
5:21 p.m.

5:21 p.m.

E.U… E B A.

5:22 p.m.

E.V.. E .B.


Temp 92 Degrees.

For the past 12 years since I realized that I was in a Game and that I was based on Numbers, to make sure I was really in a play ( despite all my knowing this) -to satisfy Cartesian Mind, and sense of Logic I noted that no matter the situation, certain basic amenities were always provided.

Provided to continue the work- meaning the solving and presenting the evidence of this Matrix.

That is why I continued, because no matter how much I doubted, questioned, sought to rationalize.. I was always provided just enough to solve the riddles.

Not the tools to leave the country, or choose a different path, not do anything but what I was directed to.

Basically, being the hands of Tyrant.

They put Chappie on yesterday

( Igbo Anthony seems to have come back to his senses, seeing what Selfish Edward has been creating… Of course I made my feelings known. So that he could chose to wake up off a war even a battle fight which it was moving towards…

And I just can not seem to back down)

I noticed that it was about the Exchange of Consciousness.

And that the character Hugh Jackman plays had created a Human manned Droid called Moose which resembles a Tyrannosaurs Rex.


I waited until all Billy Hung money had been spent, passing the test I already I knew I was in- sort of like a Virtual Maze this last phase of the play which resolved to Disney Looney Tunes; Fantasia.

*Which I already figured out is the Oval at the end of Metropolitan Ave where I had encountered Robert age 53.

It is all recorded here… It is also the route to Flip J Hendrixs home as well as Peters.

But my route and truth has always been that I am not in a Looney Tune.. L.T…

But rather, in the play of the Full Circle…which is the Circle which I cross each day for the last 21 months and where I took Billy Hung.

And that the Oval as the Ellpitical progression of the Orbiting planets around the sun and the movement of Galaxies Universes are simply symbols of the expression of the Universe and not the other way around.

When I was at Zero yesterday apart from the 25 cents which I found which linked to Anthony who found 25 usd and was manifested in a play yesterday with Kyle Murphy and Harold/Harvey the good looking older man who reminds me of Axel Love with his curly silver hair.

And then Kirtan Locket age 25.

Anthony sat across from me at the head of the table, while further down Kyle and Harold/ Harvey spoke and Harold spoke of area 51 and all the mysteries which he had a much greater understanding than he realized.

The energies in me where so active I could barely sit still for more than 5 secs, so even if I wanted to listen it was difficult.

But I did not really care to listen, but I did play my part long enough to point out to Ant the play…

Emeka Ant.. E.A… A R E A.. 51… Ant is in Room 5 A bed 5-001..the person who used to stay there was a person who a beautiful voice who used to sing but was not a generous spirit.

I pointed out the play of that which was taking place right there before us…

With my being fully aware that we are representing the Area 51 he by his Naturalness and Quiet absorbtion of Everything and my being fully aware and able to explain it to him and bring it to his and others attention.

I watched a play which occur with Kirtan Locket who was there again and again last night with Ant.

I no longer feel that I should explain and give blow for blow account now that I have understood that I have reached the point where there are people who are present now in the dimension of being able to understand and even respond to what I have been posting for the last 6.6 years.

What I write now is only because I really see no option..

And thus, I post as I have been doing, for the future.

To have some record of the event and how it took place.

Kyle Murphy is now at Coney Island.

He was meant to be at Rockaway Beach, he was headed there with his Friends.

But an interesting play took place, which was a pleasure to see that Kyle Murphy was paying attention and literally helping truly helping the play by paying attention and this playing his part.

He came over and told me about his day, and that he was going to the Beach with his Friend Omar.

Yes Omar.. Non Stop Omar.. Ram O.E… R…A.M…O.E…

But Melissa was not coming. She was having allergies, but Kyle had smoked all his Weed because Melissa was allergic to it and had a near fatal reaction to it at age 16.

Something Kyle more incomprehensible than my sister refusing to eat Meat straight out of the Womb…

As Kyle and I conversed… Code E.K…

He asked me about Far Rockaway in my codes, ( Tiens! I was surprised asking me from the blue print instead of the perception by asking me they were feeding my Ego)

I spoke about a David I knew while working with Sean on 16th street in a Construction Job he had to complete in which David was the foreman and giving spoiled but gifted Sean ( The one who had painted a portrait of Nnamdi)

As I explained it to him, his phone rang it was Omar, as if on cue and then Kyle informed me that the play was changing..

I was not surprised we had solved the riddle…

Melissa had decided to come… And instead of Far Rockaway they were going to Coney Island…


The Beach which you recall I used to take the train to when I had to sleep on the on the train to simulate forging a route home..

Kyle had helped solved the riddle by his own manners and consideration to Melissa feelings stating that he would never jeopardize her existence by subjecting her to any risk of Mari Juana.

And I had recollected the play with David who had finally managed to get a home in Far Rockaway- I had replaced Sean whom he had little respect for as a worker ( I can not say I blame he Sean was… Smh… an Artist..)

But he did me and I was part of a team despite the energy moving through my body- I would rather work at any job than be dependent…

But I was let go after a while when new workers came and found my bodies movement scary spooking.

But of course i lost the job in perfect harmony of the Script.

Sean founded Art Battles.. A.B… And I was sent away first to Goat O with a young Agusta who I had taken under my wing ( knowing fully that he was part of the Play) and then he stayed with me even a few days at the Alley…

before the Script rescued him or found him a landing with a well known photographer where he became the assistant.

I never heard from him again.

He had been lost, had no where to go when he had come to Sean apt with some others I knew from the higher realms…

He had a cruel story of being orphaned.

I had left Goat O and after Agusta was safe, began me trek to what would be the simulation of Zero, and the 7th Heavens Story and Alien Father…

See Albert and Marcos Quintero… two boys .. one boy and one girl, I was there when all those children came into the World…

And both Fathers are born the same day.

Jan 3 or is it 13th…

Anyway, that is just the illustration of the Full Circle.

I saw a play with Kirtan in which I did not respect his Song…

I respected that of Ants, Kyles.. it was a of sharing…

Quanma’e Lewis has that nature when he not being a looney tune.

And there was another who was present as Kyle Murphy and Harold spoke… another good looking youth who goes by the name Gandhi…

*I ran into him this morning ( and all last night, as if his Source was saying that he would be seen despite my refusal to wish to interact with anyone else…)

Ant… Kyle and Ghandi sat in one line…

And then myself, and Harold… ( you will recall Harold the American at B.R.C who was at bed 008 who gave me the books E.G and Witchers Landing.. Widget Lorenzo is always speaking about Witches in the Shelter and their powers moving through it…

A..K…G… 1 11 7/ 7 11…1.

E…H… 5 8…./ 8 5…

* A young attractive lady sat besides me and her young niece who kept starring at me.

I noticed that her bag had the motif of the Eiffel Tower all over it.

I had places my Eiffel Tower in the Lotus Flower Light green which I had found.

I observed that Yuin Chen on Bed 4-017 and Kirtan were both wearing Glow Light Green- The Color I assoicate with the code represented by Elizabeth Clarizio… E.C.. 5 3… Kyle room 5C Bed 26.

7:04 p.m.

G .O D.


I contacted Dawn Piercy at the last moment to see if she was the portal of which I had to get more funds to finish the play which to me, made no sense, but I was at Zero yesterday and I have had 17 years with this play and script and it is all about moving through a Maze.

Much like a Virtual Maze, in which you have to find the correct portal.

But it did not make sense, that it was she, but I had to check.

So I wrote to her at the last possible moment this morning to say I would might ask for aid.

She responded that she was housing a homeless person.

I did not see her response until much later that afternoon when I came down from my room and truly feed up with this play immediately Micheal Belle sprung to my mind.

I went down stairs to get some lunch…

7:11 p.m…

And there was Micheal, I asked to see him and took a New Port Cigarette from him.

He came down a bit latter and placed 12 usd in my pocket and three more cigarettes…

And he began to speak.

I immediately equated the 12 usd with the 1,200 from Billy Hung which I had spent in May June… 5-6..Two months 500 200 500…


He had received a gift of 2,000 from Social Security which he attributed to me and the Force moving through me.

He spoke about how he had been sharing it, distributing to people.

While at the same time finishing the work on his home in the Woods.

He was laying Pine….


I had observed the play with Kyle Murphy and I… E.K yield an immediate response and saw that Kyle had understood the play..

It had changed from Rockaway ( I said the riddle of the Rockaway meant the Rock the Anchor , the weight was being taken away, and that it linked to a play with David and my Altar Art which correlated to Yellow Submarine i had created representing the David…

I had spoken about to Kyle about the code the names formed for Far Rockaway.. K OD … D O C K…

And I had already spoken to you about the Science I had been proving in one of my papers, Lyrical Conversation- being the name I had christened that fluidity of Conscious and Aware Expression which creates literal physical change in reality..

And I observed with Kyle as it literally transformed the intended excursion from Rockaway to Coney Island…

R to C.I…

And that night I sat alone at first Ant and Kirtan after posting…

E.. K A…

C.. Cameron sat at the other end wearing Turquoise Blue..

They eventually left and I moved from Bow and the Helm Wheel of the Ship of which I have come to the view the Back Court Yard…and to the Stern where i observed Ricky another Inmate of the Pirate Ship arrive…

There was only Cameron Ricky and myself C.R.E…

And so when Micheal who was sitting with Fred- linked to Derick came down wearing A Military Cap, Army with three stones one of them the ying yang symbol… (M.F…D )

And Two Rings began to speak- I literally listened with my mouth open..

It was as if Father Mother was speaking directly to me through Micheals expression and story of his own Mother and Fathers departure from this realm.

He spoke about leaving the matters of this world in 1992 when his mother left this world.

I went home to the Eternal Realm in 1992 in Paris France.

And his Father left in 2012 Dec….

26 years ago and 6 years ago… The Gap being 20 years…

Through a pure mathematical calculation of money exchanged between He and I…

20 usd was the deficit in what I had given Micheal more…

I loathe the accountability of every money I spend, it feels like a public accounting of monies given to me for a purpose.

Now the deficit is 8 usd.

He does not owe me that… It was not done by for that purpose but I understand that it is a play of Orion’s Belt.

O.B…E.L.T…/ T L E…B O…N O I R…O I… ROI means King but it really means Robert O.I….Balance.

As I listened to Micheal Belle.. I knew that Father Moving through him was Satan…

Really Santana Dharma… S.D… But To force person to play out Santana Dharma in this world…

Lotus Santana…

Yes the Lotus…

But also it is Eternal Law.. Eternal Order…

To force someone to play the role of being The Constant Steady stream of Awareness, constantly aware and Impulsed and Stimulated in this World.

To play the messenger and Vessel of this Will in this World, with this breed of humanity…

And to enforce it for 29 years, without giving the vessel ( Its Source) an idea, an inclination but to figure it out…

To use a being this way and break all the established laws sworn to protect…

Ah it as I always had stated, Father Became Satan a human Character became real by It insistence and the cruelty required to put any being through this…

Alone for 29… years.. an entire life… Blindsided and not even allowing the person the escape of death.

My greatest torment is not the really the riddles or even the living and experiencing all these Human nightmare or even the psychological Torture of this play…

It has been the experience of being trapped in my body.

My body has become my literal prison. I can havenot existed in it comfortably since 2001, the year I came to New York.

And since 2004 it has become sheer hell and torment…

The constant discomfort, the knowing the way to solve the equation of it, fixing it, but never being given that space, breath to do so…

That is the true hell, the true nightmare, and the true reason formy true Howl of Outrage and stunned disbelief.

There is a man tall handsome from Kabul, Afghanistan 22 years old ( K.A… 11 1)

Zaheer Ahmad Zindani ( Z A Z)

New York Times today…

War Robbed Him of His Family, Then His Eyes, Then His Love

who is doing a 40 day, 400 mile march for Peace…

Zindani means Imprisoned that is the name he took.

and his close friend called Kitab but took the last name as Zaheer did, of Inamulhaq…which means Book

Imprisoned in a Book

Z .I… Z.A…

My coffee today yes at the Arab Bodego which against my will I resigned that I had to go back to after observing Anthony Bienke reflection- his play, was 17 yesterday at 9 today…


And at Starbucks here which I despise now because of the staffs arrogance and abuse of power… even at this pettiest level..

Lord how I am holding back my temper here, -one understand how the pettiness in people drives people to loose it and come in weilding guns and vengeance because there really is no Justice here unless you are powerful and violent…

It all makes sense, but then it always has…

I take quiet comfort that though used in the play of SATAN, the pleasure that each person and the line will eventually answer for this arrogance in the way Micheal Belle was expressing as Father… War Rage Fire Fury….

..But I watch as they too are being moved by this wave of Father playing Satan, while I am fully aware that it is the People like this in every level of societyy but even more the poor and those who take advantage of the disadvabtaged, those who bully and project thier frustrated dreams, ideas of who they should be, where they should be onto others.

All Human Beings do it to each other, but it is the poorand disadvantaged who can really take it to places… just as the extremely advantaged can but is not as extreme….

Satan was created by these People, and Father Mother literally inhabited that character to serve His-Her purpose to something so Cruel that there really is no ever going back to how you Originally were- the only hope is transformation into something else. but that requires some one to See your Truth, and this Force, is forcing me to See its Truth and Reason why it came into Existence Being and then assumed a Role and ….

To my disbelief .. made it real.


I am not imprisoned in a Book.. 40 400 is…

40400.. 4 -004…

I was in bed 4-004 my nieghbor was Quin…

I.Q… Quanma’e Lewis is now in it…

But I read this, all that people endure and rise through because this is the way that many people learn and this innocent man, is not even aware that he is being used by God/Satan.

Because that is the only way to get people to do his Will to manifest the Script designed to overthrow all the terrible ideas which Humans have created included a God of Slaves…

And a God who is the Slave of the people…

22 That is the number the delivery man noisely brought to all our attention.. is wearing…

8:28 p.m.

Yellow Submarine

The Beatles

In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land of submarines

So we sailed up to the sun

Till we found a sea of green

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all aboard

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins to play

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

(Full speed ahead Mr. Boatswain, full speed ahead

Full speed ahead it is, Sergeant.

Cut the cable, drop the cable

Aye, Sir, aye

Captain, captain)

As we live a life of ease

Every one of us has all we need

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine’

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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