
6/30/2018 20:09 – Facebook Post

From Kyle Murphy..

He showed this to me last night….

I laughed and asked if he was sure that it was real,
I knew it was, but I felt I had to check…

The Epoch Times…. T.E.T….

Makes me link the Day of the Wolf,
and the Igbo Word ‘Tete” which means to “Wake Up” in OINri Igbo.

What disturbed me about this was the lack of commentary on the true meaning and signification of this…
Sound, Expression and that a Dog, a Husky Dog ( H.D. 8 4) is clearly speaking, talking and you can understand by the sound which link to words, what he saying.

Why I was quietly disturbed, once again moves to what I have found myself proving and calling to people attention not just that the Entire Planet is Awake and even Expressing in perfect alignment to what I have be explaining …
Evolution Awakening- even People.
But there is refusal to acknowledge this, instead as my “room mate” Lorenzo demonstrates over and over, that extraordinary ability to change the meaning, so clear- a sort of intentional misdirection, to suit ones owns purpose.
I watched him do it over and over again today- in that astonishing insistence to speak to me, talk with me despite even the Night Supervisor telling to desist in imposing a interaction with a person who has made it clear that he desires no interaction on any level apart from the Civil, the basic only.

He even suggested that I wear my Converse, sneakers today.
How he knew the make of my sneakers 37:48 usd Dark Green…
Is something I do not wish to comment on,but I understood the intel he was stating converse…

Not with him, but rather the malady of which he represents, which is all over the planet.

Let me give you a much cleaner example.
The theft of my wallet, and its contents hardly is the cause of my running out of money, for making the correct choices in this Game of which has been identified at Supreme.. Extreme Malice….
( including making me the voice an Arm of a Ridiculous Concept and Idea called God.)

But perhaps by reading my posts Kyle Murphy understood that I am not with funds any more and offered me cigarette twice last night…
Yuen Chen nearly always offers me a cigarette even when he knows I will not smoke since I usually always have tobacco.
He is consistent even when he observes that I give them away.
Steve always knows the balance and offers money when he feels he has asked to many times.
I had told he could ask me as many times he want when I have because he has a sense of fairness..

When Kyle Murphy offered me the cigarettes I have no doubt of his sincerity of gesture, but it was public and not only was it made and done publicly but it was followed by an pronouncement of which it reflected on his magnimity…
‘I always pay back… I always blah blah blah…”

I reminded him that I had given the tobacco to him from the heart and that it was not a barter…’

“I know but in my head I feel as though I owe you”

“Then”, I replied ‘you owe me Billions..” For the knowledge after all I have given him evidence that there was reason in all the things he had been through which had weighed him down.
He had told me how he had been out the night before and had been in cloud bliss all day and had never come down…”
He met with his friend who surprised him, with a friend from South Carolina… Melissa..
He was ecstatic…

He did not care to look at the equation code, I was left to solve the riddle of course…

Eventually I told him the alignment ( But who cares when the one carrying the load is not yourself…- just I want to go home)

I have a Melissa and Brian in my story which links to Brother and sister because they were the only people my sister and knew growing up who reflected us as Two kids of mixed race Sister Melissa my sister age and Brain my age…
And even though we met them in Canada when my parent friends who were their parents visited and met them in Nigeria before they returned to the states, they were a big part of our Story.
Strangely my sister connected with them in London and for some reason she did not connect me with them…
Anyway, why this is important is that I know my real sisters wave and expression and something had switched in her when we had moved from London to Canada.
and even more so when we then moved to Nigeria… it was as if she was no longer the same person, my true sister had been buried buried so deep under cover that she came out only once in a while…
The other one seemed to me the epitome of Selfishness, but as a desire to self protect.. Hardly even aware of the depth of selfishness she had become..
Just as I had noted in my mother….

Money.. Lack… creating Lack, not only in terms of Money but in that refusal to see the truth of who they really are by others.
I saw this done to both of them by my father, who saw my mothers value but dominated it with his Will and his importance being greater…
I saw him do it with my sister and even use Love and truly cruel words to compare her to me. Then to belittle me and call my sister of an idea of what a man should be.
My sister was the the ultimate girl and yet before that she was a person- strong fragile vulnerable but brave bold…
He could not see her as she truly was.. is which I found so ridiculous and was is the reason that to this day the bond between my sister and I is still astounding to my my mother brother, etc…
Despite this ridiculous play of 29 years of not even having a conversation…
People note the same way we speak, link, perceive and how people response to our energy…
My brother and mother literaly are astonished that even after a 29 year separation and 16 years since we last spoke ( all her choosing ) and 6 years since we communicated by E-mail ( when I finally had enough) I am told that “She said exactly the same thing you said almost verbatim..in response to certain views..
That never surprised me, as kids we used to speak at the same time and say the exact thing verbatim to my mother at exactly the same time…
I am aware though of why…)

“How was your day Emeka?” Kyle Murphy would ask of recent as I settled in on return…
Nice of him to ask, but does one really sense the persons cares?
And you can read… my post…

(Everyone truly has me at advantage in this script have you noticed, I am not allowed to conceal anything, not even my financial or emotional state or even my reasoning…
And how I am seeing each situation as I am doing right now…)

7:06 p.m.

People can have a field day with me, and of course, would air thier vegengeance hidden resentments, thoughts and through it back at me..
Of course, I can see it, read it… I know the correct response of those who understood my expression in clarity and those who did not..
I know the response to what a normal sane humane being would respond to my expression. And I Know the Options based on how they chose to translate it.
And I know the translations because I put myself in thier shoes and see the scenario based on what I know of these people and the frequency of which I have observed they chose to perceive ..

Keep Your enemies close…
My enemies are all the responses except the correct response of a normal humane being to what I have stated.
Because I have stated the truth and put in such a way that the public also reading who are in turn carrying thier prejeducies of already judging me without having investigated what this play on my page is about…

His Melissa and Brian are called Wright…
Mine are called Sullivan…
Melisa Wright..M W… I am the one sitting yet again 21 months later at Metropolitan and Woods Ave… M.W…
Brian Wright… B.W… With a phone in the name of William Bracey who was in room 4A with me and bed 4-005.
And linked to Allen Murray A.M…
*The play is all linked here on Face Book”
W.B… Wallee we called him… WALL E.T… 5-20-1973.. 44 Age..
Quanma’e Lewis is in my bed… 4-004..
A wallet was under the Jump Man hat of Kyle Murphy the day I returned…
The price of my Tobacco jumped by 4.50 usd by a Womans selling them greed and taking something out on me, perhaps disinterest..
A Woman wearing Leopard print who looked like Grace Jones in a way stood just before, telling me how she recognized me from the cafe here always sitting by the window. And spoke of wanting to come in to ask about her own computer for me to fix…?

Oh yes I know who stole my wallet…
Thoughts manifest in this Evil Game, while the Beautiful Truth is till ‘not allowed in…”

Sullivan is the name of the portal I passed through to get here..
Donna O Sullivan… D.O.S.. D.S..
Dewight Smith directed me here “What can I do to get your Money..” At least he was honest…
Sulllivan means “Hawk Eye” H E… And I will not go into detail of the break down of that play…

Its is all recorded here…
Sullivan and Wright… S.W… S Double V… S. V V… S 22 22 S 8… S H.. E..
S V V.. 55… S E E… R…

B.S.. B.W…
M S…W.S.

Melissa Brian.. M.B… Micheal Belle…
Marina Burini who saw Nnamdi appear on the Alter…
Power of Money… play…
Marina Burini never used money to meddle with the play, she used money as her contribution to ensure she was part of the play but it was her brilliance when not meddling with the play because of insecurities which drove me to distraction…
But she had a heart .. but could be heartless if she thought she was being betrayed used or kept out of the Loop…

M.B…S.W…… A M..B…I…( B I 2 9) .. S A W… I…

I am the rep of both S and its Double U .. And V…

So let me continue, and so he laughed and brushed it aside.
“I want to go home Emeka”
“I am doing my part to make it happen’

I sat yesterday in true pain… My body had not been twisted this badly ..
No one noted it…
Though Ant on hearing Kyles declaration immediattly said “I would hae offered you a cig…”
I said I know… And it would have been done without the fanfare…

And the child like but not really pure and innocent selfishness…

“It was nit a barter I had told him”

If it was a barter, then he owed me 15;00 usd and a number of meals and countless cigarettes and a fee for my services as a counsellor as well as Supreme Being whom he acknowledges…
He would pay as every one should for each post since people pay for News Papers ..
5 Journalist were killed in a Grudge recently.. 5 five.

I know that Kyle Murphy was being intentionally forgetful and sought to sway the view to his point of view…
Even Quanma’e Lewis called it out when we first met Kyle in that Play…
‘You are constantly seeking to one up Emeka “..
That was the illness my sister began suffering from.
That was the spell which was put in her by my Bio Father and by how men here treated women.. their daughters, thier Mothers, Wives, lovers… but it is harder to do so with your Sister…
With their Sisters…

My sister was always my Equal.. Whatever I came first in she too one emaulate it, replicate it in her own field.
I was able to be consistent in it over and over again but each time my sister did this, Equal what I had done in her field…
She did not seem to feel the desire to have to do it again…
She had made her point.

Which I was surprised that others could do see…
And then not see her… or Woman as She is…

Anyway, I saw this in Kyle Murphy yes it is not a male thing..
Nnamdi never had that need to be seen, his line never had that problem- He did not care if you did not see him- he was more like that is your loss.
But believe me, It was impossible not to see my brother …
Seeing him correctly.. well that is another thing…
People chose too impose their view of his otherwordly beauty on him..
which he could use to his advantage but not cruely more to teach you a lesson you would never forget…

7;45 p.m.

So you see, how it is choice by others not to see others…
That my sister who is Virginia living in false reality while I am here in a shelter..
Who holds onto point of view out of Pride when it is obviously reflected right to Kyle Murphy and line of Boom Micheal… B M/ M B…
That they SAW..I… A M.. B…I… And the response…
Ah… Where are they?
Where is they’re line…?
And what is the truth reflected enacted by Micheal Belle, Quanma’e Lewis, Kyle Murphy, Billy Hung…?

Ant responded beautifully… I had shared so much from my Heart and Hearth and the response had and has been insulting in every dimension from the scrip to nearly all the recipients of the other Intel…
The Journalist Clark Kent I was made to play…
The Messenger of Jehova God.. Gods and Titans who enslave and possess and do Evil beyond belief by selfishness…
By holding onto a point of view…

Tolerating the greatest injustices as long as they benefit…
Why has not the line of Kyle screamed out outrage at this play not necessarily for me, but because it is unjuste.. horrific…
Why is that…?

My real sister energy would be the first to call this out as an abomination and shouting at me to either get out of this play, or by my side fighting…
She is though… because she is in me.. the true Nnonyem.. Nnamdi Eric Obumm… N N E O…

Nne Nne in OINri Igbo means ” To LOOK.. Regard.. See…”
It is also the word for “Mother”… Mother Looks… She sees.. She Looks After… her own and all others….

Nna.. is Father.. but it also means :”JOIN” Link… and more importantly ..
Gone Home…
Nna.. means HOME… and HOM.. Man…
Isabelle Ilic…

This is not against Kyle Murphy but rather I find that he has been used to illustrate a point..
Kyle knows who i am intellectually and through heart…
just as Bill knows who I am through Mind Brain…
Just as Micheal Belle knows who I am through Spirit ..
And Marina Burini by Sixth Sense.. “Feelings”

Just as Donna had…

We ignore the relevance of a Talking Dog…
What it means..
What can One Imagine from someone providing evidence of teh Evolution Awakening even with people I see and live with everyday in a Shelter…

But this is not my Game…

Ant found 5 usd Kyle said yesterday… that is 20 us he found teh same day Kyle did…
Rep 2020 Vision meaning that nothing is wrong with their vision..
or Sight…
But that it is how they chose to see…

That is why Ant found an extra 5 … E…
He chose to see me…

Really in person.. at least that is what I understand my our intereaction and the play..
He would sit quiet and observe and listen .. and any time I felt like speaking I would speak to him and it was easy like sunday morning…
The same chill with Kirtan who sat beside me last night somehow I felt he could see me in pain by the way he made an effort to make eye contact and sing his raps which made me laugh.. smile…

Kyle has that grace sometimes… but he was representing a play which chose to ignore that which is truly important… the meaning of Generosity and Compassion..
And why it is Dying in the World. Dead..

Ant 25 USD..
Aunt.. Gwendolyn King… G K.. 7 11…
Kirtan is 25 years old..

25 is letter Y…

Ajigbotifa Alade and then Guaavi A. arrived as face book friends…
A A G..A…
1 1 7 1..
1 711… But .. Ah you have to know how to read.. and to read requires a Heart.. For that is what a Body is.. It is a Heart Being…
8:08 p.m.


which is required to truly understand how to play this Game…
Queen of Hearts… versus Haters… even unintentional.

8:09 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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