
7/24/2018 2:33 – Facebook Post

12:45 p.m.

7-24- 2018.

The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye”

By David Lagercrantz

4 12…

Death Life
Dove Light.
Desire Love.

16.. P. Perfection Planet.


I have come to realize more and more that so few really understand what I have been doing.

That this whole thing had been set up for me to prove that which I had created…
A New Art and Science…

It was set up and it was geared I see to one person in particular to grasp it ( it did not mean some others did not grasp it, though they have been largely quiet)
No it was set up for one person in particular and the line she represented, to get it…

Dawn Piercy.

And the Line of the 5 Dawns
Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Dawn Jade Smith
Dawn Chimento

I spoke with Edward Eceinco I realzed that he was the last person who NNAMDI representing the Everything- was the last of the portals I had to pass through and the Money code a Btc Bit Coin Virtual Money code was the last of the Play..
Virtual Money.
V M.
18 Mountan View. (Jonn and Donna.. J D B… D O S. )

*Recall that Billy Hung whom I was full aware that Nnamdi was moving through had been the reason he had invested in Bit Coins 6 years ago through our non stop conversations about the Energy and Currency of the Future.

But as you could see, I became Face Book friends with Edward Eceinco in 2014.. after I left Billys Hungs ( 2013- 2014… 6 7…)
And that was 4-5 years ago…
And if you go back 4-5 years you will see the play of the Ifa Oracle on his page and the Leviathan
Now it is evolved to a perfect alignment with the E play..
So literal that I shared nearly all of his Facebook page covers except one which resembled a MAZE….
6 out of 7… 3 lions…
He of course as most of you was not aware that he was aligning perfectly to the E play.

Nicholas Tesla is on his page and the Lion of Judah…
Which is what you will recall or read again that Jon Delguidce B gave me as a final gift.
A Red and yellow Lion of Judah.

4 -5 years D E after leaving Billy Hungs sponsored apartments I and the MACY’S Play..
*Recall Stabucks is right besides Macys…
Macys Queens and Macys the Bronx.

I was aware that I was reliving that story of Nnamdi moving through Billy – I posted it how I was buying a wadrope again, but this time much less.

And from Billy Hung B H ( 2 8) B H.
then from Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones to Edward Eceinco then instead I was sent down to D.. David Philip Gil.. D G..
* Geoff Lacour & David Lacour in my script…
G D… L L… 7 4… 12 12… 11 24… K X… Kyle began working today at the Dig In Restaraunt today.. 30-31st opp PENN Station.

And so I knew I was going backwards.

Aturo T came down today in perfect timing.
I saw him this morning but he zoomed past..

But he came down stairs to the back yard Court Yard with this book.

It is from the same series as the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo
( I linked it to my Mother of Dragons, Game of Thrones” and to My sisters Temper; an incident kept coming to my mind, which took place in childhood.My sister and I were fighting over the remote control. And I finally had it with givng into to her that I socked her in the stomach when we got to fighting.
She went so beserk she tried to throw me over the balcony.
I was so stunned, saw my brothers faces especially the shock and horror on Nnamdi’s face that I called my sisters name to bring her back..
I ended up having to lock myself in the bathroom until she came back to her senses.
I was not afraid of her…
But I did not wish us to get to a point where we could never trurn back)

I also recalled scenes of my Mothers temper. on two occassions, it was the temper which made me stare at them both as if they were strangers, I never saw them the same way again.

I had a deeper much more dangrous temper, they knew but this temper they had was Crazy Insane … Wild.. ouy of control…
Going too far… no reason.

Aturo told me his last name is Niege… meaning Snow.
“Write me down as Arthur Snow”
I stared a him…
A T.. Is A.S…

Albert Santana! A S..
linked throough Axel Love ( Axel Anderson)
2005 A A… Kudos Cafe ” The Bean”
2006 A.S.. Generation X Gardens 268 East 4th Street..

I had always been aware of the connection – that there was a connection that the Spirit moving through Albert Sanatana was linked to my Mother my Sister Nnamdi and my bio Father.. even my Brother Booms..
Fritz Venneiq
Michael Frazer
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
had all met him and they I knew were connected with my Super Natural Family…

After All he had the word “One Spirit” tatooed on his Stomach.

And the Statue in his Garden of a man a Long lean Tree man standing on a Globe sounding the Awakening..
And each time he prayed or called my name, I found myself forced literally forced to obey his summons..
Even when I left Akil Apollo Davis home, it was because I heard a voice .. Nnamdi telling me to leave..
I left on his Birthday April 5th and I returned to 268.. It was Crazy…
I felt that no matter What I did I could not escape the loop of retuning each time to Generation X Gardens..
As if I were his Guardian Angel.. A G… E…
or Slave…
It was intense.. 2006 to 2016… Ten Years!
The last 4 years was all recorded here..
But as I spoke to Arthus Snow.. I was telling him to not focus on the Ugly Truth despite it being the Tuth .. and so vile it caused one to stare…
I was telling him to focus on the Beautiful Truth.. The Beautiful Vew Creations Truth..
That is when my eyes traveled down to his T-Shirt…
it read “Mermaid Day… Coney Island..”

M D.. C I… Manifest Destiny.. C I.. I said to him…
“DM.. Delta Manor… I C…” TP/ K 115 A G E…”
My mind flashed to Marina Burini, Albert had done work at her apartment through a comapny owned by Tom Truman and Davd..
I then flashed to the documents she had
12-28-2016.. @ 1:42 p.m…
I had recently discovered some more documents 5 of them I had not seen, along with a card she had sent with an Owl…
with the words ‘Hang in There”
I recalled Donna Sullivan and her Owk cards she would send me linke dto Athena…
Victoria Ahena has left as a Face Book friend after yesterdays play with Alexandra Oswald who having no idea of the play sent me a picture of Athena and spoke about how she had the same nose…
Albert Santanas Childrens Mother is Maritza Ritz.. her Mother name is Minerva..
Athena Minerva…

A M…

I came to Delta Manor and only stayed because of Alexis the Evening Supervisor or Director…
She assigned me bed 5;19 In Room 5B.
The person who signed me in though is called Marina…
A M.
And she brought me down to ROOM 3-002. 3 A..

I recall that Marina Burini had stated that my work and mind was from the future and that the world could nt fully grasp it .. I was too fast.. TOO inteliigent she said..
I did not believe it and felt that people were lazy and simply could not pay attention…
Distracted by this reality…
But I recall that it was she who gave me the message that my mother said that I had to prove the Truth of Existence and all as a Man..
I also linked her to sacred portal 148 where the Ethereal being she recogized that they had the same breast…
“Ala’ in OINri Igbo is not only Earth Goddess but also Breast..
She never claimed to be the Earth Goddess which is NNA.
She is Ala.. the Breast which feeds.. nourishes. Mothers Milk..
Mily Way..
and nourish me she did…
Recall that in the sacred portal that the Lady witholds the Infinit Sign from .. me..

I S.

A S.. Is the Confirmation of my having landed my Art and Science in this World..
John Snow.. Sand..
A S… E



2:32 a,m

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