
7/13/2018 20:18 – Facebook Post

6:09 p.m.



I have proven the Existence of the Human Soul exists.
As well as the Spirit.
And their name is E…

Pg 487;

Platonists defined the body as a prison” from which the soul escaped; Stoics called the soul apospasama tou theu- “a particle of God- and believed that it was recalled by God on Death.
The existence of the Human soul. Katherine noted with some frustration, was probably a concept that could never be scientifically proven. Confirming that a consciousness survived outside the body after death was akin to exhaling a puff of smoke and hoping to find it years later..

Her Brother had mentioned the book of Genesis and its description of the Human Soul as Neshemah – a kind of Spiritual Intelligence that was separate from the body. It occurred to Katherine that the word “Intelligence” suggested the presence of Thought, Neotic Science clearly suggested that thoughts had mass,and so it stood to reason that Human Soul might therefore have Mass…
Can one measure a human soul?”

Codes of the E Play recorded in the script on my page of my findings…

K.G…Keith Grant… Kg..Kilograms /7 11…
L.B… Luc Besson… Lb :Pounds… / B L..U E…

711 was the date from out of the Blue.. Came the post of Dawn Piercy From Alabama 22nd State… ‘Solo Dolo” S D…
And Lisa Standsalone B…L.B….


A Vulgar Display of Power…”

That is what was on a person T-Shirt who virtually jumped onto my path as I walked here- grasping the book by Dan Brown, stunned to realize that the entire response and code of my work was revealed in this fictional book…

That I am the real Dan Brown and Robert Langston
( Langue Stone… See the Rosetta Stone on my Page)

And that the Man walking in the Clouds which Dawn Piercy posted, ( Solo Dolo… Lisa Stands Alone B… L.B.)
I knew was myself but felt to frustrated by the confines of this Script and the chosen route of manifesting evidence in this world.

Last night in my last post, I brought up the Aspect of Father whom I despise and I recalled that which I already knew, but which the weight of carrying it alone and standing alone for some many years, and fighting alone, and explaining It to those who could not understand had made me deregulate it, to face the Great Battle I was in.
A Battle which I could not believe had become so real in this world play.

the Battle against the Evil Beyond…
Not a battle between Good and Evil… G.E/ E.G….
But against the The Lie and the Truth…

You may have noticed that I am no longer at 1159 Facebook.

It was I who removed Two People from my Facebook Page.

As most of you who have followed the Script, I was compelled not to reject any one who wished to become my face book friend, nor could I expel anyone.

This was so fully understand the Play and in a way it was an Experiment and yet not really and experiment per sey.

It was a play between my brother Nnamdi who “Passed’ away in 1982 and myself…
The Battle was with the Illusion represented as my Bio Father as Maya.

I am Luke Sky Walker…
And the Great Evil was represented as Darth Vader…
L.S.W… ..D.V… D.E-ART-H.. Evade-R…
L.S…. D.V… D E.. Love Supreme ( S L..SOL)… Double V.. DE…
D E is 4-5… April 5th… 4-5/ 5-4.. Nnamdi’s Birthday..1969….
*Yes the Time this post began- representing my Harmony and Perfect Timing which reveal- Revelation
True Revelation… T .R… 20 18.

As you can see, L.S is Love Supreme.. E T L S… Yes I added 5-20 which represented my youngest brother birthday.

The thesis and conclusion of this is of course, that all is me,
and that there is no Evil in me, no Lie, no Malice, and the the Dangerous M.E, is that Beautiful Devil, The Lord of the Black Hole (T L O T. B H… Yes link the story of Lot and the Two Angels…B H is Beings Harmonious.

And that is the link of the dream Isabelle Ilic had and sent me- it was about her passing through the cross roads as well as passing through a Tunnel…
Which can be called a Black Hole…
Anus Mouth… A.M.
The passage way … and the Holy of Holies…
Which has light.. the Light of passing through comes from within yourself by your own awareness of your “Chakras” Expression
Do Rey Mi Fa Sol.. Aligned La Ti… L T… / T L… 20 12….
Dec 21, 2012… Which is not a date.. it is a code a way of Being…
12/ 21… 33.. Yes link 33rd Degree Mason../ Nos.. A.M…
Nos- Numbers… “Nos” Notre- A.M…
Ancient Modern Awakened Mastery… of the Mysteries…
The God Particle which dwells with as the Eternal.. The E..
Expression.. Expression True.
E T..

6:45 p.m.


As usual, I am surprised to find the myself posting here today.
Even this morning post was was not my intention.
But two things happened which derailed me from my intention why I opened my Facebook account.

One was a message from Isabelle Ilic. I I.
She sent me a message of the two dreams she had- and I understood what they meant.
I responded while recognizing the true state of my exhaustion.

And the other was a response from Ogonna S Omocrafts, which for some reason made me rise with Joy… and roar with Laughter…
It felt as if were seen, that someone knew me.
Of course one can see the link this to the play of O.S.O…
And the Laughing Buddha.
L B.

I knew that my work represented and that I was being asked by True Father as Nnamdi Emeka the Two… to solve the riddles and question of all Existence.
I was never meant to solve this riddles because the answer has been staring humanity in the face for Eons.

The Truth has always been within.
The key was always Natural Expression… which is Truth..
Tell the Truth… Natural Expression Truth.. N E T..
The Elegant Nomad which links you immediately to the Truth.

I did not Need to explain this but the Ignorance of Humanity had become so dense, the arrogance and conceit- the Self Entitlement without having earned it…
This idea of “Beggars” acting like Kings as played out by Austin Nwoye’s expression and command today…

I was forced to explain- by the Darth Vader/ Satan.. D S. playing the Villian in a play as the voice of Truth and Reason..
T R…Basically Nnamdi as my Past Self ( He was my younger brother) being forced to play a character an unforgivable character which demanded that the so called Lost Symbol called Truth…
The Beautiful Truth which was said to be lost, be proven that it was not…
Thus lifting the Veil.. The Darkness came to the Light and could not comprehend and fled as Kyle Murphy quoted..
But what he did not add or know that the Light chased the Darkness and brought it back to It senses ( the Flesh) by proving to it that it was the Lights Brother…
Light Being..
L B…
Lisa Stands Alone B…
Elizabeth B…
2 5…

I went to lie down,
I understood that my Father had to be destroyed, but the power
It welded was too unbelievable and i was constrained by impossible conditions which for 29 years i have fought to a point I knew that I had completed everything…

All the proofs, all the evidence in a 6.6 Year Expression.
I had created so much experiments as a man in this reality…
I had done all that the characters in Dan Browns play including the women .. Katherine..

7:04-5 p,m Right now…

I laid down once again, stunned at how I had completed the experiments outlined in this book with no sponsor, no institution no equipment, no help but only those who expected assumed miracles based on their ideas of an Supreme Being.
They saw no sense of personal responsibility, they gave nothing but just demanded. This was the Script I had been contained in, reflected the TRUTH of Society Civilization… And awful truth which they refused to see or believe existed in themselves. And to clean the reflections, to point the Truth out to them … They did things to me so vile..
I found myself trapped in a play of Their YOUR Thoughts Reflected back as the Maze the Darkness which for me did not even exist.
The Agony…
How could this exist…?
I do not exist in thier lies… and yet the illusion was so strong that I was.. But I knew all I had to do was walk away from this Script to break the Spell… But why was this allowed was what tormented me…

And noted how the book came to me Edward Artie…
Artie…Aturro T… Artie Edward -Emeka… A E E….

D E.A. RT.H… E V A D E R…. (The Artful Dodger / D A T…E Oliver Twist../ T.O…)

7:15 p.m…

Isabelle Ilic… Note the Time you sent me your Dream Vision… D V…

I was forced to do this with no money, no true Sponsor…!
Alone .. on the streets, in the forests.. in peoples houses, sleeping on floors.. and in subway stations, people using extortion… and then to a Shelter…
The hatred I felt on me to fail was in everything.. everywhere it had eyes everywhere .. it knew the smallest details to cause pain and frustration…. The power it had to intefer to move people who should have helped, been inspired using that element of greed and selfishness in them..
Their sense of competition and “I will negate your accomplishment, not call attention to it, as revenge as to why you and not me”
From beginning to end it used this from beginning to end right to Kyle Murphy…

I could not fight this, I could see through all of them, I knew what was really moving them, despite the Beautiful Truth the E in them which I was fighting FOR THEM…
The desire to use me, make me do all the work.. the cruelty and malice I observed in them after what was given to them by me, forced by the other will in me which required that Nnamdi which had planted the truth in them…the intel to confirm the truth….
I had to interact with these creatures who I knew secretly wished me to fail but at the same time wished me to succeed…

This was the environment of absolute Cruelty and pettiness which had been given to me as my lab..
My specimens who I quietly witnessed the choices they made and their actions of quiet malice…
How they lied, deceived, and then I had to endure their smiling faces, their hypocrisy which made it seem as though I did not know…

7:28 p.m… I saw now more…
7 28…

I lay down and a wave of expression rose up within me…
It was a voice inquiring about Nnamdi… It was asking me questions about the relationship between Nnamdi and I…
“Why are you asking me this questions .. that is the past ”
But it persisted..
It delved into my relationship with my sister and my youngest brother and the bond I had with Nnamdi though we seemed at war it was because of that bond and the war Ii remembered… The presence made me recall was because we had to juggle the meddling and the insecurities of three others my sister youngest brother and Bio Father…
Something.. it had dredged up memories so far back so deeep and pried open a wound tore of the bandage that I cried out i the room No… I do not need to do see this… I already know..Why are you doing this…?
I have suffered alone enough I do not have to add more to itl…”

But it persisted and persisted until I was made to see the the truth of the Relationship of Nnamdii and I and how it was so meddled with and how we both understood the play and played along because we understood and loved the illuion of ourselves in my sister youngest brother and bio father…
And that our bond was the source of that Insecurity to every one but my mother…

You are one and the same .. she and so many others later said to me after he passed…
I never fully understood…

I went outside earlier and had seen Quanma’e Lewis who had that energy of Love and Beauty so perverted by rage and this play… He greeted me, but it was the person who was standing besides him and the T-Shirt he was wearing ..
The Jaguar Nana with the Sacred Geometry on it.. Lines…

I have a similar T shirt but mine had a formed a face, and Kirtan had one which formed a Diamond with a Woman…
The man Jacqui was standing besides was Peurto Rican or something his T shirt was in orange…
I walked passed him and watched as he asked Jacquii for some of his Cigarette, which he did… ( He has a kind heart…Clean heart but his heart also gets in the way of his intelligence as well his pride and vanity.. Lucifer … as the destroyers.. by conceit)…

I wondered just a bit why they two were connected …in the play but then I did not care….
I moved passed a guy Kyle Murphy had promised so much food and stuff when he got his job…
He stood aware as I passed him.. then I stood in front of a tree smoking from a cigarette which Kyle Murphy gave me yesterday but only after I had written my conclusion of his truth and that of y sister he was carrying.. her truth and her lies….
Greed. Selfishness… yet purity…

I observed at the base of a Tree .. a shinny marble, then one more then, before I could stop myself, I picked them up…
3 in silver and 3 in violet… 33..
33rd degree Mason…
3301 was the cap I always wore on my head in Istanbul and wore it in my last porduction in Istanbul… The Story of Colors..
It is the age I finally moved to New York as… 33…
17 years ago… 50…
I am 50 years old .. 5O… E O…
I always knew…
And 1984… my calculated age and age listedon Face book as my age when I rise in this world as my eternal age… 33…

I read that in the Qu’ran that 33 is the age of all the Heavenly or Eternal Beings…

33 is the Highest number of the Free Masons…

You never mourned Nnamdi because you never accpeted that he died!” Did you…! ” the Voice was like a lash…
You never believed it for a moment and you had to act the part because you knew, you knew… that he did not pass away that there was no death. not with him.. not with you and him..
You Knew…’
I moaned as I lay in the bed…
“No more; what more do you want from me… i am in a shelter surrounded by the cruelty of the World and I have proven all the equation in impossible conditions…
I have done it and the response is that this…not even able to pay for my own coffee and cigarettes….?
What are you.. I want nothing to do with what you are.. I can not fight such a Evil.. such an Impossibility made real even if I know it is a story… whatever hope that Humanity had if you put its hope in me has died in me.. it is gone.. forever.. I do not wish to resurrect it anymore…’

Get Rid of Billy Hung and Jace Hortsford… a Voice resounded i my head over and over…
Just get rid of them…

The play is over and you have a choice…
it is a play.. yes… and so this action is your response to what the represent… Cut them out…

It is your Script.. I said…

You have completed it… Cut them out.
You now have a choice…

I shrugged…

“When I got woke from the painful excursion into my childhood

I came here… the time now is 8:02 p.m… 8:03 p.m..
And when I saw the time as 6:09 p.m when I started ..
I felt at least slightly releived by the confirmation…

He was born 1969… 69 the Van shoes..
He passed 1982… And rose 1983…Code Portal Erik Ebriht..
and the code on my computer.. 69 83…

8:05 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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