


I would like to make a brief comment.

I am fully aware that what I have been posting has shattered or goes against most people in the Worlds Belief Systems- which are Scared to Them.

My intention was not to Hurt people but rather I am in a Script which I had to solve.

I had to solve because it was that which was demanded of me.

To solve riddles which related to Mind- the Subconscious and the movement of the Mind.

And Being.

It was imposed upon me.

And I have offered enoough proof that that fact.

I would have prefered to have done my work on the Evolution of Consciousness privately, but I was brought by this wave to this forum, to this country and to this Play and Script.

To make public and prove the Truth of Evolution of Consciousness.

And to present and even defend that which should never have required defending.

Truth is Truth and the Equation I have been proving is set in the present not in the past.

There is no country of people who own the copyright to the Truth, rather it is a combination of All Human Knoweldge and Expression whiich creates the Univeral Body.

Universal Being on the other hand is Eternal.

The two meet as Time and Space- Eternity and Infinity.

And this is what I have done, in the worst conditions and through a journey of empirical Evidence.

Kyle Murphy is seated besised me, he got the Job he had desired which begins his dream to become a Chef.

He, I know got his job and the pathway to hs dream because of the part he played in this Script, having contributed to the Truth and played the role to perfection even his challenge and my subsequent response to it.

I had to obey the rules of a play and script which I did not agree with.

I had to prove that Humanity can evolve and that they can evle through expression which includes every persons point of view which is clean.

Ezeudo C.. 5 3…

That is code of the bed of Keith Grant as well as Kyle..

And it is the portal of which The wave of the Black Hole was designated as the End.

Ezeudo C and his remarks had to be responded to because as you can see he was set up and his expression is not aligned to the Script and its Truth which through this age of reason demanded public Evidence and Witnessing.

He was set up as all those who were brought here and given the 6.7 years to review the evidence and the Truth of the Knowledge which I was compelled to share…

The whole idea of Evolution is the Understanding of the Entire picture.

For one group of people to e so arroant as to state that they’re way, their Truth is the one TRUTH…

– which is the very reason wht this world has been plunged into such a harrowing awful nightmare- leaves me no choice but to respond in kind with all the authrity of the Truth vested in me by my having obeyed the Waves of Truth which has led me to endure the constant crucifixtion of my Spirit by those who think that thier words have any power and are stupid enough to hold onto a view point because it makes them feel superior to another race.

I am sick and tired of this play but more so the disgraceful expression and response of people especially those who say that they represent the Igbo people or the world of Africa…


Africa, Ancient Africa was a Noble World so was most of the ancient world…

The true Ancient world which this world was birthed from. There was also a Savage world which also rose with the Noble world and it is this world view- mentality which I take great pleasure in knowing this Equation which took so long and cost so much to bring into maniefestion will be given the response worthy of the insult to the grace this Script and its Authors ( not me) deserve..

The world is not Africa or America… or a point of View..

It is Truth and a Truth which does not require anyones belief, but the Action of manifesting it and allowing it to speak for itself..

I have seared into my Being the Cruelty of how the savagery of peoples expression and thier hyppcrisy…

There is no fate which such creatures will incarnate which can make up for the patinece grace and beauty of Spirit given to them inrespect for their feelings..

I view them and thier expressions with contempt, and add that for a man such as myself to have endured that which has been historically endured by any person who has sought to share that which is the truth, the beautiful truth with the world and to endure such taunts for 6.7 years non stop despite all the evidence and all the tests of endurance imposed…

I who to Them, am a Mad man for declaring the Truth through a play which takes in all Their points of view that are reasonable logi and so consious of Your feelings…

To have endured such responses for what can only be seen sincerely as an Heroic effort to show in this current reality Light…

I give no more thought to your existence because my having gone this far is becaise of my confidence in the Truth of its maniefestation…

Black Panther…

I tear out your souls and give you that pain you have given all the people from Time and who came from space to bring you light and lightness by showing you a way how to transform your misery to joy….

I have no patience for your Human attachment to stories at which you were not present and whose ancient wisdom you have transformed into a platform even to this place and sacred place of such pure intentions…

My Equations manifesation gives you the response

But remenber, what you stance you have taken and the words you uttered here, and in that expression rude crude.. remember that I am not one who forgives or forgets your arrogance to the very last..

And thus, there is no mercy from me.

10:20 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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