
12:32 p.m

12:32 p.m

1157 Facebook Friends…

Now, I wish to bring something to your attention.

On July 5th exactly 6 years ago to the day that Billy Hung text me yesterday at 6:29 p.m and 6:31 p.m.

Exactly 6 years to the Day…. I met Mr Hung at Queens after speaking to him by telephone through his friend Ravindra Singh.

Dina Singh

Pradeep Singh.


Dawn Piercy.

Exactly 6 years to the day.

B.H… 2 8.

Patrick Okolo 28 years later after University, in 2016 came temporarily back into my life.

28/ 82…

i was born the 28th. and my younger brother passed away 1982.

He gave a total of 510:00 U.S.D.

51… E A.

Emeka ANT… Anthony bed 5-001.

Then Dean Dunkwu followed suit whom I had not heard from in 34 years after High School. class of 1982.

34 C D/ 43

P.O…. Patrick Ikemefuna Okolo…

D.D… Dean Dunkwu…

Dean sent me a total of 800;00

D D… 4 4… 8… Square it 16….

P.D/ D.P… Dawn Piercy.

D P= T. 4 16=20… D.P.T

Dawn Piercy True….. D P T.


T P D .. 20 16 Delta.

Dawn sent a painting which was the same image as my Sacred Portal 8.

Rav and I then drove to 65 street Queens to pick Billy Hung up, who had decided to accompany us and spend a month investiagting me and the codes of this reality I was deciphering.

He gave 1500 To each of us.

I was indifferent, I appreicated his generosity but resented that anyone had the right to buy my company or be used to investiagte my codes.

I was appreciated Bills getsure but was furious with that which was using him to verify to see if my codes worked.

We met at Elizabeths homes in Queens… E.Q….

And from there we travelled to Forte Lauderdale apt 511..


My intials…

But I also met another friend of Rav whose E-Spirit recognized me called John David I gave him a book given to me on the Egptian Book of the Dead.

A Light Bulb ( L B… Lilian Brenda… B.L.. Brotherly Love… Philadelphia.. Starbucks.. Two Men… Obviously,not the city of Brotherly Love…)

While Rav enjoyed himself, I worked 24/7 on codes and at the same time explained and taught Billy how I read and cee…

I was constantly exhausted.

I had been doing the codes competing against a computer alone since 2005.

Axel Love was aware.

I also began a battle against the Spirit World of Voodoo, Tricksters, Chemical War fare, Shamans – they use Nature and the knowleldge of the Elements.

I spoke to Billy about what I was doing.

Invite anyone one of you to go back on my page to 2012… It is very simple…

I posted everyday since January Ist 2012.

( And yes I am aware of the Mexican Immigants I keep on seeing who have invaded Taylor Ave and leave me just enough space to sit down on the tree stump of they leave the last bench free for me

I am aware of why the Peurto Rican Artie who looks like Axel Love spoke about it.

And why I have his book Symbols by Dan Brown which Elfin White Edward gave me to read today)

Six years ago to the day..

All is posted.. when I left 268 East 4th street

* you will note the appearance of Albert and his sons along with Marcos Quintero and his son and daughter just a few days before…

I left his apt Independence Day.. 7-4-2012…

I met Billy and John David the same day at Queens…


I am at 11 57….

Billy contacted me yesterday left 4 messages.. 6;29 p.m x 2

6:31 x 2.. 58…62…

66= 12… 58… 13…

66= 12… 62… 8

12.. 13 8… / 8 13.. See that time noted in my post .. 8 13 . H M…

3… 13 8..

C M H…

13 4 8…?

No… it completes at 13… Manifestation.. The Laughing Buddha…

Happy Man… L B…/ B L… Brotherly Love… Philadelphia…

Star Bucks..

The code is not 4 .. I am at Delta.. I have been at the 4th Dimension Green street since 2006 Jan…

I was at 57th Street in 2004- @ Michelle Lobsingers apt before we later moved to 33rd Street.

My last facebook friend to arrive was Clement Michael

C M… H… He has two pages now.

Before him Anthony Bienke who now appears twice also…

And then Isabelle Ilic I and I…

I I… A B … C M…. E…4/3…

My coffee at the Arab Bodega today was 43…

Yesterday it was 38.

57th Street Michelle Lobsingers aprt… 2004

57=12…2004…. 24…6.. 2005… 25… 7.

I am not sure what else is required to show that you, we are being controlled and are in a play.

A Script which trnasformed into a Viscious cycle by not solving it,

I already solved it…

David Dawn…

Dawn Piercy

AREA 51… 51=6….

6 years – I told Billy Hung six years ago thatthe mission plan I had proposed for the Awakening was to access the Blocked Human Subconsciousness…

Of course I knew that the Human Subconscious was not blocked.

But we were in a Play Theater called this World and the Spirit Mental World of Mind… Andhow to bring Peace and Harmony

H P.. P H… 8 16… 24.. Back into the World…

I already of course, knew the answer wake up the E and get rid of the Homo Sap-iens… The Vampiric race who contribute nothing but take take and take… from everyone and everything….

Only the Naturals can Evole.

Those who have retained the nature and natralness of a Child..the wise child who grows up up up…

Evolve the Naturals to the E.. Eternals.

I have completed the tasks despite the Evil Homo Sapiens ( link Dark Crystal) sapping me at every turn and contributing nothing…

They just take take take… and here in the Shelter… Good Lord..!

I adrress the Natural if there if you actually exist…

I reached the point…

David Dawn..

Dawn Piercy

H T….8 20… / 28 O

And H.P…24…X.. One Day….

6? Sixth Sense… Fact… ?

That is Feeling… Feelings… Does anyone here have feelings anymore… ?

I mean allow themselves to Feel…

Are you not all comforably numb?

Dead.. of the J.D Play… recall he was in bed 3-001…

John Dudley… J D… 3-1… 3 1.. 4… D… 3.. C- A

I was in 3-002… 3-2… T L… 20 12 … 32.. 5… E… 3..C-B

I am E… Consciousness O O Being…

I Feel Everything which is how one See and is Conscious …

I am more than just Aware….

The DEAD are aware.. they are vibrating but feel nothing… no compassion no empathy, no actions… they think and they talk they do not do.. they live in their minds heads..

Being live in thier Bodies…

No Aware Being could read even one of these posts and not be moved, awakened… to action.

That is how you know what is real…

This is not real….your world… it is all in a Mind

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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