
So I was at 1163…. And this was a battle for my Sister line linked to Nnamdi…

So I was at 1163…. And this was a battle for my Sister line linked to Nnamdi…

At 1164 Facebook friends again.

The Blue Print is my Life…

( Our Lives) and I have been finding myself being interrogated on the full circle of my Life and my entire Existence spanning this life right to my Inception as E.

Page 6…. 8 22 5 11 3 is the line up of the Spanish team of the World cup who lost to Russia in the penalty shoot out between the two…

4-3 round 16…

There are 7 men in the line up… 5 are standing forming the c

Spain is wearing Red… Russia literally means Red.

So tell me is something outside of this World and World Cup play sending me a message… or sending you a message…

I just found myself explaining something to Anthony Bienke which I was surprised but then not really, that I was explaining again.

The reason I am on Facebook is that I am speeding up human consciousness through a Script and a Play.. a Game…

A Terrible Game.

The Quickening which I am creating and aligning through Expression, is the proof that the universe is all Sound and before it was sound It was 6th sense… That is the Intention and Will which conceived and imagined full Circle. releases as a Natural Expression which manifested creation…

Which can be seen as Light sent out wards into Creation …

What I have been doing is the Return aligning that which was sent out to that which is now returning to Source.

Thus that which was sent Backwards-Forwards is aligned to that which is now going Forwards Backwards…

This creates the effect of Backwards…

To be fair to Anthony Bienke he sent me a text saying that he felt that I should know that he feels that I can breathe easier…

I am not sure how he knows this since as I demonstrated with Ant, Anthony Mannino that he is in perfect alignment but required my expression to understand what was actually going on.

But there is a possibility that Anthony Bienke does understand the play by now, but I am not sure.

I trust no one, unless they do the action which…

Ah he just sent me the intel, which I required…

His niece is Grace is the one who he says has her head on correct and is the same age as his eldest Tahila.

Born April Fools Day…

Easter this years was April Fools Day…

D A… But there is no April Fool…

It is the suckers Valentines Days.. See sacred portal 12.

Da Enlightens see the Fool.. he is no Fool.

Grace is the Corner Stone I was sent to find and found it in E Street.

E G. E H…

G T…20 7… 27….

Your kids will be healed Anthony Bienke watch and see what is about to manifest, I was literally teaching A Course In Miracles

I seriously do not think there is anyone out there ( or at least they have not made it clear to me) who understand what I am doing here.

Or why I am so shaken… was shaken by this play script game…

Ajay Barik A.B…Just liked a post… Ah so the A.B of the past is linking with the present..

So yes, this Script was original about the speeding up Individual Peoples perception of Understanding Consciousness U C.. 21 3, which then would allow people to see at the speed of Light.

( S.O.L..) Sol as we know is the 5th Note called the First in the correct view.

Meaning that Existence E.. Manifested Consciousness and Creation …

C M… M C.. Clement Michael so you see where we are.. he arrived as the 3rd. 4th 1164 Facebook Friend..

Now, to see at the speed of Light means that you are experiencing and seeing the Universe in the alignment of how it was manifested and created…

The code Sacred Portal 147 which has been successfully mirrored by the E in Anthony activated by my expression he reads diligently and thus activating an ionization with him of Electrical Impulse Stimuli which moves through out his body and brain ( all who are clean.. that is all human beings were asked to do.. be clean be transparent .. which means Fearless that others can see you…and can not destroy you.. Hence my being truly naked on Face Book)…

So since Expression Sol.. S.O.L..( Supreme OH – Source Of Light) manifested Cosmos ( Supreme Order logos) through Sound which is both Silent and Heard.. Vibrating…

And we know that the entire universe is made out of Sound…

Everything in Creation Vibrates and it Vibrates with what many Scientist have called Celestial Music… C M..

Harmonies… which go onto Infinity Harmony.. I H..

( 9 8.. Isabelle Ilic.. Elizabeth…means Vow.. Satisfaction.. Curiosity Killed the Cat but Satisfaction brought it back to Life… 9 times…

*Liliane Montevecchi, 85 Tony ( Anthony) Winner of the Musical Nine dies…because the real nine whom I represent as well as my femi-nine aspect as my Sister Self have defeated the reflection of that in this world)

So you will thus understand that the when the expression E reached the Consciousness C and Speed which created Manifestation people will then begin to see what I am seeing all around me for the last 17 years. The true picture.

Which, if you can imagine yourself in a car or space ship or better still a Train with windows speeding to a destination…

You look out the window and you see a the scenery but more than the scenery you are seeing a view.. a a picture begins to form as to where you are going…

And at the same time, a memory in you of that eternal realm that destination starts to come back to you…

That is the backwards/forwards, Forwards backwards

*( B F/ F B.. 2 6 6 2… 8 8… E M E K A K O L O… Compete… 16 is goig backwards.. 1-8… A- H.. 1 to Infinity.. One to Nine… O N..

New Orleans.. Randall Michael was here…

Robert Murphy… R M…

Kyle Murphy K M.. 11 13… 24…

Jace Horsford J K H… Eye Sight Consciousness is seeing beyond sight and adding Sight to 3 eyes to Cee…all..

Visible and Invisible together….)..

But of course Forwards Backwards align created the seeming Stationary point.. Not Zero… Z E R O…

Kyle went to Ground Zero Memorial then to the Comedy Club…

What does that tell you?

Dantes Divine Comedy… D D.C…

But why is it a Tragedy he asked.. Because the belief in Dantes Inferno D.I.. (4 9) became so imbued with BELIEF… Not facts…

It was not true, it was more a cautionary Tale as well as a Comedy of the Ridiculousness and pettiness of perceiving Existence and life this way….

No, death is Transformation and the Memorial this time is to remind the Family awakening of how dangerous they are to themselves when they go too far into Drama being so Dramatic thatthey do not pause to take into account the facts…

Such as the common sense of knowing that you are made of Energy and Energy is Eternal.

And that Energy Vibrates as Everything in Creation does… And what this vibration contains is a Conscious Indention of Memory.. which by the way is all made of E.. thus Eternal.

Sigh… So as you speed up your Cee and See, you perceive the Universe and Everything in Real and Actual Time..

You leave behind the ideas of Existence and life which you had been so attached to ( and which caused this play to turn into a night mare for me as you were all dragging me back and down with your old ideas when we were and are in a magical journay where you were meant to chill and enjoy the view and link the facts you see outside of the Window of the beautiful View which would activate the Total Racal….

That you knew this way.. that you have been here before and that you know or begin to have an inclination of the Destination point.

This causes you to leave the old ideas behind, naturally as excitement begins to build within you..

It is like discarding a worn dress or garb or security blanket once so precious to you, in a moment of recalling that the splendid robes of your being…


There is only awe… great awe humility and open mouth quiet as you let the recollections piece togther and rebuild memory recollected like fractuals as you begin to undertsand…

And so that is how the view begins to form through the Forwards Backwards Backwards forward process which means you have stopped travelling Forwards or Backwards..

That you are no longer in time…

You are at the point of the Full Circle… Z.E.R.O.S… H … E R O S….

Do you see…?

What I mean now by the play script being tampered by your own Distorted Ego as holding on to a past which I was forced to solve and prove to you .. out of existence as not real…?

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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