
6:52 p.m.

6:52 p.m.

Bringing The World Up To Speed.

That is what I have been doing..

Speeding up Everything with expression, words, posts.. being.

Bringing you to the Present.

A Gift.

Seabolo is sitting besides me…. his name means The Gift

You may have noticed that I had stopped speaking in Codes.

Using numbers .. Coffee Cup Numbers, and Name Codes.

The last portal was moving Africa from its stance..

Africa Pangea is, was the World Spirit.

And that is what my being able to Move Igbo Anthony Ottah meant.

It was not personal, nor was any of my expressions to people- though the consequences I stated are all real…



NN E M E K A…. A M D I..

/ I D… MAN.N…. A.. K.E..N.N …E…

Soludo Kenechukwu..


SOL .. the Ointment and Sothing balm is to Thank the Creator…

To give Praise…

To thank me for the Gift I have given you- the speeding up of the Understanding of the Universe… The Unifying Verse which is to tell the Truth… And the Truth can only be Beautiful, Symmetrical arriving in perfect timing …

Even in this play.

I know most of you did not understand what I was doing or even posting when I was speeding up the World and Expressing non stop to speed things up so you could see for yourself the Truth.

The Barrier and the Great Wall was the Sum Total of your Ideas and Beliefs which were and are not of the Beautiful Present…

Blue Plantet

B.P.. Beautiful Pride…

Black Panther…

Beautiful Planet..

Beautiful Plan-E.T.

Blue Planet..

5th Dimension Creation.. True Earth

7:06 p.m.


You could not see that you did not live on Earth because your See and Perception was not of Earth…

And so how could you truly be walking in the Earth .. which is E ART Harmony Infinity…

You have been walking in a Space of Non Existence because the Earth was created from the Sol… The 5th Note.. That First Note of Expression..

That Original wave of Expression of The Creator…

Source E… Which is my Instagram name…

I knew you could not understand not because you were Stupid but only appeared that way because you were not paying attention, because of your assumptions and because the Spell and Habits your Routine of seeing things and perceiving things they way you had been taught,programmed to belief..

And so I wrote to the Future you, knowing that the lie covering you had to die…

Is that not written in your prophecies?

That you must Die, and cast aside the Mold, the Masks, the Skin you have been wearing to be born again..?


Hampton Renee Rhonda H R R… Harmonious R O Y-G, G B …I V (Delta.. 4) ..R…

5 7… R O Y-G,GB… R.. O… THER…

R O Y-G, G B I V.. R… Full Circle but through Sound…

Solfeggio… Do Re Mi Fa Sol… D S… Do…

Do Rey Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do… Do Do… DD… 44…

8… 4444… 16… P… D = 4… 20… Donald Trumps…

24… X.. 24/42… 66… 12.. L…C…

To be Conscious to Cee Creation Piercing Dawns Horizon…

Dawn Piercy..

I saw how so few of you could see this posting for what it truly is…

So I was addressing the Future..

The Future you present within..Namaste..

But first the Lie and the Ideas which you as a species had so attached yourself to, had to be destroyed.. Utterly and in this Script, It was forced upon me to explain why that part of you had to be destroyed, utterly and totally because see what it had wrought..

See the world it had manifested by the abuse and use and enslavement of the Word which is God.. Which is the Wave…

Which is Truth..

Look at what you have done with your words…

and World..

I have to activate the Wave of Destruction which carries all the liars and deniars, all that which is not of truth.. all that which impedes your bodies representing Truths, Evolution.

Ah I am tired but I am in Awe of myself of what I have done, like an Ox who had to pull and drag all these cartloads of Bad Ideas out of existence.

I have reviewed the evidence over and over and confirmed the two waves are activated.

One carries the Lie and all those attached to it out of Existence and the Other the Truth which moves all linked to it to the Beautiful Present.

7:57 p.m.

It is Done…

And Lord Knows, that I am tired, but content in that which has been achieved.

But please note, what a lie is, it is that which deceives with intention. It is that which destroys the expression of others with intention…

The Wave is like a Subway line, it can drop you off anywhere along that line, once you understand where to stop, were you begin to realize that the view from your Window is getting uglier and uglier, leading you further away from that which you are. You can pull the chord and get off at any stop, and make your wayy back. But where you get off, is in itself a maze, a riddle which to get on the right track you must solve your way out of.

The further down the road you go the more difficult it is to find your way back. And the greater are the dangers and challenges you will find in these unfamiliar neighborhoods

If you deny that neighborhood you have found yourself in is not a reflection your own expression; a world and reality you created, well then you will never find your way out.

And there is a Time limit because the End of the Line is a Black Hole which grows gulping up each stop as it it moves backwards from its end point, growing larger and larger as that Black Hole now on my page.

The Wave gives you a chance, but only if you are quick, to solve your way out, to clean up your act to come back to yourself.

But not much time and from what I had seen not many people are able to beat the advent of the enroaching pitt or Maw, Mouth gobbling up that line…

That is because Humanity had been given way too much Time and Grace Already.

The other Wave flows, beautifully carrying you to its destination, some people will be forced to get off before reaching the destination- the Portal which is spoken about even in Dan Browns Novel.

These people who are let off are the ones who had not completed the cleaning of their Carbon Foot Print- they are the ones who stay behind to rebuild the World, and in doing so clean up their mess..

While the Clean.. Ah they go home- passing through a invisible portal, moving through each stops is actually the frequency Brain Waves reflected outside rising and rising to that which you represented as Naturals and Expression True…

This is the portal for the True which reveals a World whose colors, air and people are more and more beautiful.. it gets better and better.. until you reach the realm of the Source Vibration..

And that proverbial Kingdom of God.. Harmony..

And in that realm there is another space which is of the realm of the E..The Eternally Evolved…

The Realm of Eternally Harmony Manifested here but not really here

Well.. I have explained all this already over the years, how the Earth is a Brain and the Atmosphere is the True Universal Mind as MUSIC….

The Equation and wave I have successfully activated acts like a Magnet which resonates and links to the Body Being-History and Story each person had lived and expressed.

You can not lie…

Because your own body contains the records and your Being radiates that frequency..

And finally your body evolves.. or decomposes- to match the frequency you represent.

The Cut of Point is that you have to physically transform- meaning the E in you, the Eternal Truth rises to the surfaces transforming your body..

The same way my own body has been struggling to transform for the last 17 years, but was held back by the challenges of the Universe and World as Time.

Solving the riddles to build a pathway to the Eternal Realm linked right here on Earth.

Linked to the World.. E W../ W E… Purity…

The battle to open up a portal through this world, can be linked to that legend of the Tunnel of Love..

T O L…/ L O T… Yes story of Lot and his wife Ado.. or E… L A.. L E..

The drilling of a route through a mountain of such stubborn and hard resistance- being your own attachments to your beliefs…

But once Ikenna Iheanacho and Isabelle Ilic arrived in tandem..

I I in masculine…

I and I in feminine…

99.. 99… 4 9…/ 9 4… D I/ I D..

I knew a way had been finally accessed .. Dawn Piercy I had finally pierced through the Mind of People to build the tracks where as Isabelle Ilic recounted in her dream vision astral projection that in the Feminine aspect of the Material Nature, that she had crossed over..


The resistance was the Spirit World… and that power was residing the Center… Africa and in the Past which held onto the Spirit and consequently the bodies of Humanity as I kept on stating…

That the past was holding on to you and using you, refusing to accept the Truth.

And Nna as Eze Nri line and that Council of Kings and Queens of enlightenment refused to release you…

I had stated to Nnamdi, that it was of little consequence because the E was in all of you, but He She insisted that to get your own I.D’s you had to have the explaination of what was going on, so that your bodies as Truth could be liberated and linked to the Story…Which is what your bodies became..

Your bodies had to move from Fantasy – Fiction to Fact, that Evolution of Matter to Supernatural Being..

Thus, His Play..

His World… Word not mine was Supreme until that portal to the Eternal realm was opened and the Link between he and I was cemented in this reality and in mine..

E.T.. 5 20… 52O.. 25… E B..Y..- Golden..

Thus the Rose Cross which is the meeting of two Universes and Existence, symbolized by the Circumpunct…

The Point…

Two Traditions- points of view merged into one…

Emeka Namdi.. E N… S…

Link the play of Ogonna S Omocrafts.. O S O.. Laughing Buddha… L B.. Weight turned to weightlessness…

B L U E… E U L B….

L=2.. B=2… 14…

*Rep by Aturo… Arthur… A.H… then to 1=8= I…

1 4= 5… E..

I.E…E I..

Chukwuemeka Nnamdi C N… 3 14.. To 17.. Q… H..

E I.. H .Q…

8:44 p.m…

You can understand what that means…

Emeka I am the H.Q… Head Quarters…

*Which is where I having been receiving my Intel and Data from..

Link the play with Rob Barr.. R B../ B R..O…

8:45 p.m.. The correct use of Avatars Descendants instead of possession as was played out by the Ancients…

I found some papers today in my Locker…

Marina Burini had sent me them and I thought I had read all of them, but today I discovered

5 Papers…

It isr sum Total… 57! pages…

One set in Geoff Lacours home in Yonkers just off the Sarah Lawrence Campus he had attended..

the address hit me.. 1467- 1468 Midland Avenue…

Dated April 26th.. 2004…

14 years ago.. Again linked to Aturo T…Bed number 14…

It is called Heavens Shadow..

It is 1 page…

Then next date 2009…

is titled an Autobiography of Emeka I.V Kolo…

( Kirtan always appears of recent with the jersey I.V)

2 pages long.

The Third is to my Mother… Entitled

The Music of My Mothers Truth

My Mother My Hero and the Truth of her Principle; Universal Understanding is the Meaning of the Beautiful Nature of God and His Children:

Dated 6-12-2009… F .L.. 29!… F L B …I!.

Its 40 Pages… See S P 40… Africa…

The 4th is Covering Letter for the Books:

The Hi Story of the Family of Beauty, Beautiful, Beau and Belle.

The Riddle of Existence.

The Riddle of the Sphinx; Merging of Gods, Spirits Djinns, Nature Animal and Men,

And the Code books of E-Volition.

May, 2010…

It is 9 pages…

And then one of the five papers i had written with the idea of publication in a Science Journal with my findings the Film I did with John Shaw of explanation.

It is called Resonance Echo Reverberation, Chess….and Bliss..

– An Equation of Vibration Movement and Song, that reality through Consciousness Awareness and Paying Attention ( Focus)

Written by Emeka Kolo

April 8, 2011…

4 8.. 2011… 31…

4 8 31…

Recall the play of Peter Nyarkô and Flip J Hendrixs at 33rd and 3rd and the Chess board of Stone on the Ground Floor?

And the expanded version of Covering Letter with the paper written about my discovery of the World being moved by Two Awareness on a Black and White ( Brown and Creme is the correct color scheme)

Moving Humanity in a Endless game which could only be resolved by a Human being who was a Pawn rising in the play to defeat the two Awareness by Merging the Two Points of View..

9:09 p.m right now..

yes the 99… I and I..

Ikenna Iheanacho

Isabelle Ilic..

Link 31. The Golden State…

Link 48.. Sacred Portal 48..Beautiful Death.. B D/ D B…


I Realized that I had manifested those 5 papers in Existence and had been challenged to give evidence of all being True…

From April 26- 2004… 4-26-24… D Z X

Delta bed 26…Which is rep by Quanma’e Lewis and then Kyle..

both and the code 24.. B.D Beautiful Devil…

14 Years ago… to 2009- 2009..2010… 2011… 20 20. 20 20. 9 9 10 11… 18.. 10 11… C I…

9:18 p.m.. right now…

14…9, 8 7… Years ago!..

Do you see the codes…

Link then to Sacred Portals..

14.. Evolution of Consciousness…

9 .. Elemental Goddess’s E G. and the King and I… MC

8 .. Love links Desire…

7.. The Gate Keeper which does not allow the illusion to cross over to 8.. leave the body of the play because of attachment to the Story of their life;s instead of the Truth…

9:21 pm.

I was so stunned .. N I H G…

G H .I N….E… ( N I 14 9 was the address of the Dentist at Grand Course arranged by Billy which I refused because it was not in harmony and because I was aware that it was a test check of my awareness… And then when I agreed again, it still did not manifest… )

E N I H G…./ G H I N E… C H I N E…

EN I H… G… is the correct equation…

9:26 p.m.

I solve no more of these codes.. of Death…

My next posts will simply be my sharing with you my plans..

Normally I am meant to be carried home on my Equation Waves Activated, and the Arrival of Understanding.. Universal Understanding of those you of who are meant to get it…

But it has taken too long and I do not wish to continue this task of posting more intel in this Script which it turns out Cruelly linked my going home to someone.. One of you a group of you getting it.. Understanding,,, getting the Ping…

But that has taken far too long…

22 Months is the Deadline.. Established by the Script..

Linked to Alabama.. A LA B .. A MA…

Axel Love Aturo… A A…

Bam El Lobo Vega… B.E. L V…

6 9 Elfin Edward mirroring my own 9 months I went to 18 Mountain View…

Meaning he has been here 12 months..

I have been here 22 .. 12 L.. 22 V… B E L V…

Add O E D…I../ I D E O…

B E L O V E D… D A V I D E…

I have satisfied this Con ruse of Death by navigating the Illusion of Universal Mind Thoughts… A Maze Labyrinth which has made something very simple truly unnecessary complex to buy more time for you to Grasp it.. Get it..

Time is up…

9:38 p.m..

There is no requirement for me to live in a Homeless Shelter any longer or Obey Father.. who now moves into the territory of being a Liar Himself-Herself…

9:40 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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