
I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…


I came undercover in my Father’s Story

The Yeshua Christ Story to manifest the End of the Human Species by solving my Fathers Brothers Riddle and CODES to bring the End of this Lie.

And to do so,I had to pass through his Maze

Riddle Of the Sphinx..

R O T S…

To Activate that which Rots and decomposes.

I am a greater Actor than any of you could ever Imagine,

because I used Transparency and the Truth.

I never lied, but allowed you to sit in your assumptions of what was and what was not possible.

Yeshua Christ is Nature…

Father Nature…

That is why Christ in all His Incarnation Male and Female form conquers Death..

Because He is Death.

And I represented Consciousness. C..

Nature Yeshua Christ… Eri…

N Y C ..E…11th State…

Emeka Nnamdi E N… We are One.. 11.. I I..One Truth.

Praise Father… P F… 16 6… 22… V.. Alabama State..

Laus Deo… L D..12 4.. 16..

7:29 p.m,

Of course, He and I knew you would not believe.. even the obvious. Even that which permeates your stories, your Belief systems, your fairy Tales of an that which comes undercover in your World to bring forth Light and in this End Story, comes to investigate your Truth.

The codes were all about my Fathers Brothers Play to Activate the End of the Species, but through a Fair Play, of proving through Logic and Reason, the Unnatural Species out of Existence so that the Eternal in you could rise.

But it had to be proven fairly in this pre-set up play.

My annoyance and irritation with this play was that it was so long and convoluted because He had questioned the Truth that you were not real, and that you would betray the TRUTH within you to the End.

You challenged me, and him that He, and I could not do it.

Your assumptions as to what power is, how the End of your Bodies and Beings would manifest was your greatest failing, that arrogance beyond belief… beyond belief that you would think that I or anyone would go through such a story of 29 years, 43 years to Save You…

You were created perfectly… Save you from What?


The Horror most of you chose to become.

I said to you over and over again what I was doing and you chose to twist and see it the way you wished in your limited mentality.

I came to prove that were the Disease which was self created with no blame from my Father Mother… Brother Sister…

That He and She as the Body representing Nature, and Flesh were and are Perfect.

Perfectly Aligned to Being – Energy… And this One Expression, no duality…

That they are One.

The Idea that I would put myself through such an experience for you is so insane, that each night and day I wake up incredulous…

7:42 p.m..

( Yes that is the cue, the codes and rules of Father’s play as Death.. It activates the End… which is why we kept on stopping at 1159 Facebook Friends.

I mean, who do you think is responding to me..?

Who is moving you..?

I already proved it, that you are being Moved.


Trump ET… ( African Elephants Trumpets.. Walls of Jericho..

Trump Card.. T C..

Trump Put in… T P… T=20 P=16….. 2016.. INTEL…

I came to this Shelter in 2016…

This document on my page is for the Future to read.

I stated all this before.

It really is not my problem that you assumed that you knew better or could not imagine that I would obey the CHRIST.. W.A.V.E.S..

of my Beloved Play…

Death.. I obeyed his summons in 1992…

What is Time compared to Eternity.

2 9 are the numbers on my page right now,

I just got bored with this play and really annoyed wit how long it was all taking and that is why I kept threatening to leave the play.

And change focus, because it was so long drawn out.

But I kept noting the numbers for the Naturals out there, most of whom are not my Facebook Friends, so that they would be aware that this entire thing is a set up..


It Is Written.. that this world will end…

Of course, He knew you would not believe, and part of the Ruse was that I would not believe that he would put me in such a Script to act out and play my part…

I was incredulous, more so because I was impatient to enjoy my time here before the shift and transformation..

I still can not believe I never got to enjoy this world, not even a little bit..

I will never forgive him for that… Chuckle…

But this is His Script.. Death… Harmony..

He is the Magician as represented in the Taroh..

I am the I…

The one which none can go beyond..

There was only two of Us in the Eternal Beginning as I stated Infinity Harmony.. I H… 9 8…

17.. Q.. Link Quin…Quanma’e Lewis.. Q Q… And the King..

K Q Q.and I.

7:59 p.m…

Yes the numbers and the perfect timing of the pause in my posting aligned to the Number are they Keys…

I obeyed because of Respect and Love…

How deep is your Love that is what is playing…

How deep is my Love He asked me through this script…

Obviously it is bottomless… It goes on to Eternity which is where we first met.

I stop now because I reached the Cock..The Domino I found with the code of 2 dots over 2…

It was never about the money, or the number codes on the cups of coffee, that was the end of the Matrix.. The Number plays representing the Body Programs..

It was about my Respecting him, and my word I gave him that this was His /Her Play..And that I would obey…

Trust him.. No, not any more, that will have to be re-earned because this went to far.

There was no reason for it to be so vile, but then He has pointed out just how Vile the Humans Self Created Themselves to become.

Free Will and Choice is the Ultimate gift, it can not be taken back, and you can create with it something not of Existence…

Which most of the Species did.

Or you could have followed your Blue Print which is within you as Naturalness and Outside of you as Nature…

N N… It would activate Awareness Manifest .. A.M. through Devotion to I D.I..the Idea of Self Improvement…

N N A.M.. D I… S .I…

*I just saw T.J from the Shelter, he was in the bed of 49 D.I…

It represents my Sacred Portal Existential Death.

The Bed I was in in 2015 while He was in bed 53…

Then Hassan was seated besides me.. His name means Beautiful Handsome B.H.

Seabolo…from Botswana is sitting besides me, the man reminds me of that Energy of Papa Mbwede he says his name means The Gift

Similar to Emeka…Praise… The Creator has well done! Doer of Great Deeds- have I qualified to the meaning of my name.

Of course, I am chaffing to leave… 22 Months… It strains belief playing a character in a Human contrived Jesus Story and James Bond story which have no basis in Reality, not even theirs.. Yours.

I am aching to get out of this World Dimension of the Black Hole, or leading the Unnaturals down the Toilet, but it is long time to flush the chain…

I am utterly bored especially with playing my part in three stories..

Africa Pangea,

Yeshua Christ…

End of the World – and HOPI… Cleaner…

I miss being Emeka…

And yet I still obey and this body armor He put me in, ( pressure points) is beyond uncomfortable.

I do not feel I have to obey any longer, but the promise was that I would wait for His signal…

And to be honest each day has brought new intel and things required of me…

I am feeling rebellious.. I do not like be treated like this.

Of course, All the expression I felt were real, but only for a moment…

I explained all that before, many times.

In order to manifest the consequence of this play and its end.. someome had to temporarily act it out and make it real by momentarily making it real through feeling it really.. as true..Which I then have to rise up out of it..

The danger is of course, believing that it is real and then you get stuck in that place…

But that is what the sign boards are for.. Why you see me constantly reading…

Such as Hassan sitting besides me…


Then Seabolo…


These anchors which I then verify by linking it in my awareness and then watching to see outside of me the confirmation not only of the past..

E H.. 5 8… Is sacred portal my father coming to take me home..

( yeah , that has been a promise which has been taking forever..)

And E.S.. Spirit E but as E.S…P…

Emeka as the Sacred Portal…

E S P..

E E H S…

S H E… E…

I am at 1158 Facebook friends after pausing at 1157…

Which links to the Book from Artie The Screwtape Letters..

Page 75 Chapter 15 , where the marker was placed…

57/ 75…

It links to sacred portal 57/ 75… Which show the Father Penetrating the Son which is really the Father Guide Penetrating himself as his past youth – pupil..

75 is Penetrating the Spirit of Self as Sound and Language…

All Check..

Aturo is 58 years old… his last name begins with a T..

A T…

Yesterday after writing the code T E O…

When I got back the first person I saw was Teo…

and Quanma’e Lewis…

And last night when I wrote the code of T E R…T E R R O R.. E..

I went to the court yard and there was Radia ( Raheem) Omar…

I am T E R.. that was established so R O..and Artie Room mate was there in my usual place, the one on bed 15 next to him who is 14..

And a play took place… Not sure what his name is…

8:42 pm..

And just before I arrived here I saw Raheem Sarcar on the street he, he called out to me.

Basically you get the picture… I check…

So E S.. 5 19…was my First Bed Assigned… It has completed to 5 19… 24… Jace is gone expelled with Billy Hung..

That is the CD which is sitting on the computer at the Shelter next to the one I use which connect uses..Expelled

8:45 pm..

See.. ? 45 is code of Namdi… S P 45 Is code for the Throne of Existence.. Planet Earth..

Confirmation of Expulsion from the Planet Earth…

8:47 p,m.. Sent to sacred Portal 47… The portal of True Hell for what these lines said and betrayed with their mouths… After all you can not publicly indentify some one as the Creator- through your own free will and revelations and then betray that truth and revealations before the entire World…and expect to not get the worst consequence imaginable…

They were the only two to ever do this…

8:50 p.m..

So what becomes of them and the line they represent is to be expected…

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula is another one teetering on the edge of that abyss…

his line,

Anyway … So as you can see, I am holding on to my promise but at the same time I am at the brink of rebellion.

So many people of this reality seem to think that I am stuck in a position where I have no options…

Of course I have.. I have a 17 page C V and have lived independently in 7 countries alone and 17 years in New York without I.D and without breaking the law, ( that was part of the rules of the play)

8:57.. 8:58 p.m.. OK Cool.. I know where I am in the play…

8:59 p.m… Sigh…

But yes I at the brink of rebelling…

17 years.. Q.. Quanma’e Lewis.. C S Lewis.. Crazy…

Let me read the message of my last three Facebook friends, perhaps there is a clue…

Ude Orji Chukwu…

Ude means Recognition Fame…. as well as Creme Ointment..

o-rji, or-ji ] The baby boy name Orji is pronounced as AORJHiy †. The origin of Orji is the African-Igbo language. The name means mighty tree. Orjea, Orjee, Orjey, Orjie, and Orjy are variant transcriptions of Orji. See also the related categories, igbo, tree (wood), and mighty (powerful).

Chukwu means The Creator

Sirus means ‘The Dog Star .. The Scorcher…

Ugo means Eagle…

Marie means Cherished and Beloved Myrhh…

Paulie means ‘The Little People the Humble.. The Children

See the posts of M P N..

Nichols..Nicholas means Victor of the People..

Hence the message from Father through the People is …

‘The Soothing balm and Ointment is the Fame and Recognition ( F R) To the one who has stood alone as the a Mighty Tree of life of the Creator…

The Dog Star comes as the one who is the Scorcher..

the Eagle Phoenix Cherished and Beloved by the Little People- The Children the true Victorious People…

9:33 p.m.



G Q.. T R…U E.

G Q.. B R O … E.

Oh and a side note for those using the mentality that I am in Mental Institution…

i am not.. I in a Shelter a Mental Health Shelter for the Homeless men with mild disorders who are then housed by the Govt- it is a transitional shelter of which people pass through,

I have never been locked up. or places in Prison,

i have been in Jail for a few hours once and it was to do the work there…

Such Excuses people use to say that I must be crazy do not work. I have rescued so many people from Institutions where they had been committed because they were not able to communicate their accentuated awareness and evolving awareness which is happening more and more…

And this is mirrored on my page.

So many who gained from my being able to put into world and a language that which they could not articulate.

And I also noted nearly all of them who were helped were ungrateful.. and unappreciative from Nenad to Nicholas Pletcher… to Kasper Lompthold.. the list is endless…

I found it amusing that when they were asked to make a donation- it did not matter the amount that they would hem and hah..

Not realizing that Madness and Insanity is an ancient malady which is liked to the Earth and the ancestors- who curse the Ungrateful.

I asked the donation for thier own protection because I was sent to them by the wave of the ancestors who meddled with my work to get their descendants healed…

Thus the Curse that many of these people were given was well deserved and these ancestors should have never meddled.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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