
6/28/2018 1:56 – Facebook Post

11 65…

12:27 p.m.

11 = 6+5… 11.

New York Times…
Out on the Town with Peter Pan.
( My sister would be Wendy.. A N E W ..D…. A W.N.)

J.M.Barrie…play to music.

(Christopher David.. C.D…)

It shows the image of a Young Man, emerging from a Green Screen – a Tunnel formed with lights- Fractals which form, which converges to the End point..
At conclusion He stands before a Light holding a silver Orb, Ball…all aligned with rings.
He is dressed in Silver….

Its the same image of which I commented on today and shared of which Anthony Bienke shared of a Youth catching a Transparent Orb….

I actually wore Silver in that scene which I created from subconscious Foresight Hingsight, in 2000 in Istambul, in my production “The Story Of Colors” and I had Blue Panatlons…
I had a Frilly white 18th Century Pirates Shirt…
I spoke at the Bar… As I began to recount a story..Narrate the Story of Colors…
And then David Greeves joined me….
and then Harmony apeared on stage as a Wild Gitan..
The idea of Chaos… Tanya Nonyem Meghana.. Marina. Ziena Hannah ( a Former Face Book Friend).
Hannah means ‘Grace’.
H.G. 8 7..

15.. O…
6… F. A…C..T…E..


E.T.C… A.F..A C T…E…

1:00 p.m.

11 11… 1… A.

A R I A… S.T..A R…K.. E…

A R I.A.. D N E…. S T A R…K.E..

See Sacred Portal 115.. K.E..

The walls come tumbling down… of forgetting

Just witnessed the conclusion of the Game of Thrones…
The Dragon turned into the Dead- Blue Flame actually…
( Evolved) brings down the Wall… the Wall E.T.
* When my wallet was “Stolen” I knew it was a set up because I already was aware of the WALL E.T Code..
Eterna Truth..

The Two who first walked the Earth- The Titans-Gods and the Light Beings…
The Beautiful Ones….
And the Two would meet in the Center of the Two Full Circles
O O.. To Merge to create
The Line of the E.

1.11 a.m

Wall-EE.. The Telephone from William Bracey he was called Wallee… bed 4-005…S.P…45… Throne of Existence… T O E..

( Which is the Hieghest form of Evolution Peak Back to back

Reptile Mammal… R.M…. Rep of the Tile… Those who Tiled the Earth first walked it… “Carbon Imprint” C.I

( Jace Horsford.. ‘Constant Intervention” C I…)

Rep of The Tilers

Mammals… M am-am..L..S

1:22-23 a.m.

A.V… A.W…

The Two who first walked the Earth- The Titans-Gods and the Light Beings…

The Beautiful Ones….

And the Two would meet in the Center of the Two Full Circles

O O.. To Merge to create

The Line of the E.

Sacred Portal 115…
Joshua sounded the Horn and the walls came tumbling down
( Oluku Joshua, Benjamin Joshua Melendez)
S-amson and the Lion Sun
S.A.M.E… S O N. E S U N..E…

Enyiagu Afam Samuel….

And from the Wilderness of Forgetting came Awakened Memories The One who is as God.

Spain Tunisia… S.T… World Cup Score 2 2….

*See sacred portal… 14… Evolution of Consciousness

Stark… Arya Stark… Beautiful Assassin.. Beautiful Dancing Blade…
See one of Nadee Nakandala first Likes- it was a Viled Woman
Alex Sierra
Alex Sierra…

Phillipe Stark…. P.S

*Philippe Starck (born January 18, 1949)[1] is a French designer known since the start of his career in the 1980s for his interior, product, industrial and architectural design including furniture.[2][3]”


Age 69..
Inflatable Structiure ( I.S) 1969…

Philip Stark contiued…
Philp of Akaddia
Filipe Arkadiusz FA…
Arcadia ( A Merry Go Round.. To Quote Randall Michael)
Philip of Macadonia…
David Phillip Gil…

More of Phlip Stark from Wikipedia below..

New York Times Headlines… N Y T H… E

Business Day… B D…

A Recession Signal is Flashing Yellow.

Page 8…. “Hope. Despair. Suddenly, Salvation….”

The Game : 90 Minutes. The Train Ride; 27 hours.

( T.G.. 20T… The Game of Spirits, S.P 90… I.O…
link meaning Isis Osiris…Inside Outside…
T T R… 20 20 18….
Kyle Murphy and Anthony Mannino
K.M… A M..)


“Dark Movements of Mystery, Anguish and Desire.’
D. M. O M… A A D…. Full Circle..

White Walers.. W W… 2323.. 46 10… 1O..N E…
Double V.. VV..V V… 22 22 22 22…. 88.

Yes, my last coffee… 88…
Emeka Kolo…

1:48 p.m.
Yes after the coffee 76…
After the Sacred Portal 76.. The Awakening…

The Shadows will cease to exist, they will be sent full Circle back to thier most Ancient Ancestors- the Toxins and Poisonus Atmosphere which the Earth first manifested as in the Story of Matter as Shit.. Decomposition…

* Also on front page Todays New York Times
Arts Section.. A.S.

“Bringing Death To Life”
Explaining what happens to the body as it dies and decomposes…
( B D T.L… Lorenzo Tripoli code)

Led by the Dragons of Existence the One who is Two…
In the 5th Dimension… and the two in the 4th and Thier Mother

Don Q, Ballerina’s in Fan Flapping Debuts…”
by GIA Kour las… G K… 7 11… 18.

1;56 a.m.

56… 11 1

*The son of an aeronautical engineer, Starck studied at the École Camondo in Paris. An inflatable structure he imagined in 1969 was a first incursion into questions of materiality, and an early indicator of Starck’s interest in where and how people live. In the same year, Pierre Cardin appointed Starck as the art director of his furniture sector.[citation needed]

Starck Product[edit]

While working for Adidas, Starck set up his first industrial design company, Starck Product – which he later renamed Ubik[4] after Philip K. Dick’s novel – and began working with manufacturers in Italy ( Driade), Alessi, Kartell – and internationally, including Austria’s Drimmer, Vitra in Switzerland and Spain’s Disform. His concept of democratic design led him to focus on mass-produced consumer goods rather than one-off pieces, seeking ways to reduce cost and improve quality in mass market goods.[5]

In 1983, then-French President François Mitterrand, on the recommendation of his Minister of Culture, Jack Lang, chose Starck to refurbish the president’s private apartments at the Élysée. The following year he designed the Café Costes.[6]

Starck’s output expanded to include furniture, decoration, architecture, street furniture, industry (wind turbines, photo booths), bathroom fittings, kitchens, floor and wall coverings, lighting, domestic appliances, office equipment such as staplers, utensils (including a juice squeezer and a toothbrush), tableware, clothing, accessories (shoes, eyewear, luggage, watches) toys, glassware (perfume bottles, mirrors), graphic design and publishing, even food (Panzani pasta, Lenôtre Yule log), and vehicles for land, sea, air and space (bikes, motorbikes, yachts, planes). The buildings he designed in Japan, starting in 1989, went against the grain of traditional forms. The first, Nani Nani, in Tokyo, is an anthropomorphic structure, clad in a living material that evolves over time. The thesis being: design should take its place within the environment but without impinging on it; an object must serve its context and become part of it.

A year later he designed the Asahi Beer Hall in Tokyo, a building topped with a golden flame. This was followed in 1992 by Le Baron Vert office complex in Osaka. Starck’s buildings, while dedicated to work, are no less instilled with life and its constant effervescence. In France he designed the extension of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD) in Paris (1998).

Alhondiga, Bilbao, Spain, 2010
The Alhondiga, a more recent project, is a 43,000 sq. m culture and leisure venue in Bilbao that opened in 2010.[7] Starck, who loves ships and the sea, designed the new infrastructure for the Port Adriano harbour on the south-west bay of Palma de Mallorca, and was also artistic director for the interior. It opened in April 2012. He also designed Steve Jobs’s yacht, Venus, which launched in October 2012.[8]

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