
7/13/2018 1:57 – Facebook Post

11:43 p.m.

43 Years….



Washington D C.

The Lost Symbol…

The Laughing Buddha…

Why is he Laughing?

Perhaps because he has the Lost Symbol… The Beautiful Truth.

Kyle Murphy made a comment today when I got back to this place…

I am sitting in the T.V Room of Delta Manor watching a play in a shelter of two three four men in particular….

In thier play, I observe the All the Evil in the World played out in the mannerless nature of men.
The greed- the leader of which are two Black Men.

One African American and the other African.

And the one who plays Dumb and manipluates and the other who knows, what they do is wrong but goes along with it because it feeds his obsession for distraction and T.V.
There is another one who acts a Zealot, speaking about God and Justice- he observes all this stuff and says nothing, going along with it.

It is really nothing really, it does not bother me and would not bother me at at because it is pathetic- but because of my work I am able to observe the true complicity of the Human Spirit.
Top to the bottom

There is a sickness in us which rises within us, only by facing it can we find the cure….”
A Cure For Wellness…- A movie just perview just came on as I am writing this…

The men watching this can not see the words reflecting on my post, mirrored on the T.V which they are watching which reflects them perfectly.
And what I have observed in them.

43 years, 29 Years since I began the journals “Talking To The Silence” whose very Title initials T T T S… create the number 79… Which links to my sacred portal Blue Print of Existence.
That is why I began writing, keeping a Journal a Log book of my interviews with scores of people- seeking to understand what was wrong with them.
When I could see there was nothinng truly wrong with them but that is what they projected- that something was wrong with them.
25 years after I went home to the Light.. Robert! and brought back with the injunction from a voice I did not recognize as I was stationed infront of the lights which made me feel sensations which I do little justice by calling it “Feelings Sensational” F S… 6 19… 25…Y… B.E.

*The person called B E AN is the one who is aware that they, these men are complicit, in being expresion of the evil, disease,
I see the guilt in his face. Yet he has no reason to feel guilt, I am indifferent but m stomach simply heaves and I wish to take a blow torch and a disinfectant and wipe the disease the represent out of existence.
It is the disease in then which makes me feel sick to the stomach- the awareness of it magnified by 29 Years of writing and diagnosis which proved that there IS nothing wrong with them.
That as I watch Bean… and Daniel…
Igbo Anthony and Edward … Enoch … that they are fully aware of what they are doing..
Only Bean has that thing in him which makes him feel guit and shame… but the greed of getting thier way makes him overturn that innate beauty in himself to, reach for the greed, that casts aside all the moments he and i shared alone, the gifts given to him the care given to him before he took up with the Big Anthony who feeds his desire for distraction.

I do not take any of this personally but the proxmity and the study of this disease of greed and selfishness, this ability for people to throw out in an instant those who sustatined them, helped them.. laughed supported them…

Randall Michael is not here, I am glad of that- but does it really matter?
Was he not complicit in this play too?
Is it the awareness of it or my post which makes him move a way…
It does not matter.

Nor do I judge him, or the men here.
Nor Kyle Murphy or any of the men here.
But ut does not stop me from seeing the truth of each of them and the summation of 29 years of writing and investigating the true corruption and the stench of the Human Spirit and its rotting corpse…
No, I do not judge, truly.

It is the Stench which offends me, the stench of the decomposition of all that is True in them, which funnily enough does not erode the Eternal in them but erodes their bodies thier minds, the pod which could have become the extension of that Eternal in them.
Instead it becomes, became that which must be cut off, and cast aside.
They watch movies which reflect the evil in the World- yet they pretend that it does not come from them, despite my making that very clear from begininng to end that I am aware that they know because I protest – more the stench they give off.

29 Years…

And nothing is wrong with them, nothing but the desire to dominate and bully and get what they want when they want it no matter the cost- no matter the eradication of those around thems Existences, point of view.. feelins and all the things which they gained from the exchange all the reminders of that Human Beauty they were starved of, which they called out as the cause of thier rage and violence.. Which turned them into demons monsters…

All a Lie…
They lie…

I have studied then first as a lover, a brother saying to hs brethren “What is wrong..?”
I spoke about this to my surprise to Ashely Ayejae yeserday- I had not realy spoken about it…
She was emphatic in her conclusion just as I had been….
They choose.

And so, I do not say this lightly, I studied them, Loved them, fought to understand why.. why would you become this… what had happened.
They told me about thier traumas, their hurts, the spells cast on them by thier parents school teachers. bullies…
And though I was skeptcal at how far these spells could reach and go, because I had been through my fair share of trauma…
A Harvard or something- a collegue of my Aunt Iesha on hearing about what we were enduring as children had said that she wished to fly down to Nigeria to study the effects it had on us and resccue us from such abuse…
No I have had my fair share of abuse so much so that they wished to publish my Journals in Paris for that reason and how I had dealt with it ( which was not the resson I desired to share my journals with the world)

I knew that common sense dictates that if you are put through such things to dull your shine, at some point you have to pause and clean it up. Restore the shine.
It is called grooming.
And a mental image of a Cat licking itself with his leg up… smh.

People are doing this to themselves.
They do this intentionally to themselves.
They men here just a few, 3-4 out of 101 occupants cometo the T.V room each night to watch movies they begin in the afternoon and continue until it closes at 2 a.m.
they are the Samples..
The other men escape to thier Iphones and video games… And I chanced upon this because I began coming to the T V Room to do the work read the New York Times, Watch the News and post on the computers.
Most of the other men view the men who come to the T V room and live here with contempt… perhaps because they do so publicly and do not seem to focus on getting out of such an unhealthy placce..
Made more so because unlike most shelters, this one actually seems nice on the outside with amenties and it lulls people to sleep…

But each escape in their own way.

But 29 years of research which began with love and a brother asking “what is wrong” which then was replaced with a compassnate investiagtion, writitng scores and scores of people stories of why they had become the masks and trauma units of themselves….
Then my transforming into a social scientist, then a Care giver, then a Artist Scientis Poet, Psychologist, Mentor, Doctor Professor but each time holding these people at arms length..
knowing deep within myself that They Lie..
That there is no reason, that one stays permanantly in this state…
A few months, even a few years,

The Belko Experiments….. Is what they are watching now.
T E B..
The B E T…… Alpha BET..

They were watching a war movie before that….

1:01 a.m

My body just came alive twisting me to point to the cameras….
There are cameras everywhere here, and I realized when i first came here ( and was reminded by others ) that there is a reaason why there are amenities here which are not as other shelters…
That this shelter and a few others designed for housing the Homless with Mental Health Issues is actually an experiment.

I wrote about this extensively when I first came here, the drugs, the indifference…etc….

They are the Experiment…
The People meant to be taking care of them are watching them and they in turn are being watched and so forth and so forth to
Facebook Watches you… cameras watching you,
Big Brothers watching you .. the Government is watching you…
You are the Experiments watched by your own kind who see this Truh in you and wish you to be exterminated.

New Age Order does have a point.. to destroy the majority of the Human race because it has understood what humanity really is are and have become…

My only problem with that is Who are the ones with Power to be the Executioners when from what I see They are the perfect reflections of the People they wish to destroy.. the ones they feel are so contemptuous that they don’t deserve to live.

And there is another point I have- what about those who chose the Beautiful Truth, because contrary to what this Script and my life states there are the ones who did not compromise their truth….

The Ultimate Truth is that the E line…
To the Eternal One, Humanity was never an experiment and the watching was the observation of the choice and free will…
And what one would do to survive.
Why survive when once can evolve….

With your beautiful Truth… your soul intact.

*The Belko Experiment is a 2016 American horror-thriller film directed by Greg McLean and written by James Gunn. The film stars John Gallagher Jr., Tony Goldwyn, Adria Arjona, John C. McGinley and Melonie Diaz. Filming began on June 1, 2015, in Bogotá, Colombia. The film premiered at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival on September 10, 2016 and was released in the United States on March 17, 2017, by Blumhouse Tilt and Orion Pictures. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed $11 million worldwide, against its $5 million budget. ”

Please note the codes… T E B… / B E T….
Alpha B.E.T.

June 1st 2015…. 6-1-2015…

Bogota Columbia… B C.

Blumhouse,Tilt, And Orion…

5 Million Budget… 11 Million gross…

5 11…
E K..
Emeka Kolo…

Was I the subject of an experiment… ?
To see if I would crack..
was I representing Humanity…the truth of Humanity…?

Kyle Murphy said he had a dream of a curtain closing and told me what I already knew..That it is over…
I told him that I already knew, but it was not over because he had a vision or was sent a message..
It was over the moment I understood that Humanity is a Lie..
And that this was allowed to be True.

11 59 Face Book Friends…

K E I…
Anthony Malgren…
This world deserves to Die…
And the True allowed to evolve… thse who can look at them selves honestly in the mirror and actually be horrifed by what they see or saw and change it..

My first essay when I left Nigeria, not piece but my first essay was written in 1989… I was in a Big House in Brixton.
A squat..
It had giant mirrors…
I sat down in front of the mirror every day for over 6 months each day I came back from work and school at Central St Martins…

It was called “Alone With A Mirror”
I did the work to get clean …I wanted to be clean and so I had to face myself alone in a mirror and clean the Demon who never was…
Because I never gave him it a chance to exist..
But the process of having to destroy this the Evil Twin, the Twisted altered Ego…
I as the True Pure Ego had to Fight the Shadow and to fight It I had to know all its secrets all its power … lord knows its power to destroy to hurt to hit back that had to over power…
And that… Is how i became Strong… So strong so strong I survived even this …
And that is why I am called the Prince of Darkness, the Demon Lord.. The Beautiful Devil…

Here is the Challenge the Bet my Father as Terrible Death gave the world.. from you black ops to you Miltary Navy Seal. Assassins, I mudered killers of brilliance believ me.. I passed through all thier portals… passed the test of the Demonic the Nome alaska the Extra Terrestrial, the Alien…
Ask me Father… the one you call Satan but he his way crueler than your Satan because he played the sum total of the Evil and cruelty in you…
It was he who trained me, put me through this…
And then gave the challenge… the Alpha Bet…
to dare any one who challenged my authority to be that which they call the One…
To walk in my shoes…

I despise him and I despise his play…
But I knew…

I knew this in the Lower East Side where Albert Santana ( like Marcos Quintero) tested me in a way which no one but a few knew like Maritza his girlfriend and mother of his children, Fritz Venneiq and they only knew a fraction of it because it was not him who was testing me it was that which moved through him Father of the Black HOLE

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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