
7/30/2018 21:43 – Facebook Post

Marshal Enforcement..
M E.

The man in front of me has on his back…

9:07 p.m.

16 usd in my pouch.

302 was the number on my coffee…
It was given to me for Free by a person called Kyle – Caucasian.
( You might recall him)
And I just bought another one, a refill for 54 cents…from the 19 year old Kyle the number is 29.

And so, I was forced to enter once more into the “Numbers Play” of the Matrix…0-9…10 10… J J.. Janet Jackson “Control”

The Triplets and the Twins… 5 Beings and from which One Transforms to Lady E

3 2… Triplets Twins… T T.. 20 20 Vision…. 20 20 usd found by Anthony Mannino and Kyle “Robert” Murphy…

Kyle Murphy in Room 5 C… Bed 026… A Z…? B.F…
There are two Kyle’s present here right now. One is Caucasian and the other is Afro…
And then there is Kyle “Robert” Murphy…

Aturo Neige “Snow”
and Elfin Edward … E A… 5 1…
Link to Anthony Manino in room 5A bed 5-001… 51.. E A…
Emeka links to Anthony Mannino and Igbo Anthony Otta..
Three Kylle’s Embodied… K K.. K.. 11 11 11… 22 11… C D…
Two Anthonys… A M… A O…. A A M O/ O M A A…

It then links to One Anthony. Man.. A M..
Flower of Life represented by A Man…
in being.. A M.. A O… Alpha Omega… 1-6…

Then it links to me who has passed through all these portals
Robert…( but not Randall) Anthony’s… and
Erik Ebright..
Eric Eposito..
Edward Eceinco.. who text me about the btc at 1.38 a.m. Wallet Address… “W.A/ A W…”

Yes recall the theft of my Wallet here, 34 USD… See sacred portal 3…
34/ 43… 7 7…1…49… 149, Sacred Portal 149 (19) A-lien Father..Alpha…

That is 6 E’s I have passed through… gaining all my fractals of self on my way back and out of this Script.

6 E;s… 6 5….30…

Todays Date is 7-30-2018…
The time now is 9:31 p.m…
31 in loose change in my pouch…
Golden State Warriors.. Triplets…Twins..
*go back to that play…
And Lebron James..The One.

K K K.. K K…There are total of 5 Kyles present 2 here at Starbucks Black and White.. of the 19 year has left…
Two on Facebook..

And one at Delta Manor.. Beach Ave who I did the work and who moves on the wave of my Sister and moved by his Big Brother who are Two… Both passed away..

5 K… E .K..
EE EE EE.. E .K….
7 E…6 K’s… 7 E’s 7 5= 35..C E… 6 K’s…66… 35 66 = 101.. 11 B…1 A

7 6.. E K…

There is only A.. as 1… Anthony..Aware…

7 6… E K A…

E K= 11+5= 16…P…

7 6… E K A P…

S P..76… E K… A P…T.”B”.. 5 11… A P B…

P A K E…6 7… F G…

Lighting Crew.. L C…
is what a woman now has on her back – facing me…

M E C L…O S E….

Yes. I was weaving the end of this play script…

Of Power and Control..

9:42 pm.

J J.. 10 10… 2 with the Twins… or B.. Being… Being..


9:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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