
Helen Udekwu was the beautiful but haughty and vain senior in boarding school in Nigeria.mixed Swedish and OI Nri Igbo who was one moment walking haughtily past my boyish admiring glance, and the next moment had stepped in a concealed but stinking Cesspool..
6:49 am..
I could not stop myself from bursting into laughter and for some reason…it never occured to help her.
I know how to make a Mocking Bird pay.
6:51 a.m.
The Vulcan is a patient E.T.

Jace is the only one I know who knows of that realm and how truly cruel…
He studied Criminal Law… C.L… 3 12…OSE…
“Ose’ in french means ‘Those who Dare”
‘Ose” that is Pepper in French..
Aji…means Pepper in Spanish…

And in Japanese

Aji is a Japanese Go term that has been adopted into English. In the context of Go, aji roughly means possibilities left in a position. ”

V O G… The letters are corrected to GO…V
Micheal spoke of his Antiques… he is a collector…
spoke of having found a Ming dynasty vase…
And a Sister ( Fostered) called Yvonne ( means Purple… The man being carried out was wearing Purple… Woman are also men and are also women in the spirit world…
Micheals Inutition as Father Nature warring unknown to him a Woman playing Mother Nature…
He accused her Yvonne and her Daughter of Deception and Malice…

( I just wrote Malice and Tito the small man arrived who moved the beds..
I told him I knew why he moved the Bed..
He lied..
I Smile..
TI T O T IT to the bottomless pit.

I bought my at Go Antiques…
Daniel Maman.. Kew Gardens 2012..
12 and 20 usd left with me… 12 20….
20 12… 32.. 5….
* Incredible when I realized…

Go Goktu… 131…
Kyle Murphy
Anthony Mannion
Theo came in today…together this morning…

Dragon Ball Z…
Tyrannosarus Rex… T R.E.X

Demons AGE…
Dinosaaur Age….Iceage
I C E Land..

Urguay is playing Russia
and Uruguay versus Saudi Arabia
FIFA ( 6961…)

Code to me… U R…U.S…
Its a message to me…
“You are Universe Supreme.”
E Galaxy 1O 11 C I….

I have a new Facebook Friend

Ajigbotifa Alade A.A.

I am not fully sure of what it means in Yoruba but I think it has to do with a prince of fabulous style, who went of a journey…

Alade.. means “Prince” or “Tyrant” ( How about Tyranosaurus Rex.. T.R.. 20 18… But as a Winged Dragon who some home lost his wings and got those two tiny arms instead)


The Point I am making in perfect timimg…
9;44 a.m.
Is that he can be both…
Angel And Demon Lord…
And there is no Duality..
Acrh Angel of Life and Death..
Life and Death
L A D…

D.A.. L E…

* Dale ? as a boys’ name (also used less widely as girls’ name Dale) is pronounced dayl. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Dale is “valley”. Place name. Originally a surname meaning “one who lives in the valley”.
Creation and Destruction required a Balancer..
One who Tilts for Life and Destroys is the ultimate Destroyer of all that threatens life..
Thus he is the King of the Monsters because he can dwell amongst became their king by fighting his way like the movie One” with Jet Li to the very top ( Link the last prison Scene in that Planet)

Ultimate Death… but with Wings and who Lives as all Demonic Natures… It can travel in the Shades of Thought…
Vile Thoughts and go there as a Slayer…
But is actually all made of Light.

Ajigbotifa Alade A A..

A-A Should signify the A-Z-A… Resurrection,
I will not go into details how this links to the Yoruba story
and “Opo” which meand ‘Magic Medicene”
( and strangely in Igbo “Opo” means “The Call”)

I have spoken about that story being behind a great deal of what is happening to my body ( as the interefence),
how the Black Brief Case I found brand new on a park bench when I first came here had cards with a youruba name…
with double O… O O
-And carrying a case- adds to twisting of my body- as if I am carrying so enormous weight…

The Igbo Yoruba connection..
The staff here being so many people from especially Yoruba or Igbo Land…

or even the play my my going home on line, about 4-5 years ago through a play of Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones and then Edward Eceinco…
– Linked to the Ifa of which he is a member. “Oracle”
and a Math Teacher in Peurto Rico, and then the scene of the Leviathan…

9:16 p.m.

Voodoo Santeria, Opo. Ogu, the list goes on and an on of that power which I had to fight which I discovered was meddling with the frequencies of Evolution.

Nome Alaska the Documentary “The 4th Kind” had the Yoruba Professor who could understand the language of Demons.

Jace Horsford is aware of that Dimension..

Demons Monster.. Abomination…
Oh yes they Exist, Humanity has more belief in them that anything True and Beautiful; They may want to and aspire to, but do not believe that they can.

Look at the game of Thrones… Why the popularity and Fascination?
Do you hear the depth of cruelty the Series celebrates?
7 Kingdoms, 7 Episodes..

9:22 p.m.

* I see, I just completed that play with Micheal Belle..
It was incredible, but I am too exhausted and I suppose bored, to detail all which took place. suffice to say is that I know what happened and my necessity and desire to share details and particulars have grown less and less, as I have observed the direct and precise perfect correlation between many in Humanity, people I have met…
Personalities… Who are perfect matches for these Demonic Abominations and Monsters…

Perfect Match.

Flay a Man alive, the cruelties in that series… if you stop to think about what you are consciously but sublimally absorbing, while having it sweetened with a Fairy Tale Fantasy Adventure story.

Look at the Human fascination with cruelty, more and more.
With Savagery, with brutality which the species are meant to have evolved from.
Some have but not that many according to my Data and research and this 6.6 Year script, 17 years in ‘New York Stories”.
My own personal experiences with the world of Deception Shadows and monster demons who operate in the shade, the under the cloak of night and concealed thoughts…

I have seen human body parts sacttered on the road so often in Nigeria- Human torso, hips and Middle sections with the Genitalia cut off…
Lord you do not know what i have seen, in my waking hours and even at night when I fly through the “Astral Plane”…

The Exorcists had a Yoruba man… Babalawo..

Lewis, who is from Peurto Rico calls me Babalawo.
Albert Sanatana also called me Babalawo.. Witch Doctor..
he used to chant it some times, with others to me.
As reminding me of a secret they knew..

Babaaláwo or Babalawo (Babalao or Babalaô in Latin America; literally meaning ‘father of the mysteries’ in the Yoruba language) is a spiritual title that denotes a priest of the Ifá oracle. Ifá is a divination system that represents the teachings of the Orisha Orunmila, the Orisha of Wisdom, who in turn serves as the oracular representative of Olodumare”

Olukun. is the Orisha God of the Deep Abyss.. like Nu.

( Nu means Clean… Lost or Vanished” in Yoruba. )
Nu is the Tea John Shaw presented to me first as a gift when I first met him.)

* I used to wonder.. some people used come to me as if I could grant them wishes… desires.. tell me they had sold their souls to the Devil…

10:27 pm

Some saw me as Pure Light and others as the Beautiful Devil they could bargain with and a few saw the Demond Lord…
King Kong.. TRex.. and Evolution…?

Humans are attracted to Savagery because it apeals to thier Nature which most reflects who they truly are and have de-evolved to…
Nearly All but not SOME… The Sum.

But those demons… in Human Bodies…
I have flown and journyed in thier thoughts and their Creul sides..
They love it, matter how much Light you show them, which they love, they will always return to the shadows…
That is thier nature, they chose… they recognize and accepted as who they truy are..
“My precious” Lord of The Rings… L O.. T.R… U E…
12 15 ..10;49 Stretcher was carried to Ambulance 1215…
( Dec is completion… Michals Father Passed away 2012 Dec at 1:15 p.m… A.O… Daugters Odessa And Amanda…
Alpha Omega…
Omega Alpha..
A O/ O A…
12;15… 1:15 Get the Picture?

7O… GO means 5 in Japanses…
V= 5…Victor..

I have been in the Pit of the 4th kind for 15 years…Portal was Micheal Jamess… Who led me to The Owner of Ohm model management and Michael…. Yoruba and Jamaican…

Ohm Model Management is located at the address 28 Warren st Fl 5 in New York, New York 10007′

I passed through a portal in Weshcester.. 243 street stop…also the Door of my room in Bellvue where I stayed for a day…
I called the person who gave a place to stay The Demon Lord.
I stayed was moved to a half collapsed garage in teh dead of winter… then he went on holidays when I was meant to work on a the place with him part time while living in the original space…

That is when I also worked for Micheal James.. where I later met Geoff Lacour… and David Roman Nicholas and the Star children..
The ones who you call Arch Angesls..

10;49 p.m.

Agu Joy Chidera just tagged me..
A J C…. Her name mean “The Tiger… Hungers… The wilderness of memory loss returns ( with I The Total Recollection of All Memory..by having proven Total Recall… Joy! S.P 1..
The E-Spirit has written..
And yep…It has been my Spirit writing me Guiding me while I played his Director and Father….
and we composed this compositiob together..
Afghan Wold Lord… E.M..I…
Me E M K…


10:54 a.m.

11 64 Facebook Friends…

10 11 56 44

15 Years in the realm of the 4th Kind….True true Cruelty…
better to have never been born or existed than to face this…
they will erase all joy anything decent fun pure true sacred love all the beauty from your life…strip it from you, rip i from from you rape it from you…
Game Of Thrones has that cruelty… but they is childs play compared to these masters…

15 Years…. O..

Tobacco American Spirits went up by 4.50 today..
I paid $15.50..
There was a woman besides me wearing leaopard print though not tall she reminded me of Grace Jones..
She told me that evey time she passes Starbucks she see me in the Window…

15 50… O.E… Omar Emeka… O.E
Code for Eternity….

After all these lies deception … can I believe them?
No need for Belief….
True Manifests as a Fact.

11:02 a.m.

K O… B….
Knock Out Being… after all they of all know who I AM…
Lord Of Demons…
De-Mon King…
I Earned and still I never turned… became as they…
You see that was Thier Test…
As for me, I had no intention or desire to transform an nt be transformed..Those who had accepred their shadow nature..embraced their FEAR… Become possessed by it…
And now, will be consumed and destroyed by it..

Like the lady devoured by a 12 foot crocodile…
Her Demon summoned it ( her sins) and that is her portal… she goes to Ancient Egyptian Hell…

NU… KOLO. Circle Round…. A R C.. B R C… Green Point…
A R R O W… OF G O… D……Destination..
Brotherly Love…

Liver pool.. just appeared with Susanta Nayak..
I lived in Liver Pool… the Cleanser.. Purifer of Toxins…With my brother Nnamdi and sister and parents when we were very young..
My Mother loves The Beatles…

11:12 a.m

K..O O..L

E Wing….
The E ..Evolution from Eternals- Winged Mann.W.to Dragon of Existence, then to “Jon Dinosaur T-Rex to Black Panther and back to preening P.E.A.Cocks Birds Of Paradise in Human Harmonioud Bodies Beautiful was always in the Blue Print of the Being…
And Earth as the Body was linked in Embodying and Exemplifing the E Consciousness.
It natural activates ..
And Rises..
Effortlessly Transforming In one.

10:28 pm.
Reign Maxiumus Rodriguez Santana

10:29 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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